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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Invisimort Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:59 pm


Welcome to Existing! A magical place where we all shall live.

You, as an author... live out your days here in the... well.. whatever land really. One of you authors has come across a wicked cool set of diggs and just couldn't pass it up. The catch? Ginormous pricetag of course. So, in exchange for a room and some fridge space in this sweet joint, you're paying rent to cover it, along with all of your author dudes.

Needless to say, the city of Existing is a pretty weird place... with a these author peeps here.

Fill out a sheet for yourself since you took all the trouble to travel here from... wherever.

A note: Though you can totes shift to other animals or whatevs, please try to keep your own appearance kinda similar to what is really real.

Weapon of choice: (if applicable)

Name: Invisimort
Title: The Immortal Sociopath
Appearance:5'11"... kinda lanky ish... hyperflexible. Often seen in some wrist braces. Short short hair that could be any assortment of colours, will just some days wake up and decide: NEED TO DYE HAIR NEW COLOUR. Red rimmed glasses, black t-shirts with snarky sayings, guy pants... generally androgynous most days actually. Combat boots in winter and birkenstocks in summer.
Abilities:Uh... is insane gore production an ability?
Weapon of choice: Has a whole armoury of ridiculous weaponry. Favourite of which is the buick blade.

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Join date : 2011-01-31
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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Bells Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:25 pm

Name: Bells
Title: The Kat
Appearance: When in human form, around 4'11'' with brown hair that, in the right lights, has blonde and redish streaky like things, brown eyes kinda ringed with green, i know, weird. Um, kinda thickish glasses that have plastic frames, brown with a blue and gold glittered line underneath. Tend to wear nonmatching clothing items that normally end up with my black dressy/sweat majobs. Oh yeah, can't forget the neon colored crocs. NO INSULTING THE CROCS. Anyways... um.... oh yeah, lots of freckles dude, and not really skinny at all, people call me curvy.. um.. i will resist using words I would use cause ya people don't like it when I use them for some reason.

Um, m'kay.. as a kitty.. ima just go a link. The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Kittyattack01


Weapon of choice: I GOT BELLS AND DAGGERS. HA.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Black&White Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:06 pm

Name: Bea Dubayu (hah)
Title: The Yin, The Yang
Norm: *because I'm too lazy to describe right now...*
The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Captur15
I think I'd have some YinYang tattoo, but somewhere hidden. Like a full YinYang when ballanced, Just Yin when vigilante, and just Yang when burglar. And not something like DID, I'm aware of it. Just whatever mood I happen to be in that second.
Normal: Basic black and white convees, blue jeans, and graphic T. I'm quite the plain Jane.
Yin: Alright... *flexes mah superhero muse* White mask and a long black haired wig braided back. short cape that goes to mid back that I usually have the hood up on, with black trim. Flow-y and feminine long sleeved white shirt, black gloves. Black utility belt. white jean shorts, thigh high white socks, and black flats.
Yang: Black mask. White haired wig, hair tied up in a bun. Fabric hiding my face, up to my nose, white trim. Black Kataginu (the pleated vest thing of the Kyoshi Warriors in Avatar, if reference is needed). Longer, slightly loose sleeved shirt beneath - also white trim, but skin tight long sleeved shirt underneath that go into gloves. White belt. Looser pleated black pants that go into black knee high boots with some white detailing.
Abilities(?): super senses, to aid in my vigilante/catburglar ness
Weapon of choice: (if applicable) Yin: Pry nondeadly things. Bow staff as main *AHH~TimDrake~* with supporting items such as bully club *yay~Daredevil~* or bolas *Wooo~ Catwoman~*. Yang: Getting into danger territory, though still stealth stuff like Sai, shurinkin, other ninja/thief gear.

