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Under the Darkness

Team Sherlock
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Under the Darkness Empty Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:50 am

So this is my SECOND account that I've made here, my last one I forgot my password...^_^'' But I decided to start off this one with a cool topic! Warning: This one is a OPEN-MINDED one. (aka: I will allow you to have gay, bisexual, and straight people in here. 'Cause I think we're all big boys and girls here, so we can be smart about this.) Anyway, have fun here!

The city of Nirvana, creatures of all species with special abilities are free to roam around and be normal in the world. Because the world has shunned them, this is their only safe haven. But some also hate this city, feeling like they deserve more rights, more freedom...these people are in a group called The Resistance. And they fight a corrupt world that will do anything to stop them.

Sexual Orientation:

Last edited by SelfProclaimedHeroine on Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:08 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:59 am

Name: Daniel Evans
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Species: Hybrid-Human
Abilities: Control all basic elements (ex. Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, etc.)
Appearance: Under the Darkness All_these_things_i_hate__by_vampirificnightmare-d358769
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Bio: As a child, his parents were killed in a car accident. Leaving him on the streets, until a group of scientists from a private company came and offered him food, shelter, and clothing. Little did he knew that they were experimenting on him to test out a new drug they had produced. The drug was meant to give humans special powers, but side effects to this would be temporary loss of control of these powers. So when Daniel would lose control, he would be punished. Of course the punishments that he was given were different every time, from beatings to rape, it warped his mind servilely. It wasn't until he was rescued by the government at the age of 18 and moved to Nirvana where he wishes to begin his new life.

Name: "Dagger" Wilson
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Species: Shifter
Abilities: Can shift into nearly anything. Any animal, any human, anything!
Appearance: Under the Darkness Anime_Tomboy_Music_Girl_by_keira_n
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Bio: She has lived in the streets of Nirvana for so long, that she doesn't even know her real name. Only going by the name of "Dagger," she has been living her whole life as a street rat. Not discovering her true power until she was 13. Since then she has used that to her fullest of potential. But she has heard of the Resistance...this may be her way out...

Name: Peter Caine
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Species: Vampire (Pure-blood)
Abilities: He's a vamp...
Appearance: Under the Darkness Lost_boy_by_sakasagami-d3k8qp2
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Bio: A man who has lived his entire life in luxury, has been taken away from what he knows and is thrown in Nirvana. As a owner of a vampire bar, and the leader of the Resistance. He will do anything to get back his old life.

Last edited by SelfProclaimedHeroine on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2011-09-03
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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:13 pm

(can I join?)
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:22 pm

((Most certainly!))

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:41 pm


Name: Sammy White
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Species: werewolf
Abilities: he can shift into a wolf anytime he wants
Under the Darkness Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3Yn3dPeU55sSQ1DMzGBRkJsVRUyjj2b7DQy0p97fwrLSyUJQM
Sexual Orientation: gay
Bio: His dad left before he was born and his mom was murdered by her sister. He was raised by his aunt who got away with killing his mom and was abused growing up. He now lives on his and has heard of the resistance, but has yet to join...

Name: Derek Reed
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Species: human... kind of
Abilities: telepathy... scientist committed experiments on him
Under the Darkness 481_ss_large
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Bio: His dad was a scientist and took started to do experiments on him. That's why he has the power of telepathy. Hates his dad for what he did to him.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Join date : 2011-06-18
Age : 27

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:52 pm

((Coolio~ So you wanna wait for more people or begin now? I don't care either way. Very Happy))

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:57 pm

((now would be okay, but it's up to you since you're the creator Very Happy))
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Age : 27

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:16 pm

((lolz. Okay then. Then I say let's start! Razz))

Daniel took a deep sigh and looked around his new apartment. The area was a little shady--like everywhere else in Nirvana--so he made sure that he kept his windows and doors locked and his curtains closed. Even though he didn't have many valuable items in his house, he didn't want any of it stolen. Finally, after he quickly changed his sweaty white shirt with a clean green one, he noticed that he needed to do some grocery shopping. Reason why is because he didn't have anything in the small fridge of his. So he checked his wallet in his back pocket to see if his forty dollars were still in there--it was. He then placed it back in his pocket, walked out his apartment, locked his apartment door, and began walking to the small grocery store that he saw on his way here.

