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All Aboard! - Page 2 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:07 pm

Eric: "Ahh, but you admit I'm good looking," I say easily. "So I still win the argument."

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Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:09 pm

Megan shook her head. "Actually the quiet oppostie." Megan said with a sirk on her lips. "You are nothing but a jerk and a air head ssooo you can shut up now and let me win without you getting burned." Megan said leaning back in the chair and she started to mess with her blonde hair.

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Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:17 pm

Eric: I pout. "An airhead? If you can assume that much about me after a five minute conversation, then this "education" you were talking about also make you a psychic. Your powers of perception are amazing."

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Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:20 pm

Megan rolled her eyes. "Maybe I am a psychic and I know your future... maybe we all will die once this train hits the bridge... its all up to fate and what not." Megan said crossing her arms and legs. She didnt like this boy but he was interesting for her.

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Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:25 pm

Eric: "Hmm..." I twiddle my thumbs and look down at Jacob. "You hear that, Jake? Looks like we're gonna die tonight after all. Sorry." He snorts and closes his eyes again. "You need to stop joking like that before something does happen." "You know, now that I think about it, that conductor did look pretty sketchy. Like a convicted serial rapist." "..." "You know its true."

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Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:27 pm

Megan laughed and shook her head. "You belive this crap?" SHe asked raising a eyebrow. This just got more entertaining for her. "Brothers right? You guys are brothers?"

((lol ^_^ that post made my day lol))

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Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:33 pm

Lol, my charries tend to say random things like that. Razz

Jacob: "No, we're-" I put my hand over Eric's mouth before he can say something stupid. "Yea, I'm the oldest," I say.

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Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:36 pm

lol it made my day Razz

Megan looked at the other guy. "Tell me the truth." Megan said rolling her eyes. "If we are going to supposally die anyway might as well spill everything out now." Megan wished she took it back. She didnt want to share the story about how her father had abused and raped her and then kicked her out of the house because she wouldnt let him anymore.

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Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:43 pm

Jacob: I look up at Eric. He looks down at me. Should we tell her about what happened? I mean depending on where this train goes, we may never see her again. Or I may see her every day for the rest of my life. But while I'm considering the pros and cons, Eric bucks out of the way and asks her a question. "Have you ever heard of the Stone trial?"

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Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:47 pm

Megan looked at him and thought. "I have heard of it but the details are fuzzy." She admited. Megan's father didnt watch the normal news. He only cared about the stocks and money. But when the stocks started to take a nose dive down she was hit more and lusted on more.

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Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:08 pm

Jacob: I prop myself up on the seat and sigh, trying to remember what the newspapers said. "Lucille Stone was some fancy pants lawyer who toted around her journalist husband and kids like designer clothes. She was damn good at her job, but she was a whore nonetheless. So one day, Mr. Stone comes home, pulls her aside, and tries to talk things out with her. But then she gets pissed, saying that he wasn't even a real man and that she's the one who ever does anything. That she deserves to fuck as many men as she wants. Well, her husband backs off, says "Oh, I'm so sorry, you know how much you mean to me." So, he gives the nannie the night off, puts the kids to bed and gets a roaring fire going in the fire place.

"He calls her downstairs with a bottle of champagne and they sit there in front of the fire talking." The memories are starting to come back again. I'd had a nightmare and couldn't sleep. Mom and Dad weren't in there rooms, so I wondered downstairs calling them. "And just when when things get as peaceful as they could be, he takes her by the back of her neck and shoves her head first into the fire." I almost didn't believe it when I saw it. But then she stopped moving and he turned around, caught me right in the eye. I ran upstairs and hid in my bed, tried to will myself to sleep, but it was no use. Eventually, he came upstairs, sat on my bed, tousled my hair a bit. His hands smelt like smoke. "I'm sorry," was all he said. I don't think I even cried.

"They asked us to testify for it, them being our parents and all, but we ended up running away instead. And now we're here."

