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Clearing Your History

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Clearing Your History Empty Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:45 pm

You know how when you go into the chatbox these days everyone knows eachother?

Well... What if we got rid of that?

There will be no character sheets, your intro paragraph will be your intro... you know the drill by now.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:32 am

(setting for people who dont know: basically infinitesimal amount of rooms of ranging sizes in all directions...until we figure out where else we want to put them....)

This...was not plausible... The space needed for this phenomenon to occur.... Unless it was the case of a worm hole... Aya had talked of those when voicing the DMO's thought processes that she heard. Telepathy. Which, at one point, I also thought improbable... So I suppose this should have its low percentage of occurring...
Another door. I move to open it, my custom made robotic hand closing around the knob with the utmost precision, delivering the correct pressure to turn and pull open. It still fascinated me how much more practical machinery was to the human body... Cogs and hydraulics moving together, better than an orchestrated symphony...

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:07 am

" after room," I commented.


"Door after door..."


"Do you think it'll end any time soon?"

Not even an answer this time; just a shrug and a noncommittal noise.

"Do you ever have anything to say that involves actual speech consisting of more than one syllable?"


I shot him a questioning, expectant look. He looked back at me for a moment, a sort of questioning look in his own eyes. Kind of like, "What do you want me to say?" Or, I'd imagine that look would be there if he were expressive at all.

Which he wasn't.

I rolled my eyes and gave an annoyed sigh, continuing on through the strange place. He continued as well, just as silent as he was before. One of these days, I was going to force him to open up to me, even if I had to...I dunno...enter a room after him and then lock the door. No, that would just be creepy. Not to mention that it had no hope of working. Even if he didn't know some special soulbonder technique-whatever-thing (which I'm sure he did), it's not like he had anything to open up. ...Was that fair of me to say? ...Yeah, sure it was. I mean, I used to think that no one could be that stoic, but he kept proving me wrong every day... It was like he had no emotions at all.

Do this, Rivers. Watch yourself, Rivers. Don't question me, Rivers. Don't challenge me, Rivers. Stop doing that and think for a godsdamned moment, Rivers.

Nevermind, he did have emotions. He was stern, frustrated, annoyed, sarcastic...

...And yet...

No, it was...pointless...
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:42 am


The green haired girl just walked and walked and walked. Where was she going? She had no idea. Maybe she would meet someone? Maybe they would tell her whats happening?

"Acelyn! Careful! Pay Attention!" The girl stopped walking and rubbed her temples.

"I'm not Acelyn anymore..." She muttered softly to herself. Why was she made like this? What happened that she had to become this freak?

Just keep walking....forward and step by step. Keep walking, and maybe you will leave your past behind.


And more being lost. Why does this always happen? All the wondering.... After a few hundred years or so, you'd think people would stop getting lost. Not Drew's case. It seemed that everywhere he went, he would end up getting side tracked and end up going the completely wrong direction. like now.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:09 am

Alright. I only weigh as much as a scrawny teenage boy. I'm lightfooted, honestly! I've scaled too many rickety, sketchy, rusting, falling-apart-at-the-seams structures to count, without a scratch. So why . . . why the hell . . . when I'm slinking across a perfectly structured rooftop without any intent to make myself seen, I always fall through?

I wasn't doing anything illegal, honestly. I was only going to rob the place a tiny bit.

"Agh!" The floor beneath me collapsed in a head-poundind heart-jolting fall full of rotted splinters and chunks of roof tile, and an unrecogniseable flurry of whistles charged out of my mouth like I was spitting fireworks. WHUMP! On the painful pile of rubble! Aye, comfy. Dust everywhere. I waved the dust away with a choked groan, and finally sat up--

"Oh, ah, 'ello friend. It's th' funniest story, see, I was just walking along outside, and suddenly, there's this gaping 'ole in th' roof . . . and I'm inside. Aye? Aye. Well, that was an adventure! Who th' 'ell are you? This your place?" I sprung back to my feet and shook the dust out of my hair, holding back another cough. "Terribly sorry if it is, ah . . . it wasn't planned, I assure you!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:27 am

So we were walking normally when this guy fell through the roof.


