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The Clique

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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:01 am

I walk into the cafateria. I see the same cliques. The same Jokes. The same bull sh*t. I sit with my freinds, completly ignoring the fact that I saw so many looks of death from the men. If you could call them that.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:11 pm

Bailey took a staggering step backwards when she realized that the girl who had lended her a sweatshirt was from the Eccentrics. "I uh- I have to go," she stammered, "I'll get your hoodie back to you by the end of the day, don't worry." Then she hurried awkwardly off. She couldn't be seen talking to a Eccentric, that would completely ruin her chances of getting into the Populars, forever.

Demi listened to the others talk, picking boredly at the limp lettuce on her plate.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by natashangel Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:15 pm

Zoe- I watch the new girl leave. Obviously she was trying to get into the Populars, which was anoying but whatever. i go back over to the table. "Miss anything," I ask my friends. By the glare Mandy had just given, I was sure something had happened.

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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:32 pm

!nspired wrote:
Rue~District 11 wrote:Kayla: I coughed, running a hand through my long blue hair. "Nothing. Just..." I glanced down at the stain on my shirt and back at my not-so-appealing lunch.
Wynter: I noticed Mandy watching me, glaring. Did she have something with Clayton? I was only acting like Emery... I coughed awkwardly. I did not like Clayton. He's cute and all, but not my type. Now Blake... he was HAWT!

Mandy: I saw the girl look back at me, and gave her one last glare before resuming eating. She'd better sleep with her eyes open.

Emery: "Come on guys, I'm done." I piled my garbage on my tray and stood up to leave. We'd get to wait chill in the courtyard until lunch was over, that was my favorite part (the chilling).

Ashley: I gazed longingly at my food, I was still hungry. But no way was I going to be left behind. I stuck a bag of chips in my Vera Bradley bag for study hall. Then I pulled out a package of gum and unwrapped a piece. Who care if it was against school rules, something had to hold me over until I could eat. "Wanna piece?" I held out the pack to Wynter.

Hayden: I stuffed the last bite of my muffin into my mouth, only to look up and see Derek looking my way. He was definitely the hottest guy in school, hands down. And now, I realized, he'd just seen me shove food in my mouth like it was the last I'd taste. My cheeks burned, and I quickly swallowed the food before following the others.

Derek: I smiled as I saw the blush on Hayden's face. The ladies loved me, what could I say? I turned back to my lunch table.

(I'll fill out his character sheet in a second)

Wynter: Oh crap I just made an enemy. Mandy looked like she hated me. I have never even talked to her. But Ashley seemed okay. She offered me a piece of gum, after all. I shrugged. "Sure," One step closer to Populars.

Kayla: I rolled my eyes at the wannabe. Why the hell do the people always get followers? I have money... but, of course, no one had to know that. I had just twirled my fork around my plate when Stefani came and settled into the chair next to me.

Stefani: "Ohmigawd, you will not believe what I just heard," I said, the juicy gossip slipping off my tongue. "Clayton tripped some loser--" I stopped in midsentence when I noticed how Kayla looked. "Ohmigawd, what happened to your jeans?" I lowered my voice to not get attention. Why was she looking at them in... like, hate? "Did you poop in them?"

Kayla: I didn't respond.

Stefani: "Wait a minute, are you having one of your moments?" I asked. Being my dramatic self, I came up from my chair. Her moments were when she was either a) silently mad at something or b) thinking about herself being fat.

Kayla: I tugged on her hand to sit back down. "No, Stef, it's okay."

Stefani: "No, it's not," I whined. "You know what happened last time."

Kayla: I sighed. "Just sit and eat, Stef."

Stefani: I already took a bite of my food. "Fine, but I won't enjoy it." I said with a pout.

Kayla: "Thank you," I muttered, looking at my food again. "You know what? Screw this, I'm done." I said, getting up from my chair.

Wynter: I strutted, trying to stay this way. Chilling was fun. I guess. Kind of exciting when everyone watches your every move.

