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Vacation Time!

Ale J.
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Vacation Time! Empty Vacation Time!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:17 pm

That's right! It's vacation time for you and your charries! Complete with riding in a cramped car packed with everyone's stuff!

Vacation Choices! Let's vote!

Going to the beach or...mountain retreat.....let's do this!

Charrie Form:

Extra info:

Last edited by gh3325 on Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:33 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:22 pm

Name: Ezra Cox
Age: 15-16
Gender: M
Apperance: Longish raven black hair, dark eyes, tall
Extra info: Eh...fill it out later

Name: Tommy (doesn't have a last name yet.... >.>)
Age: 10...actually 115
Gender: M
Apperance: Short brown hair, gray eyes
Extra info: Died August 3, 1906, he passed away when he was ten due to drowning.

Name: Andrew Johnson
Age: 16...actually 115
Gender: M
Apperance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall
Extra info: Eh...fill it out later

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:28 pm


Age: 70
Gender: Male
Appearance: If you don't know this you're as blind as he is.
Extra info: Er...YA'LL SHOULD KNOW THIS TOO...

T.Morbid Namechov
Age: 22? ish?
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ya'll also know this.

Age: 15 and 47
Gender: Female
Appearance: YA'LL KNOW THIS.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Ale J. Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:07 pm

Beach would be awesome...THE BEACH
Name: Alyson Blake
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Apperance: Long brown hair, kind of wavy. Blue eyes that are sometimes purple... Usually wears bright colors.
Extra info: She is a sorceress Very Happy

Name: Jake Riley
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Apperance: Black hair that sometimes hangs in his eyes, Very light blue eyes, sometimes Gold, Wears black and blue alot.
Extra info: He is a sorcerer

Name:Jamie Night
Age: 16(Almost 17)
Gender: Female
Apperance: Dirty blonde hair to her shoulders, usually in a ponytail, Brown eyes, Black when she is using magic.
Extra info: She is a Dark Angel, and is usually mistaken as a Demon. She doesnt like it when she is called a Demon though.

Last edited by Ale J. on Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:17 am; edited 1 time in total
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Echo Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:25 pm


Name: Peter
Age: 16
Gender: Guy
Appearance: Y'all should know this...
Extra info: He's a bonder, yadda yadda

Name: Leslie...just go with that
Age: She looks 16, but she's really 525
Gender: Gal
Appearance: Fiery red hair, thick bangs, green eyes, fair skin
Extra info: Demon

Winter Dragon

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:27 pm


Name: Artemis
Age: 17
Gender: female
Apperance: long white hair and icy grey/blue eyes. Sharp face and pale skin. Usally wears anything that looks icy and cold.
Extra info: Daughter of the moon goddess.

Name: JAden Elmore
Age: 18
Gender: male
Apperance: Black hair with green eyes. Tan kin and a sharp face.
Extra info: He is a vampire/human..... bad idea to mess with him.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:35 pm

Ok! So beach it is! Let's start with the author's bringing in their charries.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Jacky K. Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:42 pm

Name: Cricket
Age: 14
Gender: guy
Appearence: black shaggy hair, amber eyes, ect ect ect

Name: Finn
Age: 14-16
Gender: dude
Appearence: blonde shaggy hair, lotsa freckles, blue eyes, pale skin
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:43 pm

Artemis sat in the car complaining to Alice. "You better have a good reason for bringing us all the way down to the bach." She said looking at Alice.

((Alice is me by the way Very Happy))

Jaden chuckled. "Shut up Artemis you love it dont even."

Alice laughed and parked the car. "COme on Artemis I know how much you love water so just have a good time."

