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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Echo Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:47 pm

So...this was great. Just bloody great.

I sighed, fixed my grip on my suitcase, and approached the house. No getting out of this...and no going back now. I climbed the porch steps and stood before the door. It was kind of funny--I don't know what I'd been expecting the house to look like, but it sure wasn't this. It looked so...neat and bright.

Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell.
Winter Dragon

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:27 pm

Mr. Cox

I very, very rarely come home early, there are reasons for this. One is the fact that I am now sittting acrossed the table from my son in silence, eating my dinner.

This is also why I prefer to eat alone. No awkward silences to deal with.

Will had left food in the fridge and a note, I can cook for myself mind you but he's gone into the habit of cooking for Demetrius and me. Gh sent him to some kind of exchange program, which I am displeased with. She cannot even bother informing me of this and takes one of my best assasins to where ever the heck Mr. Face lives...Auda I believe.

I glance up at Demetrius, who's silently pushing his food around like a picky three year old. I cannot ask him about school...he has already finished his studies.

"How is the lab going? I trust well?" I ask him, he looks up surprised and gives a quick nod.

"Yes, Father, quite well, now that construction is done."

"Good. Do not blow it up again," I mutter, wiping my mouth as I hear the doorbell ring. Demetrius starts to stand to go answer it but I wave him down. "I shall get it." I say, thankful to leave the table.

I make my way to the door, from the side windows I can see the figure just slightly. It's not a relative or a business associate. I open it up quickly, "If you are interested in selling something, I am not buyin- Cottontail, what brings you here?"

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Echo Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:42 pm


"Some exchange program...apparently..." I said. "Something the authors came up with. Why, were you not told about it? Because I'd be perfectly fine turning around now."
Winter Dragon

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:48 pm

Mr. Cox

"My son was enrolled in it. Author intervention. Apparently, though, we can not turn it down. Come in," I sigh, opening up the door.

Again. I'd appreciate a notice of some sort.


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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Echo Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:49 pm


"Oh..." And there went my last chance to get out of this. "Uh...thanks, I guess...? Um...nice house..."
Winter Dragon

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:50 pm


Authors. Well, Invisimort indubitably knew how I felt about unwarranted intrusions of my privacy, especially without sufficient forewarning, and Gh...I had little idea of how Gh's mind worked, but that was Invisimort likely didn't actually care if I was uncomfortable or not. She, like me, wasn't one to particularly care about those sorts of things.

...I suppoused that meant I was stuck with him. For the time being. "Give me a brief summary of your work experience and your skill sets, and we'll see what we can do to minimise your effect on my workday." I stated bluntly.


The ginger said that this was bad, which... concerned me, and my eyes went right back down to the floor. I didn't want to be an imposition... but I mean... clearly I was...

But then Bastet was there and said that it was ok, but just unexpected, so I didn't know whether she was telling the truth or just lying to make me feel better... and I mean, I really didn't want to inconvenience her, because that... She's important to me and I wanted her to be happy... and if you're an inconvenience... like, how do you even...

She took me to a room that was beyond this room, which was nice because then the ginger wouldn't be there to make things more awkward, which... they were really awkward... "... ...I'm... I'm so sorry..." I apologised again.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:38 pm


"Nothing, absolutely nothing, to be sorry about, okay?" I say quietly, but pointedly. "You didn't cause this..." Back room was dark, except for what made it through the doorway. I was fine, with my eyes. I knew it probably wasn't the same for him though, so I go to the nightstand and grab the matches for the available half burnt candle, letting it light. He still shouldn't be here... But at least it was Dea who found him and not anyone else...

I smile to him again, reaching up to take her shirt off his head. "Don't worry," I mumble, putting my arms around him to breathe out my tenseness.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:51 pm


She took the weird shirt off my head and lit a candle to see things better because it was dark in here. Told me not to worry. ...Not worrying was really hard for me to do. Like...Really really hard... but she didn't seem mad, and she was hugging me.. so... Maybe it wasn't that bad? I hugged her back, because I'd been wanting to, and.. and like, I was still kind of scared of what all was happening and stuff... and she was hugging me, and I felt kind of special. "... ...I'll... try...?" I answered her finally, kind of uncertain about that, but wanting to listen to her instructions anyway.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:51 am

Mr. Cox

"Thank you...." I suppose.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, not really caring if he was or not. It was the polite thing to ask though. Demetrius looks up from the table, curiousity getting the best of him.

"Cot...Peter, meet my son, Demetrius. Demetrius, this is....-" an aquaintence...? A friend of mine...?

I didn't have friends, nor did I care to have them. Friends were an idiotic concept.

"-An aquaintence of mine."

If you call torturing for the....'lols' aquaintenceship.


"I'm a trained assassin," I say, looking up at him. Mind as well get that out of the way. "Father said you and he had some sort of business deal....?" I add, trying to make some sort of...small talk?


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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:57 am


"Why do you bring up old business? There's no need for that. And I am far more interested in your skills as an assassin. What all are you trained to do, precisely?" I asked, wondering if I could just put him down on Cellblock 5 to work all day and then just feed and house him. That would be convenient. And perhaps some business decorum would rub off in the process. You don't just talk to other people about deals and whatnot. Especially in circumstances such as these, where you don't even have a hand in the negotiations. Rude.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:00 am


"Torturing, tracking or hunting, whichever you prefer, killing, luring or gaining someone's trust. I'm handy with a gun as well as knives and daggers, hand to hand combat, and spells," I answer.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:44 am


"I'll try too," I say quietly. I didn't have anywhere that he could stay though. Dea would go for it, right...? "Just don't go calling this place Dallas..." Looking up at him with a slight smirk. Yeah, right...

