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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:13 am

The Freak, the gypsy, the werewolf, and the could happen?! SO we last left off with a romance and cold war! WOOT!

Last edited by ghost~ on Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:24 am

Fay smiled slightly, happy that he finally had quit arguing. She kissed him again, trailing the kiss down to his neck. She laid her head on his shoulder and clung to him, the tears now forgotten, though the hole that her sister's death left seemed to burn deep within her. "I love you," she murmured, her eyes drooping slightly, her body finally telling her she couldn't take any more.

Mira sat and watched Adam while her eyes flicked around trying to find a way out. She didn't want to be stuck with the human. What if he hurt her? What if he killed her? Or worse, what if he used to to find the others? She stared at him, and almost gave up hope when an idea popped into her head. With a siren's voice, she began to sing, hoping to enchant him.

"Sailor boy (sailor boy)
Sailor boy (sailor boy)
Hurry home to me

When shadows fall
I sit alone and as
My eyes get misty

I still recall how much
I love the way
You used to kiss me

Though you're away
I love still
I always will

Sailor boy
Oh, sailor boy"


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:25 pm

Nameless wrapped his arms around her, picking her up as to cradle her in his lap. "I love you too," he said softly, kissing her forehead. "Are you tired?"

Adam gapped at her.....that song...she had a beautiful voice. He leaned towards her, hoping the song was about him. Gosh, she was beautiful.

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:35 pm

Mira continued to sing until she had gotten him out of the way. She then stood, continuing her song and bolted, the song breaking off as she stumbled away from him, tripping over everything her feet seemed to find.

Fay gave a small nod, yawning slightly. "Just a little," she murmured and before she could even finish her sentence, the world went black, engulfing her in the sweet, calm serenity of sleep.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:41 pm

Adam looked up dazed, she was running away. He didnt know what she was...but she wasn't normal. He dashed after her, "Hey! What's the big idea?!"

Nameless stood with Fay in his arms, he held her close to keep the cold out and walked back to the abandoned house he had found. He carried her through the enterance he had found, slipping into the basement and walking as carefully as he could up the stairs. He then made it to the bedroom he had been using as his own after going up the grand stair case. There was a balcony and a big window. A duffel bag lay in the corner and a make shift bed had been made out of a few pillows and blankets. He gently laid her on the bed, tucking her in before laying next to her and falling asleep on the wooden floor.

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:53 pm

Fay woke the next morning to the sun shining in her eyes. She was shocked to find herself on something soft, and warm. She bolted up, staring around with wide eyes before noticing the warm thing that she had been cuddling was Aaron and the soft thing was pillows. She bit her lip and snuck out of the make-shift bed and back outside, not liking being in a house. It felt so...claustrophobic. So restrained.

Mira continued to run until she tripped and hit her head on a rock, knocking her unconscious. Her legs landed in a puddle of sea water seeing as how they were so close to the beach. The part of her that was in the water turned into a fin.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:15 pm

Jack's (formerly Adam) eyes widen in surprise...she was a mermaid! He gently rolled her over, checking for wounds. Her forehead was bloody, he gingerly touched it and grabbed a first aid kit attached to a life guard's stand. So that's why she was afraid...

Nameless got up, and not seeing Fay looked around. He went out onto the balcony and spotted her. Climbing down the vines along the sides, he hopped down next to her. "Sorry...I didn't mean to startle you. I didn't want you to get cold and I didn't want to leave you alone out there..." he said, his face turning a shade of red.

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:21 pm

Fay looked up at him and blinked. "Huh?" she asked. Her hands were covered in the dark rich dirt that surrounded the house and she was crouched by an abandoned herb garden, weeding it out. "Oh, you're fine..I'm just not use to it is all." She turned back to her weeding, brushing her hair out of her face with the back of her hand and smudging dirt across her cheek by accident.

A soft groan escaped Mira, but other than that she stayed still. In her sleep she could feel the odd sensation of not being able to breath right. As if she was half way in the water and half way out.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:28 pm

Carefully picking her up, he placed her in a shallow tidal pool seperate from the ocean. The rocks allowed her to keep an up right sitting position. He sat next to the rocks, watching her.

Nameless wipped the dirt off her cheek, smiling at her. Sitting next to her, he began to help her weed. "You like to garden? I didn't know that."

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:32 pm

Fay gave a small shrug, blushing when he wiped the dirt from her cheek. "I like herbs...I've never had an actual garden before...I've never stayed in one place long enough to have one."

Mira stirred and finally began to wake up, feeling like she could breathe properly. She opened her eyes and went to pull her knees to her chest and jumped seeing that her legs were now her fin. She smiled and looked around and frowned, realizing that she was in a tide pool. She then laid eyes on Jack and her eyes got wide as she quickly moved to the other side of the tide pool, as far away as she could get.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:39 pm

Jack sighed and looked at her, shaking his head a bit. "It's okay...I won't tell. I'm not normal either..." he said, shifting into a large dark brown wolf.