Last edited by Rue~District 11 on Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:37 pm

Name: Stefani Hills
Clique: Eccentrics
Status: Doesn't really have a status, she just likes hanging out with her BFF, Kayla
Appearance:Fair skin, pixie-like blond hair with pink streaks, brown eyes, heart-shaped face, mousy features and a beauty mark on her left cheek
Bio: She used to be a beta to the popular Emery, but they broke apart when her father died. She secretly hates Emery for not being a good friend. Stefani's also very dramatic, and loves having attention, which is why she loved being a popular.
Other: She has a brother, Caleb, who has a crush on both Emery and Kayla.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:50 pm

Name: Caleb Hills
Clique: Jocks
Status: n/a
Appearance:Fair skin, golden hair, brown eyes, square jaw and a straight nose.
Bio: He's on the Hockey team, and he's, of course, rich. He's considered a player with many girlfriends, but has always crushed on Emery and Kayla. Emery because she was hott. And Kayla because she was different. But he's planning that, if he ever becomes bf to one of them, he'll quit is player ways.

Caleb: Damn, I'm sucker. A sucker for Kayla. She's always been friggin able to give me this feeling at the pit of my gut. Her light gray eyes are like mists, her brown skin like satin and blue hair like midnight... damn, that sounds poetic. But, that's what she deserves.
Why the hell did Stef have to be her "BFF" or whatever? I see her everywhere, whether if it was at my house or at school. Either way, we could never be together. Word get out that I like an eccentric, and, well, I could kiss my ass goodbye. So I settled for liking Emery. She's cute and all, but was no match for Kayla's looks and personality.Laine walked, being her clingy, easily-jealous slut self, with my hand in hers, kissing me every so often. I kissed back, my hands on her practically-uncovered hips. (for some reason, she loves wearing two pairs of underwear- one jean and one under) Laine made sure that people knew I was hers. For today, anyway. She was a cheerleader, so it was alright for us to be together. For today. But if she knew that I was thinking of actually kissing Kayla or Emery, well, all hell would break loose.I caught sight of Kayla's blue hair and gray eyes, and I felt like I was friggin melting. Why was she so damn irrestible? Laine noticed and took my face in her hands to kiss me again. Bitch. She twirled a strand of red hair on her finger as I sat with the other jocks. She usually split to go with the other sluts. I caught sight of Emery walking out with her puppets, and Laine sat in my lap, blocking my vision.

Kayla: Caleb came in, with his girlfriend for the week, Laine Grayson, and I watched Stef's brother make out with her the entire way. He was such a player, so easy to lose that I'd hate being his girlfriend. If I was attracted to him. I have to admit I kind of was, but we could never be.

Laine: Why was he looking at her? That... that... blue-haired thing. I mean, really, who would wear a black top and black skinnies, with blue hair? And what the hell's up with her gray eyes? They look natural but, really, what black person has gray eyes? And now he's gawking at Emery. Gag. How did I end up getting the least bit of attention? I'm the Captain of the Cheerleaders and I could've swore these shorts got his attention. I threw them both glares. Threats at 12 and 9 o'clock. I leaned in and kissed him, getting whoots from the jocks. They wanted a show, I'll give them a show. I leaned away and twirled my hair. "See ya later," I said before getting off and made sure to shake my butt and hips, before going with the other cheerleaders. Populars, screw them.

Last edited by Rue~District 11 on Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Just thought of better things to add. I always do this :P)


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:24 pm

Tara:"Just some girl talking to Mandy's-"

Mandy:I shot Tara a silencing glare. "Nothing, you didn't miss anything, don't worry." I gave her a falsely reassuring smile.

Tara:I shut my mouth tight. Mandy didn't want anyone in our group to know about her crush on Clayton, not even me. And I was her best friend. I listened to Stefani and Kayla's conversation. I had noticed that some girl had fallen, but nothing had really registered. That girl sounded a little bit like me, although the person I was trying to impress was Mandy.

