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Something Goes Bump In The Night

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:47 pm

Its Halloween and you and your friends deside it will be fun to sneak into a old abondon mansion. You dont know anything that will come out from it but you dont care. You have your friends and thats all you need. But you start to relize that you have taken more then you can handle. But what sucks is that you can not leave the mansion until next Halloween. People die in the house and it host ghost. Will you turn crazy or will you find away out!?!?!


I know rules suck but There are not that many Smile

1. THIS IS PG! No sex sorry!
2. Your charries can not escape the house... they can get close to escaping but they cant!
3. no less posts of 3 sentences.... It helps you trust me Smile
4. make 1 boy and 1 girl! Equal will be more fun!


Age: (16-19)
Why did they sneak in?:
Looks: (If no picture then use very describing details!!)

Last edited by X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X on Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:02 am

Name: Alice Bride
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: loud crazy doesnt care what people think and is very very very sarcastic.
Why did they sneak in?: She was following her friends and didnt think about it much.
Looks: Something Goes Bump In The Night Tumblr_lqbhdaHTEC1qbk0rto1_500

Name: Slade
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet and usally just fades to the background.
Why did they sneak in?: Same as Alice but he was the one who helped them break in
Looks: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Last edited by X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X on Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:07 am

Name: Brian Ward
Age: (16-19)
Gender: Male: 17
Personality: He is a sweet loving guy and usaully doesn't like to things wrong. He will try to help everyone and he is very easy going.
Why did they sneak in?: He was dragged in by his friend.
Looks: (If no picture then use very describing details!!)
Something Goes Bump In The Night Pic10

Name: Aria Gold
Age: (16-19): 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She can be hyper at times but can usaully keep her calm in intese situations. She is outgoing and will practiclly get along with anyone.
Why did they sneak in?: She dragged Brain in because she wanted to see if it was really haunted.
Looks: (If no picture then use very describing details!!)
Something Goes Bump In The Night Girl-w10
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:50 pm


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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:08 pm

Come on people it will be great =)
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:26 pm

hahaha i hope people join!!!

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:18 pm

I know me to.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:53 pm

ggrr lol we can start if you want karamma

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:16 pm

Okay and then people can join later if they want.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:13 pm

haha ok Smile

Alice and her friends were walking down the dark pathway on Halloween night. Dark shadows stalked them but they didnt care. With alittle Brandy in thier system they didnt care about much. One of Alice's friends mentioned the idea of going into the dark abandoned house just for the night and everyone agreed. So Slade broke a window and everyone went in. Alice was excited for a night in this house and couldnt wait for the night to actually begin but she didnt know how much she was getting. Slade helped Alice in and they wounded through the house with excitment and adrenline. The rest of thier friends split up into groups of 2 and they would meet back in hlaf a hour.
So Alice and Slade wonded through the house. Fidt they went into the kitchen and Alice found nothing interesting. She sighed. "Lets see if we cn ditch and go to Mitch's house." Slade quietly agreed and they tried to leave but when they threw something at the window... the window shattered but the pieces went back into the window form. "What have we done?!?!?!" was what they both said before soemthing called Alice's Name.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:06 pm

Aria dragged Brain along with her. "Come on you big chicken lets go chack out the mansion I hear its haunted." Brain escaped her gripe. "No way in hell am I going into that mansion." Brian made a show of standing firmly on the ground and crossed his arms to show he wasn't budging. Aria poted for a moment then shrugged. "Suit yourself but I'm going in and if I die I want you to know that you could of prevented it." Aria knew just what to say to make Brian come and guilt was just that way. Brian caved and let Aria drag him through the big oak creaky doors. "Isn't it odd that the door is even open?" he asked. Aria replied casually,"Why lock it when people are just going to break in anyway and plus there is nothing here to steal." Brian nodded seeing her logic and decided to take in the full affect of the mansion. What he saw creeped him out. "Okay we looked now can we go?" Aria sighed, "Alright" They went to open the door but it wouldn't budge and when they broke a window the glass formed back together. Brain glanced around with fear,"I knew i had a bad feeling about this place." All aria could do was nod.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:47 pm

Alice heard someone walking and she walked out there. She saw a boy and girl and she rubbed her eyes. "Who are you??" she asked feeling scared. Slade walked out with her and looked at them. I dont know who these people are he said thinking aloud.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:18 pm

Aria and Brian turned around at the same time in surprise. "Who the hell am I? Well I am the personb stuck in this damn place." Brian looked at Aria. "Calm down Aria." He turns back to the new people. "Are you trapped too?" He was hoping they would say no and then they could get out of here. Maybe even they would just start laughing and there friends would pop out and say this is all a dream. Aria didn't want to calm down if she didn't want to be stuck in here.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:54 pm

Alice carefully nodded. "We cant get out..." She confessed. She felt stupid in her Black Veil Brides tee shirt and her black skinny jeans. She put her black hair infornt of her face so she couldnt look at them. Slade looked at them and sad "Did you to come here alone?"

