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Vladimir Academy

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:09 pm


“That’s interesting.” I smiled slightly when the girl said her ability was strange. It really was, but it was also an intriguing one. “It is kind of strange, but it’s different and kind of intriguing,” I said. I paused a moment, realizing I hadn’t introduced myself. “I don’t believe I properly introduced myself, I’m Alexander.”


“I see,” I said. So I was right, he was over six feet tall and he was over a foot taller than me, which explained why I seemed to feel extra dwarfed. Normally I wasn’t around anyone taller than six feet tall.

“Animal form? That’s cool.”

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:15 pm

Misty shrugged and smiled. "And don't say like me. That's the cheesiest thing ever. interesting name. I'm Misty." Her name wasn't all the creative and it came from her place of birth, a misty forest. "Do you have any special abilities, Alexander?"

Ice nodded. "Well it's only cool when you have to fight. Sometimes the animal can take over..." That happened once when he was little and they had to relocate, due to his lack of control.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:33 pm


I chuckled at her comment, slightly agreeing about it being cheesy. “I promise I won’t say that incredibly cheesy line, Misty. My name really isn’t that interesting, just one that’s common and old. Your name is the interesting one. Misty... it rolls of the tongue quite nicely,” I said. “Yes, I do, but neither is that interesting. I have minor healing abilities and I shift into a few different things although that’s relatively common among my species.”


I nodded, knowing what he meant. I may not have an animal in me, but I knew what it was like to have something take over. “Most of the things any of us can do are only cool to ourselves really if we get into a fight or need it for survival or something. Mostly though, what we can do just seems cool to someone else. Having something whether it’s an animal or something else take over is never fun.”

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:33 am

Misty let a small smile form. "I don't hear old and 'common' names as much anymore. I only got the name Misty because I was born in a forest that was covered in mist." There she went with her big mouth again. "Healing and shifting...interesting. Well yours helps you in battle." She wasn't about to tell him that she thought she had another ability: fighting.

Ice shook his head. "It's really not. It also depends on how strong that other creature or thing is. A rabbit, not as powerful, but a tiger or lion would take over easier. So um...what's your name? I'm Ice."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:57 am


I smiled when she told me she got her name form where she was born. I found it interesting, more interesting than how I got my name. “True, but the story behind yours is more interesting than the story behind mine. I was simply named after my great-great-great-grandfather,” I said. I watched her as she spoke, realizing I was actually slightly pleased that I came over here. I shrug when she says my abilities would help me in battle. “Really only the healing helps and I can’t heal any major wounds. As for shifting, in most of the forms I can shift into, someone would still be able to cause damage.”


I thought about what he said for a moment, agreeing with him. “Your right, I suppose. Ice is a cool name. I’m Nyx.”

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:05 pm

Ice chuckled. "So you don't think of Ice Ice Baby? Good. Nyx...and you're a dayling. I'm sure you haven't heard any jokes about that one."

Misty shrugged. "Well your name runs in your family I suppose. I can't heal if I tried. I'd probably hurt myself more. I can shift into a clouded leopard..." She wasn't that good at conversation, but they seemed to be having one.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:28 pm


I just stared at him when he said the whole ‘Ice Ice baby’ thing. I’m guessing it was a reference to something and a lot of people brought it up, but I honestly had no clue where that came from. “Honestly, I don’t even know what that’s from and either way I don’t think I would think that. Trust me; I think my parents have a very sick and twisted sense of humor for naming me Nyx.”


“True,” I said. “Healing isn’t even that great of ability since it takes a lot of energy to heal just a small wound. A clouded leopard? That is quite fascinating. What you can shift into is far better than any of the things I can shift into by far.”

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:12 pm

Ice found it odd that she didn't know the song, but was also relieved. "Nevermind, it's a song. I kind of think they do too. My parents just named me Ice because of my cold eyes. Very creative."

Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:31 pm


“Oh,” I said, feeling slightly stupid for never having heard whatever song he was talking about. “I’m someone agrees about my parents’ choice in names. That is creative and cool that they gave you that name. I don’t think I’ve met too many people whose name had to do with a physical trait.”

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:59 am

Misty shrugged. "It all depends on your family. My sister was a really great skipped me I guess. What can you shift into?" The only reason she liked her shift was because it was a pretty animal and agile.

Ice thought about it. "It would have been better if I could actually control ice. My parents wanted me to be scary and dominate. Here I am. Six feet and how ever many inches with cold eyes. Just to add to the fun, I turn into a dragon."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:29 pm


I thought about the first part of what she said for a moment. “True. I know my whole family seemed surprised when they found out I could do any form of healing because the last healer in my family was centuries ago. Basically, the ability was lost in my bloodline. I can shift into a wolf, raven, and a cat. Trust me, a clouded leopard is much better than those things,” I told her.


