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Mind Space

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Mind Space Empty Mind Space

Post by Echo Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:41 pm

Oh, look, it's a bandwagon! Give me a moment...I'm jumping on.


There. Welcome to Winter's mind space! Founded: March 25th, 1995. Population: The gods know.

You, my friends...are in for it. What is it you're in for, you ask? ...Who knows? Guess we'll find out, won't we? A learning experience for all! I do love learning experiences.

What does this strange place look like? Well, it varies depending on where you are. However, unlike some mindscapes, this one maintains many constants in its geography. Most of the sections and lands keep their relative positions even when new ones are added--which isn't terribly often. Another aspect that stays quite constant is the physics, which behaves like our own. Note the word "quite." You may find yourself in the middle of the odd gravity switch, though such an event (and similar physics-screws) are unlikely.

Before I find myself far off-course in the middle of a tangent about theoretical physics, I'll describe some of the areas you may encounter.


The Information Sections
>>These sections take up a vast amount of mind space. Of course, exactly how much space there is in here is unclear. The information sections are all floored with smooth, neutral-colored tiles (mostly gray). Filing cabinets stretch up quite high, though not up to the ceiling. The ceiling is in fact so high that it vanishes into darkness before it can even be seen. Following that line of thinking, the method of actually lighting the information sections is unknown. But they're lit. The filing cabinets are made of metal and are also in neutral colors, and the walls are gray.
>>Everything in the information sections is filed impeccably. Things are put in alphabetical order, numerical order, and color-coded. There are main sections, subsections, subsubsections, whatever it takes (for example: Language Section --> Japanese Subsection --> Grammar Conventions Subsubsection). If you ever find that you need to know something during your journey...look here.

The Caverns
>>If the information sections are in the east, the caverns are in the west, and far across the space. They're composed of elaborate networks of caves and tunnels that stretch out very far, well beneath the other sections. The caverns are home to many, many bear-bugs. What's a bear-bug? Pray you don't find out.

The Jungle
>>The jungle is due north of the caverns. Not much is known about it, other than the fact that it's dark, strange noises come from it, and, knowing me, it probably holds all kinds of vicious creatures.

The Cliffs
>>East of the jungle and northwest of the information sections are the cliffs. They're extremely tall and insane amounts of sheer and jagged. The cliffs overlook the Ever-Changing Chaos of my present thoughts. You...don't want to fall from here. Trust me.

The Wastelands
>>These barren lands act as a buffer between the cliffs and jungle and the information sections. They're basically desert, and little else. Added to the space for the sole purpose of annoying Peter.

These aren't all the lands that exist, but I hope I've at least given you some sort of map to go by. Now that that's done, it's time to talk about some characters you may encounter in your travels.


>>Come on, really? Have you never been in the chatbox? You know him. Age sixteen; has shaggy, brown hair that hangs in his equally brown eyes; average height; lithe build with lean muscles; wears all black. Bonder.
>>>Peter is the only permanent resident; the other characters merely pop in from time to time. As such, you're more likely to meet him than any other character. Also, since he lives here, he knows an awful lot about the place and the way everything works.

>>Appears age sixteen; has long, red hair, thick bangs, and bright green eyes; average height; thin build; wears jeans and a t-shirt.

Any other members of the SO (Soulbonder Organization)
>>The team: Senet, Nike, and Sarah
>>The researchers (plus one): Izzy, Karin, and Elizabeth

Various minor characters/characters from books gathering dust
>>Kim and Rachel (Peter's older sisters)

Various antagonists
>>Likel and Na'arsif or any generic Sybek
>>Aria and Ezekiel or any generic angels

That's about all I can think of for know. I can't give too much away, or I'd detract from the exploring aspect! Now that you've read that (...You did read it, didn't you?), you're ready to jump on in. We can discuss where exactly we're starting off once people begin posting characters.

[b]Books/chats they're from:[/b]
[b]Bio:[/b] (optional)
[b]Other:[/b] (optional)
Winter Dragon

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Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Banshee Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:44 pm

Name: Andrew Johnson
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: dirty- blonde hair, blue eyes, tall
Books/chats they're from: Errr a lot of them...also from Life, Death, And Something In Between
Bio: (optional) Died August 5, 1912, he was shot by a WAS an accident.
Other: (optional). Err....he's a toast?

