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Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:09 pm

SHEESH girl. I think you set some new record for disappearing for a night. Getting kidnapped, shipped across an ocean, and now knowing a particular guy's left knee is out of wack. In a little more than twelve hours... Seriously, I must need to work on my night life more if this is the new level of exciting.

Shyster distracts, bad guy looks back to survey his screwed predicament for a second which is all I need to speed forward and kick out the weak leg. I grab Michi before she even hits the ground with him, going across the room to leave the knocking out to Shyster. What to say to a girl who looks dead, compared to simply dying. Wiccan, get over here with your spells and voodoo. He had mentioned a healing spell before, right?

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:22 pm

Michi gasps as she begins to fall. Luckily, the other guy catches her quickly. She clings to him, as best as she can, to try to keep herself alive. She needed to stay attentive, she couldnt slip into an unconscious state.

"Thanks..." She mumbled softly to him.


Gavin moved through the halls with Wiccan and Stature. They made there way back to where Speed, Shyster and Michi were. And michi wasn't looking so hot.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:17 pm


I rush in, surveying the scene quickly. Some guy knocked out by Shyster, Tommy with Michi who was bleeding some more. I get myself visible and go over quickly. Okay, needed to concentrate now... "IwanthertohealIwanthertohealIwanthertoheal..." Yup, wishing really hard...totally reliable. It's a struggle to ignore the situation, but I get my magic to come. I could never completely heal anything. Too costly onto myself. I'd get headaches, and then nausea, to my own injuries forming at the strain. Yet Scarlet Witch could go ahead and revive people from the dead. Scary thoughts...
"We have to get out before our exit's blocked," Tommy reminds, breaking my focus for a second.
"I can teleport. Just making sure she doesn't die first..." Teleport, right? Six people...that was...doable...? Sure. "Just get in close, and don't move." I close my eyes, picturing the plane. Just go in the plane... This wasn't going to feel nice. ...I hope my illusion back home is holding up alright. It would utterly suck if 'I' suddenly disappeared during dinner or something...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:32 am


So, I'd just knocked out the guy when Wiccan came in with the others. I didn't see much use in arguing about the weird magic stuff and instead just got in close when he asked. My eyes shut I suddenly felt like the world lurched beneath me, nausea sweeping over my mind.
"Ugh," I grumbled, opening my eyes to the plan. "Remind me to never do that again..."
Amina was staring at us with wide eyes, I realized, and the Serpent dude was just standing towards the back, seeming pretty tense but not really showing any expression. Jeez, you think people appearing out of nowhere would at least cause that.
"How's Michi doing?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:43 am

Zell looked around as the others came back. "Alright. Everyone here?" She asked, looking around. Gavin had moved to take michi from whoever was holding her and kept her close, protective even of the injured girl.

"She's alive." Gavin said softly, glancing around at the others. "But we have to move quicker."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:53 pm

"S...sorry..." I mumble to Shyster, managing to get in a chair before my legs went out. I put Cass down next to me, where she grew to normal size and quickly went to the co-pilot's seat.
"Speed, close the cargo bay door. Zell, I'm off. You know more about medics than me," she said. Her voice was shaky, her face pale, but her look solid and determined.
Monica went over, taking the pilot's seat. "If I may...your nerves are rather fried," she states bluntly, pulling the belt over to click her in. Her hands move calculated over the controls, as if endlessly practiced, and her eyes hard and empty. was unsettling to watch. But then looking over at Amina, I could imagine suddenly appearing from thin air was rather unsettling as well.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:28 pm


I shrugged it off, quickly moving to take my seat and fasten in.
"It's alright, at least we didn't have to deal with the trouble of getting past guards to get back." I muttered, enjoying a bit of the power I'd gotten from Speed.
It's kinda nice only taking a moment to do what could take minutes. I mean, I knew this would wear off soon enough but still... pretty neat.


Shaking my head I studied the girl, whom I had to assume to be Michi. Hesitating slightly I glanced between everyone before speaking up.
"If I may... I know medics as well. It was one of my many interests back at home."
I actually knew quite a lot. Wakanda was much further along than the rest of the world in medical sciences. After all, while other societies were trying to discover the cure to cancer, we'd had it for a decade, perhaps longer. I was a little sketchy on my history.
I couldn't really tell them all about this though, my Wakandain heritage was best kept secret. Still... perhaps I could be of some help, this didn't seem like to major of a job to keep her stable until we arrived back to were we'd departed from.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:59 pm