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Post by Alice Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:13 pm

Megan sat there in the quiet and she couldnt think or breath. She remebered that they said that they couldnt find the kids and yet... there they were siting right infront of her. "Im... sorry." She whispered. Megan closed her eyes and said "Im so sorry.... I thought I had gone through Hell but now... I dont think so." She whispered pulling her keese to her chest and she sighed.

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Post by PavoLights Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:27 pm

Eric: I snort and sit further down in my seat. "You don't owe us your apologies. Its past now and its got nothiong to do with you. But what you do owe us is your story. So shoot."

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Post by Banshee Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:42 am


I opened the back door, and walked into the caboose. I sat down in the nearest chair, and plopped down. Throwing my bag onto the seat next to me, and holding my guitar case lovingly.

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:40 pm

Sylvia: Whoa, the conversation's getting pretty heavy. Nothing as bad as what these guys are talking about ever happened to me, and I'm quickly becoming the odd man out. That's when I notice a guy sitting near the back with a guitar case. "Hey, what's your name?" I call.

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Post by Alice Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:04 pm

Megan looked at them and sighed. "My father is a wealthy bussiness man and my mother left him when I was 5 years old because she wanted more with her life. Well he didnt like that and he was drunk one night and well raped me i guess." Megan shrugged and closed her eyes. "When the stocks were up and running good it would only happen once a week... but then he started to hit me and touch me more and more. He got drunk and well its not a good childhood. I desided to run away and my brother helped me. You see he had already left the house and well I was alone with my old man." Megan stopped and took in a breath. That was all she was telling.

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:11 pm

Jacob: Even Eric's quiet for a moment. We've met a couple of girls with similar stories, but the way they told it was different. Like they were still disillusioned about just what their parents were. "At least you escaped..." I say quietly.

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Post by Alice Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:34 pm

"Barely..." Megan whispered softly. It was true. Her father had come after her screaming her name as she ran as fast as she could. Cuts flurished her ams and legs because of her father's abuse and also from her own self. She pulled the jacket closer around her slim body trying to hide them.

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:43 pm

Eric: Jacob's about to say something when I tug on his arm. "I'm bored, how long is this suppose to take?" He shrugs. "You were the one who researched it, not me. How am I suppose to know?"

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Post by Alice Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:44 pm

"About 3 hours... I think at least." Megan said trying not show them the tears silently falling from her icy eyes. She hated talking about her father but yet here she was spilling her guts to these people who she barley knew. Megan sighed and laid her head back and kept her eyes closed.

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:58 pm

Eric: "Damn, I'm gonna die! So borriiinnnng!" I roll over on by back and look at the girl upside down. "Hey, are you crying? Like seriously?"

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Post by Alice Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:00 pm

Megan took her foot and went to kick him but thought better of it. "Shut up for once just shut your mouth." She snarrled at him. "Were you abused? I think not Where you raped by your own father? I think not now shut up for once in your little stupid life!" SHe said and flipped him off.

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:18 pm

Eric: "Eric..." Jacob warned, but like hell if I ever listen to him. "No, but you act like you're the only one who went through tough shit. I've been on the streets since I was seven, and I've met people who would laugh at the fact that you're crying about this. Like I said, the past is past. Why the hell are you crying about something that already happened? Because it still hurts? Because you're scarred? Then stitch yourself back together again and shut the fuck up. Crying amounts to nothing."

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Post by Alice Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:22 pm

Megan stood and walked to the back on the carriage. He had no idea of a living hell. He needed to shut his mouth or she was going to lose it. She opened up her bag and took 3 pills. Maybe I can sleep though this hell ride. She thought angrly and closed the container. Megan put her head in her hands and sighed. She didnt give a crap about what he had said. She had put up and shut up with everything that had happened to her and she never cried until now.

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:27 pm

Jacob: I watch the girl move to the back and sigh. "You went too far, Eric.." "I don't give a fuck, she was being a little bitch." He looks at me upside down and sticks out his tongue. "Now give me my inhaler...please." "Why, you're breathing just fine." "It only looks that way." He sticks out his hand. "C'mon, c'mon, fork it over. I might die any minute now."

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