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Dolls wars

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Dolls wars Empty Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:11 pm

A war broke out on the world between humans and human like robots know as dolls. The dolls were designed to serve human but over time most of them had gain emotions and thoughts then just following their programming. Now they have thoughts and emotions they don't want to serve the humans anymore. So most of them break away cause the humans to be angry to go into war with dolls. Even know humans are at war with dolls there few dolls that didn't break away from the human but still gain emotions they just want to serve humans. The war isn't just on a battle field with armies but there are actually battles taking place in the city like gang fights between humans and dolls while the soldiers are out fighting to win the war.

Character info:

Involvement in the war:

Look like age:
Involvement in the war:
Programed for:

Name: ginger
Gender: female
Look like age: 17
Looks: red hair, blue eyes, pale cold white skin
Involvement in war:at times she send to take care of wounded human soldiers in the war but at the moment she at a city hospital and she didn't break away from  humans
Programed for: to be a nurse

Name: Sam rain
Gender: male
Looks: short brown hair, light brown eyes, tall, lean
Involvement in the war: has family as soldiers that are off on the battle field and he works as doctor in a hospital that's in the main area of all street fights and battles in the city.
fallen rose
fallen rose

Posts : 8036
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 30

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:38 pm

(Is it all right if I join?)
Name: Kathrine/Caleb Hartman
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Looks: Pale skin, but not deathly pale. Hazel eyes, golden brown hair, and has a slight, athletic figure.
Involvement in the war: She at first protested against the war, but then decided to get directly involved. To ensure she wouldn't be troubled (for any possible reason), she disguised herself as a man, and is now working as a sort of double-agent, trying to make peace that way. When she isn't out on the battlefield, she's trying to control some of the gangfights.

Name: Damon
Gender: Male
Look like age: 20 (ish)
Looks: Weather-beaten skin, pitch-black hair, amber (almost yellow) eyes. Tall, muscular, and barrel-chested. Pretty much a guy (or well, robot) you don't want to mess with.
Involvement in the war: Currently joined with his fellow dolls in the war.
Programed for: Originally just for manual labor, but he soon got sick of it, and became a part of the rebellion.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:43 pm

( sure and thanks for joining)
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:46 pm

(No problem. Besides, it sounds pretty cool.)

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:12 pm

( I thought it was cool idea too and let's start)

Sam: after locking up my apartment I headed off to my shift at the hospital. I sighed as I walk the streets near the only major hospital in this area of town. It's mostly because this is one area were rebellion fights actually really happens here other on the battle field that was out of city borads. I glance at the people as I pass them while thought they will be in the hospital soon or later because of the gang fights. I finally got hospital to find alot of protester that are for dolls as slave protesting against hospital because it just became open for both human and doll patients if they are injury and also protester for the hospital. I just sigh again at the protesters to enter the hospital.

Ginger: I was attending to walk in patients as doctor rain walk in hospital. While he had the door open I could hear the protester. I wish there's wasn't any fighting it only cause pain for anyone but I'm not brave enough to stand up for I thought. Before doctor rain when off to get ready to patients I said hello to him and see how he was doing then I went back to focusing on patient to get medical info that could be useful for the doctors.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 30

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:38 pm

Kathrine: I eventually wormed my way through the battlefield to backtrack into the city. I hid my long hair underneath my cap. My clothes were torn slightly from the fighting. But, at least now I could keep track of the gang fights without getting as roughed up as I did on the field. My efforts with secretly trying to stop the war were barely making a dent. I limped slightly, my leg wounded. The wound wasn't serious, but it was still a hinderance. There was blood of innocent men on my clothes, ones that I saw killed or wounded because of this stupid war. I sighed softly, taking note of the protestors outside the hospital, wondering why on earth I had given that up. It was much safer. Might as well get checked out I thought before weaving through the protestors to enter the hospital.