Name: TommyO'Sullivan
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Appearance: brown hair, grey eyes, short height wise, his clothes are alway soaked
Books/chats they're from: Errr a lot of them...also from Life, Death, And Something In Between
Bio: (optional) Died December 20, 1906 from drowning
Other: (optional). Err....he's a toast?

Last edited by gh3325 on Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Invisimort Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:00 pm

Appearance:er...YOU KNOW THIS...8 feet tall, suits...Mouth fulla pointy teeth...
Books/chats they're from:Well, he's all over this place...Stars a lot in DDS as a murderer...Also, going to be in How To Survive in Auda Without Really Dying, THE BOOK.
Bio: (optional)Dictator of Auda. 'Nuff said.
Other: (optional)Blind as a bat.

Will post another in the morning...

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Bells Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:29 am

May I join? *will be on phone later so...*

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Echo Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:03 am

Of course! c:
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Bells Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:24 am

Name: Grace Torre
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Light brown hair that runs to her shoulders in small waves, not quite curls. She has brown eyes with a small ring of green on the edges of them. A little pale.
Books/chats they're from: Um, TDDUP, The first sorcery cc, and Cox. Her book is Angelwing...I think you read the prologue.
Bio: (optional) Uh, well, she's dead....In the book she dies in a grafic way that I'm not sure I want to go into so I shall use the cc version of her death that she died in an earthquake.
Other: (optional) uh, she's a ghost...

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Spiral Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:19 pm

Appearance:German Shepard
Books/chats they're from:you know, that time, in that room, at that place
Bio: (optional)he went from powerful fighter who could hang you with a shadow to a adorable puppy dog....who can hang you with a shadow
Other: (optional)btw he is a dog

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Kid.Icarus Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:48 pm

Name: Thane
Gender: Dude
Age: 142 (appears 19)
Appearance: Shaggy, Shoulder-length, Black hair. Forest Green eyes. Relatively Pale. Tall, about 6'2".
Books/chats they're from: Chatbox Mostly.
Bio: Bipolar blahblah... Pain blahblah... you know. He's also a Half-Vampire.
Other: Dead sister etc... you know...

Posts : 212
Join date : 2011-08-05

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Ravyn Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:49 pm

Name: Kaya
Gender: Female
Age: Uhm.... 17, if i remember correctly. Possibly older.
Appearance: Average height, short, shaggy, boyishly-cut black hair, bright green eyes that live behind glasses which are always sliding out of place. Only has one leg due to a childhood accident.
Books/chats they're from: Uhm.... she's from Dragonkin, the chatbox, annnnd..... i dont know if she was in anything else.... well, T!Kaya was in Daycare....
Bio: (optional) N/A
Other: (optional) A literal genius. In her original chat, characters had powers, and knowledge was hers. Mostly in science/technology. Loves computers especially but any kind of technology including weapons. Also enjoys a good explosion.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Echo Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:06 pm

((Starting! Yeah!

If you haven't joined yet, you're always welcome!))

Metal, neutral-colored filing cabinets reach towards the sky...or ceiling, if there is one. For all you can tell, there may not be; everything up there is cloaked in shadow. Below you are neutral-colored tiles, mostly gray. There are plenty of signs around, which would be helpful if you could see them behind the filing cabinets. Which you can't. The cabinets are just too tall.

Where is this strange, highly utilitarian place you've just woken up in? You've never seen it before, to your recollection. This is quite the predicament you're in, isn't it? Perhaps some exploring is in order.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Ravyn Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:13 pm

Kaya: When i woke up, i realized i was still sitting in my wheelchair. Had i fallen asleep working again? But then i registered that i was definately not at home. I was in a large space full of massive filing cabinets..... WELL. This was an interesting predicament....

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Spiral Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:24 pm

Bishop got up and looked around, "I did it! Thank you self-help CDs! SHE IS GONE" Bishop yelled "Now i can just bury my bone in...." he notices his bone is gone "Ok Raylay give me my..." realizing Raylay isn't present and his bone is gone. "NO! You damned witch!" he wailed and began rolling around.

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Bells Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:25 pm


I love dreaming. The problem with dreaming though is you have to wake up. In this particular dream I had just managed to convince my unicorn to chase the dinosaur while I fixed my grapefruit gun when I woke up. And it wasn't one of those gradual pulling out of the dark where am I kind of waking ups, it was the 'oh crap where am I' kind.

Sitting up I took in the filing cabinets and everything, confusion starting to overpower everything else. A little uneasy I took one more look around before standing and walking over to one of the filing cabinets. Maybe whatever was inside could help me figure this out. Nodding to myself I pulled a drawer open.

