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All Aboard!

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All Aboard! Empty All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:46 am

It's no secret that the world isn't always a wonderful place. There's strife, and pain, longing and loneliness. What do you do when your world is coming apart and no one seems to care? When simply surviving isn't enough?

Why you run away of course.

There is a growing trend in America. People are beggining to disappear from towns across the nation, seemingly disappearing into thin air. The only thing they leave behind is a simple note- "Gone to catch the train."

Reports of a mysterious train are coming from everywhere. It isn't long before a website is created tracking the train's whereabouts. Suddenly, T-shirts are made, shows, blogs, action figures resembling the strange conductor. The train has started a new fad and it seems as though everyone has come aboard.

But where does the train go? There are a handful of people who know, but they aren't talking anytime soon. So why don't you buy a ticket yourself and find out for yourself? Although a word to the wise: Running away isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Where are you from?:


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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:19 pm

Name: Len Segoy
Age: 21
Appearence: Long light pink hair with bangs, upturned brown eyes, pale, 6'3" and thin, has a large tattoo on her neck of a humming bird.
Where are you from?: A small town in Kentucky originally, is more of a nomad now.
Bio: Ran away after being kicked out of college three years ago. Escaped the place that the train dropped her off at, won't talk about what it was like and still has nightmares. Depression runs in her family and she's becoming it's next victim.

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:50 pm

Name: Jason Hattington
Age: 15
Where are you from?: A small town in Ohio
Appearence: Light brown hair, tallish, thin
Bio: Wants to become a musician, but his family doesn't approve. He grew up in a poor family.
Note: Gone to follow my dreams. Will send money.


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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:54 pm

I'm gonna make a couple more people after some more join.

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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:51 pm

Name: Megan Blackwood
Age: 16
Where are you from?: London England
Appearence: *on the bottom*
Bio: She wants to run away from her life in England and start voer fresh and new
All Aboard! Blonde_emo_girl

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:07 am

When do u want to start this?

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:19 pm


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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:53 pm

Sorry, I almost forgot about this. We'll start when gh gets back.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:11 pm


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Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:10 am

Name: Robyn Larter
Age: 16
Where are you from?: Small town in minnesota
Appearence: Long wavy dark brown hair, greyish green eyes, short and petite
Bio: Running away from abusive parents, wants to live a better life
Note: Gone to find a brighter future

Name: Damon caray
Age: 17
Where are you from?: Los Angeles, CA
Appearence: Shaggy black hair, brown eyes, Tall
Bio: Family was filthy rich, and acted like it too. Didn't want to have to deal with them and their terrible ways
Note: Money can't always buy happiness...


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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:47 pm

Sorry I haven't been on, guys. I was at camp for a bit and forgot to tell you guys.

Name: Jacob Stone
Age: 19
Where are you from?: Doesn't know.
Appearence: Caramel colored skin, curly black hair, a smal nose piercing, medium height and muscular, large brown eyes, is handsome but has crooked teeth.
Note: He was the son of a famous and wealthy lawyer and spent his childhood in the limelight. However, his dad snapped one day and killed his mother right in front of him. Since then, he's been on the run with his brother from social services. Still has nightmares about the incident and wants to believe in fantastic things, but living out on the streets has left him a cynic.

Name: Eric Stone
age: 16
Appearence: A lot like Jacob except his hair is strighter and lighter, he's skinnier and shorter, and he doesn't have the piercing.
Note: Is very sickly, has asthma and is allergic to many things. Is spoiled by his older brother and often takes too much medication.

We can start on the train when everyone's ready.

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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:26 pm

Just one more person...

Name: Sylvia Sutherland
Age: 16
Where are you from?: Vegas
Appearence: Wavy brown hair to her shoulders with the tips dyed turqouise, wears a huge hoodie, petite, has large blue eyes and pale skin.
Note: Is more or less obsessed with the legend of the train. Left home looking for an adventure.

Jacob: We can hear the train before we see it. A loud pulsing like a heartbeat that shakes everything in sight. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" I whisper to Eric as a small pinprick of light begins to shine miles and miles away. When he doesn't answer, I turn around to see him pushing our luggage onto the track.

"C'mon," I hear him murmur. "We're gonna miss it." There's no way we could miss it as far away as it is, but when I look back at the train, it's way closer than it was before. How fast is this thing going?!

