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Worth A Million

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Worth A Million Empty Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:37 pm

Kidnapped. Darkness. Fear. You are thrown into a van with a group of others and told that you are being sold for one million dollars to the richest of the rich. You can either be sold or you are someone who is buying.

Format --

Buy or Sold:
Why are you buying/how were you caught:


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:40 pm

Name: Jonathon Jones
Buy or Sold: Buying
Age: 19
Why are you buying/how were you caught: He never had anyone to care for him but he has had money. He thinks that by buying a companion he will feel better about himself.
Personality: needy, caring, self-conscious, ignorant
History: His parents died leaving him as a billionaire baby. He was raised by maids who didn't really care about him.

Name: Isabel Hughes
Buy or Sold: Sold
Age: 16
Why are you buying/how were you caught: She was caught with her boyfriend after leaving the movies
Personality: fierce, stubborn, determined, sarcastic
History: She grew up in a bad neighborhood and learned how to stick up for herself


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:01 pm

Name: Skye Jacobson
Buy or Sold: Sold
Age: 17
Why are you buying/how were you caught: Was caught walking home from the library after studying late
Personality: Typically she's calm, even tempered, even a little shy, but push her the wrong way and she has a bit of a temper. Isnt afraid to take a hit, either.
History: Grew up in a relatively normal family, with her mom, dad, and brother. Her family moved when she was ten and for a few years she suffered some mild bullying, but it went away pretty quickly. Her older brother went overseas with the military when she was 13, and a few years later they recieved a letter saying he's been killed in combat. Skye was pretty close to her brother and she was fairly upset when she heard he'd died, but wasnt irreparably traumatized or anything. She avoids the subject of his death but is otherwise okay.
Appearance: Worth A Million
(sans piercing)

Name: Leon Redfern
Buy or Sold: Buying
Age: 18 (almost 19)
Why are you buying/how were you caught: Buying out of boredome, basically....
Personality: Im not entirely sure.... New character, so its still developing.
History: Grew up with his Uncle who passed away shortly after his 18th birthday, leaving him with pretty much all of his monye/property. Leon has essentially no contact with his parents - there's mutual hate happening there. More will probably develop later but that's all im getting for the moment.
Appearance: Worth A Million Emo-15

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:46 pm

<3 Thanks for joining. I'm ready to start whenever.


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:00 pm

Same! Feel free to start whever :3

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:00 pm

Jonathon - I kept convincing myself that what I was doing wasn't wrong. I was buying a person, sure, but at least I wasn't planning on abusing them. In my opinion, I was helping them. I was keeping them from going to someone worse than I was... right? I shook my head as I transferred the money into the man's account in exchange for a girl. It wasn't bad. I wasn't doing something wrong... was I? No! I needed this. I needed someone.

Isabel - I had no idea where I was. All I knew was that I was getting sold to some rich donkey-hole who had a terrible set of ethics. I was furious. More than that, I wanted to punch someone. Apparently I was being sold for one million dollars. Whoever has one million dollars to spend on a girl is not to be trusted, as a general rule whoever would buy a person is not to be trusted. I would not make this easy for them!


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:10 pm

Skye: I was being sold?! Wait, WHAT?! But.... i wasnt an OBJECT...... i was a PERSON...... they couldnt sell me, could they? I was terrified, unable to stop myself from trembling nervously as i waited to face my fate, for better or for worse.

Leon: I transferred the money quickly and with precision, not one to waste time. Home was a long ways off and i wasnt really wanting to hang around here. I simply wanted to collect the girl and go. Why i was spending so much money on a person, i didnt know. IT was an experiment, i supposed. Something to do. Maybe it'd work out, maybe it wouldnt. We'd just have to see. Etiher way, it'd be an adventure....

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:14 pm

Jonathon - I waited outside for the girl I had bought (I wasn't doing anything wrong!) nervously. Other people were buying too but I kept to myself. Who knew what the others were capable of. I hoped the girl wasn't afraid of me...

Isabel - A man came to get me to take me to whoever it was who was buying me. I kicked and screamed, "NO WAY! DON'T YOU TOUCH ME YOU FILTHY IGNORANT PIECE OF CRAP! THERE IS NO WAY YOU ARE SELLING ME TO SOME ARROGANT RICH SNOB WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN BUY A WOMAN!"


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:18 pm

Leon: I heard yelling. And.... insults? Ooooh....... oooh, this was going to be even more interesting than id anticipated. I grinned and leaned against the wall casually, waiting.