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:20 pm

Brian was on the verge of freaking out. "Were not going to get out of here." Aria rested her hand on Brian trying to calm him down. She knew that she had to stay calm now. "Look Brian everything will be fine. I am sure we will find a way out." Aria of course didn't know that was true but she needed to believe it. Aria turned back to the two people answering the guy's question. "We came in alone we thought the house was empty. What about you guys?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:07 pm

Alice felt sick and sat down right were she was. But the floor gave up under her and she fell down. She screamed and fell down 2 flights of stairs. "What the..." Alice moaned when she was at the bottom. "WHO BUILDS A FLOOR OVER STAIRS?!?!?!?!" She moaned and looked up. She tried to stand but a pain in her side kept her on the floor. "Ugh." Slade was shocked and asked her if she was okay. Alice said she was and asked if the other guy would come with her. "We might as well split up and get to know eachother." Alice grummbled but Slade heard. Slade nodded and asked "Are you guys ok with that?"

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:29 pm

Brian started freaking out again on the words split up. "That is a bad idea in every scary movie when the people split up they die." Aria sighed knowing that Brian was right it was a bad idea but the girl was right we did need to get to know each other and we need to explore the house, plus by the looks of it we needed to split up in order to cover it all. "Brain!" Aria yelled to stop his rambling. "Relax shes right we need to split in order to cover the whole house to try to find an exit." He looked like he was going to argue more so Aria reached in her pocket and grabbed her cell phone. "We can keep in touch through the phone, okay?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:42 pm

Alice nodded and smiled. "Look it wa sonly a movie... and who knows if this place is haunted..." But her vioce faultered. Yeah only if regualr houses had windows that rebuilt themselfs... she thought but shook it off. Slade nodded and looked at the girl. "I dont think we caught your name..." He said his black hair falling in his face.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:52 pm

Aria looked at the guy biting back the comment that they havnt either, "My name is Aria and this is Brian." Brian nodded starting to get control overhimself again. I smiled at Brian as a sign of reasurence. Brian smiled back glad that at least he had Aria. He headed towards the stairs to go after the girl who fell but before he left threw the door he turned around, "Be careful."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:57 pm

Alice waited and closed her eyes. Her head and lungs were burning. She felt tears pull at her eyes but quickly wiped them away as the boy came back. "Well its about time." She smirked and started to walk. The floor was tile and had beautiful colors. Alice felt like she should be wearing a dress or something. She twirled then stopped. She didnt like people knowing that the emo danced.

Slade watched the boy go and smiled at Aria. "Well Im Slade and that's Alic ethat fell in case you didnt know." He looked around and looked at Aria. "Were should we go?"

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:07 pm

Aria smiled at him,"Nice to meet you." She thought for a second about the questioned and decided to try upstairs. "Lets go up."

Brain looked at the girl. "You okay? Do you need help walking?" Brian realized he was rambling and stopped asking questions. He stood there waiting for her to answer either one of his questions.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:11 pm

Slade nodded and went up the old marble stairs. They finally made it to the top and he looked over. He whistled and put his hands in his pockets. "This place is huge." The hole that Alice fell in was bigger then he had expected.

Alice shook her black hair and it landed in her face. She started to walk and she felt ackward. Finally they found a room that looked like it belonged to a woman. She went in and looked around. A crib was in the room and Alice saw something lieing in it and she took a step closer. She flinched and screamed. A dead baby was there... but only the skeletin was there.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:26 pm

Brian came closer to see what she saw and nearly screamed too. "Oh god what the hell is a baby doing here?" He backed away from the crib trying to calm himself he couldn't keep freaking out if he did then this would be a long night. He looked around the room this must of been the nursery or something still why was there a dead baby.

Aria followed slade carfully trying to not fall in like Alice. "This place is way big. Lets hope there is a way out." Not that she expected there to be.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:32 pm

Alice felt sick and ran out of the room. She tripped and fell on her face. Tears stung her eyes and she sat up and pulled her kneese to her chest. "Why did it have to be a baby?"

Slade nodded and continued down the hallway. He saw something moving and held his breath. "Is this place haunted?"

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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:39 pm

Brian walked over to her and put his arms around her. Even though they didn't know each other long he knew that she needed to be conforted. "I know something is seriously wrong with this house."

Aria looked at the place he was staring at, "Umm I hear it is that acttually why I wanted to come in here so I could see if it was." She looked around wondering what he saw but all she saw was dust.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

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