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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:00 pm


"No, I mean someone who might be able to get you out of trouble. There's a few people owe me favours, so maybe one of them knows someone who could make things easier for you." She shrugged. "Although we'd have to be a bit careful. It'd probably have to be someone I can blackmail..."

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Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:07 pm


"...Oh. That... that would be awesome, actually." I replied, looking around my room to find that most of it had been boxed up already. This... this was amazing. I was leaving. I could just come to classes and go home now, and nobody would have to deal with me having a boyfriend over ever and it would be so nice. It would be so much better.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:39 pm


"I should warn you, though. Whoever it is will want something in return."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:42 pm


"What level of something in return? Like... free programming or, you know, firstborn child level something? Because there would be a problem if they wanted a firstborn child." The chief problem there would be that my husband and I would both be male, and so... that would be a bit difficult.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:44 pm


She looked thoughtful. "Probably somewhere in between. It'd be a big favour you're asking for."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:46 pm


"...Just tell whoever you end up bargaining with that I'm gay and so we won't have a firstborn, and the rest of it should be doable on some level." I figured that as long as the repayment was something biologically possible it would likely be fine. "...thanks for helping me pack, by the way." I told her, seeing that the room was pretty much empty now, except for the stack of boxes and the two suitcases.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:00 pm


"Well yeah," she said. "It'd have to be biologically poss-" The other Kates stopped and looked at her.
"Oh no," said one of them. "Don't go there."
"No, hear me out," said bed-Kate. "Dr Science could do it."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:03 pm


"...Dr.Science?" I asked, equal parts curious and horrified at the idea of someone being able to make that happen.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:07 pm


"Oh man, is that guy one big barrel of laughs. Okay, imagine a scientist who is trying to work for the good of humanity, but seems to have misplaced his moral compass." Her tone of voice suggested that he wasn't the barrel of laughs she claimed he was.
"Jesus Christ!" said another Kate. "I can't send Finley to that guy!"

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:13 pm


"Are you sure you didn't misuse the word superhero? I'm listening and all I hear is supervillian." I replied.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:14 pm


"Nearly everything he does is good. Sometimes his methods are less than admirable, and when he has an accident it tends to be spectacular, but..."
"...he's kind of a fucking nutcase," finished another Kate.
"But lovable with it," added a third. "He's a nice guy, provided you aren't having a picnic."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:24 pm


"Okay... so... well-intentioned psycho. I see. ...That sounds... a bit scary, if I were being completely honest with you." I said, finally standing up.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:27 pm


"I'm not sure about thee word psycho. He's kind of crazy and probably dangerous, but he does have emotions."
"Mostly fear and confusion," interjected another Kate

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:33 pm


"I thought television taught me there was a difference between psychotic and psychopathic. I dunno. Not a psych major. ...Whatever." I said, shrugging. I guess it didn't really matter what he had, just that if he ended up helping me he may well request my firstborn and actually be able to make it happen. That was a scary thought. "...You wanna maybe keep discussing this on the road? I'm excited to get outta here for good."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:14 pm


"Oh, he might be psychotic. I thought you meant psychopathic." She shrugged. "Look, he's probably kind of safe. We can at least talk to him."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:24 pm


"...okay. I mean, if he can get me out of it... That's, you know, that's the important part." I didn't think that I would be planning kids with my current boyfriend anyway. He was lots of fun and stuff, and hot as sin and really nice, but like... I didn't know, it somehow didn't feel like I could tell right now if we'd be together forever. So... this guy would be waiting a while if he wanted my firstborn.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:30 pm


"I'm certain she can," she said. "But I've no idea what he might want in return, and no idea how he'd do it either."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:37 pm


"Well... I guess we can figure that out then, when we meet the guy." I replied. Thinking about it all was kinda getting under my skin a little- worrying about getting caught and everything sorta started making me a little antsy. "Can we head out now? I'm anxious to see your place and like, meet your wife and everything."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:52 pm


"Sure thing!" She grinned. "I don't want to have to make a whole bunch of journeys, so it's time to use my favourite tactic." The three doubles walked into the bathroom, only to return a few moments later as only one double, wearing different clothes and a wry grin.
"That's my identical twin, Jo."
"I thought you were the identical twin." She grinned.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:00 pm


" basically we all take a few boxes, and then the place is packed in one trip? This is genius." It's amazing, this power is like the handiest thing ever, I wish I could be a bazillion of me.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:01 pm


"Well, maybe two trips, but with three people it makes it a lot quicker." She laughed. "Come on, then... Jo."
'Jo' chuckled and picked up a few boxes. "Right with you... sis."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:07 pm


"Yeah I can see how that cuts down on load time." I told her, picking up the box the computer had gone into, and the one with my posters in it. "This is so exciting, it's gonna be great... thanks again, for like... letting me live with you."

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:12 pm


"It's no problem!"
"Shush," said Kate. "You're not supposed to be me."
The two of them carried their boxes out of the room.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Invisimort Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:19 pm


I followed them out of the room and to the car, to pack everything into it.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

Post by Regret Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:25 pm


"Okay, there's not much left to go in. I suggest you put the computer in yourself so it stays safe, okay? I'm going to get in the car and discuss the route home with my sister."
She climbed into the driver's seat and merged with 'Jo'.

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The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adventures of Dupli-Kate and Finley

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