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Soul Eater (Details inside:))

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:41 pm

"Don't you have a partner to go worry about?" She asked him bored.
"Nope. No one ever came to me and i never went to anyone else." Jiff chewed the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. "I suppose if someone were to ask me i'd have to decline anyways. I'm supposed to be your partner...add to the disguise, ya know?"
"And if someone were to challenge me for you, what would happen? I certainly can't use you, being a witch, but to uphold this disguise of yours i'd have to accept. A meister doesn't willingly give away their partner, right?" I challenged him.
he simply shrugged and continued to walk to our next class.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:50 pm

Nickoli: "Hey, why don't you just go hunt for Excalibur like you said you were? Or chee, I don't know, ask someone to partner up with you the normal way?" I points at me. "What are you saying, Nick? As daughter of the great Alyssia Heart, I must uphold the Heart way!" I grimace as I take in the Christmas lights she'd begun putting up. "This is the Heart way?" "Shush, Nick, I'm trying to concentrate!" She sits behind the desk she'd lugged out into the middle of the hallway, all covered up now with signs and Christmas lights, candles and glitter. "Mind control..." she mutters as she puts her fingers to her temples abd starts looking out at everyone who passes by. "You don't have-" "Mind control!" she repeats. And she wonders why she doesn't have a partner yet.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:00 pm

"Class is boring, can't we go somewhere else?" October said as they neared the door.
She frowned. "Then i'm skipping, and you as my 'partner' better come along..." She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards an exit, stepping out into the cold. The first thing she saw was the girl from before doing an odd pose. "What's she doing?"
"Who knows...Can we go back? It's cold..." Jiff said.
"Duh, it's December..." She looked at the girl who had been shouting about Excalibur. "She doesn't have a weapon..." October said slyly, eying between them. Ugh, if only she'd ask. Then this entire pretending could be over and she could be herself. Not have to go to these boring classes, maybe get some of her powers back...

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:11 pm

Nickoli: "Hey, there are some people over there. Think they'd be interested?" I ask as I spot some kids from our class. Augustine jumps up, looks around, and then starts laughing. "Of course there is, my dear Nickoli. And do you know why?" "I don't really wan-" "Mind control!" She stands up on the desk and points to them. "Ah, I see that divine intervention has brought you two to my stand. What am I selling, you ask? My skills as a miester, that's what! I'm versatile, a member of the almost extinct Heart gypsie clan, can speak ten different styles of fish, and can do this-" She reaches up to touch me after taking off one of her gloves and I move. "What are you doing?!" "C'mon, Nick, I gotta show them!" "No, not on me!" She falls off the desk and lands on the ground face down. I curse as I look at her when her arms suddenly shoot out and grab me by the ankles. "Aha!" is the last thing I hear before she starts shocking me.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:24 pm

"Divine intervention? Mind control? No such thing, even in the witch world..." October muttered to Jiff.
He shot her a glare. "You going to fight her?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't i? Don't i have to accept, to defend my partner?" She struck a dramatic pose.
"Fine...I'll get a teacher...." he walked off back towards the school and came back with Albarn.

"This...okay...?" he whispered over.
"Gotta keep her undercover...'whatever it takes,' Shinigami said..." Jiff shrugged.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:29 pm

Augustine: I jump. Oh crap, the fuzz. "Well, this was really fun guys, have to do it again some time. So while you sit there and simmer, I think it's time for me to jet!" I hurriedly start trying to put stuff away, but it all takes to long. I gran Nickoli's arm, who's still passed out on the ground. "Come on, Nickoli. Time to gooo." Crap, hiw much trouble will I get in this time?

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:39 pm

October: "Hey! You threaten to take my partner away, you haveta deal with me!" I acted out dramatically. Maybe this whole pretend thing was sort of fun. I smiled to myself.
Albarn: "Alright. One on one fight. no weapons." He eyed up Augustine. "You might have already won this, actually..."
Jiff: "Good. i don't have to waste my time here then..."
October: "Oh, no. Like it or now, we're fighting Girly..."

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:45 pm

Augustine: My eyebrow twitches as I start to grin. Oh. I didn't know she wanted a fight. I toss Nickoli, not caring where he goes, and turn back around, fire in my eyes. "Of course," I say calmly as I walk up.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:56 pm

Jiff: "Can't wait...a girly cat fight..." he said sarcastically.
October: Please... i came at her quick and caught her off guard. With two swift kicks she stumbled and i walked back as she recovered to a good defending position. "This all the Hearts Clan has to offer? No wonder they're almost gone," She sneered.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:06 pm

Nickoli: My eyelids flutter and I look around. "What the...Augustine, when I get my hands on- Augustine!" My eyes widen and I try to get up. I watch as she starts to stand from her position, her stupid Hello Kitty pin out of her hair. Her hair covering her face, she opens up her arms wide and looks at her. "I'll give you one more chance," she says, her voice void of all emotion. "One more shot to get a good hit at me. Waste it again, and I swear I'll fucking kill." I curse and stand up, rubbing my head. She licks her lips and I can see the heart branded on her tongue. It's like a whole different person.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:13 pm

