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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:06 pm

Deep in the woods, not far from a small town, there lays two separate, but powerful packs. The town isn't much, small population centered around the lumber-mill. The school holds students, both human and wolf, but the humans are unaware. It isn't common that the wolves attend, but it really depends on the parents.

The packs stay out of each others way the best they can, a deep rooted hatred for each other running through their pasts. The boundary between their lands is constantly guarded, each waiting for the other to take one step over the line. It hasn't happened yet, but its only a matter of time.

((Yeah, yeah, I know this is a horrible opening but I lost what I was doing xD))

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:28 pm

In the darkest depths of the woods, Romolus and his fellow hunters were hunting for their clan. They had spotted a deer not long ago and they were ready to transform and lurch for it. Rom was the first to spot it, and led the pack to the home of the deer. It was a large one, probably a 10-buck. This would be a mighty fine deer to bring back to the pack. Rom licked his lips, imagining the wild chase and bloody fight this will be.

"Don't get too crazed, Romolus," said one of the grunts in the hunting pack. "we don't have to get this one. Besides, we may already be overstepping our boundary. Another pack may be hunting."

"Pipe it." Rom said harshly and lowly, like a wolf's growl, "I found this an' ain't no other pack gonna take my game."

"Typical Rom," muttered another grunt, but Romolus perished the thought of harming the poor lad.

The moonlight glinted in his silver-grey eyes, and it made his shoulder length white hair glow brightly. Rom then smelled something off, someone was here besides the hunters and the buck.

What a surprise; more the merrier!

"Candra," the ravenette's neck turned elegantly to the side to glance at her father, leader of her pack. "I need you to get ready for the ceremony."

She pursed her lips as her dark green eyes began to flicker with an emerald flame. "Oh, the hunter's aren't even back yet with the feast."

Candra turned her head away and began to walk out of the hut that they resided. But she waited to hear her father sigh lowly before leaving completely.

"Princess Candra, your bath is ready when you return to your room." said one of the servants, most likely a human they pulled away from the nearby village.

"Keep it hot, I'll be taking a walk around the woods." she said with a sickly sweet voice. "But don't tell my father, will you?"

"Y-yes, Princess."

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:33 pm


"Father is going to be sooooo mad when he finds out, Lena..." I said, eyes glued on my older sister's back. "He's gonna ground us forever and he's gonna make you come back and stay at home and never ever let us go back to Aunt Ruthie's a-"

"Will you shut. Up?!" Lena snapped, whipping around to glare at me. "As if it weren't bad enough I had to drag you along, you're going to get us caught. Can't you see that we're near the boarder? If you had any brains in that head of yours, sis, you'd shut up and stick close."

I bit my lip to keep a whimpering noise from escaping, instead simply clasping my hands behind my back. Lena and I may be sisters, almost identical in appearance despite the four years between us, but that was where the similarities stopped.

Lena started forward again, her eyes darting through the trees. It was obvious she was looking for something. She must have spotted it after a moment, reaching down to pick up an object from the grass.

"Is that a phone?!" I squeaked, eyes locked on the little black object in her hand. "Dad sai-"

"Will you shu-," Lena cut off, eyes locking on the trees to out right. "Did you hear that?"

I knew that I was trembling, giving her a short nod. The boarder was in that direction, and my ears, very acute like my sisters, had picked up on the sound of feed padding through the trees.

((Ima add in a some guys next post. :3))

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:56 pm

Finally, he could get a good smell of them. Two girls, couldn't tell if they were human or wolf, but he knew they were there and they were going to spook the buck if they got any louder or harsher in their auras.

"Keep an eye on th' buck," Rom whispered to one of the grunts beside him, "I'm gonna go take a look around the perimeter."

Within a flash, he could spot the girls behind the safety of the trees. He could feel his canines showing a little. These girls were going to be in for a surprise.

A good walk in the woods was all Candra needed. She was highly capable to be outside the pack's safety and thrive. She didn't need a husband. She didn't need anyone or anything but what she was and what she could give to herself.

That was why she was leaving tonight. Escaping the clan and going to live with the humans at the nearby village. No more would she have to worry, she'd be free before dawn.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:27 pm


Lena tensed even further, we could both hear it. There was someone in the trees, even closer now.


"Shut up," she hissed, stepping back towards me.

I opened my mouth to speak, then shut it again. My eyes darted between her and the trees. Vivian took my arm and began whispering orders.

"When I say, run. If whoever it is isn't one of ours, this could be bad. Shift and get back to the village."

"O-okay, Lena."