Zell had moved to take care of Michi but stopped when Amina offered. "alright. You probably have more knowledge then I do. We wont be able to take the bullet out, but do what youcan to keep her alive." She put her how down and went back to the front. "CopyCat, I can fly us out. Best not to get in Amina's way." She had no problem with her personaly, she just had issues with others flying. "If you wouldn't mind."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:05 pm

"You are, in a way. These are all your moves. It is imperative we get out now, however," I state, finishing up the various buttons exactly the order Zell had when taking off from our meeting point. "I would prefer if you take Cassandra's place. She is unfit for this."
Stature just stares at me taken aback for a moment, as most act around me. As I understand it, the social skills I've learned aren't normal. People tended to have problems with clashes of authority...
"I...she...Yeah, Zell, here..." she says quickly, getting out of her chair beside me. I glance over, smooth with the take off as the hanger door light blinks off and the men within the base start realizing their prize isn't where she was anymore with the sudden teleportation, then clicking on the cloaking exactly as Zell had after departing. Down to the second, repeating the gesture exactly.
Problems with clashes of authority... She was the declared 'leader'. "You may switch over control to your side once you are situated; I will co pilot."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:18 pm

Zell fumed slightly. She had issues with others taking control of situations. That was exactly why she didn't work in teams. She took Cassie's seat and immediately typed in commands to transfer the pilot controls. But she made sure to not let her anger show as she drove the jet. She amped up the speed as she drove and watched out the window and the controls. "Make sure that you keep her alive, guys."
Her control panel started beeping as it showed something launching at them. "Something is coming at us. Raising shields and prepare for impact and, or more... Interesting flying. Everyone strap in and find a way to keep Michi.... Safe."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:41 pm

Going through the memories, settling upon those of flight videos, military procedures, emergency flight patterns when under attack. "We are cloaked; it is heat seeking." Fire flairs... The speed we are going should render much artillery out of range unless they had us pinpointed on satellite, which was completely improbable for this style jet.
I glance back at everyone, calculating and estimating. Wiccan could use shields, and he seemed to be attempting, only the state he was in from the past work seemed to render his muttering useless. With all the flickering Gavin was doing, I wouldn't trust his powers either.
Speed, meanwhile, was looking around cabinets at a blurry pace, coming back to Michi. "We could duct tape her to the floor?" Various rolls were on his arm, and he presented a medical bag to Amina. Cassie was sitting in one of the available chairs, next to Serpentine.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:00 pm


Nodding my thanks when Zell left the job to me, I quickly moved next to Gavin. Recalling what I remembered from home, I quickly examined Michi.
Just then Zell spoke and I stiffened up, annoyance flooding through my mind. Could we have had a few minutes so that I could have slowed the blood loss before people started firing things at us?
Of course not. Because bad guys weren't that nice.
"That'd probably be the best idea." I muttered, taking the bag when offered it and riffling though until I found some gauze and antiseptic. "I'll stay unbuckled. She needs treated, if the flying gets rough so be it."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:33 pm

Zell nodded and went into manual drive. "Gavin, get an extra shield around us. If you can." How did they track onto them? "I'm giving another boost of speed. Sorry if it gets a bit bumpy." Zell ground her teeth as she tried to dodge whatever was on their tail. She flipped a few switches and gripped onto the controls. Here they went...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:14 pm

"Sheesh, it's about time this thing pulled its weight..." I start on her legs, putting a few dozen lengths of tape down before going around to her waist. Next, her shoulders, giving Amina room to work on her chest wound. There was a dish rag in the kitchenette that I use for a somewhat more comfortable headstrap than just duct tape on skin and hair. See, I'm considerate too! All these morals in one day, someone give me a pat on the back!
"Flairs?" CopyCat questioned, keeping right on par with Zell's actions.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:36 pm


"Thanks..." I said, bracing myself for the turns and digging around in the bag again for a pair of scissors.
Glancing shortly between Michi and Speed I shrugged my shoulders a little, figuring that she'd be more interested than living than in public decency. Using the scissors to cut away at her shirt around the wound I began to pour the antiseptic on it.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:55 pm

Zell kept her eyes on the sky. "CopyCat, keep an eye on the monitors. Tell me when something is coming at us and which direction." Her hands were still gripping the controls. She could hear the beeps of something incoming and moved her left hand, typing in codes to the panel at her left.

Gavin watched as Anima started working on Michi. He tried to pull up a shield around them, but all he would manage would get one around the people in the jet, not the jet itself.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:26 pm

"...Behind..." Duh. "Steady at two hundred meters." I pause. "Much of the arsenal in my memory would have run out of fuel at this point. If we can keep it behind us, we may simply outrun it." Harmlessly drop into the ocean. Might I be the only one with logic sometimes...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:31 pm

Zell nodded and pushed the jet to move faster. "C'mon baby...You haven't failed me yet. Just get us home." Just get them home alive. She typed a few more commands into the panel. Her eyes kept scanning the skies. "Gavin, how is that shield going?"