Emery: I saw one of Blake's friends, Caleb, looking my way and gave him a smile before walking out. He was cute, but he liked girls like Laine: sluts. I was a flirt, but my shorts left a little to the imagination, at least.

Blake:"Nice, bro." I say, giving Caleb a punch in the shoulder. Laine was hot even though she wasn't smart, nice, or attractive in any other way. I glance over at Tara's table; she's pretty, smart, and nice. I'd pick Tara over Laine any day. Sadly Tara doesn't even see me and the guys would give me so much crap if I dated someone outside of the "popular" clique.

Clayton: I frowned at Laine and Caleb's little stunts. Kissing seemed so personal to be doing in front of use, but I put on a grin and hooted along with the other guys. I had already been called a mama's boy today.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by natashangel Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:16 pm

Zoe- "Okay," I say to Tara, knowing that something was definatly up. That was the funny thing about though. Everyone liked to pretend that know one knew what was going, when in reality, everyone knows when somethings going on and almost everyone would use that just to up their status the second they could. I sigh and pick at my food, sometimes this clique stuff was anoying but it could be entertaining. Specially when it came to the boys. Seemed like lately everyone was liking someone. Everyone but me.

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Age : 31
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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:22 pm

natashangel wrote:Zoe- "Okay," I say to Tara, knowing that something was definatly up. That was the funny thing about though. Everyone liked to pretend that know one knew what was going, when in reality, everyone knows when somethings going on and almost everyone would use that just to up their status the second they could. I sigh and pick at my food, sometimes this clique stuff was anoying but it could be entertaining. Specially when it came to the boys. Seemed like lately everyone was liking someone. Everyone but me.

Mandy:"Are you guys done?" I zipped up my lunch bag and stood up, ready to leave. I typically didn't wait for an answer but assumed everyone would follow me. That always made me feel powerful.

Tara: I picked up my untouched food and went to throw it in the trash can. I typically never ate at lunch- I wasn't anorexic, I just was never hungry. A quirk of mine people learned to get use to. The trash can was near Blake's table, and I was careful not to look over at him when I passed by.

Blake: Tara walked past our table and I tried to make eye contact. How could I flirt if I couldn't even talk to her face? She passed by too quickly, though, and my chance was gone. I turned back to the table, laughing as if that didn't upset me.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by natashangel Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:26 pm

Zoe- Actually, I wasnt done. After helping that kid i had barely a minute before Mandy wanted to leave. Usually, I'd just follow. But I always got sick in the morning if i ate breakfast, so i was starving by the time it came to lunch. I figured no one would notice anyway if i just sat here and pretended i didnt hear a thing.

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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:53 pm

natashangel wrote:Zoe- Actually, I wasnt done. After helping that kid i had barely a minute before Mandy wanted to leave. Usually, I'd just follow. But I always got sick in the morning if i ate breakfast, so i was starving by the time it came to lunch. I figured no one would notice anyway if i just sat here and pretended i didnt hear a thing.

Mandy:"You're not coming, Zoe? Suit yourself." I rolled my eyes and began to walk off, followed by my clique. I didn't force people to go along with everything I did, but I liked them to. Zoe had always been a bit more independent than the rest, so I let her have a little freedom. Not meaning I didn't give her a little crap about it.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by natashangel Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:14 pm

Zoe- Mandy's attitude really got to me sometimes, but i just ignored her. Thats kinda what you had to do to survive sometimes. I'd probably try and meet up with them in a few minutes, but for now i just put on my earbuds and enjoyed my lunch. Peanut butter and pickle sandwhich. Yum

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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:15 pm

natashangel wrote:Zoe- Mandy's attitude really got to me sometimes, but i just ignored her. Thats kinda what you had to do to survive sometimes. I'd probably try and meet up with them in a few minutes, but for now i just put on my earbuds and enjoyed my lunch. Peanut butter and pickle sandwhich. Yum

