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Bring Your Street Rats

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:47 pm

We've all got 'em. The lowly, bottom of the class system, the mischief makers. Let them unite! In a place similar to the victorian era with jobs and the class system, let your street rats roam! They don't have to be from this time period, just throw them in and have them wake up here! How will they fend for themselves among the brawls? The bosses with the whippings? And the dangerous machines? OR Feel free to throw in a first class! Feel free to have them own a job or shop!

Character Sheet:
Job (if they have one):

Name: Andrew Johnson
Age: 16
Job (if they have one): odd jobs
Class: third
Apperance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall (about 5'11),
Other: an immigrant from ireland

Name: Kent McBride
Age: 18
Job (if they have one): chimney sweep plus other odd jobs
Class: third
Apperance: about 5'8 in height, brownish hair, hazel eyes
Other: In a gang, is the leader

Name: Allen Dalry
Age: 17-18
Job (if they have one): odd jobs
Class: third
Apperance: black hair, green eyes, about 5'9
Other: In a gang with Kent

Last edited by gh3325 on Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:00 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 5940
Join date : 2011-04-09
Age : 27
Location : Hogwarts

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Regret Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:57 pm

Do zombie-hunters count as lower-class citizens?

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Age : 31
Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:00 pm


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Regret Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:11 pm

Marshall Wade probably doesn't count, especially as Marshall is his rank, not his name.

Name: Jess.
Age: 17.
Job (if they have one): Zombie-hunter.
Class: Private in the AZTF, so almost the lowest of the low.
Appearance: Short, skinny, brown-haired girl with a large orange hard-hat and a toxic dust respirator. She also wears a set of home-made body-armour, made from thin sheet metal held on with various random straps.
Other: She also carries a long, serrated knife.

Posts : 2327
Join date : 2011-02-22
Age : 31
Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:15 pm

Name: 'Rikter'
Age: 14
Job (if they have one):
Class: Third (Assuming that's the lowest)
Apperance: Ever hear a grandparent, or maybe an aunt or uncle say, "You're just skin and bones!"? Well, that's Rikter for you. She's underdeveloped compared to most girls her age, and with her lanky, bony figure, she has more of a boyish figure which makes it that much easier for her to go around as a boy; a 14-year-old that's considered barely above the average street rat. She's all of 5'5 and considerably underweight, as she has been for the better part of her life.

Rikter is pale, with a thin face, and definitive cheeks bones. Long, horribly matted ash blonde hair reaches the small of her back when not tucked in an old ball cap, the bangs dyed a rich bronze framing her face. Autumn brown eyes are slightly sunken in on either side of a pretty nose, her lower lids pooled with a dark purple-ish coloring from lack of sleep and proper nutrition.

Life on the streets means you're probably going to have to get a little more ways than one. This has never been a problem for her; smudges of grime just coating that dainty face, in every crack and crevice there could possibly be, giving way to blackened, perpetually skinned knees and elbows. Most of Rikter's clothes are just tattered rags, the little that she owns being intended for guys, RIGHT down to the boxers. She only has one pair of shoes.
Other: TBD

Name: Carson Addington
Age: 17
Job (if they have one): Works as a clerk in his father's shop.
Class: First
Apperance: TBD... I know he's muscular! Uhm...
Other: He knows Rikter's secret, having known her from childhood, and is in love with her, but too much of a hardass to admit it. The rest is TBD

Name: Gidget Nehl
Age: 15 and a half
Job (if they have one): Odd jobs...
Class: Third
Apperance: Gidget is 15 and a half, having messy short honey blonde hair, and bright emerald green eyes filled with an energy that borders on the line between pensive scrutiny and...straight lunacy. He's fairly short, with a pretty olive complexion. I see him wearing slightly baggy khaki-colored trousers, shirt navy blue; he may or may not be wearing shoes, and if he is he has stockings on, but his outfit is certainly tattered and dirtied by now; not that he particularly minds, though... He never was fond of hygiene.
Other: Is a serial killer in the making, and like Carson he knows Rikter from childhood, thus knowing her secret. The rest is TBD...

Last edited by .Fragile_Wishes. on Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 1246
Join date : 2010-12-16

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:54 am

Name: Isabel Renee
Age: 17
Job (if they have one): N/a
Class: First
Apperance: Bring Your Street Rats Black-wedding-bridesmaid-dresses
Other: She is very opinionated which has gotten her into a lot of trouble. She was being forced to marry a member of royalty whom she despised so she ran off. Now she is trying to stay hidden in the streets with an army looking for her. She really doesn't know how to survive in the streets and even though she is adventurous and up for the challenge she was raised to be a fragile woman in a society where women did not, and could not, do for themselves so she is at a disadvantage. She likes to think that she is stronger than she really is.


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:13 pm

might join this...I dunno though

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:26 pm

pppllleeaaasseee momo

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:41 pm

When are we starting?


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:42 pm

soon...i think

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Age : 27
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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:42 pm

Very Happy I can't wait!