I watched as he told me what his parents wanted him to be. He looked like he could be scary, but he didn’t seem that way to me and when he said he turned into a dragon, I instantly found him a tad more interesting. “You know, you like you’re scary and that you would be dominate, but I’m not so sure you are. You actually seem like you might be nice. The fact that you can shift into a dragon is pretty cool. The biggest thing I can do is do a few things with fire.”

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:07 pm

Misty found that very interesting. "It's amazing how some abilities loose themselves but others work their way into the line. I'd love to turn into a wolf though. That power and muscle...and those teeth. A clouded leopard's teeth are strong and sharp sure, but I'd choose to turn into a wolf. I do agree that the clouded leopard is better than a raven and a cat. I see ravens as a sign of death..."

Ice shrugged. "I use my height to my advantage. Not many people are so brave to talk to someone much taller than them. I don't to be anything my parents want me to be." When he mentioned his parents, his voice filled with acid but then became normal again. " you'll melt me then?" He meant that as a joke, but his humor was a bit weak.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:24 pm


“It really is I suppose. It can be pretty nice being in wolf form, but I do kind of like being a raven. When I’m a raven I can fly and I feel free, like nothing matters and I have the world to myself.” I smiled sadly at her last comment, knowing that many people associated ravens with death. “A lot of people do. I think it has something to do with when a lot of vampires used to shift more and kill for food. They’d stay behind with the body in the form of a raven for a while and voilà, people gave the raven a bad rap because of vampires."


I watched him, raising an eyebrow when his tone changed when he mentioned his parents. It was obvious that there was some bad blood there and I was a bit curious, but I also knew it wasn’t my place ask or anything else for that matter.

“Does that mean you’re just like a big teddy bear then?” I asked. If he became anything his parents wanted him to, did then that meant he was really just a big, kind of scary looking guy that was nice.

I smiled at his joke. It was kind of funny, but to be honest, it was mostly cute. “Cute joke.”

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:25 pm

Is it too late to join?

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:26 pm

Alice wrote:Is it too late to join?

Smile No, you can join if you'd like and I can always throw in a couple more characters. ^.^

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:43 pm

(alright ^__^)

Name: Xavier
Age (15-19): 18
Gender: male
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): shape shifter
Abilities: can change into many diffrent people. All he has to do is see their face
Dayling or Nightling: dayling
Personality: bad boy. gets introuble alot! :3
History: doesnt like to share it
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat): when he isnt acting like someone else!
Looks like dis:
Vladimir Academy - Page 2 1232470930_2640_full

Name: Ansley
Age (15-19): 16
Gender: female
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): vampire
Abilities: fire... she controls fire! and ice weird combination ik but its true
Dayling or Nightling: Nightling
Personality: talk back. doesnt take crap from anyone
History: she was used as a vilian to kill masses of people. Though she wont tell anyone that.
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat):
Vladimir Academy - Page 2

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:21 pm

( Smile I'll post actual intros for my characters in a bit. ^.^)

Name: Tristan Steele
Age (15-19): 19
Gender: Male
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): Water elemental
Abilities: none other than what goes with his species
Dayling or Nightling: Dayling
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat): Tristan has short blonde hair that he normally spikes and blue eyes. He’s kind of tanned and not very muscular. He stands at six feet tall.
Personality: good hearted, sweet, caring, your basic good boy who follows rules, polite
History: Tristan was raised in a pretty normal household with his mom, dad and sister. The only thing that wasn’t too normal was that his whole family are all water elementals. A few years ago he was sent to Vladimir Academy so he could learn more about his powers and is now in his last year there.

Name: Rhiannon Hayes
Age (15-19): 16
Gender: Female
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): Werewolf
Abilities: Reading minds
Dayling or Nightling: Nightling
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat): Rhiannon has brown hair that falls to her shoulders in waves and has blood red tips with side swiped bangs. She has brown eyes and a few freckles across her nose. She also has a nose piecing on the right side and three piercings in each ear. Her skin’s pretty pale and she’s pretty tall for a girl, standing at five feet and eleven inches. She’s slightly muscular and lean.
Personality: loner, sarcastic, trouble maker
History: Rhiannon was raised by her mother who didn’t have much idea of who Rhiannon’s father was or her heritage. Rhiannon’s mother was a werewolf, but the gene was buried and she never knew. Rhiannon lived most of her life without a dad, but when she was fifteen things started changing and her dad came back into her life. When he came back, he told her she was a werewolf and that she had to go to Vladimir Academy. Needless to say, it took a bit of time for Rhiannon to believe him and listen.

