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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Ravyn Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:01 pm

The Puppetmaster: I nodded slightly. "Th-that's true...... she'll still probably grow quite a bit....." i said, amused as Molly purred, enjoying the attention.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:53 pm


If only I knew what I wanted to make him 'not dead'. Ugh, headache. "Dea..."
"Nope," was the automatic response from the first room. "Make him leave."
"I can't exactly do that..." By the directions in this letter. ...Why should I follow this darn letter anyways... "And he can't come with me."
She pops into the door frame, her hair fiery from the contrasting light in here compared to that room. Bright green eyes narrow at me, a little growl getting grumbled. "Well he can't hog the place from people who need it."
"He won't though!" He's the skinniest thing going, it's not like he needs that much space... "Just keep a hat on him!"

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:01 pm


The ginger showed back up again, and it looked like I might be staying here instead of with Bastet... which... I mean, ok, if it kept me not dead... but at the same time... she wanted me to stay with a ginger... and not with her. And like... the ginger... I was kind of scared of... because like, she didn't seem to want me to be there at all... so... so I didn't know how to react and stuff... "...I... I'm staying... here?" I asked, not sure if that was official or not. "...what does... what does... will... will you still I mean, like... You'll visit... and... and stuff?" I asked, still trying to figure out what exactly was going to be happening. I thought I was coming to stay with Bastet... not like... with some ginger who didn't want me in her house... And could she be holy and a ginger at the same time? I didn't want to ask because it would be rude... but...I think if I got time alone with Bastet later I'd ask her, because Bastet knows lotsa things.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:15 pm


I glare, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair to look at him. Best to not cause trouble right away, especially since I had no power here. "My apologies, sir." I say, unhappily giving in.


I pick Molly up, holding her carefully as I pet her.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:33 pm

"No...." Dea mutters, moving away from the door once again.
"...She means yes." I sigh. "Cern doesn't exactly like strangers." Humans less so... "But I'll visit. With more time, since I won't need to travel too far. ....Don't you need to work?" And...not die and things, since that's what you said would happen... And his sister. And the taxes.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:15 pm


So I was staying here then. ...Probably. Ok... and and she could visit more often because... because she lived nearby... which was good. ...And then she asked about work, which... somehow, I'd managed to forget about until now. ...Work. ...Would I... would I have to... I don't know if the people running this ever said... which... was... concerning. I felt my eyebrows go down a bit trying to think about whether or not I'd be in horrible trouble when I got home. ...I wish I hadn't had to think about that... "Work...? I... I don't know... ...they... they didn't.... does it say... in... in the letter?" I asked, trying not to sound worried about it.


He apologised. Apologies do little for me, however I do suppouse that causing any harm to him was right out of the question due to whatever bizarre binding contract that letter was. Irritating, was what it was, actually. "I do not take well to apologies, so best to simply keep yourself from having to make them." I stated simply.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Echo Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:17 pm


"Sure there is," I replied. "It's called 'enemy.'"
Winter Dragon

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:25 am


"Yes, sir," I repeat, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

Mr. Cox

"I know perfectly well what enemies are!" I snap again, getting highly annoyed. Demetrius starts to get up from the table.

"And where are you going?" I say, frowning.

"Erm....I have...uh Lab work....I need to finish," he says, and with that he flees to the basement.


No wonder I prefer William.

"It seems here..." I state, trying to keep a relatively calm tone. "That you must come to work with me."

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:45 pm


I look back down at the letter, biting my lip for a second. "It says that there's a work replacement scheduled for your position while you 'vacation'," I read off. Right, vacation in Alley... Lovely spot. But then he thought this was heaven or something, so I guess to him it was alright. "...And through a paperwork confusion, your paycheck is getting mailed to Ana." ...Convenience? Maybe we are demigod or something... "She can do taxes, right?"

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:50 pm


...I wasn't quite sure if Ana could do the taxes herself... but... she had managed alright back when I was in the probably? ...Best to just not worry about that one probably... "I... I think so... yeah... She... she did ok... before..." It was honestly such a relief to hear that I wasn't going to be in trouble for this. I hugged her again, out of happiness. "Thank you..." I don't actually really know who I was thanking, as... Bastet had just read whatever was on the letter... but I was so happy not to have to worry... so... yeah.


The following six hours continued on in patient silence, which was exactly what I liked. Once I decided to call it an evening, I realised that that... exchange person was still here. "Ah. Well. Hm. You're still here." I informed him, as I didn't know quite what to make of the situation.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:02 am

Oh, okay. I blink surprised at his sudden unhesitant affection, ears pricked up before I soften, give a slight eyeroll before hugging him back. "I didn't do anything," I tell him, almost throwing in a sarcastic name calling at the end. But then this was T.Mor, and that probably wouldn't be good when he didn't think himself worth shit. God, my skills with getting men...

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:15 am


"I... I know... but just... Not having to worry... is... is nice..." and you're nice, and you read the news, and like... I'm just unexpectedly contented by news from a little piece of paper and you're nice and even if there is a random ginger here it's ok because Bastet was here and it would all be ok somehow. Even if they didn't want me here.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:22 am

Hmmm, plenty to worry about here, not to stress over... "At least you gave a convincing initiated hug," I praise, letting my arms fall back to my sides. Needed to deal with Dea, but she'd agree to it. She always agreed to stuff, since I had some influence with these things. Being connected to Cern has some perks, you could say...