"Maybe we shouldn't do this..." I start, but he's already pulling on my arm. "Or maybe we should," he says. The train's horn is blaring in my ears. Eric doesn't let go until we're standing dead center on the track, and then its only to pull out his ticket.

"Eric..." I start. The train's only a mile away now.

"You've got your ticket, right?

"Eric,let's go back."

"...should I take that as a no?"
"This is practically suicide! What if this isn't even the right train?!" He shrugs and turns towards the speeding train.

"Then I guess we're fucked. It's been nice knowing you." I try to push him out the way, but the train's just too fast. I close my eyes and prepare for the impact. At least thirty seconds go by, then a full minute. Smoke blows in my face and I slowly open one eye and then the other. The huge black and silver train stopped maybe an inch away from Eric. It's elegant and looks hella old, like an old toy train someone's great granddad would've owned. My eyes slowly move up to the conductor, who's leaning out of the window. I can't see his eyes beneath the rim of his hat, but the parts of his face I can see are completely white. When he notices me, his mouth breaks into a huge Cheshire Cat grin but he stays silent. Eric grabs his bag off the track and walks towards the conductor, waving his ticket like a flag. And slowly, begrudgingly, I take mine out too. He takes our tickets and rips them into a million pieces before placing a piece on his tongue. I flinch in disgust, but Eric watches eagerly. Finally, the guy pulls a lever and a door I'd never seen before pops open. "All Aboard!" he yells. I swallow the lump in my throat and grab my bag.

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Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:11 pm


The train was about to leave. I ran trough the crowd, pushing strangers out of the way. I jumped aboard as the train started to leave. With a quick wave to the crowd, I ducked inside.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:22 pm

Sylvia: I look up as a group of boys climb onto the train. Two of them look related, but I'm not sure about the third. We're the only ones on so far, so I sit up on seat and wave, "Welcome aboard," I say, a huge grin breaking out over my face.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:22 pm

Megan ran as fast as she could to catch her train. "Crap!" She yelled her thick british accent holding the word. She ran onto the platform and saw the train leaving. She held onto her bags and ran and jumpped onto the train. Megan let out a sigh of relif and went inide the carragie.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:31 pm

Jacob: I jump at the sound of a loud thump. Did something drop? When I turn around, a blonde girl's standing at the back of the carriage. Ok...Things keep getting wierder and wierder. First the wierd way everyone gets on the train, then the fact that its like ten times bigger in here than it should be, and now this.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:35 pm

Megan walked in and avoded the eyes that watched her. She sat down and closed her eyes. "Dont do anything Bloddy stupid." Her brother said before helping her get to the train station. Megan shook her head and tried to clear it by listening to the sound of the engine.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:41 pm

Sylvia: "So, anyone want to introduce themselves?" I say brightly. I don't know how long the train ride will be, and with so few of us here it's important that we get to know one another a little. "I'm Sylvia Sutherland."

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:48 pm

Megan gave a soft groan but thought Might as well tell everybody the lie I had to tell my whole life "Im Megan Blackwood." Megan whispered with her eyes still closed. She didnt need to see thier faces at the moment.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:57 pm

Eric: "That's Jacob," I call when the train falls silent again. Jeez, why's everyone so serious? Well, except for that annoying chick upfront. But she just oozes valevictorian, which I just so happen to be allergic to. "And I'm Eric, the good looking brother."

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:02 pm

Megan rolled her eyes. She hated people like him. "Really? Your probally not that good looking." Megan said in her heavy accent. She felt a pang of interest to open her eyes and look at this boy but she easily ignored it with a smirk plastered on her lips.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:08 pm

Eric: "Says the limey girl with her eyes closed," I yawn. Jacob gives me a look that says "Can you not do that right now," and I smirk. She started it.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:45 pm

Megan smriked at the remark he made. "Limey?" She laughed and shook her head. "Some one isnt educated am I right dear?" Her heavy accent sounded intregued and yet appaled.

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:01 pm

Eric: "If by educated you mean having spent most of my life listening to someone preach to me what it is to be successful and then having their ideals shoved up my ass, then no, I'm not. But I'm assuming that you're classically educated, am I right dear? And yet there you are and here I am," I gesture around us. "Both riding the Loser Express."

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All Aboard! Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:05 pm

"Look I am not the one who said I was the good looking one right?" MEgan said lopening her eyes and looking for the one who she was speaking to. Her eyes landed on his and she rolled her eyes. "Pretty boy." SHe smirked at him.

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