Damon: I went off the battlefield to see if there were any fights in the city going on. I was going to do anything possible to help my fellow 'dolls', as we are called. Besides, fights here had seemingly more impact than the battles not too far away. As I walked down the street, the anger I had begun to first feel not long ago bubbled up again. The humans thought they were better than us, that we are inferior to them. Hardly! My teeth clenched together. Something had to be done. Soon and fast.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:52 pm

Ginger: I saw a human guy walk in with blood on his clothes so I went to him." sir what happen to you and are you seriously hurt?" I ask him as I held my note pad ready to write down what happen to him so I could get him to see a doctor. Specially if he serious hurt then I got to get him some help.

Sam: I was doing my last preparation before I got started on my shift today. After I finish I walked out of back to figure out who's my first patient today. I saw there's already a small list of people waiting for help from a doctor to see them. I sigh then I took the first people off the list and took them into one of the small patient room to figure out what's wrong with them so I could treat them.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 30

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:11 am

Kathrine: I blinked slowly, not fully understanding her words before answering, making my voice deeper but believable, "I got scratched up a little bit 'cuz of that war. There's something wrong with my leg. Not sure what." Actually, I might've been wrong about it not being serious. It began to hurt more. It was a sharp, pounding pain now. "And it might be serious." I continued with a sharp intake of breath.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:21 am

Ginger: I wrote down what he said about wrong with him." okay a doctor will see you soon. before you sit down and wait what your name sir so a doctor know who to call when they are ready for you" I said as I look up from my note pad to the man.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 30

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:30 am

Kathrine: "Caleb Hartman." I answered in the same voice without any hesitation. I had gotten used to using that name, because if I even showed some reluctance, I would seem suspicious and could be found out. When she looked at me, I couldn't believe she didn't see through my disguise. Hopefully, I could keep it up.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:52 am

Ginger:" okay Caleb a doctor will see you shortly " I said as I wrote his name down on my pad. Then once I finish and I show him were to wait I went to turn paper work/notes to the people in charge to handle the rest for now until I doctor rain who just finish with a patient. So I gave work to him instead of other people.

Sam: I took the papers from finer and read them." Ginger will you try to get protesters outside to go away for awhile. We got few complaints about them." I told her who just nod before tempting to send them away. I went to waiting room and call out "Caleb Hartman I'm ready to see you now" as I look at the papers
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:04 am

Kathrine: Here we go... I thought as I stood, nursing my leg as I went over to the doctor that had called my...well, not really my name. I flashed him a small, brief smile, trying to be both polite and slightly withdrawn at the same time so I wouldn't be asked too many questions. I wanted to keep my act up, after all.

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:02 am

Sam:" okay Caleb follow me to one room and by way I'm doctor rain" I said to him before showing him to one of room. Once there I ask him " Caleb do what exactly happen to your leg before it started hurting?" so I could think of whats wrong with his leg.

Ginger: I went outside to talk to the protester to see if I get them to leave but just look at me and laught. I sign before telling some reason to leave like there patient in there trying to rest but they still didn't listen and the side against to having dolls patient actually cursed me out and told to go back to my creator like faith dog
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:50 pm

Kathrine: I made sure my tone was pretty even as I replied, "I'm really not sure...I might've been cut sometime, but out there," I motioned slightly towards the direction the ouskirts were, "You don't notice too much in the chaos."

Damon: I overheard one of protestors tell another doll to go back to her creator like a faithful dog. I growled lowly, and grabbed one of same protestors that had agreed on comment by the collar, bringing him up to my eye-level. "Listen to her, and leave." I ordered all of them, my tone low and serious. I set the man down roughly, but I didn't hurt him. Well, not yet anyway, only if these humans proved to be an obstacle.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:38 pm

sam:" the chaos is what cause people and dolls to be hurt sometime badly. i know what chaos is happening out there in this world because i have family who are out on the battle field right now and i see alot of this fight viticms come in this hospital" i said him before i ask "caleb would pull up your pant leg so i could see where you might be cut at"

ginger: i just watch what was happening in front of me and for sure the other protestors did too. half of them ran off and some of the rest jsut slowly walk away but there was a few here still who won't let a doll order them around. they also look like they might be ready to fight a bit which causes me to said quietly " oh no not this now"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:50 pm

Kathrine: I nodded slightly before sitting on the table, I guess I could call it, and rolled up my pants leg to reveal a rather long gash along my calf. I hadn't expected it to be that serious. At least it didn't hurt as bad as looked, but then again, adrenaline was probably still surging in my veins.

