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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:19 pm

Olivia: "It has been productive, and I've enjoyed it, but..... it wasn't.... it wasn't not FUN, exactly, but I think I did sort of miss out on a lot. Sometimes I regret it, despite the fact that I'm happy with where I am and I know I wouldn't have gotten here without all that work..." I admitted. I didn't really like talking about my childhood, or saying that I regretted it, because I knew I'd had a lot of opportunities most kids didn't get, but I couldn't help but feel that I'd missed out in a lot of ways. I didn't normally ever say anything like this to anyone, but that was the beauty of talking to near strangers you really didn't know. You could sometimes let things like that out without sounding selfish or ungrateful.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by ßøn∑z Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:26 pm


Once again he was surprised by how revealing she was. He remembered he used to have such a way with people. Something about him that had been sucked out of him . . .
When he remembered, it was like he heard the news all over again. I'm so sorry Arlin, but-
"What kinds of things? Because, you know, it's never too late for a childhood game of throw-plates-of-food-at-each-others-faces," he joked, knowing it was coming off forced, his posture now stiff and smile frozen.
Notnownotnownotnow... This girl was so nice. He was going to scare her away. He was breaking again, his emotional stability like a pane of glass at a shooting range. So fragile. Repairable, if you took the time to melt it back into sand, and re-make it, but it held for only a little while until the next bullet was shoot, just as devastating as the first.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Alice Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:31 pm

Chris gave a small nod. "Good." He said. He watched his class and sighed. "Guys... this is stupid.. you need to start getting excited about history because we all know how much you love history." He said with a small smirk on his lips.

Marrie leaned back against her chair and looked down at her desk. She stared at an empty piece of paper infront of her. She took a pencil and started to draw. She didnt know what she was drawing but thought it would be a nice new tattoo she wanted or something.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:32 pm

Olivia: I got the sense that something was off. Something had shifted in his demeanor. Had I insulted him by accident? I hoped not. He seemed nice, and I generally preferred not to be mean to people if it could be at all avoided. I decided not to question him about it - he seemed to be sort of covering it up, or attempting to, so chances were he wouldn't want to discuss it. So instead i just responded. I shrugged a bit. "Just.... goofing off and stuff, I guess. I love my parents and all but they're pretty strict sometimes, and I was always practicing, so there wasn't always a lot of time to go out and make friends and run around and play games and do other stuff that kids normally do, y'know? I'm happy that the work payed off but I would've liked to have fit in some fun while I could. 'Cos the older you get the harder it gets to really goof off."

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by ßøn∑z Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:43 pm


The clever, playful response was in his head. All the words. I really beg to differ. I bet I could show you what you missed. And he'd invite her up to his dorm. Not for what the typical high school make would, but to talk to this girl who seemed deprived of real fun, and shoot some zombies on a PS3 with her. Tell her what she missed out on. Exchange stories about parents with leashes too tight.
There it was. The perfect scenario. It'd be fun, really. But the words were not coming to his lips. The smile dropped. Because that thin barrier he could place between himself and reality sometimes is like smoke. It seems thick at first, but it dilutes, and eventually every last wisp falls away.
Abruptly, Arlin stood up, the flimsy plastic chair falling over behind him. He was already leaving the room when he emotionlessly said, "I have to go."
He didn't learn her name, dorm number, any of her classes. That he regretted. But he had to go. Now. And hide for a few hours. He started down the halls.

Excitement. Love. She knew the meanings, but they were still such foreign concepts to her. History was a comfortable, understood, easy boring. Still, she listened closely. Maybe they'd be tested on it or something.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:57 pm

Olivia: I was right. Something had been wrong. Maybe I was crazy, but it was like there were ghosts in his eyes. Something was bothering him. But he was gone and the chances of me catching up were slim. And I didn't even know his name..... Somehow that made me sad, and I sort of had to wonder if I'd ever see him again. But.... we were both stuck here for the year, right? The chances of me running into him again were at least there.....

I picked up the chair that had fallen as he'd left, kinda of staring for a second at it as if he'd magically appear back there, but of course he didn't and so I put the chair away. Somehow I just didn't have the heart to continue practicing, so I packed up my cello and carefully stashed it in the instrument room, picking up my music folder and tucking it into my bag. I wasn't sure what to do at this point, so I just.... headed out and wandered the halls, for lack of a better option.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by ßøn∑z Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:15 pm


Lights, blurring into one solid painful glow around him, textures losing definition with the water pooling along his lids. But he still saw enough colour to locate the wooden door, tiny and empty. It was an unfilled closet somewhere at the end of the hall which led to that band room, and it would do. He closed it, sank into the corner, and it let go. Let the mask of sanity fall off his face. Break all over again.
No one understood what it had been like to lose her. What it was like still. After all, it'd been over two years since the accident. It was a wound that didn't heal, the skin never growing over and leaving a faint scar as a reminder. The pain was the same as it had been the very first day, no less or worse.
Arlin didn't know how to cope. He didn't cope. He didn't want to get better. Wanting to remember, wanting to forget. Wanting to heal, and wanting to stay broken because it meant he was just that much closer to her. If he changed, he'd be farther away.
That's why he sat there, his head in his hands and his knees against his knuckles, tears falling and mind unleashing all nightmares on him again.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Ravyn Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:19 pm

Olivia: I left the band room, but I didn't make it far. The unmistakable sound of someone crying just down the hall hit my ears. I paused, not sure whether to keep going or stop and see if I could help somehow. I wondered if it was mystery guy crying, or someone else. I didn't even know.....

