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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:24 pm

Well just temporarily. You've been enlisted in a character exchange program. Dumped at the doorstep of an unexpecting charrie or perhaps the doorstep of a goverment building with a note explaining the details to the receiver. Best part is they can't say no, both authors have signed the note at the bottom verifying this transfer. That charrie will feed you, house you, and will show you the ropes. So far, you've got it made.

Perhaps this was because your author was sick of you, thought this might help you become...more sociable perhaps, or they did this for the LOLs, for whatever reason you are now here.

Authors we'll pair up characters for the exchange program. Dump them at the doorstep of another with the note, that's where the scene will start once that is done.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:32 pm


I stare at the letter in my hand, shifting my bag on my shoulder slightly with uneasiness. Father had met Mr. Face, something about a business deal not going well. And Gh said T.Mor lived in the area....he was alright I guess.

I really would just rather be home. Read a nice book. I did bring a few in my bag, hoping that would get me through the stay.

And weapons.

Just in case.

Can't go around empty handed.

I hesitantly raise my fist, unsure of whether to knock or not. I can't go back though....stupid exchange program. I rap my fist against the door.

"Mr. Face?"

Last edited by gh3325 on Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:39 pm


I was interrupted in the middle of my paperwork by an unfamiliar voice at the door. Perhaps it was a new employee whom I hadn't had the misfortune of meeting yet. With a reluctant sigh, I got out from my desk and answered the door. It was not an employee from the sounds of things. "...I don't accept solicitors." I stated bluntly, prepared to close the door right on this idiot's face if he said something distasteful.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:41 pm


I gap slightly, staring up at him. The..the man had no face....and boy....was he tall...

How ironic. Mr. Face.

"No, Visi and Gh sent me. Erm...I have a note..." I say, unsure of how that would work eyes. "My name is William Cox."

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:51 pm


...Visi and Gh sent him. Lovely. That was exactly what I needed at the moment. I tilted my head downward at him in speculation. "...You have a note. And, pray tell, what exactly is that suppoused to accomplish?" I asked, still rather irritated at having been interrupted.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:55 pm


"Guidelines...for both of us. I've been forced into in exchange program." I say,irritated. I open the note and begin to read. "No physical or mental harm shall be inflicted upon by either party. The host charrie must feed and house the exchange charrie...and apparently you're supposed to show me around. looks like someone added....might be visi....that you can't just shove me in a cell.There's a long list of rules." I add, slightly amused at the note.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:06 pm


...An exchange programme. I simply didn't even know what to say to that. "If I'm not to put you in a cell, then where exactly are you going to stay?" I inquired. It was actually a surprisingly legitimate question. I didn't have guest rooms. Though it was oddly insulting that that note had been added on on my behalf.

I stood there irritatedly for a few more moments prior to opening the door a bit more to allow him inside. The office was in a bit of disarray at the moment, as I was in the middle of taxes. "Have a seat. And explain to me these rules that are apparently listed here." I stated, returning to my own seat.


I found myself waaaaaayyyyy high up on a really skinny ledge. ...I didn't know that that was what Bastet had meant when she said it was hard to have humans get to where she lived... I mean, if I fell... I'd probably be all dead. It was kind of terrifying to think about. I tried not to, and held tighter onto the little cardboard suitcase I had as I knocked on the door. ...It was wierd. Except for the really really tallness of this building, it felt kind of like Auda, where like... stuff was kind of collapsing and old feeling.

I'd kind of thought that where Bastet lived would be more magical and like... rainbows or something. Not just rainbows...Double rainbows. Yeah.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:13 pm


" says....find a room...or make room...." I say, tilting my head to read it. Apparently, these two just added everything willy-nilly as they thought of it. "or...on a, Gh has terrible handwriting," I mutter, frowning as I try to read it. I take my seat at the chair across from him, used to the messiness of an office. Father did all the taxes for the Cause, as well as the majority of the paper it wasn't uncommon for their to be a lot of paper work.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:29 pm


"They want me to let you sleep on my couch? That would imply you putting your feet on it." I really didn't have to state that that was terribly distasteful. I shuffled around several stacks of paper on my desk, in attempt to organise it slightly. "And how come I wasn't informed of this beforehand? Why did you just show up? It would have been much more polite if you'd managed to somehow notify me in advance." I added. It was very rude to just send guests to other people's residencies uninvited. Didn't people know that?

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:55 pm


My light grey ears prick up, listening carefully. Was that just a knock...? Really, someone couldn't think of a better prank to spend their time doing, apparently. How would they even know someone was walking by at this level? Almost no one came and went from the entrance... Bastet, now a days, that was all I knew.