"Uh, no, it's not our place," I answered, still trying to get over the shock of having some whistly, accented guy fall through the roof. His accent was kind of funny... I liked it. "Who're you?"

What do you think of him? came the sudden thought.


What do you think of him? Oh, go ahead and ignore the statement. Super. Give me your evaluation so far.

Well...he sounds like he's from Europe, though he could be faking that. And I was thinking that he could know something about the place, but based on what he's said so far, he doesn't seem to. Of course, he could just be playing innocent. At the very least, I'm assuming he's lying about casually walking around on the roof. Probably some random thief trying to provide for himself. He definitely isn't an expert one, that much I can tell. He doesn't appear to have specialized equipment. And master thieves aren't usually kids. And he himself doesn't come across as a bad guy. So...all in all, we should keep an eye out, but he probably isn't much to worry about.

I wanted to know what he thought of my evaluation, but he broke off contact after I finished. Oh sure, don't even bother to comment. You're great, aren't you. I gave a mental sigh.
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:13 pm

I was in a room. Which wasn't really all that different than the room I'd just been in... except that I left that room and walked into this one. And then I walked into another one... pulling the door open, and finding the exact same room. or... at least... the exact same looking room.

Well. That was...weird.

"MAYBE WE JUST KEEP GOING THROUGH THE SAME TWO DOORS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND IT'S JUST THE SAME ROOM AND WE'LL NEVER FIND THE ROOM WITH A MOOSE!" Riddle said as she threw open the next door before me... and... I thought she maybe could be right.

"Hold on... uhm... lemme check something then... uhm..." I walked over to the door we'd just walked through and opened it back up. If it was just the same room again... wouldn't it be like how in Portal how you can see yourself in the room?

I didn't see me or Riddle through the door... and the door that we came though before the door that we came through was It couldn't have been.

"...It...That wasn't it Riddle." I told her. "we... we should keep going... maybe... maybe it will...change...eventually..." And it would turn into Auda and I'd go home and go back to work and no one would be in trouble for accidentally going through an electrical closet while they weren't on shift...and.... no one would die and it would all be good.


"WE MUST FIND THE ROOM WITH A MOOSE!" She agreed... and we kept moving forward.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:36 pm

So... I liked white...
It was a nice clean color and...this room was white... Clean... Blank. Bright.
And...And they said to stay put if you ever got lost, right? Just sit and wait to see if someone else finds you? Or was there a specific time to wait? but there wasn't a clock, which I didn't mind. I hated clocks. Didn't like clocks. They... too many things with clocks that They used... Count my breaths, count my pulse, count the days, the weeks....Slowly...
Didnt like time...
But it was blank in here. No impurities, nice and bright. No emotions... Nothing flickering. There was that flicker last time. The light didn't like time.
I sit in the middle of the room, the door to the left of me ajar to reveal the other rooms like this one. Going on for as long as I had ran. Just...didn't close the doors....
I pull at the seam of my shirt, listen to the stitches cracking in quick succession. Cracking like...before.... With all those people, put their guns in their mouths and fired off at once... Lots of cracking.
The corners of my lips twitch up and then disappear.
People get nervous around me. They get sad... They dont like to live then. They put their bullets through their skulls then. With all that cracking.

Last edited by Black&White on Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:34 pm

She continued walking, her steps silent. Not that they would have to be. People most of the time could sense her coming. She gave off this.....gloomy sense wherever she went. Plants would wilt after she touched them, people would even die if their skin made contact with hers.

Why was that? She would never truly understand why she was this monster. This monster with two lives, neither of them living; one of them dead, and one of them just....there.

Both dead and alive at once, that is how she always felt. This body had died, as well as its soul. But the memories lived, and her soul, or better, her life force, still was there. Causing her to walk these plains with the living, and create the dead. She didn’t belong with the dead, for she was like no undead creature that she could think off. Maybe close to Frankenstein, but she had a mind and could think. Even in the world of the supernatural she stood out.

But where was she again? Oh yes, walking down that long hall way, towards the voice of people who were talking in a room. One of them....made no sense what so ever. Maybe it was just that Toc wasn’t tied into society, and they had inside jokes. Or maybe the girl was just insane.