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:57 pm


I looked through the Makeshift closet I had built...Just a PVC pipe mounted to the wall that I hung clothes on. I was on a quest for vacation clothes. Black...Black...More black...Ugh..the bloodstains didn't come out of that one...Er...Fine. I siezed a bunch of black things and stuffed them into my backpack. I also packed a craptonne of dakka, and my pistol. "Ana...I'll be back in abit..I left rations for you!!" I called, as I walked out of my house, and started toward the government building. I went around to the west wing enterance. I knocked.
"T.MOR!! YOU AREN'T A NOODLE!" Riddle greeted me, pulling open the door.
"Of...course not. Are you packed?" I asked her, smiling at the noodle comment.
"OF COURSE NOT...Wait...Why would I be packing?" She was genuinely confused.
"We're going on vacation, no?" I asked her. That was my first non-elliptical sentence in months.
"And you need to pack for that?" She seemed amazed.
"Oh. Ok..." Riddle ran up to her room really quickly, exhibiting a knowledge of the hallways beyond even that of Mr.Face.
Speaking of which...
"Mr.Namechov...Where is your mask?" Mr.Face asked me, descending the stairs that Riddle had just ran up.
"It's my day off..." I said hesitantly. "Erm...I'm sorry..." I apologised. I noticed the black metal suitcase in his hand. It was somewhat large and imposing. Not unlike the man himself. "You going on vacation with us?" I asked, somewhat alarmed.
"Yes." He grinned. "You like my suitcase? It's a Zero Haliburton. It came last night." He said, completely conversational. It was almost freakier than when he was working.
"It's shiny." I complimented.
"Is it?" He replied, unglancing down at it.
"Uhm...Yes. Yes it is..." I answered.
"Fascinating."He replied, just as Riddle bounced back down the stairs. She had...Some kind of bag...I didn't really understand it at all...There seemed to be an axe poking out of it, and her entire shrinebox...It was the wierdest packing job I'd ever seen.
"Oh Good. Everyone's here. Let's go Would hate to be late." Mr.Face didn't even acknowledge Riddle's existence beyond that, and led us...out.

We walked onscreen. "Erm...We're here for the carpooling?" I called into the place hesitantly.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:11 pm


I sighed, as we waited for Gh. Why did she have to take so long to pack? She always did this last minute. Finally, she emerged carrying a suit case and an ipod. It was plugged into her ears, great...there would be singing in the car which consisted of Taylor Swift.. She wasn't bad but I didn't like her music selection. I shoved my suit case in the back of the car, and Gh did the same. Tommy was practically bouncing with excitment. He and Andrew didn't need nor have luggage. It was gonna be a looonnngggg car ride.

"Yeah, we're carpooling." I told T. Mor.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:15 pm


"Oh. Good..." I sighed with relief. I wondered if Riddle and gh would like the same music. Probably not. I foresaw a vicious music battle coming up. And then of course there was Mr.Face...Oh dear internet...
"How long is the ride...and What is that thing?" Mr.Face pointed at the car. I was also freaked out about riding in a real life car, but I at least had done my research. I knew what a car looked like.
"Mr.Face...That's a car..." I told him.
"Oh. I see." He went over and walked around it, running his hands across it.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:15 pm

Alice got out of the car and opened up the back doors. Artemis came out gasping for air. "Tell my mother.. I loved her." She said and "died' on the pavement. "Stop being such a drama queen." Jaden said stepping over Artemis. artemis sat up and took water out of the air and threw it at Jaden and smirked.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:20 pm


"Hey Artemis," I laughed, seeing her fall out of the car.

Gh turned to T. Mor, "Where's Invis? Isn't she comming?"

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Echo Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:25 pm


"You're kidding me, right? Please tell me you're kidding me."

"Ha! You wish." Winter had that wolfish grin on her face...the writer, "I love watching you squirm" grin. I hated that grin.

"What's wrong with the beach?" Leslie asked, smirking.

"Um, try everything," I retorted with a scowl. "Starting with the water."

"Oh please," Leslie said. "Quit being a baby."

"I'm not!" Then I thought of something. "Besides, I don't have any luggage."

"That's what you think," Winter said, still grinning. She waved her arm slowly; a few suitcases appeared. "I took the liberty of writing these up last night for the both of you."

"...I hate you."

"I know you don't really mean that." It sucked because she was right. "Now let's get moving! There's a carpool, and we don't want to keep them waiting!"

She gave me a shove in the forward direction with one hand, holding some of the luggage in the other. Reluctantly, I got moving. Leslie skipped on ahead, holding the remainder of the bags and humming happily.

...This whole thing was going to suck.


"Hullo!" Winter greeted the others in a sing-songy voice.


Why was Mr. Face here?!
Winter Dragon

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:26 pm


" didn't know she was invited...Erm...Uh...Uhm." I replied uncertainly.

