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Late night wandering

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Late night wandering Empty Late night wandering

Post by Guest Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:25 pm

Le Plot: Well, it's nighttime in New York City. The charries aren't sleepy. They leave their cozy apartments for the chilly streets of New York. They have to meet up somewhere though. So, yeah. We're sleepless in New York.

Le Format:
Name: Rose
Age: 16
Looks: Brown hair, violet eyes, really pretty
Notes: Lives on her own in a crappy little apartment. That's the best she can afford. Parents ditched her and her brother, and as soon as she could put a pop tart in a toaster, brother ditched her too. Bit of a loner, deep, kind of depressed but always has been, but get her riled up and she'll chew you out.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by anonymouswriter Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:36 am

Name: Anastasia
Age: 16
Looks: Late night wandering Pink-cocktail-dress
Notes: Lives in a penthouse apartment with Luca, her "watcher". Her father is the Don of a New York Mafia and everyone who is in the crime business knows who she is. She is very rebellious.

Name: Luca
Age: 17
Looks: dark black hair, starry blue eyes, athletic, he has a charming smile
Notes: Lives with Anastasia in her penthouse apartment. Was hired by Anastasia's father to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Never let's Anastasia out of his sight, though most the times she finds a way to disappear from his view.

Posts : 4432
Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by PavoLights Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:28 am

Name: Roman Andrews
Age: 17
Appearence: Shaggy blonde hair that almost touches his shoulder, always wears a black hat, has a little bit of stuble on chin, has ice blue eyes, wears baggy clothes, is tall and muscular, has strong featured but a great smile.
Notes: He's the happy stoner mystic type with a serious case of the munchies. Ran away from home one day, and so he now lives in an old taxi. People are always accidently asking him for rides, but he'll sometimes go ahead and take them. Is very friendly, surprisingly wise although he can act like a little kid sometimes, and is very happy. Always ask the people he gives rides to to pay him in food instead of money. Is pretty famous on the streets just for being that random stoner guy who gives out good advice. He's pretty hard to insult because he's so optimistic.

Name: Tilly Blake
Age: 17
Appearence: Has curly black hair that she always has in two poofs on the side of her head, very pale, has large half lidded light green eyes, a heart shaped face, and is pretty skinny. Medium height.
Note: Escaped her abusive home in Ireland to come live in New York with her tranny uncle and his friends. Works as a DJ in different clubs. Is a very good girl, although she hates being touched and has a penchant for getting into fights.

Posts : 7989
Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Avery Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:53 am

(I'm gonna join a little later, but I have to go get a christmas tree.)

Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:19 am

Name: Aly Simon
Age: 17
Appearance: Late night wandering D222m6a
Note: Goes to a boarding school where she's the good girl and everyone loves her. She gets sick of it, so she sneaks out at night for parties and hook-ups or anything that will make her feel better about herself.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:40 am

Name: Kali Avery
Age: 17
Appearance: Purple and pink bangs that cover her right eye. The haid that covers her right shoulder is light pink with black horizontal stripes. The hair that covers her left shoulder is black with blonde streaks. Blue eyes but wears purple contacts. about 5 foot three. Skinny.
Note: Her mom is a drunk who doesn't give a crap about her. She brings home a different guy every night and sometimes, those guys deside that they like Kali better. She gets beaten but no one really notices. She doesn't like crowds. At all.

Name: Leon Samson
Age: 18
Appearance: Long black hair. About 6 foot and he looks skinny, but he's got muscles *nods for emphisis*
Note: He's the center for the basketball team at his school and he loves to party. He actually loves to read, but he keeps that part to himself. His dad is a workaholic so he's never home.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:17 pm

shall we begin?


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by anonymouswriter Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:21 pm

I say yes!

Posts : 4432
Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:24 pm


Posts : 7989
Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by anonymouswriter Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:25 pm


Posts : 4432
Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:46 pm

Rose: I lay in my bed, eyes wide open, staring at the dingy gray ceiling. My brown hair was sprawled across my feather pillow. I couldn't sleep at all. I sighed, and got up to change back into my clothes of the day. I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand, and it read 1:37 am. Bleh. I grabbed my iPod and walked out of my bedroom and out of my apartment. I locked the door behind me, and retreated down the stairs of the building. I walked out on to my street, and started in the direction of Times Square.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:00 pm

Tilly: I kiss my aunt on the cheek. "By Betty. Have fun at the club tonight, ok?" I ask with a smile. Her friend Ryan, who didn't want to change his name because he wanted to make a statement, starts beeping he horn as my aunt pulls me into a hug. "Oh, Mathilde! My baby! Are you sure you'll be ok tonight? You don't want us to drop you off or anything?" I smile an nod no as I grab my cluttered key chain. "No, auntie. Have a good time, ok? I'll be sure to keep my cell phone on. And don't you get into any trouble either!" She puts her hands on her hips and looks aghast. "Of course not! I am a lady! By boo." I wave her off as I close the door, making sure to grab my DJ stuff before I left.