Last edited by Black&White on Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Guest Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:10 pm

Name: Endellion Aleric
Title: Demon Slayer (in training)
Appearance: Boy short hair that's brunette and green (predominantly green), about 5'5" tall, sort of lanky, on the tanner side of things
Normal clothes: Gray cargo pants, black glasses, red high tops, and a t-shirt... oh, and blue and white fingerless gloves
Demon slaying clothes: Sort of lightweight green/gray armor. But... not the bulky stuff, it's made of sort of a plastic-y material only stronger, and the joints and stuff are made of fabric. I can't really explain, more on it later. Place on the back to store a bow and crowbar, and belt for stuff like screwdriver. AND GREEN AND BLACK FINGERLESS GLOVES
Abilities(?): BEING AWESOME. DUH.
Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow as a primary weapon, with a crowbar as secondary. Sonic screwdriver, too, but that's not a weapon.

Last edited by endellion on Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:28 pm; edited 3 times in total


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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Regret Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:45 pm

Name: Regret
Title: The Brit
Appearance: Big. Like, 6'2"-6'3" tall and fairly bulky. But not very. Pale, but red in slightly warm whether. Waistcoat and shirt. Top hat.
Abilities(?): Swimming. All the swimming. Capable of borking machines at will. Designs and runs role-playing games.
Weapon of choice: The brass pump-thingy of machine fucker-upper-y.

Last edited by Regret on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Invisimort Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:05 pm


So... Part of me was very excited and wanted to go sit on the stoop to wait for all the peeps to arrive. And part of me didn't want to go through going to the trouble to put on the sun screen necessary to sit on my porch.

So I stayed inside and lolled about uselessly for a while, pouring out a few cups of iced coffee...with no ice... because ice is nasty...and waters down all my crap.

I'd gotten my rooms mostly unpacked and well... the other rooms... weren't my problem. So... I'd let other people deal with those.

I really liked the house. It was wickedly large... with a kitchen that could house like... six people at once... and a dining room with enough space for one of those comedically long dining tables...and a gorgeous front room with all that once fancy now old architecture in it and a few staircases scattered about the place and more rooms than... than like...A ROOM WITH A MOOSE.... ok that made no sense.

I contemplated going upstairs and firing up Dead Space until someone answered the door, and then I'd creepily show up and act like a butler or something. I don't know.

But then I remembered that I hadn't been motivated enough to set up the internet yet, since no one was going to be online... you know, until they got here... So I was like... meh. Why bother right now... when I could drink caffeine and contemplate my unproductivity. Because... you know. That was a word.

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:42 pm

It had been a bit of a miracle that my parents had let me take the bus here, I had been sure that this would send them into full on helicopter parent mode. But mom knew that striking out on my own was vital for my training, even if dad was still pretty opposed to it. He just didn't get it, but ya couldn't blame him for that. And the ride itself had been... interesting... I had a couple false alarms when it came to my stupid fautly demon sensing thing... and... almost murdered the driver. But hey, after so many hours in a packed bus, it was kind of entertaining. Cough.

My arms were actually pretty strong from hours of practicing with a bow and arrow and tough from swinging around that crowbar of mine. So explain to me why tugging two oversized suitcases a couple of blocks made it feel like they were going to snap out of my sockets? I've dragged around demons longer than that, it should be no big deal. Granted, all my material possessions from clothes to armor to my teddy bear were in that thing... but... really... woman up, self.

I finally made it to the huge house that I'd be living in for the next...howeverlongI'dbelivinginthere. Then I stopped for a moment, studying the facade of the place. Wondering who was inside, who I'd be living with. Rumor had it that the landlady was a sociopath, but if push came to shove, I could probably totally take her down. Pfft. ...If my crowbar was in arm's reach, that was...

I tensed and wheeled my stuff up to the door, giving it three sharp knocks. Subconsciously, I held my breath.

Last edited by endellion on Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Black&White Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:47 pm


The faithful Daewoo, Charlie, managed to get to the house on one tank of gas, which was amazing. Sort of pushing it though; gas gauge didn't work so I had to count miles. Dad said up to 250, but right now it read 263 since my last fill up. But I'd deal with that whenever I needed to drive again.

The back seats put down so that all my junk from the front was quite literally throwing up into the car's cabin all around me so that basically there was this space for me to reside in the driver's seat all scrunched-like, leaning over the wheel like a granny to see the opposite side view mirror to attempt parallel parking again, which has not been repeated since the driver's test a year ago. Great, right? But I loved moving. Loved it. Especially if it's out of the conspirator-known-as-Tom's rule over the severe lack of Wifi and scented candles. And bacon. Who doesn't love bacon, man?!

