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Maximum Ride: Let's fly

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:01 pm

We make look like humans. We may act like them, but we are far from them. After growing up in a lab, we have seen more and know more then most, if not all sane humans. The White Coats (or sciectists as humans call them) dont count as sane in our books. They locked us in cages, they tested on us, they changed us. We are the Avian Americans.

So its similar to Maximum ride. But we start in the lab instead of outside it. Make a character (or two or three or more...) and jump in.

flock position
powers (not moer than 2)

Last edited by Momo13 on Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Avery Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:03 pm

Will join in a second!

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:03 pm

0.o that was.......very fast. Are you stalking me?

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Avery Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:13 pm

No, I'm just obsessively refreshing the home page.

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:14 pm

lol, mk. ^.^

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:15 pm

Name- Dimitri
age- 18
wings- jet black 14.5 foot wings.
flock position- voice of logic. Not leader, but leaders right hand man
personality- TBA
looks- Maximum Ride: Let's fly Kazuya13
powers (not more than 2)- He can use someones power while touching them. can also heal people

Name: Danni
age: 16
wings/mutation: dark red tail hawk wings. about 13 feet long tip to tip.
personality TBA
flock position: Erm....bomb maker i guess. She deals with setting up defenses.
looks: Maximum Ride: Let's fly 213Pigtails
powers (no more then 2) Force field and reads peoples pasts/gets flashes of what is going on

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Avery Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:30 pm

Name: Able Collier (Is the brother for the infamous Ira Collier... Just not here)
age: 17
wings: Large, grey wings with darker down feathers and some white spots near the tips. About 16 feet.
flock position: LEADER, I SUPPOSE.
looks: Maximum Ride: Let's fly Tumblr27
powers (not more than 2): He is immortal and he can absorb energy to make energy blasts.

Name: Gracelynn Day
age: 17 (because that's a safe age)
wings: Large white wings that never seem to have a smudge of dirt on them. 12 feet across, very fluffy.
flock position: Um... Still not sure.
looks: Maximum Ride: Let's fly Tumblr28
powers (not more than 2): She can sonic scream (high pitched and loud enough to bust ear drums), she's also extremely quick

Last edited by Avery on Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2010-10-09

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by ShaneColton Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:12 pm

Name: Blaze
age: 17
wings: dark green with silver tips, about 16 feet
flock position: Kinda like an armory. Has many weapons.
Personality: Dark, brooding, a longer...he's gay, thought not many people know it.
looks: Maximum Ride: Let's fly Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJbzfaaa6o8Zbe45LOht9Is8ARn8DGYDXZKb5TKo8tsD3zwzW_
powers: Super strong, and can move things with his mind.

Name: Cam
Age: 16
Wings: sky blue with black tips
Flock position: Can figure out any locks, passwords, puzzles, etc.
Personality: Can be obnoxious, but usually quiet
Powers: Really good hearing
Looks: Maximum Ride: Let's fly Pretty-girl

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Join date : 2011-08-02

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Avery Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:49 pm

Name: Ira Collier
age: 18
wings: Dark, rusty brown, lined with black, about 18 feet agross, very strong
flock position: A drifter sort of, sort of there for moral support
personality: TBD, he's slightly shy because he's gay. OH YEAH! THIS IS CANON IRA!)
looks: Maximum Ride: Let's fly Ira15
powers (not more than 2): He's immortal. 'Nuff said. So isn't Able.

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Bells Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:02 pm

Name: Shikiro
Age: 13
Wings: An ivory cream color that gets darker the closer you get to her body. Ends almost black. About. 12 foot long tip to tip.
Flock position: She can break into anything, so she's kinda like..if they need something she can get it.
Personality : Is very quiet and watchful. If she doesn't have a reason to speak up its almost like she isn't even there. Very calm and levelheaded, won't get violent without a good reason.
Looks: She has long black hair, about three inches past her shoulders and refuses to let anyone cut it. Her skin is milky white and she is very short and very small. Delicate looking and has amber colored eyes.
Powers: She can sense/control emotions.

Name: Ian
Age: 17
Wings: Dark brown and slightly redish at the tips. Around 14 foot wing span
Position: He's kinda just a realty good fighter.
Personality: Slightly cocky and sarcastic. But he knows when to shut up and take orders.
Powers: He is very fast and agile, doesn't really have anypowers except being able to fight with anything. And in anyway very quickly.
Looks: rusty brown colored shaggy hair. Brown eyes and very tall. Naturally buff looking. Looks like there is probably Indian blood in him.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:51 pm

Danni sat at the very back of her cage, her hands trembling. She needed to do something, anything. This being stuck in a cage thing was driving her insane. She couldnt even pace! She played with her braid to keep her hands busy, trying to calm her hyperactiveness.