Posts : 7989
Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:08 pm

Kali slammed the door on her mother's screaming voice. "Total bullsh*t," she muttered. She started down the stairs from her appartment and hurried outside, wiping away her tears angrily. She lifted her sleave to inspect the new bruise that she was sure to have. It was already turned purple. "B*tch," she yelled at the top of her lungs, turning and looking into her mother's open window. An empty Vodka bottle came flying out, narrowly missing her face. Kalisha just kept walking, wanting to get away.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Avery Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:10 pm

Name: Lucia Reynolds
Age: 16
Appearance: Dark brown hair, baby blue eyes, pale, medium height, slim-still has curves, no freckles or marks on her face except for 2 freckles on her lips
Notes: She was raised an only child, but she found out that she was a Chimera when she was 13. (A person with 2 completely different sets of DNA.) Her mother got abusive around that time as well and when she was 15, she got emancipated. She hangs out with her best friend, Nolan.

Name: Nolan Dross
Age: 18
Appearance: Copper hair, skater-ish cut, hazel eyes that turn dark green at night or almost silver in the moon, fair skin, slim, still muscular
Note: He has two mothers and he was raised in a very good environment in middle class life. His younger brother, who was gay, was shot when he was 14 by another kid at school. Nolan blamed himself and was depressed for a while. He moved out and now he stays in a loft, sometimes with Lucia, who most people assume is his girlfriend.

Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by anonymouswriter Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:10 pm

Anastasia: I walk out of our apartment with Luca following close behind me.

Luca: "Where are we going?" I ask. When I get no answer I sigh, this can't be good.

Posts : 4432
Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:14 pm

Leon looked around his empty appartment. His dad was gone on buisness, again, so he was free to do what ever he pleased. Again. Sighing, he shrugged on his coat and started out the door. He needed fresh air and quick before he went insane. He was walking on the sidewalk in the matter of seconds, breathing deeply and welcoming the cool, New York night air.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Avery Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:16 pm

The moon was bright and Lucia started to wish that she had brought a better coat. Her peacoat hung neatly around her waist and her skinny jeans didn't protect her legs from the nights chill. Nolan was supposed to meet her by now. Maybe the could stop at a coffee shop or something. She looked down the road and saw more people, both looked like teens, too. Was that normal? Was it teen wander around night? Out of nowhere, Nolan was next to her with a bottle of red juice. He smiled and took a drink. "C'mon Cia, let's get our buzz on." He grinned and I took a swig of the fruity drink, savoring the warmth down my throat.

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Join date : 2010-10-09

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:20 pm

Kali kicked a random rock, still muttering to herself. She wasn't watching when she ran into two people sharing a bottle of some red liquid. "Watch it," she growled at them. She shot them looks before walking past them.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by anonymouswriter Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:20 pm

Anastasia - "Calm down Luca, everything will be fine!" I smile at him. "I hope." I add.

Luca - My eyes go wide, "Anastasia if anyone of your father's enemies gets you they can take control of the whole mafia, do you want that?" I sigh as she goes back to ignoring me.

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Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:22 pm

Rose: The bright lights of Times Square guided me. I had nowhere else to go, but I wouldn't stand out in a crowd much. I wanted to be alone. I arrived in the illuminated square, people buzzing about. I walked aimlessly, and found a wall that everybody was just kind of walking by. Too public for an alley, but ignored. I leaned against the wall, and sat down, watching the people go by.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by anonymouswriter Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:23 pm

Anastasia - I bump into a group of four people. "Sorry." I giggle.

Posts : 4432
Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Avery Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:25 pm

Nolan burst out laughing as some chick snapped at them. "Why don't you, honey?" Lucia snapped back and Nolan recoiled with the amount of acid in her usually sweet voice. Nolan pulled the bottle away from her and watched the girl, hoping that the two wouldn't get in a fight.

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Join date : 2010-10-09

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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:25 pm

Leon kept walking until he saw a girl sitting next to a wall alone. She's not bad lookin', he noted to himself before he walked over to her and sat down by her side. "Hey," he said with a smile.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:26 pm

Rose: "Sorry, I don't talk to strange guys." I said, as I scooted away from him.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:27 pm

"Shut the h*ll up, B*tch," Kali muttered. But other than that, she ignored her. She wasn't in the mood for another fight. She was sore, irritable, and a little tipsy. Just not in the right set of mind to kick someone elses *ss.


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Late night wandering Empty Re: Late night wandering

Post by Sponsored content

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