Note to self: Invest in some hammerspace...

Ohhey, I did it. Funny how mind rambles can just ease your way through such complicated things as parallel parking... It happens a lot when you don't really say anything aloud. Sort of like... the practical way of talking yourself through something, so then no one thinks your crazy. But there's no fun in that, so I mumble to myself anyway.


I get out after turning my car off, going to the trunk to stuff my pillow under one arm and a suit case in the other hand. So starts moving in. This might take a few dozen trips, but at least I'd have everything in. Claim my room for now, and then get everything set up tomorrow. And find a hiding place for that...stuff. Right.

Well...first step was done - getting here. Next step: knocking and saying hi. know... 'squeak', might come out of my mouth better than 'hi'.

But Ende! Endellion arrived~ "Hi," I say, at a decibel that was probably on par with 'squeak'. Which probably went better than meeting a complete stranger, because that was just horrible. Good at polite conversation in such occasions, but god did I hate polite conversation.

Mind rambling again, better pay attention.

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Invisimort Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:17 pm


PEOPLE. Normally... this thought was the least exciting thought on my list of thoughts. But these people... these people would be paying me... and they're all fun and awesome and whatnot. And they're also paying me.

So I got up, drained the last of my coffee, and walked over to the door. I wondered who all would be my punctual ones.

... waaaaaaiiiiitttt a minute... did I put away all my knives... ...oh alright yes probably mostly.

Having reassured myself, I opened the door, with a grin that I hoped looked natural... or... you know... kinda close. "HELLO."

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:03 am

1. Going to edit my post later for betterness

2. Oki. nobody knows me and I dont know anybody. Except mebbe Abbie, instead of knowing each other really well over the internet, maybe we kind of know each other? Like sort of amigos but not nearly as close as usual?


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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Ravyn Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:14 am

Is there still room in this...? The concept intrigues me....

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Invisimort Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:06 pm


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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Ravyn Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:35 pm


Name: Ravyn
Title: Defeater of Leprechauns
Appearance: Short (roughly chin length at its longest..), very shaggy, choppy looking blonde hair. Blue-grey eyes, often obscured by said hair. Very, very pale, about 5ft2. Tends to wear an abundance of black clothing with various accessories (usually of the dangerously spiked variety...... scratching the back of my neck without stabbing myself on my choker is a challenge....). Has a steel barbell in her right eyebrow. Touch it, and die.
Abilities(?): The amazing ability to sleep through anything and everything.
Weapon of choice: (if applicable) Hmmmm....... im gonna say...... a magical guitar that emits sonic blasts :3 just 'cause...... i love mah guitar.

Will put up first post later...... lemme know if anything needs changing.

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Banshee Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:20 am

is it too late to join?

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Regret Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:27 am

So I need a shave. Big deal. It's not like a job interview, and I have just driven halfway across America in a stolen pickup truck. Surely no one can complain. Except perhaps about the stolen Hilux.

I pull up outside and take a look at the piece of paper I printed off. The address is right, and it matches the picture. I muse for a moment about how impressive it is that I can get such high-quality printing done in a strange house in a strange country. Especially at 1 am and without the permission of the homeowner.

I park the pickup. Pretty good for a guy with no licence, I decide. And even the pickup doesn't look that badly dented despite being apparently the only person in the country who drives on the correct side of the road. I get out and knock on the door, a little apprehensive about actually meeting these people for the first time.

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:26 pm


And then our landlord answered the door. Tall, 5'11'' with added boot height, just like her picture. Invisimort, the immortal, originally from Virginia. Favored the buick blade, though I was sure there was some other crap hidden throughout the place.

...Research... Had to know these new people I would be surrounding myself with. Ende was easier; I had at least known her for a little while. I trusted her as an ally, should the need ever arise that I would need one in my business. Had to know these people though. Make sure they weren't enemies who possibly might turn me in if I was found out.

