the Character Chat Revolution
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~Character Chat~

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:23 am

(Actually, I have heard of it! I don't know much about it, because I know it through a project done by someone else in my theatre class...It sounded like a cool show. Smile)

T.Mor: Yeah...Riddle's a bit odd. It's better to just let her do her thing.
Riddle: And yet- I'm not allowed any weapons. T.Mor, sometimes I just don't understand you.
T.Mor: That's for the safety of all those around you. I mean...Remember when you stole that pistol?
Riddle: Oh yeah...And accidentally almost blew August's brains out...That was neat.
August: That wasn't neat! That was scary.
(They have arrived at the kitchens.)
T.Mor: ok...So(to everyone)- It's going to be tempting to take all the stuff that isn't prepackaged or tinned. But tinned things travel better. so...go for tinned things. We're looking at probably three days...maybe four...of travel time- unless we're lucky enough to catch the monorail going in the right direction.
Riddle:(Has wasted no time in packing. She seems to be assembling a chem lab. It is a mystery as to why the chem lab equipment is kept so close to the food.) T.Mor...I cannot find the dehydrated formaldahyde...I NEED IT.
T.Mor: There is no way you're taking that whole mess of chemistry.(He's holding three cans of spagettios.)
Riddle: Fine then- LET me get maggots. I see how it is.
T.Mor: (sigh.) Ok. You can take SOME of that chemistry stuff. But you have to carry it.
August: (Coming out from behind a shelf.) There's such a thing as canned lasagna? that's wierd.
Riddle: You're wierd.
(Everyone continues packing.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:29 pm

((I auditioned for Little Sally ^_^ I'll find out tomorrow whether I got it or not. Tell me to break a leg! Very Happy))

Peter: Waitwaitwait. Lemme see that set. (He walks over, perusing the different chemistry items.) Sulfur, that's nice. And this...oh, and this... (He starts swiping some of the stuff.) Whoa, is that thermite?! I'm taking that! (He shoves a container of it in one of his pockets. Turning to his team, and with an excited smile that's bordering on creepy) I found thermite.
Sarah: Better not piss you off, then.
Nike: (to T.Mor, Riddle, and August) Energy can sometimes leak out when the bonder is experiencing a powerful emotion. Don't make Peter mad now, or...well, just don't make him mad.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:56 pm

(BREAK A LEG!!! But not your leg...because that would hurt...BREAK A METAPHORICAL LEG!!! Smile tell me if you make it!)

Riddle: Why not? Will he become a nuclear explosion? That would be AWESOME.
T.Mor: Riddle, Nuking something from orbit has very little to do with fire.
Riddle: It causes fire. and explosions. therefore...SOMETHING.(She's totally lost her train of thought again.)
T.Mor: (back on task) as nice as it is that we're all embracing our mad scientist here...we kind of need to pack foods...OH. And water. We have bottled water here. Make sure to have that. (Reminding himself as much as anyone else.)
August: (to Nike) is it just anger? or do all emotions make whatever happens...well, happen?

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:23 pm

((Very Happy))

Nike: Well, any profound emotion, really. For fire types, though, it's mostly anger.
Peter: Thermite certainly isn't nuclear-level, but if you do it right, it can make a nice explosion. A really nice explosion. (That excited yet somewhat unsettling smile is back.)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:26 am

Riddle: (Is grinning as well.) Peter, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
T.Mor: (Sees both of them grinning.) Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. We are not making anything explode Riddle. Right?
Riddle: nobody would notice...the city's already on fire.
August: Yeah...Why?
Riddle: we're in a recession. (simply.) So anyway. back to exploding things. How do I make you angry enough to do that?
T.Mor: (Sigh.) LOOK. If we're going to explode anything, we need to be out of the city limits first. We could kill people here.
Riddle: They're all going to die anyway. Why prolong the inevitable? I mean, Death is your JOB.
T.Mor: and I HATE my job Riddle. I hate killing people. I hate those wierd torture chambers and their connected up acoustics. I HATE IT.
Riddle: Oh. (She has no idea what to do with this information.) So...Explosions.
(Suddenly alarms. THOUSANDS OF THEM. There's Riddle's dad's voice over the intercom.)
Dad: Attention everybody. We have prisoners loose here. in the compound. Among them is the ex-guard T.Morbid Namechov, and August Nimbly, fugitive from the law. And Riddle. Fugitive of pretty much everything. They are impersonating guards, and accompanied by 4 more impersonators. We are locking down the building as I speak. There will be a tax free monetary reward for any and all who assist in the arrest and execution of these traitors. That is all.
T.Mor: Crap.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:38 pm

