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~Character Chat~

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:02 pm

(Sorry it's been so long...School was in the way for a bit.)
Riddle:Oh. Ok. So is there like a big catalogue then? with full colour pictures and pricetags and random smiling people meandering about the place?
Riddle: I saw that...
Riddle:I dunno...was going to make a bad pun about eyes but then I missed the train of thought. (Back to Senet.) So yeah- i mean do we just scroll through a big book and say STOP whenever we find someplace that looks like home? That would be fun!

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:12 pm

Senet: Zey'hre ahrchives, actually.
Peter: The bonders have everything stored in databases on computers, but it's also all backed up in these huuuuuge libraries.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:35 pm

Riddle: Oh. Neat.
T.Mor:(Has realised that they've spent ten minutes on a street corner. Discussing things.) Peter...Didn't you say we had to keep moving? So that the Sybek wouldn't get us?

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:41 pm

Peter: Right, right. Lead the way, Senet. Argh, that rhymed!
(They begin walking.)
Peter: Even if we were at the waypoint right now, Senet and I still aren't up for shifting again, so we'd have to wait anyway.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:56 pm

T.Mor: oh. Good.
Riddle: You worry too much. They know what they're doing. THEY ARE PROFESSIONAL.
T.Mor: You're right...ACK. did I really just say that?
Riddle:(Grins evilly.) YEP. I'm right. HA! YES!(is jumping up and down and generally drawing attention from passerby.) WOOT! I AM RIGHT!
T.Mor: (ignoring Riddle) So...will this next plane have food? I haven't eaten in..days. Food is hard to come by at home.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:00 pm

Peter: Oh, of course there is.
Senet: (grinning) She called us phrofessional.
Peter: Well, we are, I guess. I mean, this is our job.
Senet: I know, but I like ze tehrm.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:36 pm

Riddle: And...I was right!(is ridiculously overjoyed by this. As she has been.) Dude. I like this being right. I should do it more often. (Continues babbling.)
T.Mor: Riddle, shut up. there's going to be food. in a bit.
Riddle:(stops ranting just for this.) And I care...because?
T.Mor: ...right. Carry on then...
Riddle: I'M ON A ROLL! right AGAIN!
T.Mor: it's getting old.
Riddle:(Makes a face at T.Mor.) So...will there be preservatives?

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:43 pm

Peter: Um, they wouldn't have that as a food option, but you could certainly buy some.
Senet: Kahreen might 'ave a supply of eet.
Peter: Yeah, that's true. But how do we go about asking for it?
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:56 pm

Riddle: I normally just uhh...ask. You know ...'Hi. Can I have this?'
T.Mor: Liar.
Riddle: What? ME?
T.Mor: you steal. That's what you do. Normally.
Riddle: It's LIKE asking.(Defensively.) Only...without the words...or the human interaction...or you know- the permission granting.
T.Mor: You are not stealing from someone you've never met.(Assertively.)
Riddle:(Sees no point in arguing this.) Fine. So...yeah. I would just ask. I mean unless this Karen person is like... ummm... protective of her formaldehyde...or mean or something.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:11 pm

Peter: What I mean is how we'll explain asking for formaldehyde. We're Scouts, so it's not like we'd need it for anything. I just don't want Riddle being immortal to get out. It could cause huge problems.
Senet: Maybe we weell have to steal some aftehr all.
Peter: But to steal from Karin? It would be easy, yeah, but it wouldn't feel right. It's too bad we don't get paid for this, or we could just buy some. (to T.Mor and Riddle) The Organization of Bonders is militant. Senet and I are technically soldiers, even though the work we do is more like spying. We don't get paid money, but we're given a home and food.
Senet: I wondehr eef Eezzy could get some fhrom Kahreen fohr us? She doesn't ask questions.
Peter: That's true.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:24 pm

Riddle: What kind of problems?
T.Mor: Probably the usual.
Riddle:I didn't ask you. (Thinking about what would make a good excuse.) Um. A sudden interest in taxidermy? No. that sounds silly. The need to preserve dead things...No that's basically the same thing. Maybe you should just get that Izzy person. Or you know- I could just steal.(Shrugs indifferently.)
T.Mor: You have better work benefits than I do. I get paid...then I automatically hand 75% BACK to the people that gave it to me. Which Is then mostly used up on rent.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:03 pm

Peter: Well, Riddle, you know how Senet and I reacted? Imagine that, only with thirty-two billion people. Izzy will get the preservatives. (to T.Mor) That sucks. What sort of health benefits do you get? If we get hurt, which is often, we go to a hospital hosted by the Organization.
Senet: Zey 'ave baseecally evhry hresouhrce eemageenable.

