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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Sun May 06, 2012 5:33 pm

Kyrian: I smiled around my cigarette. "Kyrian. Kyrian Hunter. Pleased t'meet you. Whoever you are, anyways." i said, trying and failing to keep the light amusement out of my voice. I briefly wondered who Ulga was, and then decided that i probably didnt want to know and would also probably find out all too soon.....

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Mon May 07, 2012 6:06 pm


Smirking a little I walked down the sidewalk to the front door of the house. Shadows hung all around us, not a single light escaping the covered windows as I stopped before the door.
"Stark." I shared before raising a knuckle to knock on the door. He had no need for my last name.
"Who there?" A single dark eye peered through a piece of wood on the door raised just enough to see outside.
"It's me Ulga, and a...Kyrian. Let us in?"
"Who he?" she growled muscling the door open.
Ulga consisted of a rather... large woman with braided brow hair and a thick uni-brow that crept across her entire forehead.
"Someone who'd just love for you to show him around while I do buisness." I'm sure the malicious tone in my voice was noticeable as I stepped past her, surveying the room for the person I wanted as I did.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Mon May 07, 2012 6:20 pm

Kyrian: Seriously?! She was leaving me here with.... with THAT?! I was almost wishing i'd stuck with the rats...... "Uh... hello." i said, waving a little. "Nice to meet you.". Normally....... formalities were.... meh. But i didnt really fancy getting squished or beaten or stabbed or any of the other things i was certain this Ulga chick would have no qualms about inflicting.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Tue May 08, 2012 6:28 pm

Violet --

I chuckled, walking towards the people I needed to talk to, deciding that surely he could handle her for a few moments. If he couldn't?
Well, then I'd be rid of a pest, now wouldn't I?


Ulga stared at Kyrian for a moment, dark eyes seeming to decide whether he was worth speaking to or not. "Follow."
The order was expected to be carried out as she turned around and started walking down a hall that led off of the room.
"I show you weapons. Tour much boring."

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Tue May 08, 2012 6:41 pm

Kyrian: "Weapons? Sounds good. Tours can be boring...." i agreed, following. Yeah, right... weapons..... good..... as long as they werent being used on me...... i really hoped she only meant to show them to me and not practice with them on me..... that would seriously ruin my night. And, well, you know, the rest of my life, since it would become nonexistant...

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Tue May 08, 2012 7:05 pm

Ulga led him down the hall into a darker area, pulling the door open and practically throwing a near by wooden chair to the center of the room. "Sit."
The order was followed by her walking over to a wall covered in various knives and other weapons. Choosing one she turned and waited for him to be seated.
"Ulga's favorite."

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Tue May 08, 2012 7:44 pm

Kyrian: Was i about to get stabbed....? I sat without question, a little nervous about what was coming. "That is a nice knife." i remarked, noticing the one she picked. "The craftsmanship in the blade in particular is obviously high quality...."

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Tue May 08, 2012 8:15 pm

Ulga nodded, flipping it in her hand that may have well been a cleaver for its size. "Favorite." she repeated, then put it back, pulling another item out to show him. "Dangerous, and fun."
The twisted smile on the woman's lips as she crept closer left little to imagination on what the dark, discolored stains covered the surface of the axe's blade happened to be.
"You be nice to Mistress Violet. Yes?"

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Tue May 08, 2012 8:43 pm

Kyrian: Yeah... yeah, the threatening was so obvious....... "Of course, of course. I have no intention of being anything BUT nice. If i WASNT nice, she'd already have killed me..... i had to convince her not to earlier." i said, REALLY hoping this would be sufficient reassurance so that MY blood wouldnt wind up on there. Heh..... so Violet was her first name...... okay, so i might have to tease her about the fact that i knew now later..... but i wasnt going to HURT her.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Wed May 09, 2012 5:25 pm

Ulga seemed to consider it, stepping close enough that the axe clutched in her hand could have reached out and skimmed his skin.
"Ulga watching," She growled after a moment, turning to place it back on the wall. "Ulga no like you. No."
That said she walked over to the door and kicked it back open, giving him a look that suggested he exit first.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Wed May 09, 2012 9:00 pm

Kyrian: "Fair enough." i said, standing and exiting the room. "I wouldnt expect you to like me. Im just some random guy you dont know who showed up. But if you refrain from killing me long enough, im sure you'll find im not THAT bad." i said. I most people didnt like me at first.... but i tended to grow on people after a while. And..... frankly, Ulga wasnt someone i wanted to be pissing off anyways.......