Not wanting to be intrusive or creepy, but concerned, I followed the sound until I found the door from which it seemed to be coming from. I didn't open the door, not wanting to bust in on anyone's breakdown, but I did sit just outside it. "Er..... is.... is everything okay in there....?"

It was probably a stupid question. If everything was okay, whoever it was wouldn't be crying in the first place. But it was the only thing I could think of to ask.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Momo13 Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:35 pm

(so, where can i jump in easily? Iddy and Micka would probably stick together a bit)

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Alice Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:52 am

( I have charries open i you wantto talk to them. Merrie is just sitting watching Oliver like a creeper ._. uumm all of mine are open so just have them be in history or just walking *shrug* doesnt really matter)

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Avery Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:48 am

Nyssa continued her lazy stroll through the hallway, fingers wrapped tightly around the strap of her oversized, beaded book bag. It was her first day and she was late. Well, that much she couldn’t have helped. She had a doctor’s appointment that morning and begged her mother to let her go to school the next day. Nothing made her more frightened than first days of school. Slowly she glanced up and saw the history room. She took a deep breath and brushed her tights off before closing the small gap between her and the door and entered, silently sliding her note on the teacher’s desk and taking an empty seat near the front of the room. She couldn’t make eye contact with anyone as she walked, made nervous by all of the stares she got. She desperately hoped the teacher wouldn’t make her introduce herself. If it happened that way, she might just get up and leave.

CJ leaned against the sink in the girl’s locker room, slowly applying a second coat of mascara to get her eyelashes to curl just right. Maybe it was too caked on. She blinked and then frowned, glancing at the bun of dark blonde hair that sat atop her head and debated letting it down. Without much thought, she pulled out the hair tie and let her hair fall down to her lower back in slight waves. Maybe it was too messy. She rubbed her cheeks and glanced at the door, desperate to get some color back into them. Maybe she was too pale. She wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. Maybe she was too skinny. Too fat. She had no clue. All she could think was that being critical was going to help her in the long run.

Tristan sat in math, pencil tapping against the paper every now and again. It was a day where everyone had grouped up, and as usual, he was alone. Not because he had no friends, well… He didn’t, but it was more because he wanted to be alone. Whenever he worked with someone, it usually ended with him basically tutoring his partner. That was always how the teacher planned it, it seemed, and she always gave him the same smile and thanks after class when it would happen. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Not great, but he was “glad” he could help. Or, that’s what he told the teacher. He could care less. He just felt like it may have been wasted effort. Wasted.

Mateo leaned against the wall of an old shed by the track, outside of school, cigarette between his lips. He started lunch a little early today. It was only a few periods early, though. He was sure no one would notice him. He did this nearly every week and still no one noticed. He always got his work in on time, so what did it really matter? It didn’t, according to him, and the people who didn’t notice him. He did admit that sometimes it got pretty lonely out here, but it would always be better than the condescending idiots who were supposed to be teaching him inside. He had a hunch that he was smarted than 80% of the students inside, but in a different way. He was street smart and he felt like that was what counted in the long run.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by alysonpaige Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:25 pm

Name: Jude
Age: 18
Gender: male
Personality: smart, but doesn't try to show it; sarcastic
Socail status: ehh...I guess "the cool kid"/"bad boy"
Background: not quite sure...
Looks: Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Ryan210

Name: Zena
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: outgoing, little sarcastic
Socail status: ummm..."the cool nerd" (she's popular, but really smart--doesn't rub it in your face though...well she tries not to anyway)
Background: not sure yet...
Looks: Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Nat10

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by alysonpaige Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:35 pm

He walked down the empty hall to the history class, which had started awhile ago, but he hated getting there on time. He sort of liked to make an entrance, not all the time, but sometimes. He had one pencil behind his ear and his history book and a notepad in his left hand. He peered in the door to the room for a moment before knocking on the door and seeing all the heads turn to the sound.

