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The Sick Day

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:50 pm

Lucy; I stared at him "You're....not afraid?"

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:41 pm

Andrew bent down and gently picked her up, cradling her to him. "I'm getting ya outta 'ere." He whispered just loud enough so she could hear.

The nurse took Coal's paw and gave it a small squeeze. "I'm going to need to know what exactly hurts, I know it pretty much all hurts right now."

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:51 pm

Coal: I slowly shifted human, tightening the bandage "My left femur is cracked, my third rib on the left side has snapped and my thumbs are broken. Two ribs on my right side are also cracked and one is dangerously close to my lung. I also have a sprained ankle and a dislocated shoulder but I put it back in. The whip lashes on my back are basically healed so don't bother about them and my Right kneecap is shattered. My jaw is also badly bruised down to the bone" I listed off calmly, assesing my aches and pains mentally as I told her them

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:56 pm

The nurse nodded, grabbing a pad and writing all this down. "I'm going to take you to get an x-ray, so we can find the exact location to be fixed." She said, "Johnny, you better come too."

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:57 pm

Coal: I frowned "X-ray?" I asked, confused and then shut my mouth. Don't let others know that they know something you don't.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:07 pm

The nurse smiled at him. "It's a machine that takes images of your skeletal system." She said, trying to explain it in a simple way for him.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:10 pm

Coal: I scowled in annoyance and shrugged, wicning "Don't bother, I know exactly what's hurt. You learn after a while" I said, tugging on the fang earring on my left ear with a satisfied smirk. Touching it always reminded me of how I had gotten it.

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Join date : 2011-12-12

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:12 pm

The nurse sighed, feeling bad for Coal. "We mah have some potions that should heal the broken bones right up." She left the room for a moment and handed him one. "Here."

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Ale J. Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:29 pm

I shook my head. "Nope! Not at all!"

I could barely hear him when he spoke, I couldn't even feel my body lifting up from the ground. I couldn't move anything and the spark still went through me, making every part of my body numb. I started to open my eyes, but heard Littra nearby. She was saying...something. But her voice faded intothe background. I opened my eyes to see a world of dizzying colors. All mixing and unmixing and moving around. There were so many people....

I heard Alysons voice from the door, yelling something at Andrew. My eyes went in and out of focus.

I ran inside the room, shoving Littra to the ground before she could hurt Aribella again. She said something to Jade, and Jade ran over to me. I blasted her against a wall and she groaned. I went behind Andrew to make sure no one attacked Aribella.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:19 am

Andrew held her like a small child, cradling her and trying to be as gentle as possible. He carefully ran his cold fingers through her hair, trying to calm her down and knowing well enough that everything probably hurt. "Thanks Jake."

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:17 am

Coal: I sniffed it suspiciously and then glanced at her, putting it down "They'll heal on their own. I'm not drinking some mystery juice to make them better"

Lucy: I stared at him in shock "But...I just...drank your BLOOD"

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Ale J. Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:53 am

I grinned, "No problem, Buddy. Been wanting to get her out of the way for awhile." that wolf had nearly killed Aly's brother. Not cool. Then again...I wa probably the only one who knew about that...heck, Aly didn't know her brother was ALIVE. Just had to keep my mouth shut till the vision came true....

As we walked out the door, I pushed Alyson in front of me. They were all after her. No way was I letting them hurt her. I hadn't seen Eve in the room, and she could be anywhere. Don't ask me how she got away- but she did.

I continued to follow Andrew down the hall, keeping an eye out for her.

"Well yeah, I'm sore and stuff but I've always known you guys existed! And you DRANK MY BLOOD! Thats awesome!"
Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:10 am

Lucy: "You're insane"

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:46 am

Andrew carried Aribella down the hall, Tommy in front. He had let go of Alyson's body, unable to hold on to it any longer.

"I still can't believe ya ran back there...." Tommy said, looking up at Andrew.

"I wasn't just going to leave 'er there."

The nurse sighed, "I'm not giving anything that can hurt you, it's to /help/ you."

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:42 pm

Coal: I shook my head, growling "No. They'll heal in a couple days on their own"

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Ale J. Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:29 am

"So I've been told..." I thought for a moment, looking around, "What are you doing here? In the hospital, I mean."

Alyson got her body back, sighing in relief and walking quickly after the others.

"Do you guys have any idea where we're going?" Alyson asked, glancing at me and up at the other two who were leading.

"As far away from this place as we can...." I answered.

"I mean, how to get out of this place. It's a bunch of hallways! What if we get lost?"
Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:09 am

Lucy; I looked away "To find a cure"

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:04 pm

The nurse sighed, "Okay, fine. Anything you'll let me fix though?"

Tommy snorted, "We 'ave as much idea as ya do. Dun mean we can't find our way out, we just start passin' through walls till we find an exit."

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:07 pm

Coal: I turned my had away "Yeah. My sight" I snapped bitterly

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Ale J. Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:52 am

"A cure? To what?"

"Okay...we can follow you guys through the walls. Want me to carry her so you won't get tired?" I asked Andrew, still unsure about Aribella. I trusted her...but what if she somehow accidentally led Eve to us? Who knew...Eve was psycho sometimes...Aribella could have a chip in her or something.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:26 am


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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:46 am

"I'm's impossible....your eyes are gouged out.....completely gone.."

"Nah, I'm good," Andrew said. Tommy rolled his eyes and with a whoop, run straight through the wall, disappearing completely. Andrew kept a firm but gentle grip on Aribella and followed.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Ale J. Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:21 am

"Is that podsible?"

Ah...their way seemed nicer...I was stuck with the Gorky mist and flash of light thing. Meh, whatever. I turned to Alyson.

"You first."

She nodded and separated herself, starting with her arms and working quickly through her body, turning into a purple mist. She went through the wall and followed them. I began to separate, turning my arm to gold when someone grabbed my other arm. My eyes widened and I fought back against this person. She was smiling. I know she was. But this wasn't had to be-

"This way, Jake," she said, her voice sickeningly sweet. A freezing hot pain shot through my arm. I cringed and she grinned.

"Oh Jake, what ever could be the matter? Pain?" She sent another small shock through my body and I winced. Before I could figure out what was even going on, she turned to a mist, dragging me along with her and speeding off in the opposite direction.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Cairo Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:24 am

lucy: I looked down and shrugged

Coal: I growled to myself, standing "Then i have no more use for you"

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The Sick Day - Page 9 Empty Re: The Sick Day

Post by Banshee Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:58 am

Andrew and Tommy continued throught the walls, only turning when they got to the main hallway. "Where's Jake?" Andrew asked, a little tiredly.

"...Sir, please just sit...let me see if there's anything else we can do."

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