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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:17 pm

Megan looked at Eric. "What the...." SHe went over to him and looked up at Jacob "Um...." She asked confused. "You idiot... help me." SHe said trying to keep her cool.

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Post by PavoLights Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:22 pm

Jacob: "Yea, in a sec..." I let out another yawn and lean back into my seat. Dear god, when did this get so comfortable? It's like laying on a cloud... I close my eyes for a moment and just feel the train carrying me. There're no bumps, no loud noises; I can't even hear the horn anymore. But its got to be blowing still...

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Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:12 am

"They all called me an idoit...indirectly. My brothers laughed at me, my sisters scoffed, my father gave me this whole big lecture, and my mother sided with him."

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Post by PavoLights Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:05 pm

Sylvia: "Oh... I'm sorry. That's horrible, they should've at least given you a chance. It's a family's job to support its members, and they should've helped you regardless of what they thought." It's getting a little harder to lie. I feel bad for this kid, but I can't help it if I agree with his family. Family supports one another, sure, but they should also push eachother to be successful. A woman with a cart full of food makes her way up the aisle, but I only take an orange. I can't use this trip as an excuse to get fat.

Wow, I've never ever made soeone like her before. Interesting...

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Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:20 pm


I didn't take any food, couldn't afford it. I had some in my bag, I took out a granola bar. "In a way they were right, but it's my dream and I love it too much to give it up."

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Post by PavoLights Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:24 pm

Sylvia: I'm about to say something when the stewardess speaks up. "Are you sure you don't want anything? Everyhing's free and it'll be a long ride yet."

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Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:25 pm


I turn red, "No thank you, Ma'am. I'm good."

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Post by PavoLights Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:36 pm

Sylvia: The lady shrugs and continues down the aisle into the next car. That was kinda strange. Most stewardesses wouldn't have cared. Although with a whole car filled with just kids, maybe she was just being nice. "So, what were you saying?" Iask as I unpeal my orange.

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Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:39 pm


"Nevermind," I said, shaking my head. "So you ran away because your parents were pressuring you?"

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Post by PavoLights Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:44 pm

Sylvia: "Yea," I say after a moment. "My parents are the most successful people in their family, coming from a background of drugs and abuse an parents who simply didn't care. They knew what failue was and they were afraid of it. So they shoved all of the family's failures on me like a packing mule." I bite into the orange and chew slowly.

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:00 pm


"That stinks...and about your parents being abused...that's horrible. " I said.

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Post by PavoLights Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:21 pm

Sorry for the typos, this computer is crap. @.@

Sylvia: That had to have been the only part I didn't lie about. As far as my parents are concerned, there is no "grandma and grandpa," and I see my cousins maybe once a year. I never really minded it until now; they hated us for being successful and I hated them for being... well, them. Alcoholics, loud, gutsy, unambitious. The complete opposite of us. "They became stronger because of it," I say after a moment. "So there's nothing to be sorry about."

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Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:25 pm


"They say what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger," I nodded in agreement.

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Post by PavoLights Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:30 pm

Sylvia: "Exactly," I say with a yawn. It comes out much bigger than I meant it and I blush. "Sorry about that, I haven't slept in awhile..." Although I haven't really felt it until now.

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:33 pm


"Fine with me. Take a nap if you want," I shrugged, getting out my guitar. I began to play Hey There Delilah.

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Post by PavoLights Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:53 pm

Lol, you put the link too?

Sylvia: "No, no, I really need to stay awake..." But my eyelids are drooping and everything's starting to blur. I need to stay up so I can witness everything that's gonna happen here. And yet that seems way easier said than done.

Hm...I don't know if I should move on to the next part without Alice...

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:47 am

(Yeah I did)


I strummed on my guitar, watching her fall asleep. She looked exhausted, and I couldn't help but want to close my eyes too.

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:58 pm

PavoLights wrote:Jacob: "Yea, in a sec..." I let out another yawn and lean back into my seat. Dear god, when did this get so comfortable? It's like laying on a cloud... I close my eyes for a moment and just feel the train carrying me. There're no bumps, no loud noises; I can't even hear the horn anymore. But its got to be blowing still...

Megan took her hand and slapped him across the face. "Sorry love but you need to help me unless you want him to die." She said through her teeth. He was just... ugh just so unbarable! He drove her insane and she wanted to punch him!

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:09 pm

Jacob: "Shush..." I lazily open an eyelid and close it again. "Besides, he's sleeping. Quit making a mountain out of a mole hill and do the same."

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:54 pm

Megan sighed and went back to her seat. SHe thought about what he had said and well she hated him more. But he was right. He was right wasnt he? She sighed and closed her eyes. She started to dream of her father and woke up with a train whistle. The train had stopped so it could get more passangers. "We have a hour.." She said lazily and stood up. SHe needed some fresh air. She walked out and thought about her dream.

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:03 pm

The stewardess walks down the aisles and stops near a girl. "Oh dear,you've woken up?" She frowns and cocks her head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk,you should've stayed asleep.Whatever am I going to do with you now?"

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:13 pm

Megan turned and gave her a ackward look. "What do you mean?" She asked taking a deep breath. What is her deal? She thought watching the girl.

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:21 pm

"I guess I could kill you, sure, but then I'll have to throw anothr boy overboard and I really ate heavy lifting..." She pouts in thought. "I man you ate the food, right? Althouh I imagine it was hard to sleep wih that adrenelin running though you. I guess there's only thing to do." She digs around in her cart and pulls out a bat.

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Post by Alice Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:26 pm

Megan stepped back. "WWWHHHOOOAAAHHH what is your deal crazy lady? Enough with the bat already!" Megan watched her curiously but felt a surge of adrenile as she thought. "Oh you little... you put sleeping pills in our food thats why they were sleeping!!" Megan ran into the car and slammed the door. SHe went over to the guys and took out her water and poured it on them "WAKE UP!!!" She screamed

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All Aboard! - Page 4 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:26 pm

The stewardess was behind her in an instant."Sleeping pills? Why you sweet, stupid little girl. You must have absolutely no imagination." She smiles a little as the boys stay sleeping. They won't be waking anytime soon. She raises the bat above her head. "Now if you plase, stay still. I'd hate to take off your whole head by mistake."

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