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:52 am


I think that she complimented me, and then she was done hugging so I stepped away awkwardly. "... ...uhm, thanks...?" I answered, unsure of myself. I realised that even though I didn't have the problem of my job to worry about any more at the moment, she still had things to worry about since I was randomly here. ...Which kind of made me feel bad for messing up stuff for her. But... on the other hand, I was here, with Bastet... in Dall-- not allowed to call it that... uhm, Alley. Yeah. And... it was exciting.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:29 am


"Of course," I say, not even bothering to look up as I flip the page. I had already gone through three books. Never did take me long to read, and I knew the books I had brought by heart. "You wanted me to wait, I did. Now, I believe living situations must be fixed?" I add, finally looking up and closing my book.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:31 pm


"Presumably." I responded, thinking about where I could actually house him. I had all the rooms I could ever want in the world here, and yet I'd never seen fit to install a guest room. I wondered vaguely why exactly that was. I was a dictator, surely I would have anticipated guests from...somewhere occasionally, here for business or something? ...I found that the answer to that was that there was a hotel not even blocks from here, which they could have used at their leisure, had they existed. "To what extent do you mind office space?" I asked, wondering if I could simply put him in an empty office for the duration of his stay.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:32 pm


"I don't, but I'd appreciate a cot of somesort to go along with it, and perhaps a blanket and a pillow?"

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:46 pm


"We'll see. I don't anticipate that we have any of those in the building currently, so you may have to deal without one for a few days until the order can be sent down to the warehouse and picked up." I responded, standing up from my desk finally.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Banshee Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:42 pm


"I'd appreciate that, thank you." I say, standing as well. I've got to be at least two feet shorter than him. I'm pretty tall myself, mind you. Which makes him about eight feet in height.

Doorways must be a curse.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:36 pm


" get comfy in one of these rooms... Don't fan out over the cats too much, I'm gonna talk to Dea," I say in a murmur, because she didn't need to overhear weird talk about things like freaking out about cats. "...And then I can show you around?" Giving a little smile, I go out to the main room once again.
I was good with arrangements. Learned to manipulate through Cern, I've done my fair share of lying already, and she was already open to helping people. Well, our people. She got...convinced. And even when she tried looking out for me more often than not, this wasn't exactly the first occasion. Dea was a pushover...
I peek back into the back room, ears perked up curiously. "Gonna have to put a hat back on. But at least it'll be a proper hat this time." I go off to the cot, pulling out a box from underneath to sort through spare clothes and things.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Ravyn Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:55 pm

gh3325 wrote:Will

I glare, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair to look at him. Best to not cause trouble right away, especially since I had no power here. "My apologies, sir." I say, unhappily giving in.


I pick Molly up, holding her carefully as I pet her.

Puppetmaster: I couldnt help but smile a little, watching him with the tiny cat. "I think she likes you...." I said, some amusement leaking into my tone. Molly looked like she was in heaven. She was a sucker for attention....

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:39 pm


So I wasn't suppoused to be all... how I get? Around the cats. ...I could try. But... I mean, they were cats! But... she wanted me to, so... I would try. I nodded as she left-- kind of excited to get to see where all everything was... I mean, like... I could maybe see where she lived and stuff... and it would be exciting and cool and like...yeah.

I didn't want to be imposing on the ginger though... but if Bastet thought it would work out ok, then... then I didn't mind. After a few minutes, I guess it had gotten sorted, because she came back and started finding me a hat. "That's ok... I... I don't mind." I told her. I never really got to wear hats ever. So... it was kind of... I keep saying the word exciting, but... it was.


Quite honestly, I had no idea what office I could put him in for the evening, except perhaps the terrorism and foreign liaisons department, since it was perpetually understaffed anyway, and the potential for an open cubicle of some kind was high. "Certainly." I stated, leading out of the room and down a hall. Conveniently, the terrorism department was quite far away from my own personal quarters, which I hoped that I would never have to introduce him to.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:41 am

Good old fashioned walking then... No acrobatics for me, although T.Mor could have been hiding something if he got up here. That was silly - he could barely walk a straight line sometimes.

I pull out a good hat, knitted with various stripes of color and things that overhung to cover his human ears. "There. Put this on," I say, offering it to him. Nothing i could really do about other oddities, like the lack of a tan. I guess Auda wasn't the most friendly place outside. I had heard rain, but it probably wasn't good rain. He'd get that as we spent more time outside...

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Invisimort Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:50 pm


I took the hat and put it on my head. ...It was warm. I wasn't used to having a warm head. ...Unless I hid in my sheets and had a warm head from hiding in my sheets, but like, I didn't sit around and notice... if... if like, had a warm head from that. "...So... so.... uh, where to...?" I asked, now that I had my anti-human-detection gear on.

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So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace.... - Page 4 Empty Re: So You've Been Kicked Out Of Your Brainspace....

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:36 pm


"Outside..." I lead along, through the main room and out through the curtain drawn across the doorway. Dea had gone which was alright... No one really had a set place of living, so houses were all around open for whoever needed a place. At least at these higher levels. "Where would you like to go? There are the caverns and mines, or just go around the buildings. Down to the market, if you want..."

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