(I can't remember, does she have any sort of back-story with any other characters? Someone I could have her talk to? I don't just want her to have to sit there xD)


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by natashangel Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:21 pm

i dont rlly know yet lol. im rlly tired so my brain is kinda broken

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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:25 pm

natashangel wrote:i dont rlly know yet lol. im rlly tired so my brain is kinda broken

(Okay, haha, I'll try and think of something. Give me a minute)


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by natashangel Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:45 pm


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:59 pm

Ugh, I don't know what to do. The guys are preoccupied with Laine and Caleb, and the girls just left :/


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by natashangel Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:44 am

Dont worry, I have something planned for her a little later. But for now...

Zoe- After a few minutes, I went to find the rest of the group at our usual hang out spot.

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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:12 pm

Caleb: I shrugged. "Whatever, man. She's hott and all but oh my f**king god, she gets so jealous! I wanna rebound..." I stammered when I saw Kayla walk by. I regained my cool facade. "but I dunno who. I dated most of the cheerleaders and all of 'em were sluts."

Stefani: "HI BRO!" I threw my arms around Caleb's neck, squeezing it. "HOW'S YA LUNCH!?!?"

Caleb: "Sh*t get off me!" I pushed her off.

Stefani: I pouted. "Aw, you don't love me, do you?"

Caleb: God, times like this, I hated Stef. "No, now leave!" My face reddened.

Stefani: "Fine," I turned my nose up at him and flouced away, after Kayla, laughing my head off.

Caleb: "Damn girl," I muttered.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:36 pm

Rue~District 11 wrote:Caleb: I shrugged. "Whatever, man. She's hott and all but oh my f**king god, she gets so jealous! I wanna rebound..." I stammered when I saw Kayla walk by. I regained my cool facade. "but I dunno who. I dated most of the cheerleaders and all of 'em were sluts."

Stefani: "HI BRO!" I threw my arms around Caleb's neck, squeezing it. "HOW'S YA LUNCH!?!?"

Caleb: "Sh*t get off me!" I pushed her off.

Stefani: I pouted. "Aw, you don't love me, do you?"

Caleb: God, times like this, I hated Stef. "No, now leave!" My face reddened.

Stefani: "Fine," I turned my nose up at him and flouced away, after Kayla, laughing my head off.

Caleb: "Damn girl," I muttered.

Blake: I laughed at Caleb, we all knew how his sister could be. She use to be friends with Emery and co. awhile back, but no one really knows what happened there. Either way we all know what Stef's like. It was funny to see how many ways she could embarrass her brother.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:39 pm

Caleb: I launched an apple at him. "Dude, shut up."

Stefani: I interwined my arm with bony Kayla's, still laughing.

Kayla: "Oh, no, embarrass Caleb again?"

Stefani: "Big time."

Kayla: I rolled my eyes and started giggling, imagining what she's done in the past. Then, unfortunately, I bumped into someone.

Laine: "Oh my god, watch where you're going," I snarled, glaring at the blue-haired thing and the pink-haired one. The girl in the pink looked like someone I knew. "You're... Caleb's sister, aren't you?"

Stefani: "Yeah, and you're Caleb's slut, aren't you?"

Laine: My face turned red, wishing I could punch her. "Oh, you're his bitch, aren't you?"

Stefani: "Yep, and I'm proud, now excuse us." I walked away, pulling Kayla with me. "UGH! I HATE HER!" I yelled.

Kayla: "You hate everyone popular."

Stefani: "I almost hate her as much as Emery," I sneered, going toward the other Eccentrics. Technically, I wasn't one of them, but Kay hung out with them, so I should too.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:59 pm

Rue~District 11 wrote:Caleb: I launched an apple at him. "Dude, shut up."

Stefani: I interwined my arm with bony Kayla's, still laughing.

Kayla: "Oh, no, embarrass Caleb again?"

Stefani: "Big time."