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Wed May 09, 2012 10:02 pm

Violet --

I had just finished bargaining for enough soap and food to last me for two weeks, when they showed back up. Ulga was carrying a rare smile on her face, so I assumed that the tour had been for-fitted in turn for one of her more favorable hobbies.
Such as that wonderful collection of weapons that always seemed to catch her attention when I asked for a tour to be given to a friend... or the random acquaintance I met on the street... who sometimes hadn't been invited to follow me.

"Did you enjoy your tour?" I questioned, smirk sliding onto my lips as I approached them. "Ulga always gives the best ones."

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Wed May 09, 2012 10:06 pm

Kyrian: "Actually, yes. It was very interesting." i said casually. "Your friend Ulga here has a brilliant eye for weapons." i remarked. I could tell that she expected me to be freaked or somehow negatively impacted by the threatening from the giant weapon-obsessed girl. But i'd already stuck around through ONE set of death threats.....

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Wed May 09, 2012 10:17 pm

Violet --

I rose a brow, as if trying to figure him out before sighing. Turning to Ulga I gave her a short nod, gesturing towards the group I had just left.
"Go ahead and show Jenkins home if you want. I'll head back on my own, you know I can handle myself well enough."
"Mistress V-"
"I can take care of anything that might happen, Ulga." I snapped, turning away from her and starting towards the door. "I'll see you in the morning."
That said, I pulled open the door and started out, figuring Kyrian could either choose to follow me or stay behind with Ulga since he liked her tour so much.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Wed May 09, 2012 10:25 pm

Kyrian: Yeah, following Violet. I...... did not intend to stay here with Ulga and the rest of the people here i didnt know. I followed her out the door, waiting until it was closed and we were out of earshot of the people inside before continuing. "So...... i know your first name now." i said, grinning.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Tue May 22, 2012 9:38 pm

Violet --

I paused, turning to look at him. My fists started to clinch at my sides once more as I flipped through the possible 'polite' responses I could give to that. The best being to simply go back to my earlier plan of stabbing him, it would make this whole trailing me like a puppy dog thing come to a stop, know wouldn't it?
"You... what?"

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Thu May 31, 2012 8:44 pm

Kyrian: My grin widened a little at her reaction, expression mischievous. "Yupp! That's right..... i know your first name. Your friend Ulga spilled it..... im not sure she realizes she probably isnt supposed to tell anyone...... she outright said it multiple times through our little chat. But dont worry..... i wont tell anyone else. With your line of work, im well aware that it would be problematic if someone happened to just... go about blabbing your identity to anyone who'd listen and maybe even some that wouldnt. That WOULD be a problem, now, wouldnt it, Violet?" i teased, chuckling. I wasnt actually going to tell anyone..... but the teasing was amusing.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:32 pm

Violet --

"You're pushing it, Kyrian." I growled, dragging out my dagger. "Tell me right now why I shouldn't kill you. You're really trying my last nerves, people who do that don't live very long normally."

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:39 pm

Kyrian: "Relax. Im just teasing you because its amusing to get a rise out of you." i said, chuckling. "Im not normally this annoying, i swear. Only when im bored.... besides, who knows? Maybe i'll be able to do you a favour in the future or something. Never kill a person you might be able to get something from later on. Its a waste of resources, which are scarce enough as is." i reasoned.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:44 pm

Violet --

I hesitated only a little, making sure it wasn't visible. Scowling then I shoved the dagger away, starting to walk although keeping an eye on him.
"Are you normally bored?" I grumbled over my shoulder. "Since you're only this way when you're bored?"

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:46 pm

Kyrian: "Im bored when i have nothing to do. And since work is infrequent...... yeah, i get bored pretty often." i admitted, grinning and keeping pace with her as she walked.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:08 pm

Violet --

I hesitated again, this time gritting my teeth.
"So... if you had work? What then? Would you learn to shut up or something?"

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:10 pm

Kyrian: "I never learn. My only regular job plays to my annoying traits - you annoy your opponent street fighting and it makes a better show. But yeah, if i had a decent regular job, i could stand to be less of a pain...." i said. I was usually pretty serious when i was doing any kind of task that required it.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Bells Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:14 pm

Violet --

I frowned, pausing on the street and looking him over. If he was a good fighter... then maybe...
But to put up with him all of the time...
Of course, the way this was going I would be putting up with him a lot anyways. Maybe I should just profit from the guy.
"Alright, how about this. What if I hire you?"

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn) - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos (Bells/Ravyn)

Post by Ravyn Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:43 pm

Kyrian: Brief surprise flashed across my face. I hadnt actually expected her to hire me....... or even SUGGEST hiring me. But turning down a job was madness in this place. My usual cocky grin replaced the surprise. "Sounds like fun. I didnt expect you to suggest that, though....."

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