((I didn't get the part. I'm still in the ensemble, though Smile I'm less disappointed that I didn't get a role and more disappointed that I can't be in "Tell Her I Love Her," which is my favorite song of the show. I'm in the rich ensemble, not the poor ensemble, you see. Even so, when I looked at the names, it seemed that the rich one had some of the better singers in the school. There were also a lot more people in the poor one, a good many of whom were average/not-so-great singers. So that made me happy.

Anywho, there's always next year. The odds were never really stacked in my favor to begin with; I'm both an underclassman and a newcomer to my highschool's drama club. I'll have a much better shot next time around ^_^))

Peter: Time to set things on fire! Lead us out of here, T.Mor. (to his team) We're switching to Assault. Try not to kill anyone, though.
(They respond nearly in unision, saying things along the lines of "Right" or "Got it.")
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:08 pm

(Darn. Hope you get a role next year then! And congrats on the rich ensemble! Smile

I've never been out of the ensemble myself, and I'm a junior...but we've got a bunch of powerhouse singers that decided to come out of the woodwork this year, so they got the parts. I'm more partial to stage makeup and special effects anyway!)

T.Mor: Right. (Pulls gun from belt...just in case.) Riddle- exit strategy?
Riddle: We could just punch a hole in an exterior wall... or you know, take the pipes...or kill August and inconspicuously walk out the front...or(Continues with increasingly more complex strategies that are ultimately useless.)
T.Mor: We're going left then.(Cutting her off bluntly.)
Riddle: And yet I still can't be armed? (As they're hurrying down the hall.) Look, I don't even have a mask. Can I please just be armed? this once?
T.Mor: (Sigh.) Once. Here. (Hands a pistol.) Don't make me regret this.
Riddle: (Immediately fires three shots over T.Mor's shoulder.) You won't. (Three guards have just collapsed on the floor from bullet wounds.) I need more dakka.
T.Mor: You'll get more when you need it. Let's keep going. (They continue through hallways, the tediousness of it is agonizing- Riddle has taken to leading, so full of confidence with her new fun weapon.)
Riddle: Man...I thought these hallways would be crammed...and yet...SILENCE. (She scratches the top of her head with the tip of her gun, demonstrating horrible gun safety.)
T.Mor:(suspiciously) Let's hope it stays that way...
(a gunshot.)
Riddle: There was a dude!! I mean, not any more because he's sorta...dead now. But he was there. Your head was never in any danger...
(Some dudes yelling in the hall behind August.)
Riddle: NOW I REALLY NEED MORE DAKKA. (Seriously.) Or Peter could just be awesome fire sauce...

Last edited by Invisimort on Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I forgot a letter...)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:54 pm

((Thanks ^_^

Ooh, stage makeup and special effects are fun, too! Very Happy

Also, I was considering doing Soulbonders from the first person. The text in general would be mostly the same, just told from Peter's, Sarah's, and whoever else's perspectives. What do you think?))

(A guard rolls on the ground, suddenly finding that he is quite on fire.)
Peter: Way ahead of you!
(Meanwhile, two guards are completely halted by a wave of Senet's arm. They also catch on fire before they are released. Another guard finds that his gun isn't working; Sarah has her arm outstretched, palm facing the man. He doesn't have too long to be confused before the floor swallows him up to his middle.)
Nike: Do we need an exit? I can make one!
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:13 pm

(Yeah, I want to go to college for stage makeup/special effects. I have way too much fun creating artificial gore...or cirque du soeil faces...
I personally really enjoy first only warning would be that sometimes it gets hard because certain characters take certain things for granted and then the audience gets confused... But yeah. First person is definitely worth a try.)
T.Mor: That would be Excellent!! (While incapacitating some guard who was trying to disarm him.)
Riddle: (Has given up on aquiring more dakka, and just stole one of the fallen guards' guns. It is frignteningly large in her bony hand. the other gun is sticking precariously out of her back pocket. She fires the entire round quickly into the sea of oncoming guards, throws the empty gun, and pulls another one off the floor. She's smiling evilly the entire time.) Just tell me when to move. Otherwise...I'll be here...shooting the crap out of things...
August:(Is predictably hiding behind Riddle.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:24 pm

((I'll give it a shot!

