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Clearing Your History

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:40 am


I answered the question in... the only way I knew. "Uhm... she...says words." I stated. There really wasn't a whole lot more to be said... I mean... they were words... and... she said them... so... yeah. "And... uhm... I... think we were going to... to... --" Riddle cut me off.

"A ROOM... WITH A MOOSE." She stated factually.

" Erm... I meant... trying to get back... to... uhm...out of...where ever this... is. ...There was this closet..." I explained kind of... hesitantly.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:48 pm

Toc nodded and looked at the two of them. "yeah, I noticed that much ..."she looked at the girl again. THey were going to a room....with a moose?
"Um....whats a moose?" She asked, looking at the guy. Her range of creatures that she knew was very limeted. She knew cats, dogs, roses, and other common organisms, but what the heck was a moose? The girl before her must have never really knew what one was seeing as Toc didnt know right now.
But on the other hand, the memory might have just been lost during the death....

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:18 pm


"No," I answer her question bluntly, going through another door. "I didn't catch yours either. And we never asked for one another's."

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:41 pm

Kira rolled her eyes and kept walking. "So, cyborg, whats your name?" she asked, glancing over the rims of her sunglasses to look at him. the way her glasses were tilted, if he looked at her eyes he would only be able to see the very top part of her eyes. She never, ever, let anyone see her eyes.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:06 pm

"For the purpose of the safety for myself and my acquaintances whom are in similar circumstances," I start, pausing just a moment to glance at her, "We created code names for one another. People are after us; I hope you understand the lack of my true name. But my 'name' is Uplink."

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:14 pm

Kira looked at him blankly. "What is your real name?" She asked, not about to call him Uplink. That just sounded stupid to her. completely and utterly stupid. "I would understand if you have a smililar reason to me...but you dont." Logan always said that names had powers and that is why she never gave her's out.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:23 pm


She asked me what a moose was. ...I had no idea what a moose was. "...uhm... a thing with legs?" I suggested. "...I... I don't...actually...know..." I added. I never really knew much what Riddle was talking about and... well... yeah.

"IT'S' A MAGICAL THING WITH UNIMAGINABLE SPLENDOR AND IT EATS WALNUTS AND STANDS WITH IT'S MAJESTY AND PROCLAIMS UTTERANCES UPON YOUR SOUL!" Riddle answered the question gleefully... which... she normally did. "IT COMES YONDER SO WE MUST OBSERVE WITH HASTY!" She added... and started off immediately through another door.

Which kind of meant that I had to go with her. ...because... she was all... crazy and all. "Uhm... you coming...?" I asked the yellow girl as I went to follow Riddle to... wherever.

Last edited by Invisimort on Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:29 pm

I shake my head. "I cannot. I apologize, but I do not know who you are or who you affiliate with. We're running from people who wish to only use us, and I cannot chance giving it out freely like you wish," I explain further, continuing on. "Being separated from all of the rest of my group... We are already in enough danger, and I cannot be the cause of more."

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:08 pm

Toc followed after them and took a few seconds to herself before speaking again. "Yea, right behind you." She sighed and shoved her hands in her pockets. "So, are you guys normal?" She asked, looking at the girl then at the guy. "well....i should ask if you guys"


Kira narrowed her eyes at the guy. "Fine. Dont expect my name from me then." Or anything to call her by.
The blood on her hand had started to dry and cracked along her olive tone skin. SHe picked at the drying blood and chipped away unneeded portions of the scabs.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:36 pm

"Alright then, Unnamed," I say, not really bothered by the fact. "I don't see why... I did give you something to call me by." I glance back, notice her picking and stare a moment.
"You'll get scars that way..." I mumble going through another door.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:47 pm


She asked if we were normal.. and then fixed the question I think...or something... to be asking if we were human.

"Uhm... I guess..." It wasn't really anything that I'd ever like... thought about.

"I'M A HUFFLEPUFF!" Riddle shouted back from a room ahead of us. ...That was... about what I could expect as an answer...from her.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:11 pm

Kira sighed and looked at her hands. "Its not that I dont trust you with my name, or something to call me.....But i was once told that names and titles had power. And I wont give anyone that power over me. Not again." She continued to pick away at the scabs. "And I could care less if they scar over. Its not like i really feal the pain anymore." As she picked away, her hands gave small shakes.

Toc sighed, unsure what to say now. So, she had a hesitant human person....and a hufflepuff. What the hell is a hufflepuff?

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Guest Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:42 am

Suddenly, just as I was about to stand up again and possibly beat my face into a wall, there was some guy. Deep breaths, don't panic, don't scream. He probably doesn't recognize you as a thief, so for pity's sake, don't act suspicious...

"Um... hey?" I greeted back uncertainly, standing up and slinging the bag back over my shoulder "Is this your place? I got confused and wandered in by accident, now I'm sort of... totally lost..." I tugged at my blonde ponytail with a slightly sheepish smile

And that's when I noticed the guy's bunny. Um. Okay. He has a bunny follower. That's special.


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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:59 pm

"So long as you don't mind being called Unnamed..." I turn away, knowing I should care. It would be human of me to care... And I know I'd be slightly scared that I wasn't at the moment. But still...I know...I should...
I stand for a moment, looking around the current room we were in, which looked exactly like the others...reminding myself that I /should/ care. That the knowledge that I should is what I have to keep my humanity. I take in a slow breath, turning back to her. "Let me see..." I offer, feeling my face turn unreadable...slightly uncomfortable at the situation...