"Hello," I echo politely, though still my usual tone of just above the decibel needed for human hearing. But it was so loud to my ears... I attempt not to wince from Visi's outburst of 'hello'. It was a skill I had perfected, though the tone she used was

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:41 pm

"Hey, Bea!" I said enthusiastically with a slight, shaky smile. My tremor was kicking into overtime suddenly, and I was glad that tugging along a suitcase required no manual dexterity, or else I'd be totally screwed. Ug. The shaking was so embarrassing sometimes, I felt like a chihuahua. Mainly in my hands, but I was shaking all over slightly just from... you know... moving into a house with people I'd never met before. At least I sort of knew Bea, but other than that... nervous...

Cue the landlady, a slightly scary looking lady. I wasn't sure if she looked like a sociopath, though. ...Come to think of it, however, I wasn't sure what a sociopath was supposed to look like. Hey though, she wasn't a demon at least.

"Hey!" My greetings burst out of my mouth just a little too quickly, and I gave a nervous laugh. Yeah. Way to make everybody think the homeschooler is socially strange, Ende. "You're Invisimort, right? That's a cool name! I mean, it's interesting... but in a good way, I... er... yeah. Um." ...I should have shut up while I was ahead. A slight blush at my total awkwardness rose to my face "Um. Sorry." I swear, usually I'm not nearly this bad... I was totally chill at camp and in most other situations. Maybe it was the sociopathic aura that was just totally setting me off.


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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Bells Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:08 pm


Okay, look, it wasn't my fault that the taxi guy didn't find the bell amusing. I mean seriously, who kicks a girl out in the middle of the street just because she threw a bell your head. So rude. Then he like, threw my suitcase out after me, and I mean, I could have yelled at him right then... but he threw my bell too and I just had to go get it.

Nevermind the stares of all the people who had to stop their cars while I spread out in the middle of the street, cat form of course, to bat that ball back and forth. It was making that little twinkling sound, what else was I supposed to be doing?

Oh right, finding that house thingamajob. Alright then.

Grinning I sat up, ignoring all the shouts from the honking cars and shifted back into human. Then while gripping the handle to my suitcase in on hand, the bell in the other, I started down the sidewalk. It shouldn't take too awful long to find the place.

Around forty minutes and many turns later I managed to locate what could have been the place, no way to know for sure till I asked. Practically purring I kinda half-skipped up to the people standing in-front of the door thingy. About to say something I paused, eyes going huge as I stared at the tall person the doorway.

...She was tall. Kinda scary too.

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Ravyn Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:06 pm

Ravyn: Well...... the cab driver sure had gotten out of here in a rush..... he'd practically thrown all my stuff out of the car (including my guitar and amp, WHICH ARE BREAKABLE AND IF HE'D STUCK AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO MAKE PUNISHMENT VIABLE I WOULD'VE----- okay, just... violent mindranting can occur later.....).


Perhaps his decision to leave as quickly as possible had had something to do with the somewhat scary looking people hanging around the front door...? Meh..... even if he'd totally manhandled my stuff, he'd taken off before i could pay him, so i supposed i won in the end. I bent over, having to lean down a little extra because of the three-and-a-half extra inches my big clunky black platform boots gave me, and scooped up my bags, putting my guitar case on my back, one bag in one hand, and my small guitar amp and other bag in the other hand. Right.... may as well go say hi. I mean, i WAS gonna be LIVING with these people... like..... all the time.... for a while. At least. Plus if i kept standing here holding stuff, my arms might fall off.... packing heavy bales of hay for hours on end in the middle of summer could only prepare you for lugging bags of stuff around so much. Before i got distracted by anything else, i headed up towards the door and the group of people around it. "Hello."

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Regret Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:23 am

There are lots of people here now. I'm feeling slightly uncomfortable now, what with having more than about four people around. But hey, I've met some of these people on teh intarwebz before. At least that way I... Yeah. Knowing people off the internet doesn't make them any more knowable, does it?

"Greetings all," I say. "I am Regret: The Brit."

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Invisimort Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:19 pm


And then there were thousands if not several people on the porch now. Splendid. I observed them all momentarily while they said words about who they were and hello and other words to that effect. "Yes. Hi people. You all have names... And most of you know mine... and... yeah!" I stated articulately. I looked at Endellion then, as she'd kinda ranted awkward at me for a minute. "Don't apologise for complimenting people... that's silly."