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:45 am


"And you do all of this routinely?" I asked. I really only had use for the first in the it didn't seem at all wise to send him out debt collecting if he was to come back to where ever he lived in acceptable condition. "Are you comfortable working in an environment that will force you to employ creative ingenuity?" I asked. I did value a good inventive torturer.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:15 pm


...So I wasn't allowed to call the place Dallas...but... But it kind of was... with all the cats and stuff, I mean... ok, I didn't see any nuclear bombs detonating harmlessly in the ocean... but, still. But I figured that since I like... kind of wasn't suppoused to be here and all... maybe... maybe I should listen to her on all of this, cos like, I didn't want to get her in trouble. "...I'll... try...but I mean.. it kind of.... There's cats..." I told her in confusion.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:59 pm

"Yes, I do it often. I can get creative if need be. Are we talking free rein here or are there certain...rules I must oblige to?" I ask, tilting my head curiously.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:10 pm


"Dismemberment is frowned upon." I stated simply. "Otherwise, you have free range within reason. Do not break anything of mine, my tools are expensive. Anything you use needs to be maintenanced and returned, there is a check-out system similar to a library here. You are not allowed any of the electric shock programmes or devices until you pass the seminar on it, no matter how well you've apparently been trained. Any inquiries regarding the bigger and less portable torture devices are to be brought directly to me, as if you blow something up, you will be held fiscally reliable for the damages. Specific instructions may be given on a case by case basis, and are to be adhered to as best as possible with priority given to the rules already delineated." I continued. Yes there were limitations, everything had limitations. I paused to let that sink in for a moment. I realised that for most people that could be perceived as an overload of information. Not that I really cared, but best that your potential new employees actually know what is expected of them before sending them off to work for hours on end. "Are there questions?" I asked, after that obligatory processing time had passed.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:19 pm


I nod in understanding at the rules. Father had his own set of rules, and I had some of my own equipment with me. I took a small pride in the care of my weapons.

"Spells, can I use them? I also have my own equipment...if you don't mind."

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:26 pm


"First question- What are Spells? Second question- Can you produce this equipment for me to evaluate, and is it clearly labelled in a way such that I will not accidentally get a hold of it in a more permanent manner?" That awkward moment when you thought you were simply cleaning up your own mess and accidentally picked up one of your employee's knives to take back to your supply closet. I didn't want to be having those moments with guests. That would simply be inconsiderate.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:37 pm


I hesitate, producing several daggers and a gun, not quite ready to break out the potions. "The daggers have a crest engraved on the hilt, you should be able to feel it, there's a gun as well. And spells, well magic. An incantation."

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:09 pm


"You intend to only work with daggers? I'm afraid that that is a very limited set of equipment for the position. And I will not allow any frivolous sorcery in this building... This isn't Dungeons and Dragons..." I Replied shortly.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:28 pm


"Hmm...what about poisons?" I ask, frowning slightly.

Don't mock the magic. It can be extreamly handy.


I appear at the door of the Puppetmaster, happy to get away for a while. She was kind and a good friend, I enjoyed spending time with her. Gripping the note in my left hand, I knock on the door with my right.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Ravyn Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:37 pm

The Puppetmaster:

When the door made a noise, i just about jumped out of my skin.

Why? Because the fact that the door made a noise meant that there was a person there, and i do not do well with people. I typically stay in my nice little isolated cottage with my recently-acquired kitten for company and people tend to not visit and that is perfectly fine because generally talking to people or just kind of being around them is scary. So when the person at the door knocked, i immediately stopped playing my harp and began debating whether or not i should hide and pretend i wasn't home. This seemed like an excellent course of action until i remembered that i did actually have people that i liked and could be around without being entirely terrified at least for a while, and that they probably wouldn't come unless it was something important. With that in mind, i stood and moved to the door, tugging my hood little tighter around my face nervously. Who could it be...? Hoping i wasn't in for a horribly nasty surprise, i unlocked the door and cracked it open a tiny bit, both pleasantly surprised and relieved to see Jacob on the other side. Not someone scary..... good. "E-er..... hello..." i said, opening the door a little wider.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:01 pm


"How hands on are you really if you're asking me about all of these techniques involving distance?" I asked. Poison was all well and good if you needed to be discrete or quick about something, but honestly this was cellblock five. If nobody was bleeding out, something was wrong.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Echo Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:05 pm


I raised an eyebrow.

"Acquaintance?" I asked. "Is that really what you call it?"
Winter Dragon

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 2 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:47 pm

Mr. Cox

"....I do not exactly have another word for it, do I?" I mutter, glancing at him. "Would you prefer I address you as something else?" I ask, highly annoyed with Cottontail's back talk.


"Just asking. Always better to clarify before hand then to make a mistake. So no severed limbs, no electric shock, return all equipment. Anything else I should know?"


"Hello, I have a note. Apparently I am supposed to stay with you... If that is alright....Our authors arranged it...they told me today and I have a note for you," I say, offering it to her.

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