Wait. Was she out? Did she need help? ...To open a door? But she had always been good at the acrobatics. And...I'm staring at a door. I narrow my bright green eyes, which were surrounded by patchy light and dark grey markings that extended down over my nose and cheeks, jerk away my hand that had been subconsciously tugging at a relatively long strand of my red hair. It was a habit of mine to check my hair length when stressed. It was short, because looking like a boy was sometimes better in certain parts of the place. Some girls didn't get that. Bastet found out the hard way when she came here, before I met her.

My skinny tail flicks in slight annoyance, reaching out to grasp the door and throw it open to glare at the prankster, but only find...


That was a human.

What do I do with a human?!


He shouldn't be up here! But...but what should I do? I wasn't going to push him down, that would kill him.

I open my mouth for something, but nothing happens. A measly 'U-Uh', but I'm just staring...

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:05 pm


...Some... ginger... answered the door. ...A Ginger. ...Answered the door. ...She... she had ears like Bastet... and and a tail... but... she was Ginger. ...A ginger answered the door. long as I didn't talk /much/ to her it might be ok?

But wait-- why how... how could she be a cat and ginger at the same time...? How was that allowed? Was that allowed?! I didn't know.

"... ... ....uhm. ...I.. I'm... I'm looking for... for Bastet... ...if... if she... if she lives here." I told her, staring down at her feet. I was kind of scared of what she'd say about it, and whether it was allowed or not or what. And I was kind of scared of her and her gingerness.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:19 pm


...And he knew Bastet. This was like...taboo or something. Whydidsheknowahuman? Still...just staring. This was weird. What do I actually say? You're really...not supposed to be here... How do you know her. You know you'd get her into some deep shit for coming here for her.

Like Cern wasn't enough to deal with already, she was bringing humans into the mix. Because SURE. Let's get into more trouble. Why not.

"...Why?" I ask defensively, closing the door slightly so that anyone passing by wouldn't see him. Sure, I was okay. Getting fresh air or something...

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:23 pm


She kind of closed the door on me a bit. That scared me... I could fall. I could fall off this ledge and die.

"Because... ...because... because... I...I am... uhm... part of some... uhm... exchange... thingy... and... and... so... I mean... uhm... ...uhm..." I fumbled around clumsily in my pockets for a moment looking for the letter that explained the whole thing. "If... if you can read... uhm, cos... cos that. Yeah..." I stated hesitantly. If she still wouldn't let me in I didn't quite know what I could do. ...Kept out of something somewhat close to Dallas by the confusing ginger cat girl. Was it possible to be more of a failure at life?

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:31 pm


I take the offered letter, but I couldn't really do anything with it. Didn't really learn how to read, not like Bastet.

Ugh, I guess this was more reason to take him to her... For her to read this. But if she's not out, she's with someone. And if she's not with someone, she's with Cern... I peek around, ears flicking back. Didn't like this. Not one bit. "...D'you have something with a hood...or something to just cover your head?" I ask him. Ears would be a total giveaway, but there were some freaky groups to optionally cut off their tails. Or those who got it out of punishment. It wouldn't seem so strange, maybe...

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:39 pm


A hood...? "...Not...not really? ...Uhm... why? Is... is that a bad thing...?" I asked uncertainly. This whole situation was a lot more stressful than I'd anticipated... I thought I'd just be going to spend some time with Bastet... and I mean, ok, yeah, I knew it would be wierd because Cern, but... this was really wierd... And the gingerness was wierd... the whole thing was wierd.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:56 pm


I give a small growl if frustration, looking around again. It was a good thing people didn't come up here often then...

I open the door for him to walk into Alley. The first human in these parts in a long time. "Because," I say, shouldering off my button up shirt. I had a tang top beneath though, so I didn't care. "Humans don't come here, and the ears are an obvious difference..."

Grabbing his shirt collar, I pull him through quickly to slam the door shut, tugging his head down so that I could reach. Tying my shirt around in a quick cover, although looking strange, it did the job of hiding his differences. "Don't take that off," I tell him, offering the letter back. "I'm not exactly sure where Bastet is right now..." So I needed to put him somewhere until I could reach her. I run a hand through my hair in a sigh, looking around again. " follow.... Don't talk... Don't look at anyone... No, better yet, don't look at anything... Just...eyes on where I go." Hurriedly, I walk along the gangway.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:04 pm


She tied her shirt around my head, which kind of felt like it made me look silly. But... If that was required to get in here without people thinking I was weird... then fine. I did exactly what she said, and even then tried not to stare at her too much... because that would have been rude and she's ginger so it could have been dangerous too... "Sorry..." I muttered as I followed behind her, though I wasn't quite sure what I was apologising for... perhaps for inconveniencing her? For stressing her out? I didn't know.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:16 pm


Oh. Honey. Better give me more than sorry when this is done with...