Kayla: I rolled my eyes and started giggling, imagining what she's done in the past. Then, unfortunately, I bumped into someone.

Laine: "Oh my god, watch where you're going," I snarled, glaring at the blue-haired thing and the pink-haired one. The girl in the pink looked like someone I knew. "You're... Caleb's sister, aren't you?"

Stefani: "Yeah, and you're Caleb's slut, aren't you?"

Laine: My face turned red, wishing I could punch her. "Oh, you're his bitch, aren't you?"

Stefani: "Yep, and I'm proud, now excuse us." I walked away, pulling Kayla with me. "UGH! I HATE HER!" I yelled.

Kayla: "You hate everyone popular."

Stefani: "I almost hate her as much as Emery," I sneered, going toward the other Eccentrics.

Tara: I watched the little brawl break loose. It was so like the Eccentrics to start a fight over nothing, especially when they could blame it on Emery. Sometimes I wondered if it would be less drama to be in the Populars, as bitchy as I knew they could be. A lot of them even seemed change though, since I had left their group. That was always the trap, thinking back. Emery always pretended to have changed until she caught you back in her web of control. As Kayla and Stefani walked over I gave them a smile, to cover up the fact that the next thing I said was meant seriously "Can't you two even try to get along with the Populars?" Hearing that word come out of my mouth was awkward and weird, since I was one of the few people who didn't like to label others. Out loud, at least.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:16 pm

Kayla: "Hey Tara," I said, trying to muster of a smile of myself. Hopefully, it hadn't looked like a grimace.

Stefani: "This is one of your good days," I muttered, pissed. "You're actually talking to someone." That earned a glare.

Kayla: I ran a hand through my hair, a nervous/anything beside happiness habit.

Wynter: Emery sat down. I should too. I sat beside her, chewing the gum loudly.


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:38 pm

Rue~District 11 wrote:Kayla: "Hey Tara," I said, trying to muster of a smile of myself. Hopefully, it hadn't looked like a grimace.

Stefani: "This is one of your good days," I muttered, pissed. "You're actually talking to someone." That earned a glare.

Kayla: I ran a hand through my hair, a nervous/anything beside happiness habit.

Wynter: Emery sat down. I should too. I sat beside her, chewing the gum loudly.

Tara: I smiled weakly, it got annoying how much the Eccentrics picked on each other. Again I wondered if things were better in the Popular clique. I nibbled at my thumb nail, a habit that was extremely hard to break.

Emery: I surveyed everyone outside of my clique. There were so many major fashion disasters at this school it was pathetic. I wrinkled my nose at one particularly offending ensemble "Ew, since when is wearing granny dresses cute?"

Ashley: I looked at the girl, in a flowered dress. Those dresses were "in" in the real world, but our school had it's very own trends. "She looks like walking wallpaper."


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The Clique - Page 3 Empty Re: The Clique

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:45 pm

!nspired wrote:
Rue~District 11 wrote:Kayla: "Hey Tara," I said, trying to muster of a smile of myself. Hopefully, it hadn't looked like a grimace.

Stefani: "This is one of your good days," I muttered, pissed. "You're actually talking to someone." That earned a glare.

Kayla: I ran a hand through my hair, a nervous/anything beside happiness habit.

Wynter: Emery sat down. I should too. I sat beside her, chewing the gum loudly.

Tara: I smiled weakly, it got annoying how much the Eccentrics picked on each other. Again I wondered if things were better in the Popular clique. I nibbled at my thumb nail, a habit that was extremely hard to break.

Emery: I surveyed everyone outside of my clique. There were so many major fashion disasters at this school it was pathetic. I wrinkled my nose at one particularly offending ensemble "Ew, since when is wearing granny dresses cute?"

Ashley: I looked at the girl, in a flowered dress. Those dresses were "in" in the real world, but our school had it's very own trends. "She looks like walking wallpaper."

Wynter: "from my grandma's house." I added.

(who's that?)


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