Last edited by NinjaBells on Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:04 pm


Finally, Rom was getting closer to the girls. He decided though not to shift to his wolf form. He decided to take a more...diplomatic approach. Something unlike Romolous.

He could sense them, they were just feet--inches even--away from his reach. But he decided to not get any closer. He rose from his hiding spot, defenseless to whatever the girls were going to do.

"I see that you girls are creeping up on someone else's territory." he smirked only to finally figure it out. These girls weren't human and they were not part of his clan. He did his best to not rip the girls to shreds.

"You two should leave. Now." he growled.


As she was on her way to the village, she noticed something off. She could feel Romolous' presence...but he wasn't alone. He was with others. Not from their clan she thought.

Oh please don't kill them, Rom... she pleaded to herself.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:24 am


I gritted my teeth, tearing my eyes from Vivian to the boy as he came into view.

"As I see it, you are on our territory at the moment," I snapped, beginning to growl. "You have no right to give out orders."

As I spoke I shifted so Vivian was behind me. I kept my eyes carefully glued on the boy before me, though, clinching my fists at my side.

"Go," I said under my breath.

I heard Vivian's quick intake of breath then the soft hit of her bare-feet to the earth as she took off into the trees behind us. I wasn't sure how far she would make it if the boy had people with him, but I had to try and keep her safe. After all, we were the only children of my father. One of us had to lead the pack eventually.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:32 am


Foolish Rom; he didn't care nor wanted to know whether or not he was in the girls territory as the one girl had said. The whole forest belonged to him. Every inch of his commoner blood controlled this land as far as he was concerned. He had seen, he had hunted, he had ruled these woods.

So what did he do to the girl's intimidating command? Laugh--howled even.

"You need to know your place, I know mine." he spoke bitterly.


When she heard the howl that could only belong to Romolous, she knew there was going to be trouble. Quickly, she followed the sounds and hid somewhere until she heard the sounds of someone running.

Candra peered from her hiding spot and saw a girl running, looking like she was for her dear life.

She knew she had to find Rom and the other being before there was any bloodshed. Either the other or Rom's.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:37 am


I scowled, straightening myself up. I could feel the heat running to my cheeks as I flushed angrily, hands clinched even harder.
"My place," I spat. "Is ruling over the likes of you. Worthless mutts."
At that moment I didn't really care about the fact I was alone facing him and whoever else might be with him. I did not take very well to insults.


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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:07 am


Candra catched up to where Rom and what appeared to be the other girl was and she took no hesitating thought to come out of her hiding spot to stop them.

"Rom! What are you doing here?! Why aren't you with the pack?"

She then looked over at the flushed and angry looking girl across from them. "I'm sorry for the rude things Romolous might have said to you, he is not of noble blood. He doesn't know any better."


Candra appearing was a bit of a surprise, but her kind and just words weren't. That's what was ticking him off the most.

"Noble blood, huh? So tell me Candra...why are you out in the woods if you're of noble blood? Do you know any better than I?"

He then noticed something. Something that their whole tribe never did. "This is priceless, the noble princess running away on her day to be wed!"

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:11 am


I did my best not to betray my sudden interest, my eyes widening at the announcement. Almost unbidden one of my hands flew to below my chest where my amulet sat. The chain was made long enough to make it through a shift with me. The crest of our own pack royalty.
"The princess..." I said, almost to myself.
My father would have done anything to get his hands on this girl before me. If only I'd brought someone with me...
Snapping to attention I did my best to focus on this scene going on before me. Perhaps I'd be able to pick up on information that could benefit us. Maybe that'd replace the anger my father would have when I returned to the village.
... if I returned. I still wasn't sure if that was a possibility.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:14 pm


"Rom!" she spat at him, now realizing that he might have gave away vital information in front of the rivaling clan. "Keep your mouth shut!"

Candra went to grab Romolous' wrist. "We are going back to the village and we are never going to speak of this again!"


Romolous grinned widely as he flicked his wrist away from Candra's grasp. There was no way he was going to let her go off the hook. If the girl before her heard anything, he'd just kill her off the spot.

"You were going to run away, just to marry that human boy from the village! You're a disgrace of our clan!"

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:47 pm


My eyes widened even further, flickering between the boy she called Rom and the her. A marriage between a human boy and one of them? My father would kill me if I did something like that...
Although it did sound awfully romantic.
Keeping my attention focused on them I took a single step back, curious if they would notice.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:23 pm


Though he would love to continue to shame Candra about her decision to ruin the clan's name, he had to get rid of this girl who's listening in to the conversation.