"Hey, Jiff...i think she might mean it..." October called over.
he looked away. "I'll be there if you need it." Hopefully Shinigami won't kill him for it though.
October took a breath and smiled at her. "Why the sudden change?" I came at her again, a one-two and she was down again. In all reality she should have been unconscious. I had used what little power i had in me to do so but she stirred again, and i backed up weary again.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:26 pm

Nickoli: "Wasted," I hear Augustine murmur. She bangs on the ground twice and then rolls up. Instead of standing back up, she stays crouched for a moment before springing up and headbutting the girl under her chin. The girl grimaces abd steps back but gets ready for another attack. Augustine disappears for a moment and then comes behind her, clasping her hands together and slamming them on her head. She comes back in front of her and shoves her elbow into her stomach, making her go into a tree. She bangs the girl's head on the tree three times before rearing back her other arm, glowing with the same stuff she used to shock me. I curse and stand up, still feeling wobbily, and turn on of my fingers into a gun. "Augustine, stop!" I yell as I send a bullet flying right by her ear.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:35 pm

Jiff was there the next second to block her next punch and pushed her back.
"Took you long enough...I can only defend for so long with this bit of power i was able to keep." October chuckled up to him.
Jiff shook his head. "Should have just let me go." He touched the seal, hidden beneath her sweatshirt on her upper arm.
"Can't do that. You said yourself." Augustine was standing again, the fight still in her. "Though it's going to be too easy now," October said, as she put up her hood. She walked around Jiff, cast out her hand, and froze her movements. "Time to calm down, Hearts." Her power extended to her and October removed her fury.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:42 pm

Augustine: "O-owie." I lean against a tree and touch my head. Nickoli walks up and hands me my pin. "Why the hell did you get into a fight?" he asks. I shrug. "Because it looked fun and you were passed out?" "Yea, because of you!" He agitatedly runs his fingers through his hair and I look at the other girl. "That was really fun, y'know. Maybe we should do it again sometime? I've never fought a witch before and I did better than I thought!" I smile and get up before falling back down again. "O-ow. I feel all icky inside now..."

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:48 pm

October smiled down to her and crouched down in front of her. She laid a hand on her forehead. She healed her. "Only because i didn't have all my powers. You really didn't even touch me though. Shinigami allowed me to keep a little for these types of situations." She removed her hand and tilted her head. "If i wasn't so limited you wouldn't have had a chance."

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:51 pm

Augustine: "If I ate a heart, you wouldn't stand a chance either," I say quietly, not liking her cockiness. "You must not know much about the Heart Clan."

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:56 pm

"Nope, and you must not know a ton about witches." October laughed.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:00 pm

Augustine: I stand up and pull away from her. "Then you ask him to unlock your powers and I'll eat thirteen hearts. Then we'll see who's better." I pull my big floppy hood on and turn to Nickoli. "Well, Nickoli, this was a failed search. Let's go get drunk again." "Again?" he asks. "What's that? I've already become death to your protests." "I haven't protested yet." "Which is why I can still hear you, my dear Watson."

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:16 pm

Jiff: "Didn't even try me..."
October: I frowned and stood. "I can't just go starting fights...I'm supposed to be gaining Shinigami's trust..." I touched Jiff and gave back my powers.

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:22 pm

Augustine: "We're even them," I say with a pout as I puff up my cheeks like I fish. Nickoli starts poking me. "Hey, Augustine." I turn away from him too. "No, you're gonna ask me if we can go visit my mom because you think she's prettier than me." "Well, that is. But Augustine," "Nope, nope nope nope!" He grabs my cheek and pinches it hard. "Hey, if you keep puffing your cheeks out like that, you'll explode." I grimace and touch my cheeks. "Really?!" "Hey, I think that guy over there is a weapon." "Waaaahh?"

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:39 pm

Jiff smiled. "Jeez, wasn't that what the fight was about?"

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:59 pm

Augustne: I shrug. "I don't know, she just said the word "fight" and I got going."

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:40 pm

Jiff shook his head and looked at her. "Well, we could test it out...but then she'd have to tag along..." He said turning to October. "I am your babysitter."
"Right..." October smiled to him. "Go ahead, i can't keep you from all the action. I'm sure Shinigami will assign someone else to me if you're busy."

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:24 pm

Augustine: "C'mon then," I say as I grab my arm. "Let's go to a feild and attack sheep or something!" I stop and think. "Or is that how people train?"

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Soul Eater (Details inside:)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Soul Eater (Details inside:))

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:37 pm

"Alright," Jiff said with a smile. "Though no sheep killing."
October walked over to Nickoli and shook her head. "I can see it now; those two will be trouble."

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