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Worth A Million

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:43 pm

Jonathon - "For buying you... for what's happened... for everything..." I said not able to meet her eyes. I tried to think about why I did it and how I probably saved her life but I just couldn't. All I could focus on was how terrible it was of me to buy a human.

Isabel - I turned to face him, glaring, "Let me get this straight," I said with clenched teeth, "you bought me... because... you... were... bored?" If he said yes then so help me God I would... well, probably punch him.


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:50 pm

Skye: "Its...... okay, i guess...... i mean, its not your fault i got kidnapped. And im not property, really, but.... there are worse people i could've been sold to, i think. I mean.... you've been nothing but nice to me so far." i pointed out. I didnt blame him. I wasnt happy, but i still didnt blame him for what happened.

Leon: "Bored and alone. Pretty much, yeah." i said bluntly. She seemed upset.... well, i supposed she had a right to be. But if she punched me...... i was gonna be massively ticked off.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:54 pm

Jonathon - I gave a light smile, "If you want the room changed we can do that to." I said lightening the mood. I was glad she didn't blame me.

Isabel - I felt the anger boiling up inside of me and my hand tightened up into a fist. If I hit him he would hit me back... was it worth it. Yeah, I was beginning to think it was. I punched him, not regretting it one bit.


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:14 pm

Skye: I smiled a little. "That'd be good.... but its fine... i mean, i dont.... i dont want to be a burden or anything....." i said, awkwarding a little. I was surprised at how nice and apologetic he seemed, but then, i reminded myself, sometimes people would do that at first to try and get you on their side if they wanted to use you. I would be careful, but i wouldnt be outright rude....

Leon: I took the punch, even though id seen it coming and probably could've avoided it. "Ow." i said blundly, reaching up and casually backhanding her, hard enough that she'd (hopefully) think twice about punching me next time. I stood and headed out of the garage. "Told you id hit back." i called back behind me. "C'mon. I'll show you where you're staying."

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:58 pm

Isabel - I gritted my teeth as I held in the fact that his backhand hurt like h-e-double hockeysticks. "Still worth it," I said with a hard tone as I followed him into the house. I would have to see the rest of the house if I had any hope of getting out. I wouldn't be stuck here, I refused to be stuck here.

Jonathon - The first think I though of was the fact that she might want to take a shower. "Do you want to get cleaned up?" I asked her. "There is a bathroom through that door and clothes through that door."


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:13 pm

Leon: The dog trotted into the house ahead of me and i followed him in, leading the girl through the maze of halls and rooms that was the house. Finally we arrived at the room id designated for her. It was a guest room and had an attached bathroom so she'd have some privacy. "This is your room. If you need anything, let me know and i'll be sure to pick it up for you." i said.

Skye: How long had it been since id showered? A few days, at least. It would be really, really nice to be clean again. "That'd be great, thank you." i said, remaining polite. No sense pissing off the guy who now controlled the majority of my life.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:35 pm

Isabel - I gave him a hateful smirk, "How about you just let me go to the nearest store and I'll be back... well... never."

Jonathon - "Go right ahead," I said as I left the room. "Call if you need anything."


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:54 pm

Leon: "Precisely because you'd ne back, well, never. Duh." i said bluntly. "There's clothing in the closet and through the far door there is your bathroom." i pointed out.

Skye: I closed the door after him and pulled off my dirty clothes, heading into the bathroom and taking a shower. I hadnt imagined being clean could ever be so good. I got out and dried off, going and poking through the clothes provided until i found a new outfit that was suitable and then stood in the room wondering what to do or what was expected of me. I debated going and finding Jonathon but i wasnt sure if i should. I opted instead to go stand at the window, staring outside, off towards what i thought might be home. I wondered if id ever see my family again, but.... the chances seemed slim.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:22 pm

Isabel - "Great, now leave," I said as I went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me, locking it. When I was sure that the door was locked I finally let myself cry.

Jonathon - I knocked on her door gently, "May I come in?"


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:29 pm

Leon: I sighed and left, striding off and downstairs, out the back door and into the yard, grabbing a tennis ball on my way out. I sat on the back steps and hurled the ball for my dog, who chased is down without mercy and returned it for me to throw again. She seemed to hate me. Meh. It didnt surprise me. But i sort of found myself hoping she didnt continue to hate me....

Skye: I jumped a little at the unexpected knock on the door, turning around. "Y-yeah, come on in." i said.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:43 pm

Isabel - Once I regained my exposure I took a long, hot shower before changing into a summer dress. I walked through the house, looking for something, anything that would help me find my way out until I made it to the outside of the house.

Jonathon - "I just came to bring you some food," I said as I held up the platter of food so that she could see it.


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:49 pm

Leon: I spotted the girl wandering a short time later. "Hello again." i said levelly. No doubt she was probably looking for a way out....

