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Late Night Bite

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Late Night Bite Empty Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:51 pm

In downtown New York City creatures roam, but they all seem to stay at one spot: Late Night Bite. It's a club for teenagers 15-18 and the Paranormals. The humans though might end up as a snack, or worse, they might end up as a slave.

Character Format:
SPECIES- (if human are you a slave already or did you just happen upon the club?)

I will make characters to go with others if need be!

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Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:09 pm

Name: Vincent Galvez
Appearence: Tall but very skinny, naturally tan skin, but a little pastey from lack of sun, grey eyes, shaggy black hair, relatively handsome, but could pass for fourteen.
Personailty: Vincent is just...Vincent, really. What more can be said?
Species: Human and...well, the slave thing will be explained.
Note: He's allergic to the sun and so can't go out into the sun without layers and layers of clothing. Is pretty use to vampires and werewolves since he grew up around them, but doesn't really understand them or why humans are afraid of them. Just got kicked out of his house after his mom died.

Name: Daisy Johns
Age: 18
Species: Vampire, works for Vincent. (I'll explain.)
Appearence: Curly black hair down to hips, beige skin, forest green eyes, medi height and very curvy, a beauty mark on upper corner of mouth.
Personality: She's pretty caring and nice, loyal and will defend her friends to the end. She knows her rights from her wrongs, but can be easily swayed into goof along, but not without worrying. Is kind of like a mother figure to Vincent, but she has a bit of an alcohal problem...
Note: Her family was trained to have every third child serve the likes of wealthy people like Vincent's family. Was turned two years ago and is still getting the hang of being a vampire, although she is pretty fast for her species. Her and Vincent just stopped by here after being kicked out of his house. With both of them being pretty naive in different ways, they have no clue what they stepped in to.

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Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:31 am

NAME- Anastasia
AGE- 16
PERSONALITY- strong, independent, doesn't trust, lost all belief in what is good, secretly caring
LOOKS- long curly black hair, bright unnatural blue eyes, long legs, slightly tan, looks fragile
SPECIES- Human, a slave to Kyle who owns the club, he's most treasured slave
NOTE- She has a special unheard of type of blood that makes her extremely desirable to vampires.

NAME- Kyle Harts
AGE- 19
PERSONALITY- possessive, polite, optimist, arrogant
LOOKS- Messy blonde hair, emerald green eyes, tall, pale
SPECIES- Vampire, has been a vampire for 100 years, but still looks 19
NOTE- He owns the club.


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Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Boarding School... AKA Hell

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:15 pm

Should we start?

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:53 pm


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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:59 pm

Anastasia - I walked up the stairs out of the so-called house Kyle and all of us slaves lived in and up into the club. It wasn't my night to work, but I was anyway since another slave was sick. I hated working, because the vampires always caught my scent and some of them even tried to take my blood before Kyle set them straight. I sighed as heads of vampires turned to see where I was, they had smelled me.

Kyle- I looked to where I smelled Anastasia, my favorite slave, and wondered why she was working tonight, though I didn't mind. My eyes grazed over her.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:07 pm

Vincent: I hop out of the limo before it comes to a complete stop, leaving my bags behind. I had a week left to use the limo before I was officially disowned, but I'm using every second of it. Behind me, I hear the door open, someone try to call my name, and then the sound of someone falling. I turn around yo' see Daisy flat on the face, probably having tripped out of the limo. "Owie..." she breaths. "Hey, you ok?"

Daisy: I start to get up and brush myself off. "Vincent, why did we stop here?! We need to find a place to live, and I have a really bad feeling about this place!" "C'mon, Daze! I'm just celebrating my freedom!" I sigh and am about to get him when he's already inside the doors. "Damn it, Vinny," I sigh. Suddenly, I smell it. I instantly feel stupid. I just let my master walk into a vampire pit! "Vincent, wait!" I yell as I run in after him.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:12 pm

Anastasia - Another human walks in the door, and a vampire follows after him. It's odd to see that happen so I slyly walk up to him and the vampire, a girl. "May I offer you a drink?" I ask the human, pointedly leaving out the vampire.

Kyle - I see Anastasia walk up to a vampire and human who just walked in. I notice they are new and wonder what made Anastasia single them out.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:22 pm

Daisy: My nose twitches some at the thought of alcohal, but I must resist! I can't get drunk right now. "No!" I mouth to him, thinking of qhat could be in it. "Don't take th-"

Vincent: I pick up the drink, quickly down it, and put it back on the plate. "Thanks, miss. You're a doll." I turn around to Daisy and frown. "Hey, chillax, Daze. It's only one drink, and you know you're ten times more hard core on a regular night." She nods no and gasps, looking at the girl. Before she covers her mouth in embarrassment, I see her fangs pop out.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:27 pm

Anastasia - I see her fangs and roll my eyes, "Keep them in please," I tell her.