Skye: A strange man came and fetched me, shoving me out ahead of him on shaky legs. I couldnt stop the trembling. I was more scared than id ever been in my life. All id been doing was walking home..... and now i was being sold like livestock. I didnt even know who was buying me! I glanced around with fear-haunted eyes, wanting to run but knowing that i wouldnt get far. I would either be recaptured or i would stumble and fall in my unsteadiness and hurt myself. No... running now would only make things worse.

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:27 pm

Jonathon - A girl walked out into the area shaking with fear. I knew automatically that she was the one I had bought. The poor thing. I felt so bad, and yet so good that I had bought her instead of some pervert buying her.

Isabel - "I can walk myself out!" I snapped as they pushed me into an open area. I pulled myself out of their grasps proud of myself it had taken them 4 people to get me out of that cell they had locked me in. I probably set a new record.


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:33 pm

Skye: I blinked, my blue eyes focusing on the one other person standing in the area through a thin curtain of equally blue hair. A strange guy....... was this the one who had bought me? I paused, studying him for a moment, but was shoved forward by the impatient guard behind me and staggered right into him. I scrambled backwards quickly, hoping he wasnt mad. "S-sorry!" i stammered apologetically, a slightly fearful edgge creeping into my voice.

Leon: I smirked a little at the girl's remark. "Sure, you CAN walk yourself out. But WILL you? Highly unlikely, it would seem." i said, chuckling. "Someone has a tem-perrrrr......." i teased.

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:36 pm

Jonathon - "Don't worry about it," I told her gently. She was so afraid. I felt terrible. "Um, I'm Jonathon," I told her ignoring the odd looks I was gaining from the guard behind her.

Isabel - I glared at the boy leaning against the wall as if he didn't just buy a human being. I, not able to hold back the anger inside of me, went to punch the boy right in the face but I was immediately held back by the guards. I glared at the boy, "Yes, I also have a hard punch, which I'm sure you'll figure out soon enough."


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:42 pm

Leon: I shrugged. "Quite possibly. But you should know that im not afraid to hit back...." i cautioned. "Anyways, its a long drive home..... we should probably go." i said. I anticipated difficulties. But this would be fun.....

Skye: I was relieved when i wasnt reprimanded or punished. I had fully expected negative consequences, but none had come. "O-oh..... uhm.... okay...." i stammered quietly. I knew it was common courtesy to give your name after someone gave theirs, but i wasnt sure if i should. 'A', because i wasnt sure i could trust him, and 'B', because i wasnt sure he would use it anyways or would even want to hear it. So i kept quiet. Better to get told to do things and then do them instead of doing something automatically only to discover i had crossed an unknown boundary.

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:47 pm

Jonathon - "I guess we better go," I said slowly. I didn't want to ask her name because I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Maybe later. I took her gently outside and helped her into the limo that was waiting for me.

Isabel - I forced myself not to flinch at the idea of him hitting back. I was led outside with him, the guards still following just in case I flipped out again. "It's not like I'm going to bite," I hissed at them as they watched me carefully.


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:21 pm

Skye: I remained silent as i was led out of the building and helped into the limo. It was REALLY wierd being in a limo of all places, and i was not at all at ease inside the vehicle. I tried to stop the slight tremors i continued to experience, mostly in my hands, but had little success. I always got shaky when i was nervous. Even something as simple as public speaking got me shak. But it was a niusance...... i chewed at my lower lip a little and stared out the window, trying not to focus too much on what was happening to me.

Leon: I headed out to my car, the girl in tow. Finally i arrived at the car, pulling out the keys and hopping in the drivers' seat. It was a fairly nice car, but nothing rediculous. As long as it got the job done, i figured it didnt really need to cost a lot of money.

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:51 pm

Jonathon - Feeling bad about her fear I tried to comfort her as we pulled out, "Do you want something to drink?" I knew I wasn't good at comforting, but maybe if I was kind to her she wouldn't feel so nervous.

Isabel - I was shoved into the passenger seat and the door was slammed shut behind me. It was pretty obvious that they were glad to see me go. I was glad to, the second I was in a public place I was screaming and getting the heck out of here.


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:56 pm

Skye: I blinked, snapping out of my staring-int-space, steady bu wary blue gaze focusing on him. "N-no, thank you.... im okay...." i said. "Er, if you dont mind me asking, how long are we going to be in here....?" i asked.

