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Worth A Million

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:28 am

Jonathon - "Yes, well, that's where we differ," I said honestly.

Isabel - I laughed as well, slightly shocked that I was, "On the plus side, I don't care if you're weird either."


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:03 am

Skye: I shrugged. "I suppose, and that's fair enough. You're entitled to your own opinion." i said lightly. If he was so set in his ways, well, who was i to try and convince him otherwise?

Leon: "That's good. Hiding wierdness is like trying to smuggle a floating pink elephant across the border." i said, chuckling. I wasnt about to hide who i was just because people were around.

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:39 pm

Jonathon - I felt tense so I got up and stretched slightly, "Do you want a tour?"

Isabel - I laughed some more before I caught myself and looked down at the ground, "So," I said my voice barely audible, "am I ever going to get to go back home?"


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:44 pm

Skye: I nodded, standing. "That'd be appreciated. Id like to not get lost......" i said. I was always terrified of getting lost in new places. Being lost was one of my greatest fears, although it wasnt something i would ever admit.

Leon: My grin disappeared. "I dont think so, no..... im not sure." i said. It would probably be too risky for me to allow her to return home. As much as i felt bad for her, i just didnt think it would be feasible.

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:37 pm

Jonathon - "Alright, follow me," I said opening the door for her.

Isabel - I bit my lip quietly, "I didn't think so..."


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:51 pm

Skye: I nodded, thanking him for holding the door as i exited, immediately beginning to study my surroundings and committing things to memory. As a by-product of my fear or getting lost, i'd become rather adept at remembering new places. It was very easy for me to figure out my way around somewhere.

Leon: I nodded wordlessly. I couldnt help but feel a little bit guilty, but if i handnt bought her, someone else would've and would probably be treating her significantly worse. It wasnt like if i hadnt bought her, she'd still be with her family.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:39 pm

Jordan - I took her into the library, "It has any books you could ever want and more," I said.

Isabel - "I had a date the night I got taken..."


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:32 pm

Skye: My jaw just about hit the floor. "Holy crap...... that's..... that's a /lot/ of books....." i said. I adored books, but id never seen so many in one place before. It was amazing.

Leon: I listened quietly, letting the words sink in without speaking. I couldnt bring words forward.

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:43 pm

Isabel - "I had wanted to go out with him for about a year and he finally asked me out..."

Jonathon - "I have an unhealthy obsession with reading," I laughed at her surprise.


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:21 pm

Leon: "Im sorry you never got to go on your date, then." i said honestly. I did feel bad...... but i wasnt going to let it affect my decisions.

Skye: "No, reading is good. I dont think it can /EVER/ be unhealthy. Ive never..... ive never seen so many books before!" i exclaimed. "You could open your own library if you wanted to.... just...... wow....."

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:36 am

Jonathon - I grinned, "I'm glad that you like it."

Isabel - I sighed, he wasn't going to let anything get to him, "Well, I suppose it isn't all your fault."


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:24 pm

Skye: "Who couldnt love books?" i asked. Only an idiot wouldnt find this amazing. I wondered what other bizarre but cool stuff he had lying around here. I was more optimistic about my future now. Before, i had been curious about my new home, but in a fearful sense. Now hopeful optimism had creeped in. I only hoped that these positive feelings would only have reason to continue, instead of being squashed.

Leon: "No, its not. I didnt order your kidnapping. I didnt pick you out specifically and if i hadnt bought you, someone else would've." i said, shrugging.

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:09 pm

Isabel - "Yes, because I was stupid..." I sighed.

Jonathon - "People without brains," I laughed.


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:23 pm

Leon: I raised an eyebrow, studying her quizzically. "Oh....? How d'you figure that? Do tell. Im interested now...." i said, grinning. Was she somehow responsible for her own kidnapping?

Skye: I nodded. "Definately. Its funny......" i said, trialing off for a minute as i stared at all the books. "I was walking home from the library.... when they took me....."

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:42 pm

Isabel - "I went out with my boyfriend... he wanted to take me home but I saw this cat... I love cats," I said, rambling, "I followed it into a dark alleyway. They ... they knocked him out and then they just took me. I got caught because I followed a cat..."

Jonathon - "I am really sorry for that." I said


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:46 pm

Leon: "Well, cats are important. I probably would've done the same thing." i said, shrugging. "Its not your fault or anything."

Skye: I shook it off. "No, its fine. Just a thought..... anyways..... we should keep going...." i said, tearing myself from my thoughts, turning my gaze away.

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:08 pm

Isabel - I laughed, "Cats are important? Since when?"

Jonathon - "This way then," I said.


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:13 pm

Leon: "SINCE FOREVER. Duh." i said, as if it were totally obvious. "They're so.... FLUFFY. How can something to fluffy NOT be important?!"

Skye: I nodded, bringing my gaze back up and ahead, following his lead. I had to make sure to keep myself in the present or i wouldnt remember my way around and then id get lost.

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:15 pm

Isabel - I laughed then shivered, "Wow, it's colder than I thought. Where are we?" I asked. Hey, even if I accepted that Leon wasn't all that bad I still wanted out.

Jonathon - I walked into a huge kitchen, "You can tell what this is."


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:21 pm

Leon: "Meh.... out in the middle of nowhere. Some town, some place. On earth." i said vaguely. "If you're cold, we should head back to the house. Or go to the barn..... its pretty warm in there." i added, shrugging.

Skye: I glanced around. "The kitchen." i stated bluntly. It was certainly an impressive kitchen. I was a decent cook, but i wasnt stellar or anything and i didnt cook a whole lot. I enjoyed it, but it wasnt something i liked to do a whole lot.

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:23 pm

Isabel - "On Earth? Like... America? What state?" I prompted.

Jonathon - I laughed, "It has everything we could possibly need."


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:26 pm

(incidentally, im Canadian and know essentially nothing about America or where any of the states are in relation to one another.... i dont even know what a good chunk of the states ARE.... so yeah....)

Leon: I gave her a quizzical look, pursing my lips thoughtfully. "What state are you from?" i asked. It ahdnt occurred to me that she may be from another area of the country.

Skye: "Looks like it..... you could probably feed an army for a month in here....." i said, glancing around. Was everything in this place so BIG?! It was a little intimidating....

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:29 pm

(Sorry. It's fine.)

Isabella - "A place," I said hoping that he would see how annoying that answer was.

Jonathon - "Well, since it's just the two of us and some maids," I shrugged


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:33 pm

Leon: I chuckled. "Fair enough. Meh, im sure you'll figure it out eventually...." i said, grinning devilishly. Messing with her was highly amusing....

Skye: "Why do you live in such a big place if there's almost nobody here....?" i asked. No wonder i felt so small and alone...... this place was big and hollow and empty. There wasnt enough life to fill it....

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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:34 pm

Isabel - "Yes, I'm sure when I get out someone will tell me." I smirked

Jonathon - "It's what my parent's left me," I said.


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Worth A Million - Page 4 Empty Re: Worth A Million

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