Kyle - I go up to Anastasia and pull her close to me. I hate that she tenses up as I touch her, but say nothing about it, "I'm Kyle, the owner of this bar, and of Anastasia," I hold out my hand to the girl, keeping my other hand secure around Anastasia's waist.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:33 pm

Vincent: I cut in and shake his hand instead. "Hello sir, I'm Vincent Guarez, owner of a Louis Vuitton suitcase and everything in it. I'd say Daisy too, but then she'd give me a funny look."


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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:37 pm

Kyle - "Oh, I see," I say politely, I turn towards Daisy, "You must be newly turned." I comment.

Anastasia - I pull myself out of Kyle's grip, "I'm Anastasia," I tell Vincent, "and I would give Kyle a funny look but then all hell would surely break loose."

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:40 pm

Daisy: I sigh and stop trying to cover up my fangs. They won't be going away for a second. "Yes, I am. And I'm really sorry to be intruding on this. If you'll excuse us, we'll just be going now."

Vincent: "Really? Why?I give Daisy funny looks all the time." Suddenly, Daisy starts pulling on my arm. "Ow! Hey, Daze! What the hell?"

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:48 pm

Kyle - "Don't worry about anyone touching your human," I tell Daisy, "We have a strict policy on that. I made sure when Anastasia first came here to create that."

Anastasia - "Kyle's big on me respecting him," I roll my eyes, "he says since he owns me I should be respectful of him."

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:54 pm

Vincent: My eyes widen. "Whoa, he owns you? All the vampires I know are owned by humans. Wow. Does he like beat you and everything? Or just make you do stuff for him?"

Daisy: "I respect that and all, but as I said, we really have to be going. We have very important things to do sir, and I don't want us to get side tracked, right Vincent?"

Vincent: "Huh? Sure, ok."

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:25 am

Anastasia - "Are you sure you have to go?" I ask wishing that he didn't so I could talk to him. "Oh, and he doesn't beat me, ever," I comment. If he ever tried to I would end up killing myself before showing him my pain.

Kyle - "If you must be going, I was really hoping to talk to you about how you feel being a new vampire," I said. I loved meeting new vampires and showing them the ways of vampires.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:38 am

Vincent: "Yea, Daisy. Do we really have to go?" I frown and give her the puppy dog face. She sighs and runs her fingers through her hair, probably trying to tale of good reasons why we should leave. This place probably freaks her out. "We don't even have a place to live..," she says in a small voice, and I can tell that it's the only real argument she's come up with.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:54 pm

Kyle - "You have no where to live?" I smile, "I have apartments up stairs and I live down stairs with my servants, you are welcome to take an upstairs apartment," I offer.

Anastasia - I sigh knowing that another vampire living here wasn't something I wanted. I looked at Vincent though and thought it would be nice to be able to talk to him. "You would be safe, I swear by it," I offer up my words.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:32 pm

Daisy: I wince but let out a sigh, defeated. "Fine, fine. I guess it wouldn't be so bad to live here..." "Woo! Thanks, Daze!" Vincent pulls me into a hug abd then nods to the door. "Now, if you don't mind..." "Bags, yes, I know." I try not to look too depressed as I head outside. Maybe things won't be so bad...but then again, that's what people thought during the Holocaust.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:36 pm

Anastasia - "This will be wonderful Vincent," I grin happily almost forgetting that Kyle was right beside me.

Kyle - I glared at Anastasia slightly, jealous, but concealed my feelings momentarily so that my guests wouldn't catch that I was angry and jealous. "Anastasia, when Daisy gets back show them to their apartment, then bring them both down to our sitting room to wait for me." I told her kissing her lips possessively before walking away.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:42 pm

Vincent: I whistle a little as he walks away. That was...akward. Like a man getting pregnant by his ex wife's dog. What? Exactley. Daisy walks back on with our bags, which was admittedly a lot, and offers a small smile to the girl. "Where to?"

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:46 pm

Anastasia - I wipe off my lips before taking some bags from her to help and saying, "Follow me you two."

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:59 pm

Daisy: I nod and follow her up the stairs, grimacing when she almost drops a bag. "Please be careful with that one! Those are Vincent's meds."

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:00 pm

Anastasia - "Opps! Sorry!" I say. I struggle to unlock and open the door but get it. "Here you are."

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:06 pm

Vincent: I grin as I walk into the room. It was admittedly smaller than what I was use to, but it's still pretty damn nice. I flop down on a bed and breath in that fresh, expensive cotton smell. "And you said we'd become impovished beggars living on the street," I say to Daisy, face still smothered in the sheets. I sit up and grin. "So what, we go see him now? Hopefuly it won't be too long, Daisy still has to eat." I ignore Daisy's blush as I scratch my head. It's true after all. My bite marks were practically healed now.

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Late Night Bite Empty Re: Late Night Bite

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