Also, this song is so awesome Very Happy A bit random, but still kind of related.))

Nike: Sarah, help me out here! We're busting through this wall!
Sarah: Right!
(The two, mirroring each other with those same solid, forceful movements, split the wall and warp it into an exit.)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:00 pm

(I like this song! Is this one that you will be singing? I see how it's knd of related. Especially the stuff about enforcing laws.)
T.Mor: (Towards Riddle) Get ready to run! They're building an exit on the wall behind you.
Riddle:(is in the process of picking up another gun.) Wonderful, I'll just stop shooting and run then shall I? (Somewhat sarcastically. She and Peter are the primary ones holding off the army of guards.)
August: Don't do that! they'll get me! (panicked.)
Riddle: Shut up. (Tosses another gun. The throws are almost as violent as the bullets themselves.) Hand me that.
August: (peels something fully-automatic off a guard.) This is heavy.
Riddle: (Laughs menacingly.) Exactly.(litters bullets into the crowd.) August- turn around and run to whatever hole Nike and Sarah made. If I tramp on your feet after this command- I accept NO liability for broken bones.
August: Running. (He runs.)
Riddle: (proceeds backwards, never facing away from the oncoming guards, and continuing her wall of bullets strategy.) Come ON T.Mor! (She backs into the hole. T.Mor follows. It opens into a narrow street, and everyone runs out...except Riddle who really hates running.)
T.Mor: We're heading west!( He leads around a corner just as the guards make it out of the new exit. Riddle has empties the last of the automatic, and is catching up to the group as a result.)
Riddle: I'm REALLY out of dakka now.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:39 pm

((I dunno if I'm gonna be in this one. It's my second favorite song, though ^_^

Tell Her I Love Her is my first favorite. This is the one I was sad that I wouldn't get to be in. If I get to be in Cop Song, though, that'll partly make up for it. If I don't...well, then...meh D:

"Oh, Little Sally, there is no Urinetown! We just kill people."))

(The team gets out, and Nike and Sarah close the exit behind them. Peter is working to keep the guns of the guards who got through from firing as he runs. Senet is blowing guards back with powerful blasts of air.)
Peter: Senet! Sarah! Fly us out of here!
Senet and Sarah: Right! (They sweep their hands low and whoosh them up high, raising the whole group on cusions of wind. They deposit everyone on a flat rooftop.)
Sarah: Now what?
Peter: I was getting to that! Now we pick them off from above.
(The team goes to the edge of the roof. Each extends one arm towards the ground while keeping the other on the edge for balance. Several shouts are heard.)

((*in an announcer-y voice* Many guards were harmed in the making of this character chat.))
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:21 am

(I haven't gotten to listen yet- I'm leaving my house soon to go take the SAT and I don't have enough time to pull out my head phones. I will listen to the song when I get home.)

Riddle: (is amazed. as usual.) WE FLEW!!! THAT WAS AMAZING. I LOVE THIS MAGIC STUFF YOU DO! IT'S MAGIC!(watches contentedly while Peter and the team pick people off from the roof.) Man...I wish I had more dakka. I could help.
T.Mor: I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe it.(Hands Riddle more ammunition for the pistol she has.) Here.
Riddle: YES! HA! (reloads terrifyingly quickly. She crouches, and attempts to use the small pistol as a sniper rifle, with mixed results. There are several bullets lodged in the building across the street, uselessly.) AW, COME ON! BE ONE OF THEM SNIPERY ONES!!
T.Mor:(Deftly pulls the weapon from Riddle's working hand.) And...that's enough.
T.Mor: No. You can't handle it. I do NOT want you McGyvering a sniper rifle out of assorted things you find on a roof.
Riddle: That would have been a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?
T.Mor: (Facepalm. Turns toward the team) As much as it would be nice to single handedly decimate the guards...we kind of need to keep moving. Someone will notice us standing here eventually...
August: But where do we go from here? We're ON a ROOF.
Riddle: To the next roof of course. (as if it were obvious.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:57 pm

((Alright. I'd say "Good luck on the SAT," but by the time you'll have seen this, you'll have already taken it, soo...