"What are you talking about, I'm right here." She said from behind me. She was scarier at that than Mr.Face. Appearing behind me out of nowhere. Nearly gave me a heart attack.
I turned around and looked at her. Boy shorts...Deathy pale, Skull and corssbones suitcase, and obnoxiously large headphones. We were going to have QUITE a music battle in the car I think. "Sorry I'm late...Traffic over the bridge was obnoxiously bad."

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Ale J. Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:31 pm


I sorted through everything in my traveling bag. I went through my checklist twice. Jake knocked on my door and walked in.

"Did i say you could come in?" I asked.

"Almost ready?" He said, ignoring my question. I nodded and grabbed my bag, walking out the door and spotting Jamie.

"Hey there Kid!" She yelled out, I rolled my eyes and walked with them outside. I spotted Tommy and Andrew and waved.

Last edited by Ale J. on Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:31 pm

Artemis looked at Ezra and blushed slightly. "How long hav eyou been standing there?"

Alice laughed and nodded to Ezra. "Dang you have gotten tall!"

Jaden laughed at Alice's expression. "Of course you of all people would say that and Artemis needs to stop blushing so much."

"Shut up Jaden!" Artemis said throwing more water on him.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Echo Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:56 pm


Okay...if I didn't say anything, and nobody said my name, he probably wouldn't know I was here... Ah, wishful thinking.

"What kinda music do ya have, Visi?" Winter asked. "Surely someone dressed in that manner has some good music! I swear to the gods, if I hear any country, I'll go into shock or something."

Ugh, I had to agree with Winter on that one... Country was not good.
Winter Dragon

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:07 pm

May I join this when I get back from actual vacation, and just say my characters are late... as always?


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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:18 pm


Peter seemed to be trying not to be seen. Or...Er...Heard.
"Germand industrial techno...Er...Some hard rock caberet...uhm...Specific bands wise, Skillet, P!ATD, MCR, Uhm...Some Metallica, but it's their newer stuff...Classic rock...I dunno, I got all kinds of stuff." Visi rattled off. I knew none of those bands..." I agree completely on the country though. I will explode. IN THE CAR. VIOLENTLY."
Mr.Face looked up from his observation of the car. "My Hostage?! You are vacationing as well? This will be entertaining." He said with a grin.
"Mr.Face...Empty your pockets..." Invisimort commanded, with a bit of a smile.
"You have no right to search me." He said, somewhat petulantly.
"Er...YES. I do." She said, still grinning.
Mr.Face sighed, and pulled several odd contraptions out of his pockets, along with 5 exacto knives out of his suitcoat. "There."
Visi walked over and disarmed him, he clung a bit to the exacto knives, reluctant to let them go. She put them all in a pocket on the outside of her suitcase. "That wasn't so hard. WAS IT?" She continued grinning all, sadistic like, and I knew where Mr.Face's smile came from.
Mr.Face made an unface. "You are a terrible terrible person." He said irritatedly.
"Aww...Thank you!!" She replied all happy, it was a terribly sudden change.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:14 pm


"Long enough," I said, smirking at Artemis. I turned to Alice, "Really? I actually thought I was the same height."

"You're just tall," Gh mumbled, "and not all of my music is country! Don't judge, haters!"

Andrew and Tommy waved at Aly. Tommy's grinned broadend.


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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:20 pm


"I don't understand what Country is...But I'm figuring it must sound like a thousand wailing llamas named Rodriguez...Because that's what the word sounds like it means..." Riddle said, thoughtfully.
Invisimort laughed. It was quite entertaining to watch her try to surpress it. "Music Genres...Riddle, you're doin' it wrong." She said.
"I still think we should listen to experimental drones. They're so soothing." Mr.Face put in.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:26 pm


"Hey I like rock!" Gh said defensivly.

I surpressed a laugh, "Soft rock..."

"But I do have Sent By Ravens!"

"Yeah...yeah....I do like them."

"Ha!" Gh said. "See?"

"Chill Gh...I think we have bigger issues then Who's driving?" I smirked.

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:28 pm

Alice rolled her eyes. "I WANT TO DRIVE!!"

Artemis stood and shook her head. "YOU WILL NOT DRIVE! LAST TIME YOU DRIVED I ALMOST DIED!"

"Wouldnt be the first time." Jaden chuckled and walked and raised his hand "I will drive."

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Vacation Time! Empty Re: Vacation Time!

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