She looked at her reflection in the tiny mirror in her locker and "fixed" her messy bun that was a product of getting up late and sleeping two hours past her alarm. She slid her math book in her designer bag before closing her locker and walked toward her class. She hated being late and considered just skipping, but her inner nerd had persuaded her to go to class, it more like forced her to go to class. She hated getting others' notes because she only liked her own and feared that she would miss something for the test if they were someone else's.
The door was open when she got there and she sighed in relief of not having to knock on the door. She walked in and walked to the empty desk toward the back.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:07 pm

Iddy sat under the bleachers out by the track, under the seats with her hood pulled up. This is where she spent most of her free time... and math time as well. She wondered if her math teacher even knew her name..... oh well. Her gameboy blacked out on her and she blinked at the screen.
"Dammit." She muttered softly, unable to save before it turned itself off. "Stupid piece of old --" She looked up and saw someone standing by the shed a little ways away from her. He probably didnt notice her, but if she kept mumbling to herself, he would hear her. And the last thing she wanted was to draw more unwanted attention to herself. Especially by the likes of /him/ (she is talking about Mateo, if that is ok).


Micka walked around the school, poking his head into empty class rooms. Where was Iddy? She had gone off and disapeared again, no where to be found. One of these days he'd have to ask her where she always went.
He shoved his hands into his pockets with a sigh and continued around the school with the slight hope he may run across her.


Thea leaned against her locker, popping her gum and looking around. Boring. Today was just so boring. She needed something to do. Something, or someone, to entertain her.


Malichi sat by his locker, reading over his history notes as people passed him in the hallway. Some people walked over his outstretched leg while others made no attempt to even go around it and just kicked it out of their way. He didnt care much, they didn't bother him much. And this upcoming test was more important.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by ßøn∑z Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:19 pm


Behind a wall of hell, he heard a voice. It was familiar. But it was from another world, one that existed only when his hell didn't. A world he could only touch when he ignored reality, which was not right now.
Arlin stopped his sobs. He hadn't heard what this voice had said. Usually he made sure to be alone as to not be interrupted when mourning but . . . why was he in this closet again?
"Who's there?" he called out in a shaky, very un-masculine voice.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Ravyn Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:29 pm

Olivia: That voice sounded faintly familiar, but skewed as it was from the crying, it was difficult to place it. "Er..... we may not have met, but my name's Olivia...." I replied.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:27 pm


"Oliva," he repeated, wondering if saying her name again would place it with the face. Nope. But the voice was familiar.
"Go practice," Arlin said, unsure of what exactly it was she was practicing. He just knew she needed to. The world was confusing him, and he decided to continue the nightmares while asleep. He closed his eyes, and shut himself off from her.

(Is history over yet?)

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Alice Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:50 pm

(I dont htink so.. sorry I have respond yet ._. I shall do that now xD)

Chris watched his class with a small chuckle. "You all are boring..." He said as the bell rang. He glanced up atthe clock and sighed. Class always seemedd short to him. He went and sat at his desk ocassionally saying good bye to some of the students walking away.

Merri walked out of the history room and leaned agaisnt the wall. Her eyes scanned the faces of the students a small smile formed on her lips. She kinda enjoyed watching them. The boarding school felt like a shut in to her.. she knew why her parents had sent her there. They thought that it would a be a good way of "helping" their daugther but she knew better. They just wanted to get rid of her.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by alysonpaige Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:29 pm

(is there anyone free to talk to my characters?)

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Momo13 Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:01 pm

Everyone but Iddy is free for me.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by alysonpaige Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:31 pm

(where are your people at?)

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Momo13 Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:37 pm

Where I said they were in my only post with characters. I don't really remember off the top of my head and can't easily find the post on my phone. It's on page 3 I think.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Avery Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:11 pm

All my characters are free, just saying. Jade is leaving class, Mateo is skipping out by a shed, Tristan is in math, and I can't remember where Cj was, but I think she's wandering the halls now.

Last edited by Avery on Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by alysonpaige Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:17 pm

As the bell rang signaling the end of class, Zena slowly put her things away and ended up walking out behind Tristan. She knew he was quiet, but didn't know much else about him. She tapped him on the shoulder before they reached the door, he was probably the only person that she would want to get notes from, the only person she trusted would write everything down.

Jude walked out of class as the bell rang, taking his time and walked into a girl (Jade) because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. His books fell to the floor as he tried to catch his balance and not look dazed at the same time--this was not a way he wanted attention.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:02 am


Class always went by too slowly these days. She gathered her supplies and headed straight for the bathroom. Galena felt her too-big pores getting sweaty with her anxiety from all these people, and knew she had to wash it off or she'd get even more pimples on her mess of a face.
She entered the bathroom, slowly, cautiously..and someone was there applying makeup. (CJ, if thats ok Avy?) Great. She never handled one-on-one situations with strangers. Oh, well. At least she wasn't expected to talk to her as she washed and freshened up at the only other sink available. Or was she?
Galena felt herself get even more nervous. She set her history notes on the side of the sink, ran the tap and..
The faucet was stuck with gum Galena saw a second too late, which sprayed water everywhere. Ruining her notes, splattering her outfit, her hair. Feeling so embarrassed she was sure her face matched her glasses, Galena turned to see if the other girl was dry.

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