"Its going.... I really am trying.......but.... Its not easy." He muttered, sweat collecting on his brow as he attempted yet again to form a shield around them.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:04 pm

CrapcrapcrapCrapcrapcrapCrapcrapcrap... My eyes were squeezed shut, if maybe just because of the half naked Michi tapped to the floor. Yup, that's the only reason. None of this death defying stuff was getting to me at all...
"Falling back," Monica informs in her most freakishly calm GPS female computer voice.
"Can this near death thing be every day? I like the excitement." Tommy laughs off his nerves.
Cassie's busy fuming. "Have some damn decency. Sit down, eyes forward!" And then worry. "Amina, can I help or anything?"
Someone taps the healing band on my forehead. Norse mythology. Gotta love the a lot. "Dudes, chill. If it hit us we would have died on impact anyway..." Because that was totally comforting, Tommy... Still tense, and not even glancing over at the back of the plane doubling as some operation room, I peek through my eyelashes at the look alike. Who was right in my face, studying me. "You're so freaking creepy," he muttered under his breath.
I have a blue spark snap to life between us so he jumps back, shocked. Just...had problems with people being so close to me... Not dying? Let's just check out this kid while his eyes are shut! WHAT THE HECK GOES THROUGH HIS HEAD...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:52 am


I glanced up as someone spoke, hands straightening out the gauze as I did. I hesitated a little, considering before giving a short nod and gesturing towards Michi.
"Yes, it will be slightly difficult to get this around her while she's taped down, but the better secured it is around her, the more pressure it will apply." I muttered, beginning to push it under her so I could pull it out the other side, holding it in the center of her chest as I attempted to wrap it around again. "And I'm sure you know, the better the pressure the faster the blood flow will slow down."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:16 am

"Almost there, guys," Zell called back to them, pulling the mic of her head set down in front of her lips. "Young Avengers. Connect us to stark tower, please." After a few seconds of a buzzing sound, Jarvis' voice filled her headphones.
"Hello, Ms. Zell."
"We are coming in. a few miles away. We have Michi."
"Wonderful. I shall inform Mr. Stark."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:47 am

"Right. Okay." I go around to the opposite side of her, helping to get the gauze under and around tight and straight. The pristene white blooming red slowly...theoretically, we had to keep wrapping her up until that stopped... My eyes stay on the task, not glancing at her face. Trying to not think of her as Michi.
"Get an operation team ready, Jarvis..." I add in quickly.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:41 pm


Almost there, great. The information caused me to let out a deep breath, continuing to wrap till we ran out. At least she wouldn't be bleeding out, hopefully. I couldn't be sure of how much blood she'd lost before now, so there was no guarantee of her state. I could hope at least...
"Hold in there..." I muttered under my breath before looking up at Stature to give her a short nod. "And... thanks."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:05 pm

Zell glanced back at them. "Landing!" She called to the others. Her jaw was set as she lowered the jet down to the landing pad on stark tower. She tried to keep it as smooth as possible, to make sure not to upset michi's condition anymore that it already was. Once landed, she started to power down the jet.
"Gavin, Serpent, Amina, get Michi to the operation team. Monica, AnnaBelle, if you want to avoid Fury, you can go to floor fifteen, your rooms should be next to each other. Cassie, find Stark, Fill him in. Wiccan, if you are still low on energy feel free to get something to eat or lay down. I'm sure Jarvis would give you directions to anywhere in the tower. Speed.....just dont get in trouble. Help me debrief Fury if you want, but.... if not just stay out of the way." She didnt know how to handle Speed most of the time. Or any of the time. "you guys did great today." She took her head set off and grabbed her bow. The door was open for them to get Michi where she needed to be.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 6 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:19 am

"I have to, uh -" I start, starting to stand...sorta. ...Fine, I'll just fly.
"AAAlrighty," Speed starts walking out after the Michi brigade, waving a hand over his shoulder.
Cissie goes to catch him, shrinking down slightly. "Wait, Tommy. Help me get to Unc - Stark. Please?"
"Yupyup. I'll play chariot, sure..." ...It always weird to see him flip to this from his usual obnoxiousness. "Bye then, Hawkette..." There he goes again.
"...uhm. I have to get back, uh... Text me again...?" You know, that freaky thing you did...with the private number. SoI'lljustgo...? If I even can anymore.

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