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:45 pm

Seems like a place for luike and Felix (yes the cat), Delilah and Kira. I'll get started on bios

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Stark Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:49 pm

Name: David
Age: 15
Job (if they have one): Does a thief count?
Class: Rock Bottom
Apperance: Blue hair yellow eyes, pointed ears, small fast
Other: Half elf


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:51 pm

Do you think we'll start tonight? I want to know so I'll be on.


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:53 pm

I'm on my way to a concert, just to let you guys know. I probably won't be on again til tomorrow. You guys can start, I just wanna say that I didn't lose interest or anything :3

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Join date : 2010-12-16

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:54 pm

Have fun!


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:11 pm

Name: Delilah Kohen
Age: 17
Job (if they have one): secretary at corner law firm
Class: low. Supports both herself and her father.
Apperance: strawberry blond wavy hair that falls to her shoulders. Usually pulled back into a bun and has a blue bow at the top of her head. Sparkling blue eyes and tall and thin. Has scars along her body.
Other: abusive drunk father, dropped out of school.

Name: Luike
Age: 19
Job (if they have one): n/a
Class: low
Apperance: Fair skin and strawberry blonde hair that is long enough to have some fringe, but not overly long. stunning sharp blue eyes that tell he isnt to be messed with. usually has a cold expression on his face.
Other: has the kitten named Felix that most of us know (if you have been in chatbox around the cat). Is not one to be messed with. Cares only for the cat.

Name: Kira Totani
Age: 17
Job (if they have one): thief (hard core)
Class: Actually does pretty well thanks to her speed, but still lives on the streets.
Apperance: this is a tad long....
~Hair: Pin strait black hair that falls past her shoulders in layers. Long side bangs fall over her left eye. Light blonde streaks with purple tints color her hair.
~Eyes: Dark green eyes with blue specks. Mysterious glint in her eyes and they are usually hidden behind sunglasses.
~Body: She is averaged height with a flat chest. She looks boyish, and could pull off being a boy when her hair is pulled under a hood. Her limbs are long and slightly thin.
~skin: Light pale skin with a peachy undertone. Freckles around her nose and cheeks.
~tattoos/piercings: Black flames wrap around her wrists. Has a treble/bass clef heart on her left shoulder blade and a flying Chinese dragon type thing on her right. “Logan” on her lower black in pretty black lettering to remember her one and only best friend. Tripple piercing in both ears, lip ring and nose stud. Cartilage piercing in her right ear. Bottom piercings in both ears are gauged.
~General fashion (what they normally wear): Black skinny jeans that are tucked into her DC shoes. Dark music t-shirts or other graphic t-shirts that are usually black, dark grey, blue or purple. Her dark grey hoody is long and big for her. The bottom goes just above her fingertips and the sleeves go clear past her fingers. And of course she has the dark sunglasses that hide her eyes.
Other: super speed/strength

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:24 pm



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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:00 am


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Regret Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:04 am

Jess runs through the twisting alleys, trying to find the rest of her team. She would call out to them, but loud noises are prohibited in a red zone. The narrow cobbled streets seem to twist and turn with a life of their own. For all she knows, there could be thousands of zeds waiting around the next corner. She reaches to her hip, only to realise that she must have left her gun with the team leader. She can't remember why.
"Wade? You there, Wade?"
She twirls her combat knife.

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:54 am

Isabel pushed her way through the streets nervously as she clutched her dress to her to keep it out of the mud. She did not know how she was going to make it on the streets, especially with a small army looking for her. Still, she had to make it, it was her only option. She refused to marry some rich, aristocratic snob. She stumbled lightly and caught herself just in time. "I hate this," she whispered.


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Regret Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:47 am

"Shit, shit, shit..." Jess trots quietly through the alleyways. She sees the bustling street up ahead and shies away. A crowd? What the hell is a crowd doing in a red zone? And they don't look like refugees, either. They don't look like anything she's ever seen before. Except... Their clothes look like something from one of the mouldering storybooks in the library. One of those crazy storybooks from a world without zeds. She shakes her head.
"Wade!" she shouts. "Quit f*cking with me, Wade!"

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:44 am

Andrew pushed through the crowd, stupid market days...they always crowded the streets. Some looked like a girl but she was wearing trousers...and was that metal? Andrew watched her curiously, "Can I 'elp you miss?"

Kent leaned against the side of one of the buildings in an allyway, watching the passerbys and smoking a cigarette. Allen lounged next to him while a few other members were on the floor playing poker.


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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Regret Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:03 am

Jess draws her knife in a split second. She twirls it in her right hand and watches the newcomer very closely.
"What the hell is going on here?" she snarls.

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:44 pm

Andrew paused, putting his hands up in a surrendor fashion. "'s market's /always/ this crowded, lassie. Ya seemed to be lookin' for someone, that's why I asked."

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Bring Your Street Rats Empty Re: Bring Your Street Rats

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