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Clearing Your History

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:25 pm

"Well then. Watch where you are walking." She shoved her hands into the pockets of her grey jacket and looked the guy over. The glint of his arm caught her eye. "What is wrong with you arm?" She was blunt and harsh with her words. She never worked at being a nice person, and never would. Niceness wasnt a thing she had given in so many years. She wasnt about to start with some freak who had a metal arm.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:32 pm

I raise an eyebrow. "Nothing is abnormal about my arm..." I look at it just to be sure, making sure that the hydrolics and cogs were working properly as I flexed my robotic hand. Nothing was off. Everything worked properly. I look up at her blankly for a confirmation. "Nothing is off."

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:52 pm


"What do you mean nothing is wrong with your arm? It's frickin metal!" She had seen a lot of stuff over the years. A lot of strange, and freaky stuff. But she cant recal one time that she has seen someone with a metal arm and call it normal. No. that was very far from normal. So very not normal. Course, who was she to talk?

She looked down at her own arm. blood dripped down from her knuckles. She didnt feal the pain though. She never felt the pain when it was something small like this. Her solution for situations like this was to attempt to punch through walls. Well, that didnt work.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:59 pm

"Well, yes, but that is normal," I tell her, putting my hands into my jeans pockets. "I cannot easily have a robotic arm without metal, can I?" Duh. I sigh, raising an eyebrow at her. How can some people be so stupid, ill never know....

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:02 pm

"Are you stupid?" Kira asked bluntly. "It is not normal to have a robotic arm! At least not from the messed up world i am from." What was wrong with people some time. Did he think she was stupid or something? She wasnt. She was actually somewhat smart.....if she ever tried. Also if she could pay attention, which was rare.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:29 pm

I stare at her a moment before walking on, going to open the door I had been going through. She rather reminded me of Tori... "Its called a prosthetic limb. I lost my 'normal' arm." Hm. Was that sarcasm? My sister brought back more of my humanity too... Lost had a rather loose meaning, but whatever. She didn't need to know that part.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:44 pm


She looked at him blankly. "You could have just gotten it magically healed. Or been smart enough to not lose it in the first place." Kira looked back down at her bleeding hand. She should probably heal or bandage it. Meh, she'd do it later.Instead she just looked at the guys arm.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:52 pm

Going through the door, half wondering if she was going to follow, half not caring. But then... I sort of wanted her to follow... I rather missed my sister. Magically getting it healed... modern medicine does seem magical at times... look what it gave me! Though losing humanity and emotions was a sort of... negative. "I didn't want it back," I state bluntly, as if it was obvious.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:33 am


"Ah . . . good question, there," I said, after pondering that a moment. "Th' music's like whatever you want, really. I don't really 'ave much t' compare it with, 'aving been there my whole life, but from my experience you can find a bit of anything. You just 'ave t' look in th' right places."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:37 am


"Huh," Peter mused. "That sounds cool. What about the instrumentation? Classical instruments, or something else? And what about a cappella? ...Sorry for the question bombardment..."

I gave him a somewhat shocked look that he all but ignored. I mean, it had been enough that he'd commented that something was cool, which I'd never heard from him before, but this... He was actually taking interest in music. Where had that come from?
Winter Dragon

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:46 am


I watched him pop questions like an excited little kid, something between a smirk and a grin on my face. Suddenly, he wasn't as blank-faced as my first impression had suggested. Perhaps he was a bit like music in Luna in that sense; you just had to look in the right places. Music, his place? I thought so. "Instruments? Anything you can find. My best pal back 'ome, 'e's lucky enough t' get ahold of too many t' count . . . guitar's 'is favorite, then there's violins, all those other strings, even a piano. 'e plays 'em all. But I've seen people make music out o' old plates and dripping water. People mostly just sing, though, no matter th' backdrop. And whistle. And other random vocal precussion. Sing and whistle. Sometimes at th' same time."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:59 am


"Heh...I'd like to hear that. It sounds neat."

I gave him a gobsmacked look now. "...Since when did you care about anything?" I asked. "Where did this all come from?"

"I happen to enjoy music," he retorted. Then, with an eyeroll, "Like most human beings."

"If you apparently like it, why do you never do anything musical?" I challenged.

"I do."


"I sing and play the violin," he replied with a totally straight face. Of course.

"...What? You liar."

"It's true."

"Then why have I never heard it?"

"Because I've never done it around you."

He could be so frustrating sometimes... And it was those times that I really wanted to smack him. Just a little. But of course, it wasn't my place to do anything of the sort. Not that I'd ever land a hit on him anyway. I doubted I could do it if he were sleeping.
Winter Dragon

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Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:07 am


And suddenly, the lass seemed very taken aback by all of this. Cue a little taken-aback scene which included a lot of phrases that I translated to 'waitpardonwhat'.

Heh. This was fun.

"Hehe. Learn something new every day, don't you lassie? Although I 'ave t' admit, you don't seem th' singing type. You sing, Pete? Prove it."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:11 am


"No thanks," he answered. "I don't sing in front of people. And please don't call me that."