Skye: "Oh, thank you.... that was very thoughtful." i said. I wasnt sure if i could trust the food he gave me, but i knew that not eating would be even worse than potentially getting drugged.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:49 am

Jonathon - "No problem, if you ever get hungry the kitchen is down the stairs to the right," I told her softly as I set the tray down on her bed. I looked down at my hands nervously after I did this. I still felt like she didn't trust me.

Isabel - "Just because you are under the impression that you own me does not mean that I want to talk to you," I said sharply as I didn't turn to look at him but instead looked around me.


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:27 pm

Skye: I nodded, storing away this information. "Thanks." i said, taking the tray and munching at the food. I hadnt eaten in quite a while, and had to resist the urge to simply wolf the food. He looked a little edgy..... what was her nervous about? I decided i may as well tell him my name. He'd probably find out eventually anyways. "Im Skye, by the way....." i said quietly.

Leaon: I chuckled. "Whatever. Are you hungry?" i asked, ignoring the very clearly stated 'i dont want to talk to you' message. I wasnt great at listening...... i heard, but tended to ignore.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:25 pm

Jonathon - I smiled glad that I knew her name. "That's pretty," I commented as I pulled out a chair as sat down.

Isabel - "Not really," I said walking farther away from the house.


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:55 pm

Skye: "Oh? Uhm..... thank..." I said awkwardly, mildly embarassed. I was one of those people who tended to stay out of the way and didnt make waves. As a result, i didnt deal well with people's attention and was prone to getting awkward or embarassed when complimented. I avoided further awkward talking by continuing to eat.

Leon: "Suit yourself..." I mumbled, standing and wandering after her, curious as to what she was doing. I fell into step next to her, teh dog on my other side. "Whatchya doin'?"

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:01 am

Jonathon - I watched her eat, thinking how much of a creeper she probably thought I was. The terrible truth of the matter was that I had nothing better to do. I had no real friends, no family, I graduated from school early, and I had people who ran my businesses for me. I was bored out of my mind 99.99% of the time.

Isabel - "I'm not allowed to look at where I'm being forced to live?" I said, not really being snappy because I was so distracted by counting my steps. 30 steps from the house, 31, 32,... and so on and so forth. How far would the gate be from the door?


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:52 pm

Skye: I finished the food, feeling mildly uncomfortable under Jonathon's consistent gaze. Did he really have nothing better to do that watch me eat? It was a little unnerving, but i didnt say anything about it. Something had been nagging at my mind for a while, and id been silently debating whether or not i should ask. But i figured i didnt have all that much more to lose, so why not? hoping nothing bad would come out of this, i spoke. "Why.... why did you buy me?"

Leon: "Sure you are." i said. "Although, the impression i get off of you is that if i let you wander around randomly, you're going to get into trouble...." i said.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:03 pm

Isabel - "I won't get in trouble if you don't catch me," I smirked.

Jonathon - I blushed wildly, "Well, to be honest, it's because I have no one. Not a friend, not family, no one..."


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:53 pm

Leon: "Sure. The problem with that, though, is that im almost certainly going to catch you." i said. I knew this place better than anyone else, all its nooks and cannies, all of its hiding places, how to get in, how to get out. She wasnt going anywhere.

Skye: I blinked, not expecting that. Nobody....? I found myself almost feeling sorry for him. Almost. "There are better ways to make friends than spending a million dollars on a kidnapped girl, you know......" i pointed out.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:06 pm

Isabel - "Why would you want me anyway?" I said turning to him and using a different approach, "I promise that I'm way more trouble than I'm worth."

Jonathon - "I know, but I have money, what I'm missing is social skills," I said laughing without humor.


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:14 pm

Leon: I grinned. "Troublesome is just another way of saying interesting. And like i said, i was bored." i said. I didnt care if she was troublesome. It just kept things fun....

Skye: "Really....? You dont seem all that bad to me...." i said, thoroughly stumped. So he just..... bought people to be his friends...? A little odd....

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:17 pm

Jonathon - I laughed for real this time, "I just bought you for a million dollars and I don't seem that bad?"

Isabel - I groaned with irritation, "Don't you have something else to do or someone else to irritate?"


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Ravyn Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:23 pm

Leon: "Honestly? No. Why d'you think i was bored in the first place?" i said bluntly. "Im alone here and i dont typically have anything to do." i admitted. Just me and the dog and waytoo much free time. It was a boring existance.

Skye: I shook my head. "Not really.... i mean, you've been nothing but nice to me since i got here. You could easily have been really harsh...... i mean, from what ive heard, most kidnapping victims arent exactly treated very well, but you havent done anything bad yet." i said. I still wasnt sure i could trust him (there could always be an ulterior motive), but for the moment, i was being treated well and i hoped that if i was going to be staying here for any length of time, it would remain this way.

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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:30 pm

Jonathon - "I guess I could have been... but that's just not my nature," I said with a shrug. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Isabel - "Great," I smirked and sighed heavily, "I'm not only stuck here with an arrogant rich boy, I'm stuck here with an arrogant rich boy with nothing better to do than annoy me. So, tell me, do you have phones and internet?"


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Worth A Million - Page 2 Empty Re: Worth A Million

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