I hope you did well! Very Happy))

Peter: We'll jump. Senet, Sarah, guide us.
(He runs to the west edge of the roof and leaps off. As he does, Senet and Sarah lift their arms; Peter soars to another roof, a distance far greater than any human could possibly do. He lands as lightly as a feather and beckons everyone else over. Nike follows quickly.)
Sarah: (to August, with a grin) Go ahead. We won't drop you.
Senet: (with the same grin) Can't we? I'm getteeng tihred of zees one.
Sarah: (playfully) Talk like that and he'll never go! (to T.Mor and Riddle, more seriously) We can lift all three of you at the same time; it doesn't have to be individually.

((Have you ever played DC Universe Online? It's kinda like the acrobatics movement style.))
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:07 pm

(I hope I did too...It felt really easy...but you know that could just mean that I did everything wrong.
I haven't played DC Universe online.)
August: (Peers cautiously off the edge of the roof. It's only about 10 stories, but that's still plenty of space in which to achieve terminal velocity.) I dunno...
Riddle: Come ON. Trust somebody! These guys are professionals.(Turns toward Sarah and Senet.) I trust you. I just jump right? and then you do all the fun flying stuff? And then T.Mor can handle Vertigo boy.
T.Mor: WHAT? You get to go alone, and I'm stuck with him?
August: I resent that comment. (At Riddle.) I don't have vertigo. I'm just scared of falling to my death. (Defensively.)
Riddle: Same difference. (Turns and jumps confidently off the edge of the roof. The duct tape holding her leg together chooses this moment to undergo critical adhesive failure, and it falls back onto the roof without her.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:37 pm


(Senet and Sarah guide her over to where Nike and Peter are. Sarah then blows her leg down to her.)
Sarah: Next!
Senet: (to August, still grinning) Eef you'hre too scahred to zjump, we could always push you.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:49 am

Riddle: THAT WAS AWESOME! T.Mor! You gotta try this! (She expertly Peels the duct tape off the femur and reattaches everything while standing.)
T.Mor: Come on August.
August: (is getting a little bit hysterical.) I...I didn't sign up for this. I don't even live here. everyone want to kill me and NOW you all want me to jump off a roof. She's axe crazy(points at Riddle on the other roof) and all this murder makes me want to go hide in a dark corner...and...(dissolves into what looks like a small scale panic attack.)
T.Mor: (Is a little bit understanding.) Look, I know this sucks for you. I know it does. But if you don't come with me right now and jump off this roof, I'm going to leave without you. You'll be all alone. And some other guard is going to find you, and you're going to wish that you had chosen to just jump off a roof. You SAW what Riddle looked like. You think they'll hold back on you just because you're mortal and a 12? (Compared to the others, August is rather young. T.Mor is nearly 20 now, and Riddle is 16 and 47. She ages funny.)
August: (is still petrified.) But...I..
T.Mor: If you're going to do this kicking and screaming, I don't want you.(bluntly.) So. Are you coming or what? (Holds out a hand.)
August:(is contemplating. It takes him a bit. T.Mor has already turned and started walking before August says anything.) Wait. I'm coming with you...(Catches up. As they near the edge of the roof, August clings to T.Mor's arm for dear life. T.Mor allows this.)
T.Mor: We're going on three.(to August.) 1...2...3.(They Jump. or rather T.Mor jumps, and August shuts his eyes and tries not to panic.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:22 pm

(Sarah and Senet lift them safely over. They themselves then fly over to the rest of the group.)

