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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:29 pm

Megan opened up the container again and took 3 more pills. "Overdose.." She thought with a smile. "That could work." She took 3 more pills and went to sleep hoping to never wake up. But in 5 minutes she start to spaze out. Her body was having a shut down. Pain flurished her body and her eyes were open but empty.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:54 pm

Jacob: I swear if Jacob tries to get high on this again, I'm throwing him off the train. I take it out of my pocket and hand it to him. But he's looking towards the girl again, cursing under his breath. "The fuck? Do you want it or not?" "Well now that I think about it, I think she needs it more than I do." I look at what he's looking at and sigh. You've got to be shitting me.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:11 pm


I looked up at the girl, who had asked me my name. "My name's Jason. What's your's?"

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:29 pm

Sylvia: "Sylvia, Sylvia Sutherland." I offer my hand to shake. "It's nice to meet you."

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Post by Banshee Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:54 pm


"Nice to meet you too," I said, taking her hand. "So what brings you here?"

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Post by PavoLights Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:03 pm

Sylvia: "Ahhh..." Damn, I was hoping to avoid this question! Everyone here has such sad stories, whereas I haven't even suffered through a divorce. I was an all A student, class president, my parents adored me... Think, Sylvia, think! "I ranaway from home."

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:33 am


"Same," I said, looking down at my guitar. I plucked the strings affectionatly. "Why'd you run?"

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Post by PavoLights Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:57 am

Sylvia: "My parents... They were always pressuring me to be perfect. They made me do piano, play sports, and keep my grades up all the time. It just became too much." Ok, not as bad as their stories, but it's believable at any rate.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:24 pm

Megan arched her back in pain. She knew this would happen if she took those pills. She screamed out and couldnt breath anymore. Megan fell to the floor and begged for someone to help. Random noises flew from her mouth as she begged and pleaded with them. Her arms went limp and she went limp on the floor blacked out form the pain.

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Post by PavoLights Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:47 pm

Eric: "You didn't happen to grab an adrenal-" "Nope." "Yea, that's what I thought..." I sit up and stretch. "Well we can't go Pulp Fiction on her then. What else do they do in the movies?" "Not sure...I know you're suppose to keep her on her side though." So Jacob and I head to the back and gently roll her over. "Now what?" Jacob shrugs. "You act like I'm a doctor." I grimace and look down at the girl. "Well chick, it's been nice knowing you."

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:49 pm

Megan could hear them and she tried to get them to look in her bag. She made a small noise and tried to say bag. Fianlly she whispered it. "Bag." She whispered. Her arms stayed limp but she hoped that they could grab the shot and give it to her.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:00 pm

Jacob: "Bag?" I repeat. I take it off the seat and start digging through it. Sure enough, there's a package with a huge needle in it. "Ok, uh...I guess we should roll her back on her back then..." I really don't wanna do this, but Eric'll probably miss and get her kidneys or something. Eric rolls her back over with a "thump" and I kneel beside her. "Ok, which side is the heart on again?" "How the hell should I know?! I thought it was in the middle!" "No, that's definately wrong..." Let's put their right hand over their heart to say the that means it's on the left, right? I raise the needle above my head and slam it down. I hope that worked...

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:04 pm

Megan felt a shock of pain and she screamed. They had got it in the right place for one. She waited until she could move her fingers and her arms. She tried to pull herself up but failed. She closed her eyes and groaned. The noises hurt her and so did the light.

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Post by PavoLights Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:10 pm

Eric: "Fuck yea! The Stone brothers save another one!" "Eric..." "Savin' bitches all over the- what?" "Do I take out the needle?" Jacob's eyes are fixed on the big ass needle poking out of the broad's chest. "Nahh...I kinda like her better that way. She's a lot more peaceful, don'tcha think?" "That's because she almost ODed." "So you agree." He eases her up a bit and leans her against a seat. "Are you ok?"

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:14 pm

Megan nodded and pulled the needle out carefully. "Thank you for helping me." She said in a small voice not looking at them. It was embarrassing that this happened on a train wit ha bunch of people watching her.

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Post by PavoLights Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:20 pm

Jacob: I shrug. "No prob. But, uhhh, why exactly did you try to OD?" Did Eric piss her off that much?

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:28 pm

Megan shurgged "No its not because of pretty boy." SHe said rolling her eyes. "Its because I want to die and I thought might as well you know?" She said pulling her arms around herself.

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Post by PavoLights Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:02 pm

Jacob: "Well you should at least wait until we get to...wherever we're going. You've already come this far, so it couldn't hurt." "Cookies, Crackers, Cake?" I hear suddenly. When I look up, an elaborately dressed stewardess is walking down the aisles with a cart full of stuff. Toys, food steaming under huge platters, junk food... Damn, I can't remember when I ate a real meal. "Hey, over here!" I call.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:37 am

Megan laughed softly and watched him. "I am guessing that you havent eaten in while?" She aked raising a eyebrow. She felt hungery as well and bought 3 packs of rice crispys and a huge bottle of water and a monster.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Banshee Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:02 am


"My family wasn't happy with my dream to become a musician. We didn't have alot see so they thought it wouldn't allow me to make a living," I explained, turning a bright red.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:58 pm

Eric: "You got that right. Get me some of those doughnuts over there, that pasta- what is that? Raviolli? Hell, even better- some eggrolls-" I cut him off. "And the caviar! WE want the whole platter of that!"

Sylvia: Well, the statistics show that musicians don't make a lot of money, like most others in the art industry. They always say that they do it for their art, but I'd take eating a decent meal and having clothes on my back over art any day. "Aw, they should've supported you anyway! I mean money doesn't make the world go round."

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:49 pm

Megan watched them and sighed. "How long has it been since you guys ate? And Caviar??? really??? gross!!!" She said twisting her face in distaste. Caviar was gross and when she ate it she always thought of little fishes swiming in her mouth. She shuddered and watched them in distaste.

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by PavoLights Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:53 pm

Jacob: "We eat..." I say after a moment, my mouth filled with food from nine different countries. And yes, I counted. "It's just been awhile since I had anything but hohos and fast food."

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All Aboard! - Page 3 Empty Re: All Aboard!

Post by Alice Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:04 pm

Megan shrugged and complied. "I would get sick of that as well." She took a bite of a Rice Krispy and sighed. She opened up her water and took a big gulp of it. The water had cooled down her burning throat and she sighed once more. "Im sorry for seeming like a... well a...." She couldnt finsih. "Im just sorry."

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Post by PavoLights Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:14 pm

Jacob: I shrug. I've seen peoplmake bigger asses of themselves. "It's whatever," I say as I crack off a piece of lobster. Suddenly I feel somethng thump against me. When I turn around,Eric's slumpd against me. "Hey are you alright?" I ask. Or at least that's what I meant to say. Instead, I let out a huge yawn.

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