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:12 pm

Drew shook his head and watched as the bunny hopped over to the girl and sat on her foot. The fuzzy..... thing ... twitched its nose a few times and then looked back up at me.
"Nope. not my place. Just kinda appeared here."I looked down at her and offered a small friendly smile. "I'm Drew. The thing on your foot is Stormageddon. Dont let his cutenes fool you, i swear that thing is evil." Probably not the best thing to tell someone he just me, but he didnt honestly care.

Kira looked at him for a few seconds through her dark shades. She attempted to read what his face was saying, but couldnt. She sighed and extened her hand out to him. "i dont mind being called unnamed." She muttered softly, looking at her hand and makingsure not to meet his gaze.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:02 am

I nod, taking her hand with my human one so as not to potentially freak her out or something. "Alright," I murmur, eying her cut knuckles a moment before giving a quick glance at my mechanical arm. I suppose...a human touch was still needed for some things...

But still... a hidden blade is helpful when taking the correct proportion of fabric for such a wound without completely destroying the shirt. The blade goes away, i carefully wrap the strip around her wounds and tie it neatly, precisely, human and machine working together yet I cannot help but think the human side clumsy...

"Let it heal," I tell her softly, letting my hands fall lax back at my sides as I still look at her hand wrapped in gray.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:44 pm

Kira looked away from him as he worked. her hand throbbed slightly and she almost winced when he touched it. Almost. But she had gone this long without showing pain so she wasnt about to stop. once he finished, she slowly lowered her hands back down to her sides and nodded once.

"Thanks, i guess. What did you say I could call you, again?"

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:18 pm

I pause, eying her a moment. "My cover is Uplink," I state blankly, but I understood her reasons for refusing to call me such. It was strange, I got that. It started as a joke, really. Tori and her comics... "...Or D. You could call me D..." That was safe enough.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:28 pm

kira nodded and looked down at her hands. She swallowed and closed her eyes for a few seconds. "Alright, D." She opened her eyes and looked around. "Any idea which way to go?" Where were they even trying to go? Kira just felt....Lost.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:01 pm

Momo13 wrote:

Toc sighed, unsure what to say now. So, she had a hesitant human person....and a hufflepuff. What the hell is a hufflepuff?


We just kind of kept moving, and Riddle continued ranting...about... well, all kinds of crap. You know, like how she does.


"...uh... ...some?"I responded uncertainly... never knew what exactly she was looking for in an answer. ...uh.

"YOU! THE ONE WITH THE YELLOW! CAN I CALL YOU MELLOW?" ... ...Well... Alright, I didn't expect her to remember anyone's names ever...Including my own some days.

"...Riddle..."I stated but she was a bit too far ahead to actually hear me... "...that's... Excuse her... she's... kind of... uhm... herself..." I mumbled

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:50 pm

"Not a clue, Unnamed," I say, continuing on my way through another room. "This might very well be some sort of worm hole, perhaps. I was going straight through the rooms to see if they loop, leaving the doors open. Though perhaps a realm brought on by the subconscious...never ending, in such a case. Or maybe simply a very long building. In that case, we'd have to reach a room without a door or an exit out... And then its the scenario of where in the world are we. Last I remember, I was in the subways of Jersey City, 2025." All of this is said blankly, and it sort of bothers me. Not in the usual frustration sense, but just noticing it and not being able to forget the fact.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:15 pm

Kira just blinked at what he said then shrugged. "So, you basically think we are screwed in an everending loop of rooms? Sounds like fun." she chuckled softly as he mentioned the year he was from. "So, you are from what would be my future, I guess. Being from after 2025 at least."

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:41 pm

"I suppose, if you're before then logical reason says I'm in the future..." Which wasn't so hard to comprehend for me. Perhaps Aiden's power got more powerful, and he was able to make a portal through the fourth dimension along with the third dimensions. Through time, as well as space... Physics doesn't disprove it as impossible, and Aiden did theorize he might have been able to if he grew more skilled at it. Though that did not explain our group's splitting up.

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:35 pm

Another door. And another. And another. Seemed like it would never end... But it had to have an end, didn't it? It's not like it could go on forever... That would be impossible.

Though I at least had the sinking feeling that I'd collapse from exhaustion before I found anything.

As I walked, I wondered how I'd find the others again. I still had to regroup with Peter and Sarah, and I had to actually find Senet... I have no idea how it happened, but we'd gotten separated. How could you even lose someone in a place like this? With just one room after another...? It made me extremely uneasy, to say the least. Paranoid. I could imagine he was feeling the same way, wherever he was. At least he wasn't in any sort of crisis... If he were, I would've felt his signature flare. So that was at least a little reassuring.

Now hold on...what was this?

These doors were already opened...

Certainly worth investigating. I quickened my pace, almost excited at the prospect of finding someone else in here. Or at least something that wasn't a door or an empty room.

Be on your guard, my companion reminded me.

Of course.
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History - Page 4 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:53 pm


Someone was coming. I felt them, curious yet cautious, coming closer. Only one though, also having a confused feeling about them. So they wouldn't be here for me, right? They would be less confused about what their destination would be or who they might run into. Though, to be safe, I turn and open a door on the left, going through a few before hiding behind an ajar door to wait for whoever was coming. Surprise them, maybe, or just see if they were a threat, in which case id determine then to run or not.
Still wanted it messy though...

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