((A-3 itself doesn't have a population of 32 billion, but there are four A planes, each with average populations of 8 billion people.))
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:16 am

T.Mor: (Laughs.) Health Benefits? That's funny. I have been specifically told that if I got too injured, my co-workers would just finish me off. If I got promoted though...I might get dental.
Riddle: 32 Billion people being in shock and swearing a bit is alot better than many other reactions I've got.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:33 am

Peter: (to T.Mor) Well damn.
Senet: Ahre you suhre you want to go 'ome?
Peter: He's only kind of kidding. Really, if you became a bonder and joined the Organization, you'd probably be better off. The work you'd do might be dangerous, but it sounds better than having your own co-workers kill you.

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:35 am

((Sorry to double-post, but I'm gonna be gone for a while. I'm going to Cape Cod today (I live in Massachusetts). I'll have a computer there, though, so I can come back on when I get there.))
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:57 am

T.Mor:Yeah- but you said you don't get paid...You just get everything else. I need the money.
Riddle: Because you won't tell your sister that she's insane.(Factually.) Sell the bloody house. You don't need it.
T.Mor:You're one to talk. (Thinks and is conflicted.) But she wants---
Riddle: She's manipulating you. Even from HERE. Your sister is old- She can work!
T.Mor: But she's my sister. I can't just leave her all alone there--
Riddle: whining in obscurity.(Finishes the sentence irritatedly.)

(Cape Cod sounds like fun. See you in a bit! I am going to be here all day because I have like 20 hours of online homework...ugh. And I can't fast sorward through the powerpoints.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:42 pm


Ugh, that sounds annoying.))

Peter: What sort of job do you do anyway? I mean, Riddle kind of explained it, but I'm still not too clear on it.
Senet: Eef we 'aven't said eet alhready, ouhr zjob ees to gazehr eenfohrmation about ze Sybek on deefehrent planes. Movement, academy locations, publeec acteeveety, all zat. Ze Ohrganization uses ze eentel to mobeelize troops.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:57 pm

(It is. I'm doing a chapter on ergonomics as I type.)

T.Mor:I am a guard... Basically- I just maintain the prison, and do whatever I'm told. It normally involves doing bad things.(Darkly) I hate my job. People get arrested for no reason. I mean, I was once responsible for killing some guy because he stole a fish. I work for the corrupt government.
Riddle: You should just stop having morals. It makes things easier.
T.Mor: Easy for you to say.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:04 pm

Peter: That's horrible. Really, wouldn't you be better off not going back? Heck, we could take your sister, too, if she's the only one tying you to the plane.
Senet: You and she would zjust go meesseeng, and zey'd nevehr find you. (shrugs)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:13 pm

Riddle: You don't WANT his sister.(quite seriously.) After being in a room with her I always wanna strangle something with an axe.
T.Mor: (At Riddle) Thanks. (Ignores the impossibility of the last statement.Turns back to Peter) Well...there's also August.
Riddle: Let him die. He couldn't get himself out of a paper bag.
T.Mor: If I didn't know you better...(bact to Peter and Senet.) He's the one who's really lost...All alone in our universe when he doesn't belong there in the first place.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:36 pm

Senet: (mostly to himself) I'm tryeeng to peectuhre someone being strangled weez an axe now.
Peter: Why don't you introduce him to us when we come to your plane, then? We can help him find his own universe, just like we're doing for you.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:58 pm

Riddle:(To Senet.) Isn't it a interesting concept? I could do a science project on it!(Suddenly and with much enthusiasm.)
T.Mor: Yeah, We'll introduce you to August. He'd probably love to meet someone who can get him home.

(I have to go to a birthday party...Be back in a few hours.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:30 pm

((Have fun Smile

Well, wait.

If you're reading this now, it means you're actually already back. Soo...

Hope you had fun!))

Senet: Oh! Eef we 'ad an axe made out of metal, Nike could strangle someone weez eet! 'Cause she could control ze metal to whrap ahround someone's neck, and zen, you know.
Peter: Don't give her ideas! Besides, Nike would never do that anyway. She has morals.
Senet: But anozehr, mohre dephraved eahrz type could do eet...
Peter: Chut! (He bats him lightly in the back of the head. Turning to T.Mor) Alright, we'll help him, too.

((Note: "chut" is the French version of "shh" or "shush." Don't let the spelling confuse you; it comes out sounding like "shute."))
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:56 pm

(It was fun. We saw I Am Number Four. And ate Ice cream.)

Riddle:What? She can bend metal? (is amazed. and already thinking up bad ideas.) When can I meet her? We could make....THINGS. GLORIOUS THINGS. Or you know... a spoon fork chainsaw combination. A CHAINSPORK. YES. (Grins somewhat demonically.)
T.Mor: Good. Thank you. (Turns to Riddle) If I find ANYONE dead of a 'chainspork' attack...I'll be looking for your thumb for months.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 3 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:00 pm

((Ooh, I saw that last Saturday! Good movie Very Happy))

Senet: She can control any element ohr combeenation of elements fhrom ze Metals category on ze periodic table. All earz types can. Eet gets 'ahrdehr fohr zem eef ze matehrial ees mohre hrefined, zough.
Peter: Why do you encourage her? This has "potential international incident" written all over it.
Winter Dragon

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