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:30 pm

(Otay! Let me know when they are up)

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:48 pm


I watched the people around me while they talked, laughed and did their thing. I could go find my friends amongst the crowd, but I didn’t think it would be exactly easy to find any of them. And I certainly wasn’t about to spend a couple hours looking for them just so I could burn a little time chatting with them. Instead, I just dealt with watching the people around me.


I walked around all the people, prowling. I found the gathering rather boring and dull. There was nothing interesting happening, no fights even though there was tension and some people were even mingling and laughing. Needless to say, I wanted to find or do something more interesting. If I got in trouble for going and picking a fight with someone, I would live just like I did every other time I had gotten in trouble before because I decided that’s what I would do. I would go find someone that would be fun to fight with, preferably a Dayling.

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:08 pm

Ansley took off her leather jacket and slung it over her shoulder. Insaide the building it had become hot. She shuddered. She could go out in the sun but it would have a nice little tingle for her. She sighed and sat on the ground. Nothing made sense anymore.

Xavier rested against a tree and looked up. It was weird how the weather changed. First it was cold then hot. He sighed. He hated bi polar weather. He shrugged off and looked around. He smiled a slight bit. What kind of trouble could he pull?

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:17 pm

(I probably should have included this in the intros, but I didn't think about it. >.< They're at the gathering thing that happens on All Hollows Eve.
It was midnight and a crescent moon hung high in the sky as Daylings and Nightlings gathered around, a large fire and the stars lighting the area. It was the one night that they were supposed to get along, the one night where none of their differences mattered. Tonight was All Hallows Eve.
Sorry, I really should have included that.)

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:20 pm

I see that make sense! XD ignore my last post.

Ansley looked around at all the people crowed around her. They were fake in her eyes. She hated how they sat there and stared at her. A nNightling. She sighed and shook her head. SHe hated these people for a reason.

Xavier watched people crowd around a fire. He chuckled amused. He wanted to raise some hell tonight but he needed help.

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:33 pm

(Yeah, sorry about that! Okay. xD)


I continued to look around, quickly growing bored. I had to wonder what else there was to do other than spend forever trying to look for at least one of my friends. I sighed, eventually figuring that maybe they would be by the fire and I wouldn't have to look too hard for them. My eyes stayed locked on my feet as I walked which probably wasn't the smartest thing since it was crowded.

It was then that I ran into a girl.


I stopped walking and crossed my arms over my chest. So far I hadn't found anyone that would be fun to pick on and fight with which saddened me. I let out an annoyed sigh and glanced around, hoping I might spy someone who would put up a good fight. It was then that my eyes landed on a guy who looked like he was wanting to raise some hell.

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:24 pm

Ansley looked up at the dude who ran into her. Her eyebrow raised. "Watch where your going." SHe muttered. She looked at him again this time wit hcuriousty. She tilt her head slightly.

Xavier took out a cigarrete and lit it. The smoke filled his lungs and he smiled. It wouldnt kill him... he was already dead but no body needed to know that. He looked around still. Everyone was boring.

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Vladimir Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:15 am

enchanted_sharpie wrote:Alexander:

“It really is I suppose. It can be pretty nice being in wolf form, but I do kind of like being a raven. When I’m a raven I can fly and I feel free, like nothing matters and I have the world to myself.” I smiled sadly at her last comment, knowing that many people associated ravens with death. “A lot of people do. I think it has something to do with when a lot of vampires used to shift more and kill for food. They’d stay behind with the body in the form of a raven for a while and voilà, people gave the raven a bad rap because of vampires."


I watched him, raising an eyebrow when his tone changed when he mentioned his parents. It was obvious that there was some bad blood there and I was a bit curious, but I also knew it wasn’t my place ask or anything else for that matter.

“Does that mean you’re just like a big teddy bear then?” I asked. If he became anything his parents wanted him to, did then that meant he was really just a big, kind of scary looking guy that was nice.

I smiled at his joke. It was kind of funny, but to be honest, it was mostly cute. “Cute joke.”

Misty shrugged. "Sorry, I just saw a raven when my parents died. It looked at me with those eyes..." She didn't want to think of this now, especially on the night of the truce. "I used to like ravens though, well, more of the freedom of flying. I wish I could escape to a bird and just fly."

Ice chuckled. "Well, I suppose you could call me that." He blushed, despite himself, when she commented on his joke. "Uh well, yeah. Humor isn't exactly my best quality." Again, humor wasn't something his parents knew, therefore he didn't inherit that.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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