Leon: As soon as she was in, i made sure to activate the child-proof locks on all the doors before pulling away from the building and heading off towards home. I wasnt the safest driver, per se. I tended to ignroe a lot of traffic laws. But today i chose not to drive like quite as much of a maniac as usual and stayed more or less within the speed limit.

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:59 pm

Jonathon - I gave her a friendly smile, "Only for thirty or so minutes," I told her. I didn't live that far away from the place, which was slightly disturbing to me. I hoped she liked the room I had made for her...

Isabel - I put on my seat belt, just because I hated being a possession didn't mean that I wanted to die in a car accident. I glared at the guy angrily. He had better stop at a McDonalds or someplace with people so that I could tell someone that this lunatic had bought me off the black market or whatever it was and that I was a missing person!


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:05 pm

Skye: I nodded, lapsing into silence and going back to staring out the window. I wasnt big on cars, typically preferring to walk places, and id never been in a car this fancy before. It was awkward, and i was glad i wouldnt have to endure it for very long....

Leon: I drove stright home, arriving in decent time. The ride had taken a few hours, at least, but it could've been longer. Traffic had been good. I pulled through the large iron front gate and up the driveway tot eh largehouse, parking teh car in teh garage and hopping out, being instantly half-mauled by an over-excited, happy black german shepherd. "GARH! Off! DOOOOWN!" i attempted to order in vain. The dog did not stop until it felt it had thoroughly greeted me, at which point it finally got down and i was no longer in danger of falling over.

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:11 pm

Jonathon - We pulled through the gates and the driver parked in front of my house. "Here we are," I said quietly as I got out and helped her out. "I hope you like it."

Isabel - I couldn't help but laugh as the dog jumped on him. At least he wasn't completely inhuman, anyone who owned dogs had to have some soul. Still, I hated that we didn't go anywhere. I looked at my surroundings trying to find a way out.


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:17 pm

Leon: I petted my dog absently as i observed the girl. "Im going to take a wild guess and say you're thinking about running..... dont even try. I have cameras, alarm systems, locks on everything, and the entire property is fenced in. I should also probably mention that the fencing is specially designed to be near-impossible to climb. Breaking out of here is a chore, believe me. Ive tried." i said.

Skye: I clambered out of the limo gratefully as soon as we arrived, studying my surroundings with curiosity. I had to admit, it was a nice place. But i doubted i would ever truly like it here..... i wanted to be at home with my family. "Its pretty..... it'd make a good painting...." i said thoughtfully.

Posts : 3291
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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:23 pm

Jonathon - I frowned slightly but hid it. Like the rest of my life, my house was distant, like a foggy dream. I led her inside and showed her to her room. I had a interior designer design it to be a cliche girl room and I didn't know how she would respond to it. "If you need anything, just write it down and I'll add it to the shopping list."

Isabel - "A chore is not impossible," I stated as I leaned against his car and kept observing the area. If I could get out of my neighborhood without getting seen by the stupid boys that were everywhere demanding lunch money as a young girl I could get out of here, or at least that was what I was going to tell myself. I needed some kind of hope or else I would break.


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:31 pm

Leon: "Its pretty close to. When my Uncle was still around, he was always trying to stop me from going to parties and concerts and junk. Took me almost three years of trying beofre i found a route out. I got out ONCE, got caught, and never managed to sneak out again." i said. And i had mad skills at sneaking in and out of places. The chances of her getting away were slim to none.

Skye: I nodded, glancing around the room. Very, very cliched...... but considering that i was actually being given a room instead of locked in a garden shed or something was enough of a reason for me not to express the fact that it wasnt really my style. It would do. "All, right, will do.... Thank you." i said, still surveying my surroundings with slight curiosity.

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:35 pm

Jonathon - I couldn't stop myself from blurting out, "I'm sorry." My guilty conscience was heavy on my mind. I was happy that I didn't let any pervert or murderer get her but mad because I took her away from her family. "I'm so so sorry." I repeated.

Isabel - "Way to burst my bubble," I hissed. "Why did you buy me anyway? Too bad looking to get girls the normal way?" I growled still upset. One way or the other I would get out. I didn't care what it took, I'd get out.


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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:39 pm

Leon: I laughed. "Nah, im not interested in dating or anything, really. I was bored, actually. And its been really quiet around here snce my uncle passed away.... just me and the dog. I felt like i needed someone else around, y'know?" i said, shrugging. Big place with not enough people to fill it.

Skye: I blinked, staring at him. He was... apologizing? Didnt see that one coming... "Sorry....? For what?" i asked.

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Worth A Million Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Sponsored content

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