Dimitri looked at Danni and rolled her eyes. That girl was to hyper for her own good. he chilled in the back of his cage, knees slightly bent and one arm draped over his right knee. Today was going to be a long day. like every other day in his life.

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Avery Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:59 pm

Ira sat with his back against the cold bars of the of his cage, wishing he could get out. There had to be someone who could figure it out. He looked at Able with a hopeful face. Able nodded and closed his eyes. Ira knew what was going on, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he would keep his mouth shut.

Able shut his eyes tightly and focused his energy. If he could get enough energy gathered, the door should just tear off, but if it didn't, it could bounce off and injur him in the long run. He knew that wouldn't be very good for the rest of them. Having an injured leader was like... A broken wing.

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:14 pm

Danni watched Able. If she could project her power to him she would help. If she could do anything she would help. But she couldnt do anything. She prayed silently that he could manage to this. Prayed to any god or diety she could think of, and she didnt pray offten. Or at all really. She just wanted to get out of here.

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Bells Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:44 pm

Shikiro sat in the corner of her cage with her wings tucked against her body and pressed against the metal bars, her knees pulled up against here chest. She way he'd the others quietly, gathering her thoughts as she shifted through the mood of the room. There wasn't a need for her to do anything at the moment so she stayed still in silent as always.

Ian sat there in the center of his cage, his fingers drumming the metal flooring beneath him. His eyes searched the room for the hint of what was going on. The sitting still was driving him crazy, not having enough room to really do anything. His wings were cramped, itching to streach out completely. He longed to just see the skies without being watched, to feel the wind in his feathers. A small sigh escaped his lips as hehifted a bit and confined tapping his fingers.

Last edited by Bells on Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by ShaneColton Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:09 pm

Blaze sat in the corner of his cage, wishing he could pry the door off. Even with his excess strength the door would not budge, so he had given up for now. His telekinetic ability also seemed to be impaired, which was rather weird. He looked around to his friends and mentally sighed. They were in the same situation, and none of them had the slightest clue what to do or how to get out.

Cam lay on the floor of her respective cage, thinking of ways she could possibly spring them out. Several really good ideas had surfaced, but examining the door she had come to the conclusion that none of them had an even the slightest chance of working, so she pushed them aside and kept thinking.

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:08 pm

Able still had his eyes closed when he heard a scientist walk into the lab. He opened one eye, seeing that his keys were sticking out of his pocket. He put his hands against the bars and suddenly cried out in pain, catching themans attention long enough for him to come over and look down at him. In a split second, their eyes met and Able shot a powerful energy blast at him, sending him flying across the room. He skid across the floor, hitting a cage with his pocket exposed. His body lay limp as Able called across. "Grab the keys!"

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:13 pm

Danni saw the guy fly close to her cage. She reached through the bars and grabbed them. "Got 'em!" she called, fumbling to get the door unlocked. Once she did she scrambled over to able letting him out. "Get the others out. I'll keep the guards and lab coats away." she passed him the keys and stood to her full height.

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:15 pm

Able let his wings free, stretching them in the confines of the room for a second and then made quick work of freeing everyone else. He scanned the room quickly for a way out. "Is anyone opposed to jumping out a window?" He asked, nodding to the window on the side of the room."Speak now or forever hold your peace."

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:22 pm

Danni stood in the door and held up a strong force field. "lets do it!" she grinned over her shoulder to him. Guards tried to get intothe room but were stpopes by her wall. "Is everyone out yet?" her voice was strained and her hands trembled. "I can't hold this for much longer...."

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Bells Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:24 pm

Shikiro stared at the open cage door for a moment, frozen in place with astonishment. When she heard him speak her head snapped up in attention as she finally pushed past the shock and into action, darting out the door of her cage. She didnt' say a word, but darted towards the window as her answer to the question.

Ian was out of the cage the moment his door was open, stretching his wings out and glancing at the door into the lab. He hesitated a moment, then ran to the window and jumped out, hoping the others would be okay.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Maximum Ride: Let's fly Empty Re: Maximum Ride: Let's fly

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:39 am

(( Awesome a Maximum Ride chat! Is it too late for me to pop in?))
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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