She continued walking until she was a few feet from the room. She slowly cracked open the door, then stopped. No sounds were made to get their attention, but instead she just looked at them. Maybe they wouldn’t run from her appearance; the bright green hair and yellow skin. The scars and stitching from where she was cut open and put together. Her nails; purple and looking as if they were bruised forever. Maybe they wouldn’t run from this. Maybe, just maybe, she could finally talk to someone.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:28 pm


"Ah. That's a relief, 'cause I could not pay for th' damage if I wanted to--" She asked who I was. "I was about t' ask you th' same question, actually. Who're you, and why are you in th' middle o' some random area that's apparently not yours?"

She was an odd one, this one . . . odd way of talking, odd clothes, all of that. Something about the way she was looking at me let me know that I was odd to her . . . which, I was used to by now. I was odd to just about everybody. But this person who I was odd to was odder to me than the usual odd person. Aye. I had a feeling I was a long ways off from Luna.

I ran a hand through my hair, studying her. "It's Cricket. Nice t' meet you."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:48 pm

I hate shoes. Shoes and pants both, who needs them? Barefoot in a dress was so much better, so much less... clinginess... ug. But it's a little hard to um... borrow things from people without sneakers and a good pair of jeans, and since I had to eat somehow, I was willing to make the sacrifice.

Funny the mental rants you go on when you're walking in a circle over and over for a handful of hours. At least... pretty sure I was going in circles, it sure would explain the fact that I seemed to be going through the same room over and over again. Same blankness. Same nothingness. And my feet were really starting to kill me.

Finally, I ripped my skullcap off, releasing my blonde ponytail from where it was wadded up in the hat to keep me from leaving too much DNA evidence. I stuffed the cap into the bag slung across my shoulder and finally stopped at one of the random walls, leaning against it and sliding into a sitting position. I decided I'd rest for a bit then keep trying to get out of this maize.

A rumble of my stomach reminded me of why I was here, but I ignored it, just trying to think logically for once. Now, if I were an exit, where would I be...?


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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Bells Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:52 pm


"Slow down! I can't keep up when you go this fast!" Mirissa hissed, and I rolled my eyes.

"If you weren't so freaking stubborn, I'd help you." I grumbled back, jerking open another door, not bothering to wait for her. "So pick up the speed blind girl, ain't my fault you don't want help."

"Maybe it's because I can't see getting help from Blake's freaking spawn, why should I?" My fingers were curled into fists, as I took a few slow breaths, trying to make myself calm down as she stumbled into the room behind me. "Why the freak did I have to be stuck here with you, I'd choose anyone over the mini-monster."

"Get new insults." I replied, fingers stroking my dagger. "That hurt as much as your little shadows do."

"Say that when I'm not in the light b****." She spat, managing to reach where I stood. " I promise you, you'd take that back times twenty."

Rolling my eyes I glanced around, deciding this room was no different than the last. "Yeah, I'll believe that when it happens blind girl, come on, there's nothing here."

Doing my best to ignore her, I pulled my fingers from the dagger and instead clamped them around my wrist. The old habit just wouldn't go away, might as well use it right now to keep from ramming my dagger into Mirissa's freaking gut, cause that sounded really good right now. It was sounding even better as time passed, because it seemed she had no clue how to freaking shut up.

Lovely, just lovely.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:20 pm


"I'm Sarah," I said.

"Peter," the stoic person beside me introduced with a small nod.

"Nice to meet you, too, Cricket," I went on. "We're just trying to figure the place out." True. Not the whole truth, but certainly true. "Do you know anything about it?"

Be careful what you say around him, Peter thought to me.

I know, I know, I thought back, annoyed. Jeez. You're not my soul. You don't have to remind me of these things.

I am your leader, he returned, a hint of agitation in his tone. Don't talk back to me, Rivers.

There he went again... I made sure the contact was broken once more before I went off on a sarcastic mental rant.
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:10 pm

The brown haired boy walked down the halls slowly, his bag over his shoulder, a spell book in his hand, and a small white rabbit following after him. Ok, small nigh have been the wrong word to use....seeing as a very plump and evil bunny (or so he thought) followed behind him. He'd gotten used to it by now...ok, no he hadnt. The bunny still annoyed the crap out of him.