I paused for a moment, trying to remember what exactly my next talking point was going to be. "" I clapped my hands once in front of me, throwing my weight a little bit to lean backwards at a preposterous angle on mah boots. "You all are going to live here... and I guess one of the only rules of the whole joint is: I am right, and you are paying me. ...So... feel free to sorta decorate your room however you want, and if I randomly break in one day and detest your wallpaper... I reserve the right to yell hysterically at it for hours on end and get in a fantastic row with you about its existence and why I shouldn't attack it with something. Uh... Yeah. The rooms with stuff in them already are mine...uh...we don't have Wifi up yet because I'm lazy...I'm getting another fridge put in later in the week, so... if you all can keep from killing each other about whose caffeine was whose...until then... I ought a craptonne of sharpies so you can label as you see fit... and if you jack my crap without permission I will not hesitate to shiv you. And then repaint your room." ...I wondered if that crossed a line somewhere. I mean... the female parental unit warned me not to be a horrible creeper immediately... but most of these people kinda knew me from the I mean... it wasn't like trying not to freak out a roommate or keep from horrifying a distant relative...

With that ending speal over I decided to stand there and allow the silence to build until someone asked something or something and then somehow, skillfully, We'd all get back inside.

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:38 pm


Wasn't so unusual... Mom didn't want me painting my walls odd colors at home, so I didn't see why I'd see fit to change it now. Ate when I was hungry, tried not to get in people's way, respected boundaries so long as they respected mine, be polite and such....

Didn't exactly mean I gained confidence in people right away, especially with my jobs. Gave me a slight sense of suspicion and mistrust about everyone, just because that was what I was used to doing. Really, it took me forever to open up to a person completely. Even then, secrets would be kept. Can't have everyone knowing I'm Yin and Yang.

So what to say to all that? I don't, simply nodding instead. So long as I could get my room and get my stuff out of my car soon... I wanted to be out on the town to see what goods were to be done and to be had.

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Regret Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:15 am

It takes about three trips for me to drag my stuff from the pickup to the house, but it's totally worth it. I place my laptop reverently on my desk (read plank of wood on breeze-blocks) and fire it up. I then go and make a cup of tea from my private stock of teabags and saunter back to the room. Nope, looks like the computer is still loading. I might as well go and talk to someone. I wander back into the kitchen and sit down with my pint of tea.
"So. How is everyone?"

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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:30 pm

Wasn't one to step on any toes... I'd just be even more careful with this chick, and ask before I do anything at all... uhm. She seemed nice enough, at least, even if she was a little... how she was. But looking around, I didn't see a single normal person in our little crowd of people, so eccentric seemed to be the norm.

Though, hey, she bought sharpies. Even if we weren't going to have our beautiful, beautiful internet... we had an abundance of sharpies. I wondered if she had a green one, that would be neat... maybe I could borrow them to scribble on the walls of my room... hehe...

I took a moment to reflect on my enthusiasm towards trip-inducing markers as Invisimort settled into silence. Probably waiting for somebody to say something... or like... a brave soul to try to go inside... or... thank her for letting us exist in the same general proximity of her airspace of choice...

"Uhm... thank you" I mumbled, mostly coherently, and not wanting to repeat my babble from earlier.


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The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics Empty Re: The Assorted Authors and their Awesome Adventurous Antics

Post by Bells Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:04 am


Okay tall lady is creepy, just for your information. I mean, it wasn't like I doubted if for a moment with her being all tall and... creepy... like.

Well, anyways. I stood there for like a moment, deciding that there was no way I was going in the house before I remembered that I already had my bell, annnd my bag with me. I might as well stay with the creepy lady. After all, there were all these other people so it wasn't like too awfully scary.

Oooooh I wonder if they'd throw my bell for me. People do that sometimes and then I chase it and get it and bring it back and then... then they do it again!

Ohmygoodness that would be amazing.

Grinning up at everyone I gripped my bell with one hand, where I'd clipped it back onto the choker collar I'd gotten to hold it, still holding my bag with the other hand.

"Yeah, thanks." I added, chancing a glance up at the scary tall lady again.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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