After a few ladders to get down a few levels, it starts to get crowded. I slow my pace to be sure he doesn't get lost, because that would either be a gift or a complete nightmare. I get to a house, going through the open door frame. I wouldn't exactly call it mine, since I allowed anyone who needed it to use it freely, thus, the lack of a door, but I pull down the curtain to close off the entrance from the outside, signifying important usage. Everyone was out for the day, which was good. Didn't need questions.

"Stay," I snap at him, leaving once again to go look for Bastet.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:19 pm


She told me to stay in this place with a curtain over the door. ...I was nobody to disobey, so I just stood there and waited. ...And waited. And then my feet got kinda tired, so I wondered if it was ok if I sat down.

...After a while I sat down. ...I hoped it was ok... if it wasn't... then... then, I don't know. I'd be in trouble. More trouble than I'm already apparently in.

That wasn't good.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:11 pm


I go along to Cern's section, looking around for the girl. I wasn't about to enter the place, not being one of the closer people of the group to be able to do that. Hanging outside, waiting for when she was returning or going somewhere... I meet looks at me with a glare, totally not in the mood for anything right then.

I spot her, coming down a pathway, crossing my arms as she comes. Crazy girl, getting involved with humans, and now dragging me into all of it... Bastet looks up, blinking at my presence in confusion. I almost never came down here, since it was dangerous.

My eyes scan around, making sure no one was too near. "Got time?"

Her black ears prick up in curiosity, looking up to the sun to tell the time of day. "A litt -" I grab her wrist before she could finish, heading back quickly. "Dea..." That's all of her protesting for the event, understanding it to be important if I went and got her. I wasn't going to speak of it here. Ears were sharp, and they liked secrets to spoil.

I nearly push her through the door's curtain and into the house, where a few half dozen cats have come out of slumber to seek attention or the available lap of his while sitting on the floor.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:20 pm


While she was out... Kitties happened. Kitties everywhere. They kinda just... showed up from random places and so now I had kitties sitting on me and they were warm and soft and amazing and I loved them and I petted them and I hoped I wouldn't be in trouble for doing that because KITTIES.

And then Bastet burst through the door. That was... sudden. I kind of jumped, not expecting the sudden... ness of of... Well, her, but like... anyone I guess... and so the kitties kind of also jumped and fell off my knees.

I went ahead and stood back up now that I didn't have kitties on me, and tried to decide if it was the right time or place to hug her or not. I really couldn't tell and I didn't want to be wrong about it... so I kinda just stood there awkwardly. "...Uhm, ...Hi..." I said. If I still had the note I would have given it to her, but the ginger cat chick had it and I didn't have it so I couldn't give it to her. Yeah. That... That made sense.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:32 pm


"T.Mor...hi." This...what. This wasn't supposed to happen. He couldn't be here, and things would be bad if Cern found out, and thiswasn'tsupposedtohappen.

"Oh. You do know him..." Dea sneered, going off to lean against a wall. "Your gift came with a letter..." She waves it at me, and I'm rather delayed to react.

Holding out a hand to snatch it away, it takes me a couple times before I can finally grab it from her, my ears flicking back at her in annoyance. "What...What are you doing here...?" I ask him, trying to give a convincing smile. Exchange Program is across the header of the piece of paper. Exchange what? For what - my life?

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:39 pm


"... ...I... uh... Some kind of... exchange thingy... happened..." I answered, noticing that I kind of made her all tense. ...I hope this wasn't going to be horrible... I didn't want this to be bad for her. Though, it was looking like this whole thing was going to be a problem. ...I kind of felt like I wasn't really suppoused to be here, and it was really kind of unsettling. Even though the kitties liked me. The ginger didn't like me... and you could kind of tell. I men, not that people needed to like me... I mean, at home I don't think anyone liked me, but...I don't actually know what I was trying to say about this whole thing anymore. ...It was just... awkward I guess. "... ...I'm... sorry... is... is this... bad?" I asked her hesitantly.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:59 pm


"As much as I know that custom and would've been happy to do that, Gh and Visi handed me the letter today, told me to pack, and poofed me before I could object anymore than I already was ouside of your office." I state, crossing my arms as I look at him. "Father's big on letting him know in advance, I've had my practice. I realize this is quite rude, but you see, Authors were involved."

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:00 pm


"Yes," she mutters, looking away.

Sharply, I smack Dea with the letter, pursing my lips at her. Her ears flick back slightly, tail twitching, but she doesn't say anything in challenge. This wasn't her place to comment, since it was my problem. I give her an annoyed little sound before taking T.Mor's hand, leading off to the back room. "No, just unexpected," I offer up as reassurance, making my voice stay calm.

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