A sigh escaped his lips as he walked. He just walked and walked and walked. He didn't mind the walking. Walking took up most of his time. He was too reluctant to use teleportation spells, or alter history. So he walked a lot of the time.

During his wonderings in the halls, he came across someone sitting against a wall with a bag next to them.

"Hey," he greeted somewhat politely before deciding to take a break and lean against the wall next to them.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:49 pm


"Aye. It's a tad larger than your average building, and it's now got a gaping 'ole in its roof," I said with a shrug, pulling a small bit of ceiling rubble out of my hair. Did I trust them? I didn't have a reason not to, at this point. I was lost in a bizarre, blank room with bizarre, blank-faced people. At least, the guy was blank-faced. Not much of a people person, apparently. Bright side? The lass seemed friendly enough . . . so far.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:53 pm

We continued forward through the next door and then through the next door and then through the next... you get the picture.


I had the vague feeling that someone had been watching us, but after all these empty rooms... I could have just been imagining it or something. I didn't know.

"uh... I guess? But Riddle... it's.. it's not really... I mean... ..wait what IS a velociraptor?" I asked.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:58 pm


"Right, got that much," I said with a slight grin. "Any idea how to get out of here? So far, it's just been room after room after room...and nothing else." And we had to regroup with Senet and Nike at some point. I wondered how they were doing.

I cast my gaze up at the hole he'd made in the roof. Maybe that would be a more efficient way to travel...providing it held. We'd seen that it was apparently weak in at least one spot, so it was bound to be weak in others. Still, though...

Of course, that would mean that we wouldn't be able to see anything inside the rooms themselves if one actually happened to hold anything. Though the chances of that were slim. Really, I was more concerned with actually leaving this place...though I guess we'd cross that bridge when we came to it.
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:48 pm

Toc followed after them silently, keeping to the shadows. She wouldnt try to make herself known yet. Had they really not noticed her by now? Did they not feel the gloom that followed her? Maybe they didnt. She hoped they wouldnt. When people felt it, they tended to push her away.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Regret Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:21 pm

Mind if I join?

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:32 pm


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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:53 pm


"Well, up top it's just roof after roof after roof. I'm just as lost as you are, friend," I said, following her gaze upwards. "I honestly wasn't kidding when I said I was just casually walking along. As a matter o' fact, there isn't anything else t' do up there."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:02 pm


"I believe it," I said. "There's nothing else to do in here, either. I swear, it's like this place never ends." I gave a faint smile. "I'm half-worried that we'll end up stuck here for eternity. Thank goodness that can't happen."

That was silly...wasn't it?
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:59 pm


I ran a hand through my hair, something like a half-chuckle escaping my mouth. "Aye, that's . . . aye, that'd be simply 'ilarious. Neverending building. Pft. Aye, that would be th' day." Except for the fact that when I was up on the roof, I honestly couldn't see an end to it. I whistled something, shaking my head.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:03 am


"Heh, yeah..." I said. "So...I guess the question is, now what?" I looked expectantly at Peter. "Keep going?"

He gave a shrug in response.

"You're supposed to be the leader here," I returned, slightly accusing.

"Well, we do have to leave at some point," he remarked. "I think we should just head back and see how Senet and Nike fared."

"If we can find them..." I grumbled under my breath.

"I'm sure we can." He wasn't supposed to hear that...
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:52 pm

I realised that maybe... maybe we were... stuck. Here. Forever. ... ...Somehow. And that maybe... maybe we were wasting our uh... Velociraptors...or whatever... on... on trying to ... uh, ... get... away from here and back to Auda... hm.

Though really,trying it was better than nothing so... why not try?

Riddle threw open another door ahead of us and I... followed her.

"PICK UP THE FASTNESS THEY'LL EAT YOU IF YOU AREN'T CAREFUL." Riddle advised, if I had slowed down from how fast I had been following her... I didn't notice...

I still had that weird feeling that we were being followed, kind of... but... We'd looked through that one door behind us that one time.. and... so, I don't know, I wasn't really worried... if someone wanted us dead... Riddle would... get out some ridiculous thing and... I wouldn't have to do anything, because... she'd lobotomise them with a chopstick. ...or...something... yeah.

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