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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Ravyn Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:16 am

Olivia: So it WAS him... "I'm done practicing for now.... if I practice too much, I can hurt my hands, and that can be worse than not practicing at all..." I said, not sure if he was even still listening.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Alice Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:54 am

I also have all of my characters free. OSrry for the late post.. just got onto christmas break and trying to multitask is hell right now but i will try my best to be on here more :DD

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Avery Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:47 pm

ßøn∑z wrote:Galena

Class always went by too slowly these days. She gathered her supplies and headed straight for the bathroom. Galena felt her too-big pores getting sweaty with her anxiety from all these people, and knew she had to wash it off or she'd get even more pimples on her mess of a face.
She entered the bathroom, slowly, cautiously..and someone was there applying makeup. (CJ, if thats ok Avy?) Great. She never handled one-on-one situations with strangers. Oh, well. At least she wasn't expected to talk to her as she washed and freshened up at the only other sink available. Or was she?
Galena felt herself get even more nervous. She set her history notes on the side of the sink, ran the tap and..
The faucet was stuck with gum Galena saw a second too late, which sprayed water everywhere. Ruining her notes, splattering her outfit, her hair. Feeling so embarrassed she was sure her face matched her glasses, Galena turned to see if the other girl was dry.

CJ jumped back, the spray of water surprising her and suddenly she turned, hands in tight fists, ready to lash out at the girl who had been so clumsy. Suddenly, she paused and her jaw softened, then she took a step back. The girl looked mortified. She felt bad for the girl, seeing her face so dark, being so embarrassed over something stupid. Instead of saying something, like she knew she should, she just grabbed some paper towel and shoved them toward the girl, trying to dry herself off at the same time. She was luck she didn't have a books with her. If she had ruined anything, she might have reconsidered being so nice. Ha, nice. As if that's what you could call this. It certainly wasn;t kindness keeping her from yelling at the girl.

Momo13 wrote:Iddy sat under the bleachers out by the track, under the seats with her hood pulled up. This is where she spent most of her free time... and math time as well. She wondered if her math teacher even knew her name..... oh well. Her gameboy blacked out on her and she blinked at the screen.
"Dammit." She muttered softly, unable to save before it turned itself off. "Stupid piece of old --" She looked up and saw someone standing by the shed a little ways away from her. He probably didnt notice her, but if she kept mumbling to herself, he would hear her. And the last thing she wanted was to draw more unwanted attention to herself. Especially by the likes of /him/ (she is talking about Mateo, if that is ok).

Mateo pulled something out of his pocket, a straight razor, and flipped it between his fingers. The cold metal glinted of the sun, and then he turned to the shed, carving shallow lines in the faded blue paint. He didn't write anything, though, because he was sure his distinct handwriting would give him away. Instead, he drew things. Nothing in particular, but shapes, and people, anything that came to his mind, really. He was sort of zoned out, all alone in his thoughts.

alysonpaige wrote:As the bell rang signaling the end of class, Zena slowly put her things away and ended up walking out behind Tristan. She knew he was quiet, but didn't know much else about him. She tapped him on the shoulder before they reached the door, he was probably the only person that she would want to get notes from, the only person she trusted would write everything down.

Jude walked out of class as the bell rang, taking his time and walked into a girl (Jade) because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. His books fell to the floor as he tried to catch his balance and not look dazed at the same time--this was not a way he wanted attention.

Tristan turned warily, unsure what people might want from him. He wasn't usually sopped, so he had to hide his surprise. "Er... Yeah?" He asked, trying to remember the name of the girl who tapped him. He recognized her face, but nothing more. She had an exotic name, he though. She was in most of his classes, though.

Jade stumbled back as her books fell as well. She knelt down, picking them up quickly and then glanced at his, wondering if he needed help. She decided against it, not really caring if he did or not. After all, he was the one who walked into her. She stood up and blinked, looking down at him, waiting for him to say something-- Anything. She didn't even expect an apology, just some acknowledgement.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by alysonpaige Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:12 pm

Zena sighed, hating to ask for help. "Could I copy your notes...I came in late and didn't get them." She looked down at her feet for a moment and then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she looked at him, wating for an answer. She was hoping she could get his notes and didn't know what she would do if she couldn't get them.

Jude picked up his books and stood, looking Jade in the eyes. He hestitantly spoke up, "Sorry," his manners taking over. The manners that he was taught from infancy and he instantly knew his mother would be proud. He slid a hand into his pants pocket as looked at her.


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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Avery Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:00 am

Tristan blinked, unsure whether he should feel flattered or unjust by her request to copy his notes. Normally he would give them out freely, but he had gone to drawing along the margins of his papers and it wasn't necessarily something he wanted people to see. Uneasily, he shrugged. "Haven't you asked anyone else?" He asked, his tone coming off a bit brusque. He cringed and stepped back, fixing his glasses, and then looked at her evenly.

Jade flashed him a quick smile and then shrugged. "It's fine," she said, pursing her lips. "No harm done." The boys familiar face bothered her as she tried to conjure the name that went with it. "I'm Jade," she said, nodding her had at him in a quick greeting. He was polite, at least. She hadn't seen that coming.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Momo13 Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:41 am

Iddy stood slowly and tucked her game boy into her jacket pocket. She walked over to the shed, somewhat carefully.
"you know, that can be considered vandalism." she told him, just to make her presence known.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Avery Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:16 am

Mateo jumped, glaring at the girl and then stormed off, muttering about how little he cared about vandalism. Maybe if she hadn't snuck up on him, he would have been a little more tactful, but she didn't. He figured it was a pretty bitchy move. He glared back at her and then continued off, opposite of the school. He didn't want to get caught, so away was the only way to go.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Momo13 Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:31 am

Iddy blinked a few times. She didn't mean to upset him or anything. A groan escaped her. Why was she do socially awkward? She groaned and sat below the scratch marks he put into the wall of the shed. "I wasn't going to turn you in or anything," she called after him, but knew it was pointless.

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by alysonpaige Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:18 pm

Zena stepped back with a slight hurt expression on her face. She needed those notes. "No because I don't like the way other people take notes and...and I know you take good notes. You are the only person that I would get notes from." She replied and was looking at the door behind him, ready to go and give up on this.

Jude flashed her a smirk and nodded. "Jude." He replied to introduce himself. He slyly looked her up and down and then back at her face before she could notice and smirked again--it was what he usually did, he just always smirked or smiled at people.

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Location : Under my blanket with a good book

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Nameless~~~~~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Nameless~~~~~

Post by Alice Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:59 pm

Chris heard the bell ring and sighed. He hadnt gotten through what he needed to and his class seemed more pissed off with him then usual. He sat down at his desk and rested his head agaisnt it. "this day needs to be over." he mummbled.

Marrie went and sat under agaisnt a tree letting the leaves shield her face from the sun. She pulled out a cigarette from her messanger bag and lit it up. She took in a deep drag and closed her eyes. She let the smoke seep into her lungs and let it out slowly. Smoke was always good for her and she liked it.

Alex leaned against a wall and smirked a bit. All the girls stared at him like they wanted some of him. He chuckleda bit. It was going to be a good year for him. He could get all he wanted.

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