At least that was familiar... He'd made it very clear early on that he was always Peter, and never Pete. He hated that nickname, for whatever reason. ...Come to think of it, he never explained himself at all for anything, really.
Winter Dragon

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Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:20 am


"Then what's th' point of singing?" I wondered out loud, raising an eyebrow. "And on top o' that, what's wrong with Pete?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:27 am


"I don't like doing any sort of performing in front of people," he answered. "Singing is purely for my own amusement. Still, it's not like I do it much anyway. And...I just don't like that name. Never did. Couldn't tell you why."

This was all new. And why could some random stranger get all this out of him when I couldn't? It wasn't fair... He was always so unapproachable. He always pushed me away... Sometimes it seemed like he just really didn't like me.

...I wished he did...
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:39 am


"A'right, I get th' name thing. But honestly, singing?" Well, to be fair, I couldn't stand being put under a spotlight of any sort unless I put myself there. And I liked to sing on my own every now and again. But to never sing with people, ever? Couldn't imagine that.

Meanwhile, I was finding it odd that I was suddenly finding out so much apparently unknown facts about this guy, though I'd just met him. Hardly met him, even; more like almost fell through a roof on top of him out of pure coincidence and then looked at him . . . once, to exchange a name. Aye, that wasn't meeting someone. That was accidentally catching eyes with a stranger across a room, times ten. By the look on the Sarah girl's face, she was wondering the same thing . . . or perhaps I was just imagining that.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Echo Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:48 am


Peter simply shrugged in response.

"Okay," I started, finally asking, "why is this all coming out now?"

"He asked me about nicknames and singing, so I answered," came the simple reply.

"But why did you answer?" I pressed.

"Um, because he asked questions?"

"Oh come on, don't give me that," I retorted. I did a lot of retorting around him... "I ask you questions, too."

"Not the right ones."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You ask questions I'm not willing to answer. And before you say it, no, I'm not willing to expand on that."

I grumbled again. "But why did you start talking to him anyway?"

"Because he mentioned music."


"I like music. If you'd brought something like that up, I would've talked to you, too. But you never did."
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:21 pm

Kira just looked at the guy. "Why wouldnt you want your arm back?" It just sounded stupid for him not to want it. She slowly followed after him, having no idea where she aws going aond not wanting to get lost again. "It just sounds stupid not to want your own arm back.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:46 pm

Well, seems she might learn the reason why anyway... "Because I /took/ it off," I say matter-of-factly, looking back at her. And if she was anything like my sister she'd completely flip and throw some fireballs in frustration at my stubbornness... Though I doubted this girl could do that. It was only because of the Institute's experimentations and Aiden's slip up.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:52 pm

Kira looked at him agasht. "you are an idiot then." she stated blankly. "Do you enjoy pain or something?" For some reason, being around this guy didnt make her feel like such a screw up, and that was saying something. That was saying a huge something. "I have never met anyone so screwed up they would take off a limb. And I have met a lot of screw ups."

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:04 pm

Screw up.... Puns...
"Because machinery is favorable to me," I say simply. Though there was more to it. Because of a corporation, an alien, and someone who's determined to stay classified. Because of a 'screw up' in the 'cure' that turned out to give us all powers. And now I'm losing emotions; I'm losing humanity. Slowly though, just to draw it out. But Tori had a knack for bringing it out again. Their...isolation wasn't favorable to keeping it, however. A.../minor/....slip up....
I look down at my arm slightly.
...Just a minor slip up...

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Invisimort Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:19 pm

Momo13 wrote:What in the world is she talking about? Do all people make this much sense....? Toc watched the two people and took another step back.

"Not all people are as..... um.... open minded as you." She finally said. She bit her lip and just locked at themfor a few minutes. The guy seemed sane....or saner than the girl. But he was very....pausy. And the girl just seemed like a complete and total nut job.


I... didn't really know what to...say to that, I mean... er. I'd... never really... thought about it. "... uhm... Thank you?" I asked uncertainly.

"YOUR SPOONS WILL NEED SHINED BY THE NEXT TIME THE SKY TOUCHES THE TOP OF LUNGS!" Riddle added... and I was so...confused... But, I kind of always was when I talked to her..or when she said it wasn't anything new.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Momo13 Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:46 pm

"Machinery is favorable..." Kira mimicked his voice and glared at him. "I think I have finally met someone stupider than me. Good job." she rolled her eyes and reached into her back pocket again, pulling out a pack of smokes and a lighter. With some great difficulty because of the use of only one hand, she managed to get a smoke in her mouth and light it. She put the pack and lighter away and took a long drag. "So, did I ever catch your name?"

"um.... Quick question.... What the hell is she saying?" was there a translators or code or something to help understand the giberish leaving this girls mouth? "And do we know where we are?" she couldn't tell if they were in another lab, or just In an eerily large and confusing building.

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Clearing Your History - Page 3 Empty Re: Clearing Your History

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:22 pm

"No," I answer her question bluntly, going through another door. "I didn't catch yours either. And we never asked for one another's."

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