When he looked back at her (Lena) he grinned--his sharp fangs showing as a sight of dominance. "Say, what's your name? And what're doin' 'ere?"


Knowing she was in trouble she hung her head low. Her brain rattled and banged around trying to think of an idea to get out of this situation and get to Peter, her beloved.

As soon as she noticed Rom's gaze away from her, she darted and sprinted as fast as she could away towards the village.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:31 pm


"I do not have to give you my name," I snapped, eyes flickering between him and her as she ran. "And this is my land, so I can be here for any reason I please. You should pay more attention to your princess."

Perhaps if he decided to go after her, I'd be able to get away without a problem.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:46 pm


She kept running. Run, run, run! That was all she could think about. As she was just seeing the the peak of the windmill where Peter lived--

"Princess Candra! What are you doing?"

Great. Back to the village I go.


Though Rom should've chased after Candra, his cockiness got the better of him. And while he was scoffing at the girl (Lena), Candra was already halfway to her beloved. But he knew that his grunts were patrolling there, so she'll come back.

Right now, he had a better catch to bring home.

"Meh, Candra's fine. It's you I want..." he said as he took a step towards her.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:32 pm


I bared my teeth, taking a step back as I considered my options. My first reaction was to threaten him with my father, but that would be revealing the fact I was the daughter of the leader of the pack, making me even more valuable of a prize.

Instead I simply gave him my most threatening look and stood my ground after that single step.

"You may, but you can't have me," I growled. "I sent my sister to gather people from my pack, and I am not defenseless. You'd have to fight, and you would lose."

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:05 pm

((Right now Candra is being taken back to the village, so I'm just going to focus on Romolous, kay???))


Rom snarled his teeth at the girl, his face contorted to something fierce. It seemed like he was on the verge of turning beast. But he remained calm somehow through his cool words.

"Oh, don' bet on it, girly." he forcefully gripped her wrist and was ready to drag her with him, "You'll be long gone 'fore they get here."

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:08 pm



"Get your hand off of me," I snapped, attempting to jerk my wrist away. I prepared to shift in order to get away, knowing that it might be my only chance. "I said you would lose if we fought, meaning I will not allow myself to be dragged off by some savage."

My teeth sharpened and I bared them, showing I meant business. It was my way of showing that I would shift, and I was not afraid.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:13 pm


"Savage?" he laughed bitterly, he kept his grip on her and kept his snarl and cold voice. It almost seemed like he was un-phased at her threat to shift.

"I'm the head hunter of my clan, and I'm guess'n by your're nuthing but a simple villager or noble's daughter. You can't fight worth squat." he then released her wrist and took a step back. "But if you're so convinced tha' you can win against me, go right ahead."

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:16 pm


I almost hesitated, then snarled at him. I would not be talked down by someone who was threatening to kidnap me.

"I can fight."

I quickly shifted, changing forms by calling on years of practice, and sprung at him with my claws outstretched and teeth bared, searching for flesh to tear into.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:45 pm


Not taking a moment to even watch her transform, he begins to change forms as well. Unfortunately not quick enough to get pounced at by the girl.

Not prepared and in mid-transformation, he gets caught off balanced and tumbles to the floor. Not without taking the brat down as well--she was trying to bite him and tear his flesh as well.

Despite shoving his half man/half wolf arm in front of her sharp fangs to give her something to chew as he finished transforming. Once done so he rolls their bodies to where the girl's is pinned by Rom. He gives her a snarl before he begins to find a part of her body to pierce his teeth with and tear to shreds.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:49 pm


I could feel his teeth digging-no -tearing into me. The pain wasn't too much to take, though, and I simply attempted to push him away. There was no way that I would give up on this. My teeth searched for something they could reach, a sensitive spot if I could. Something to make me able to turn the tables back to my side.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by theKP Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:15 pm


The girl seemed to have touched a tender spot on Rom, making him jump back from her. He took a moment to snarl back at her, mainly for show. She had pushed him back good, but there was no way he could let this kid win. No way at all.

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Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells** Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves **BB and Bells**

Post by Bells Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:59 pm


I crouched, growling at him as he snarled. Just from those few motions I had understood the fact that he was stronger than me. Yes, I was able to keep up with him, but that was pure willpower allowing me to do so. There was nothing saying that he wouldn't beat me the next time he attacked.

This in mind, I retreated a few feet, keeping my eyes stuck on him. Perhaps I'd be able to make it into the trees. I had pack members coming at some point, I just had to be able to reach them.

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