"Same," Nameless said, "I've been hiding here for about two weeks now. I wish I had a homw like this...the abandoned houses...are always more quiet and peacful."

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:02 pm

Fay listened quietly, biting her lip. She could never settle down anywhere. It would nearly kill her if she had to. She was a free spirit, been on the move to long. She couldn't even imagine staying in one place. "I bet it would be nice," was all she could manage to say.

Mira tensed, her eyes growing wider in fear as she clutched the rocks. The land walker was a shifter? Wasn't that the most dangerous kind? She remembered stories of men who changed into animals to catch them off guard, to hunt them easier.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:07 pm

Nameless pulled a few more weeds, his hands covered in soil. He paused and looked at her, "I bet you would rather be out and about though."

Jack looked at her before shifting back. "You seem afraid..." he commented quietly.

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:21 pm

Mira stared at him. If he expected her to talk any more than she already had, then he was in for a surprise. She wished there was a way back, a way to hide and never be found again. She couldn't help the cautious glance she gave, watching for the fishermen who had caught her in the first place.

Fay sighed and gave a small nod. "I was born in the back of a wagon....and I think that may have predestined me for the gypsy's in my blood. I can't even think about having a permanent place to's...weird to me."


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:29 pm

Jack sighed, bending down to pick her out of the water. He kept a firm grip and carried her to the ocean's edge before setting her down in the water. "See? I'm not bad..."

Nameless nodded, "I think I would miss traveling around too. Are you hungry? I can go get us some food?"

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:35 pm

Fay looked up and blinked for a moment, bringing herself back to the present. For some reason she had spaced out while he was talking. She gave a small nod, unsure of what she was agreeing to, but knowing Aaron it wouldn't be bad whatever it was. She just couldn't seem to get her thoughts straight. She

Mira wasn't going to move, wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of chasing after her. Well, that was her thought process until the fishermen saw her. Her eyes got wide as they raced towards her shouting. She clawed at the sand, pulling herself farther into the water until she totally disappeared, the clothes she had been wearing washing back up on shore in the surf.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:44 pm

Nameless looked at her concerned, " What's wrong? You feeling okay? You seem kind of out of it today..."

Jack sighed, watching her disappear. Even the mermaid was afraid of him, no one seemed to like wolves. He streatched out on the sand, dozing off.

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:49 pm

Mira watched the man, staying hidden in the surf and as far from the shore as she could be. The fishermen eventually left, and she waited till the beach was deserted before she came back towards the man. Curiosity was getting the better of her.

Fay looked at him, brow furrowed and her lips in a slight frown. "Ya...I think so..I just feel....really...weird...I don't know. Like...I'm not myself or something." She looked troubled by this as she tried to figure out what her issue was.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:54 pm

Jack lay sleeping on the shore, his fingers close to the water's edge. The moon had come out and it was dark. His chest rose and fel with a few soft snores.

Nameless grew even more concerned, "I don' you miss your home? I can take you back if you wish."

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:00 pm

Fay shook her head and looked at him. "No...I don't miss it. I've been trying to get away for a while...I didn't exactly get into that caravan because I wanted to be in it. I was sold into it..."

Mira continued to grow closer until she was almost right next to him. She stared at his hand with interest, then looked at the rest of him with the same curiosity.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:08 pm

The moon emerged from the clouds revealing a full moon, Jake's form transformed into the wolf again. Still sleeping, he adjusted himself more comfortably, his paw closer to the water's edge.

Nameless hugged Fay, unintentionally getting dirt on her. "I run so I don't have to be a slave." He said, looking at her.

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:17 pm

Fay didn't say anything back and just hugged him. She was already a slave, and probably one of the worst kind. She sighed and pulled away and gave him a small smile. "What about that food?" she asked, feigning hunger.

Mira jumped when he changed into the wolf, the water splashing around her when she did. She quickly backed away and stared at him, making sure he wasn't going to wake up.


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:22 pm

Nameless smiled, "Well what is it you want?"

Jack woke with a start, seeing the paws laid out in front of him. Crap...he turned his head and saw the mermaid, giving a soft woof for a greeting still laying down.

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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:27 pm

Mira's eyes got wide and she crouched low in the water, her nose only just above it as she watched him. She wasn't sure what to say, or do. So she just stayed there, hoping he didn't come after her.

Fay shrugged and looked at him. "What ever sounds good..I'm not sure what food you have here. I think...your food is different from my food."


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Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira Empty Re: Nameless+Fay+Jack+Mira

Post by Banshee Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:48 pm

Jack stood, sniffing a bit in her direction. He gave a friendly wag of his tail, not wanting to scare her off.

"Well...I can make pb&j or I have cereal or I could go seee.what else we have." He saod, taking her hand. "Want me to show you around?"

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