Sarah: See? That wasn't so bad!
Senet: (who is still hovering a few inches off the ground) Told you we wouldn't dhrop you. We'hre trained professionals!
Peter: Well, sorta.
Nike: But it is our job.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:57 pm

August: (Has opened his ees to find himself back on solid roof.) Oh. Yeah. Wow...That was...I didn't fall. (peers over the edge and laughs in shock.) Wow...Uh, thanks.
Riddle: (Mockingly) And now it's time....for gramattically awkward...sentence fragments. shock...
August: (snaps out of it with Riddle's teasing.) Hey! Stop it.
Riddle: Why? It's fun.
T.Mor: (rather seriously.) we need to keep moving. Riddle, you can ruthlessly mock August later.
(The next series of roofs are interconnected, since it's a block of buildings. Some of them are taller than others though. T.Mor is continuing west, and pulls himself up onto the next roof effortlessly.)
Riddle: Ninja. Give me a lift would you? (She is too short to beable to get the amount of leverage she needs to climb up like T.Mor.)
T.Mor: If I pull on your arms....will you break?
Riddle: I dunno. Try it. (they do. Riddle is successfully pulled onto the next roof.) Come on August. This one has no flight risk. (mockingly.)
August: Coming. (He clumsily pulls himself onto the next roof.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:33 pm

(Peter and his team seem to climb like veritable monkeys. They half-climb, half-run up this wall. It's very Assassin's Creed-y.)
Sarah: (like the others, not even panting) How much further is it? (She's not asking this question to complain; she honestly wants to get a good idea of the area.)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:50 pm

T.Mor: It's another 15 blocks until we have to get off the roofs...Then we have like 5 blocks of the cardboard slums...and then we hit the wasteland. I really want to get through the slums before dark though.
Riddle: Hobo hater.
T.Mor: How do you do the awesome wallwalking climbing thing? I want to learn.
Riddle: So I don't have time to mock August, but you have time to learn ParKour? Hypocrite. (Teasing. They're walking to the next roof, which is actually a drop of about 10 feet.) Oh, see this one I can manage myself. (Skillfully manages to get herself down onto the next roof.) I'm always up for going down.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:03 pm

Sarah: If you're worried about dangerous people that come out after dark, you've got nothing to fear. We can take any non-bonder that comes our way easily.
Peter: As for the climbing thing, it just comes with practice.
Senet: Lots and lots of practeece.
Nike: You have to have the right speed, too.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:29 pm

T.Mor: Not worried about the's just...the cardboard slums at night are really...unsettling. I mean, as someone who works for this--erm...used to work for the government, it's kind of disturbing to see everything all poverty stricken and all...And some of my school friends got deported there. (T.Mor has emotional baggage. He drops catlike onto the next roof.)
August: How do I---
Riddle: shot web?
August: (totally misses the reference.) no...How do I get down?
Riddle: Sounds the same to me...just jump. You won't break a nail. I promise.(Condescendingly.) Oh...wait. you have trouble jumping don't you?
T.Mor: Riddle, now you're just being mean.(Unhappily.) August, just kinda...I dunno.
Riddle: You will have to F-ffling yourself. Fling into space.(excellent GLaDoS impersonation.)
T.Mor: (Can't help it. this cracks him up.) hahahaahahahahaha!!! Riddle...

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:55 pm

(Not a one member of the team gets the reference. They share confused looks.)
Peter: Er, why is this funny?
(Senet looks at him and shrugs.)
Sarah: Screw it. (She shoves August off the side. Rather than falling, he remains on an invisible platform, as though the building continued there. She lowers him down to the other roof before jumping off herself. The rest of the team follows.)
Peter: That was a little harsh, don't you think?
Sarah: Weren't you doing stuff like that at his age? You healed your own wound with fire.
Peter: Well, yeah, but...
Nike: ...But August is a wimp?
Peter: Mm-hm.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 8 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:30 pm

August: (Appears a little scarred by that.) That...wasn't...funny.
Riddle: (Thought it was hysterical.) You shoulda seen your face!!(Still laughing...turns to Peter) It's a Portal thing...From when the person had to jump off some big ledge and then use the portals to defy laws...
T.Mor: it's basically a thing from a thing.(Summarises.) August- you know no one is going to actually hurt you. 'Cept Riddle's dad...
August: That really wasn't funny.
T.Mor: August, it's fine.

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