Damon: I turned towards the other protestors, my muscles tensed and warned through my teeth, "I don't think you want to take the chance of fighting me." I was half-concerned what the doll said, and gave her a side-glance, my anger subsiding slightly as I wordlessly assured her I wouldn't do anything that would really hurt anyone. For some reason, I didn't want to start a fight with the protestors.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:58 pm

sam: i look at the long gash on his calf. " well the good news is that its pretty clean and nothing is in the gash but i kind of deep so you most likely be needing stitches" i said as i look up from gash to look at caleb face.

ginger: i just watch as the protesters finally stood down. then one of them said " lets get out of here" and walk away from here as he lead his bubbies away too. " thanks alot for getting rid of those protesters" i said as i went a bit closer to this other doll.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:05 pm

Kathrine: I pursed my lips. Oh, great...stitches! Note the sarcasm. "All right." I commented, thankful that my face didn't pale at the mention of stitches, and my disguise was still working despite how close Doctor Rain was.

Damon: "No problem." I replied as I faced her fully, my voice slightly rough. "Besides, they shouldn't insult you or any other doll like that." My body relaxed noticeably as I was able to let my guard down. Those protestors made a wise decision by running.

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:16 pm

sam:" i will be right now i get few more supplies before i stitch up your leg" i said after i realized that all the supplies are in this room. then i left the room as i made a mental note to tell ginger to restock the rooms when i see her next time.

ginger:" i used to be insult " i said kind of quietly before i ask " whats your name by the way?" i like to know names of all the people who help me out even if it was just small or big important stuff.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:25 pm

Kathrine: I sighed softly once he left, and made sure my hair was tucked underneath my cap. I stretched briefly, frowning slightly at the stiffness in my muscles. The cloth I had wrapped around my chest under my loose clothing was beginning to get annoying now, but I couldn't do anything about it here.

Damon: No one should be used to being belittled. I thought as I answered simply, putting my hands in my pockets, "Damon. What is yours?"

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:45 pm

sam: after getting all i need for supplies i came back to the room where caleb is at. i set the supplies all on a roll around table and roll my chair over closer to him " you got to be very still when i start stitching up your calf"

ginger:" ginger and thanks again damon for helping out because if you didn't those protesters would most likely still be here annoying the patents who trying to rest in the hospital " i said to him
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:01 pm

Kathrine: I nodded briefly, and said simply, although I had to have a small hint of humor in my voice as I did, "Will do."

Damon: There was a small, underlying hint of a smile on my face, but fixed that quickly as I replied, "Well, you're welcome." I looked up at the building as I said, "I've heard you treat both humans and dolls." Although I was only half-pleased with that. Then again, some humans I could...tolerate if they showed me some respect.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:30 pm

sam: i just nod before quickly setting everything up on the table and cleaning the gash before i start stitching up his calf. i work quickly on stitching so he didn't have to kept still for long.

ginger:" yes we are treating both humans and dolls in this hospital now. we acutally started doing this couple days ago. i so glad this trying to stay neutarl in this war"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:46 pm

Kathrine: I bit the inside of my cheek while he did the stitching, although I acted cool and tough on the outside so I didn't seem weak. I tried to keep as still as possible.

Damon: I nodded slowly in understanding as I thought, If only I could be as neutral. I got a good look at her, and noticed why they would name her Ginger, because of her red hair. I had changed my given name once he joined the dolls that were against the humans.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Dolls wars Empty Re: Dolls wars

Post by fallen rose Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:56 pm

sam: after i finish and clean the leftover supplies and did a last minute banged up stitches." there i'm finish caleb" i said told him as i took off my gloves and threw them away in the trash

ginger:" well i should get back to work and take care of the patient. maybe i see you around damon" i said to him when i realized that i been away from the patients for awhile already. which isn't good for me who supposed to be helping take care of them.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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