"Hey! Get back here!"
Dagger ran as fast as she could, taking deep breaths as she let her legs carry her down the street that was crowded. She clung onto the bag full of food and searched for an escape route to get rid of her victim. She could've changed into something, but then she couldn't get rid of the bag. C'mon, Dagger! Think! Think!

It was a lovely day for Peter, a lovely day to stay inside and take care of some business at his bar, Bloody Valentine. Though he was also impatient, he was waiting for later tonight where he and the Resistance could once again plot their escape out of Nirvana. He sat in his office, legs crossed and his chin being cupped by his right hand. Waiting for something to happen.

((Well, there's all my charries! Pick one you like! Very Happy))

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:31 pm

Sammy walked down the street, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket, and his head bent. He was on his way to the grocery store so he could put some food in his fridge. As he walked his mind raced. The main thing that he kept thinking about was the Resistance. He was told about it by an old friend and he kept thinking about it. Somehow Sammy kept from running in to things. How he managed, the world may never know...

Derek sat on his bed, his eyes closed. He was thinking about his jerk of a dad who had run experiments on him. He was sick and tired of the fact that his dad kept chasing after him. He opened his eyes and let out a sigh. Another thing he thought about was the Resistance. He had heard about it, but had to wonder if it was to good to be true.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Join date : 2011-06-18
Age : 27

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:35 pm

(can i join?)

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:45 pm

((Of course!))

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:48 pm

Name: Ember
Age: 17
Sex: female
Species: dragon
Abilities: can shift from dragon to human form.
Appearance: Under the Darkness D018e812
Sexual Orientation: straight
Bio: her family was killed and now she lives on the streets, wanting revenge on those who murdered her family. however, the government is trying to find her to use her abilities for their own experiments. she always has trouble with them following her.

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Age : 31
Location : In my own little Narnia

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:58 pm

smellzlyknirvana wrote:Sammy walked down the street, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket, and his head bent. He was on his way to the grocery store so he could put some food in his fridge. As he walked his mind raced. The main thing that he kept thinking about was the Resistance. He was told about it by an old friend and he kept thinking about it. Somehow Sammy kept from running in to things. How he managed, the world may never know...

Derek sat on his bed, his eyes closed. He was thinking about his jerk of a dad who had run experiments on him. He was sick and tired of the fact that his dad kept chasing after him. He opened his eyes and let out a sigh. Another thing he thought about was the Resistance. He had heard about it, but had to wonder if it was to good to be true.

Daniel liked examining people. So walking to the grocery store was a nice thing for him--something he could do to decompress. What made Nirvana interesting was that they were different people of different it became even more interesting to look at people's features and quirks.
He bumped into another guy(Sammy)--thanks to Daniel's mind off somewhere else--and he at first let out a instant "sorry." When Daniel got a closer look at the man, he noticed that he was around his age...looking almost similar to him. Except for his grey eyes, which were quite alluring.
"A-ah, sorry...again." Daniel said again, getting a little nervous.

Peter almost jolted when he heard his phone ringing, he noticed it was one of his "minions" and answered the phone.
"Hello? ...Yes this is Caine...really now? ...Alright, I'll take a look...what's the boy's address? ...Alright then. Thank you. Bye."
Finally, something to do! Peter quickly grabbed his black trench coat and walked out of his office, going to his car and seeing a certain "Derek Reed..."

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:59 pm

Ember ran through the streets, trying to lose her pursuers. Will they ever learn the give up? she wondered. She jumped into an alley and waited for the people chasing her to run by. She would've shifted and flown away, but the buildings were too close together for her wing span. She'd have to go on foot. She continued to run.

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:01 pm

daughteroflight wrote:Ember ran through the streets, trying to lose her pursuers. Will they ever learn the give up? she wondered. She jumped into an alley and waited for the people chasing her to run by. She would've shifted and flown away, but the buildings were too close together for her wing span. She'd have to go on foot. She continued to run.

((Would you like if Ember met up with Dagger?! They could be friends! ...?))