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Invisimort Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:05 am


I woke up in...OOH. Filing cabinets.

I knew how those sounded. I had a set in my office. I had not ever heard them en masse, but...the sound of 'metal backed by tonnes of paper' was unmistakeable. I sat for a moment, wondering where I was, how I'd gotten here, and why it had been reality that had shifted in my sleep instead of the dreamscape.

After all that I listened for a ceiling. Nothing. I clicked, and listened for a ceiling. I was pleased to hear an echo all the way down the stack of cabinets, but no ceiling. Also, no audible end to the filing cabinets in the positive direction either.

This was very...unnerving.

That was...unnerving.

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Echo Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:06 am

What Grace finds:

The drawer contains a good amount of files. The tabs are labeled with things like "Song of the Wind/Wind Dance (working title)," "Unnamed Composition #3," and "Unnamed Composition #4." The folders that hold the files are different colors, with all the folders placed in their respective color groups. Within each color group, the tabs are sorted alphabetically. The folders are all arranged chromatically to boot.
Winter Dragon

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Bells Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:16 am


Flipping through the files I sighed and shut the cabinet, nothing useful. Looking around once more I considered going through a couple more then decided against it. I'd have more luck figuring out where I was by exploring.

Decision made I stepped away from the cabinet and peered down the rows trying to decide on a direction. Unable to make a choice I just chose one at random and started down it, whistling softly to myself as a distraction from my confused thoughts of where I was. I honestly had no clue, and that's what worried me.

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Ale J. Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:25 am

Name: Jamie Night
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance:Straight Dirty blonde hair in a ponytail, blue eyes and wears dark colors. Has some weaponss hidden in her outfits.
Books/chats they're from: Hmm, Basic, Daycare, The CC revelution, Break Time, Chatting Charries....*Can't think of any more...*
Bio: (optional)
Other: (optional). She is a Dark Angel
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Kid.Icarus Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:35 am

I woke up... and I was not in my bed...
This again.... really...?
I sat up and looked around... There were Filing Cabinets, EVERYWHERE....
I Tried to focus my vision, seeing as far as I could... but I still couldn't see any Ceiling... Or the Walls....
But I did see something.. Someone I guess...
I got up and started towards them... I was really relieved to see Kaya.. Though.. Worried at the same time...
I approached her, smiling, "Hey Kaya.. uhm... do you have.. any idea where we are..?"

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Echo Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:46 am

A young, scruffy boy sits on top of one of the filing cabinets, swinging his legs and looking at the strange people down below.

"Who're you?" he asks, brushing some shaggy, brown hair out of his eyes. "I've never seen you around here before."
Winter Dragon

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Spiral Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:55 am

Bishop stopped rolling around relizing he isn't in Kansis anymore. He noticed the boy on top of one of the filing cabinets who asked him a question, "Where is here?"

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Echo Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:59 am

The boy frowns, giving the dog a look of slight disbelief. Funnily enough, this look has nothing to do with the fact that he's talking to a dog, and the dog is talking back.

"How could you not know where this is?" he asks. "Really, who are you?"
Winter Dragon

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Invisimort Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:03 am


I heard voices. Nothing actually intelligible, as the echoes distorted it all, but it was enough to go on. I started walking in that general direction, down the row of filing cabinets.

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Ravyn Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:05 am

Kaya: I had been surveying my surroundings from the confines of my wheelchair when i heard a familiar voice and looked over to see Thane. I smiled, VERY relieved to see him. At least that made this whole situation a bit less scary. "Hello, Thane. Im glad you're here.... i dont know where we are. Its nowhere ive been before.... its quite unnerving, really." i remarked.

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Echo Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:10 am

The boy fixes his brown eyes on Mr. Face, those eyes growing very wide very quickly.

"Y-you!" he half-speaks, half-yelps. Then he realizes that Mr. Face wouldn't actually know that he was being addressed. "Faceless man! You're not supposed to be here! W-what are you doing here?!"
Winter Dragon

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:11 am

Name: Rita
Gender: Girl
Age: 18ish
Appearance: long dark red hair with a splash of freckles across her face
Books/chats they're from: umm she was in the chatbox a few times
Bio: (optional) She doesn't really know where she came from, just popped up seemingly out of nowhere
Other: (optional) has the power to create things she can think of, but only small things
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Mind Space Empty Re: Mind Space

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