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:01 pm


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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:06 pm

daughteroflight wrote:Ember ran through the streets, trying to lose her pursuers. Will they ever learn the give up? she wondered. She jumped into an alley and waited for the people chasing her to run by. She would've shifted and flown away, but the buildings were too close together for her wing span. She'd have to go on foot. She continued to run.


Dagger finally found a alleyway and took her opportunity. Finally! She escaped! She held her breath for a moment as she heard her victim run pass the alley, and then peered into the bag she had stolen.
Alright! she cheered herself, I scored big today.
She then noticed another pursuit of people, screaming to chase some girl named "Ember." Since she thought her victim was gone, she left the alley to take a look-see at what was going on.

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:09 pm

Ember looked around, and with some quick thinking, jumped over a dumpsters and pushed it to block the path with her dragon strength. With a smirk, she continued down the alley, but this time at a slower pace.

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:50 pm

For some strange reason, Dagger decided to follow the people who were chasing after this "Ember" girl. Of course Dagger took all the back ways so she herself wouldn't get caught. It wasn't until she was going down an alleyway and saw an older girl, (Ember) and began to wonder who she was.
"Hey, are you that Ember gal they're chasing?"

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:55 pm

Sammy was surprised when someone ran into him and looked at the guy that had run into him. He just stared at the guy quietly before finding his voice. "It's alright. I'm also sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." He offered the puniest of smiles toward the guy. The guy kind of intrigued him slightly. It wasn't normal that someone ran into someone else because of their head being in the clouds.

Derek's eyes flicked open when he thought he heard a car outside and he moved stealthily toward the window. He peeked out and noticed a car which basically made his heart stop in his chest. He swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat and wondered who the driver of the car was.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:05 pm

Daniel saw the guy's (Sammy's) small smile grow on his face. He wondered why the guy was smiling at him like that. Then again, he was making the moment awkward between them.
"Well, uh...that's okay. Um..." Daniel rubbed the back of his neck harshly, taking a few steps back. He didn't like to always be close to people, especially guys. "...I better get to the grocery store...nice to meet ya, uh..."
He felt even more awkward, he left his sentence trailing before he finally asked: "What's you're name?"

Peter stepped out of his car when he finally reached the man's (Derek's) place. He noticed who he thought was Derek peering out of a window. He gave him a sly smile, proceeding to walk up to his house and knocking on the door.

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:22 pm

Sammy watched the guy and could easily tell that he felt uncomfortable. The moment was decently awkward between them and he had no clue how to make it less awkward. "The name's Sammy. Your name is?" Sammy continued to watch the guy carefully. He knew that the guy was human, he could just tell, but he could also tell that he was different and he wondered how the guy was different. It truly sparked his curiosity.

Derek saw the guy (Peter) and immediately moved away from the window. "Shit," he mumbled. When there was a knock at the door he glanced at the door, a frown across his lips. He took in a breath and answered the door cautiously. He stared out at the guy. "Yes?"
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:33 pm

"Daniel," he said to Sammy, still feeling awkward. But when he noticed that Sammy was being a little more gentler him, he got even more embarrassed! "it was nice seeing you, Sammy."
Daniel was about ready to make a bee-line escape out of that situation, but he knew that would be rude of him. Something in the back of his mind told him to at least stay and make a little conversation. You know, make a friend here. "So where are you going to?"

Peter almost chuckled when Derek made a dash away from the window. But his face remained stoic as he listen to the creaking of the door open. "Hello, Derek Reed. My name is Peter Cain. It is nice to meet your acquaintance." he said as he extended a hand.

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:47 pm

SelfProclaimedHeroine wrote:For some strange reason, Dagger decided to follow the people who were chasing after this "Ember" girl. Of course Dagger took all the back ways so she herself wouldn't get caught. It wasn't until she was going down an alleyway and saw an older girl, (Ember) and began to wonder who she was.
"Hey, are you that Ember gal they're chasing?"
Ember stopped when she heard her. She looked at the girl. "Uh, yeah," she replied, wondering if she could trust this person. "Who are you? Do you work with 'them'?"

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:56 pm

Dagger scoffed at the question, "Me? Please, I'm like you. Well sorta."
She then heard something coming after them. "Hey, I know a place where we can hide, wanna come?"

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Under the Darkness Empty Re: Under the Darkness

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