the Character Chat Revolution
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:09 pm

Our heros are dead. Katniss, Peeta, Gale. Not only them. Actually, the entire rebellion, every last rebel and rebel leader, are dead. Before the squad could make it to where Snow was staying and pass all the triggers, an entire squad of Peace-Keepers came out with a new and revolutionary weapon, one key to the new onslaught of soon-coming hunger games. A cloak was laid over the entire Capitol, and it searched for DNA carried on from being in District 13. When found, the person carrying the smell or particles on their body from District 13 were instantly terminated. A quick and effective way to rid of the rebels.
And now on comes another game. Another fight for death, with new twists and turns, and a whole new head game-maker. Each day there will a new death, and trust me, no one will be bored for one minute of these new games. Audience will deprive themselves of sleep just to watch.
There are only a few twists you will currently know about. The first? Forget ceremonies and fashion shows to wrack up sponsors, or even knowing who will be placed in the arena. The night before the games, as soon as midnight comes, all new tributes will be suddenly teleported to the new arena. If you want people to sponsor you, you'll have to prove it in the arena, no interviews to break the ice.
The second? You only know a trace about. When you're dead, murdered or simply taken your own life, you do not die. You beat death. As the hover cars take you away, something very strange happens . . . Of course, you'll have to have that experience to find the answer.
You really want to know, don't you?
For every day, each tribute is warned beforehand of one task to be completed that day. If not done, they will be killed with the cloak device immediately. This is incredibly irritating to all tributes, because when the cloaks come down when people have not done tasks, it's placed over the entire arena, and when it rises, you are in a completely different area than before. Unless, of course, you're DNA is in the cloak to be killed for not doing the task.
Now, I know how hard it would be to start from here. We need serious ground rules for this to take off. If your character breaks ANY of these rules, they will be killed by the head game-maker (me).

1) There is to be no power playing or godmodling of any sort. This means having characters with impossible powers and who kill everyone and pretty much are not defeat-able. Also, you cannot control other people's characters. For example:
"John: I tried to stab Liza, but she jumped away and tried to hit me. It didn't hurt and I stabbed her and killed her."
2) If you want to kill someone else's character, you must PM to ask permission. If they said no, be sure to remind them of rule 1! And keep it in mind yourself!
4) You can make as many or little characters as you like. Warning, if you only have one, you don't have a big shot at winning.
5) And, the winners? Oh, this is fun. I will decide the winner as I read along, since my character is the main game-maker. This will not be favoured in any way at all, I'm a fair person and I really don't believe in that. If you have an exciting, active, fair, unique charrie, you have a good shot. Please trust me not to be stupid about this and just pick my own or someone else's just because they're my friend.
6) Each post should be descriptive and and detailed. I'm not saying too much, but one-liners are not allowed. Think a paragraph per person, at least (four sentences). Try and make something exciting or interesting happen in each post.

Character format:
Appearance (no pictures):
Personality (detailed!):
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this):
One interesting fact:

Thanks to Endellion and !nspired for contributing great ideas to this!

List of what each District does
1) Make special goods/luxury items for the Capitol
2) Makes nuclear weapons, mining
3) Electonics
4) Fishes for Capitol
5) Not mentioned in book
6) Medicine and drugs
7) Lumber and paper
8: Makes outfits for Peacekeepers, makes clothing
9) Not mentioned in book
10) Livestock
11) Harvesting fruits and vegtables
12) Coal
13) Not existing anymore, remember?

Last edited by ßøn∑z on Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:28 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammar error- Thanks, Jelsa!)

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:12 pm

My cat pic approves of this >.<

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:24 pm

Name: Alex
Age: 17
District: 11
Appearance (no pictures): Brown hair, brown eyes. Is a quarter Asian and got the Asian eyes. He is a little on the short side at 5'7. Doesn't smile very much.
Personality (detailed!):
Specialty: Farming, but that's not very helpful in the arena.
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): His past.
One interesting fact: His initials spell "ARM."

Name: Luke
Age: 16
District: 1
Appearance (no pictures): Brown hair, hazel eyes. Is about 5'11.
Personality (detailed!): Mischievous, is spoiled and volunteered to be in the HGs even though he knows it's going to be worse than the others. Can be very naive.
Specialty: Doesn't have one.
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): Being nice to people.
One interesting fact: As stated above, he volunteered for this.

Name: Nikkie
Age: 14
District: 8
Appearance (no pictures): Really long blond hair, black eyes. Is 5'4. Styles her hair differently every day.
Personality (detailed!): Fun-loving, oblivious, and likes to annoy people.
Specialty: Fashion. It's not going to help here, though.
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): Shutting up.
One interesting fact: She's already dead in the series I wrote her into, but I'm reviving her again just because.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:25 pm

See my edit of first post!

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:30 pm

first charrie is done~

Name: Alita Hare
Age: 17
District: 5
Appearance (no pictures): Rusty red hair, with thick, dirty blonde streaks in it. She wears her hair in a low side ponytails, with a bohemian braid in the front. The blonde is mostly weaved into the braid. Sharp hazel eyes and pale skin, is a bit cat-like, similar to many in her district. Has a black henna tattoo next to her left eye, that is a series of long curls. The tattoo stops at her cheekbone and is permanent.
Personality (detailed!): She is very clever and quick on her feet. Harsh and unfriendly, she has no problem with slaughtering her opponents. Not one of the careers, because she can't work well with other people, and isn't ginormous but instead very nimble.
Specialty: Camouflage
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): Explosives
One interesting fact: She can't stand the bread from her own District, and actually yearns for the fluffy, Capitol bread, instead.

Name: Perry Cresta
Age: 16
District: 4
Appearance (no pictures): Black hair with a cowlick in front that he doesn't really mind. Tan skin from being in the sun fishing all the time, and deep green eyes like the sea. Muscular, almost a little too muscular for his age.
Personality (detailed!): Charming, reminds some people of Finnick but he's not quite that bad, has a soft side but rarely shows it. In fact, if you see his soft side there's probably something wrong there. Doesn't always play fair, but then again, who does in the Hunger Games? Too confident for his own good.
Specialty: Knots
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): Fire
One interesting fact: Annie Cresta's - Finnick's fiance - younger brother.

Last edited by !nspired on Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:38 pm

Character format:
Name: Desmonda Janet Jones
Age: 12
District: 11
Appearance (no pictures): Wide blue eyes that are too big, small nose, thin lips and narrow face shape. Long, grey-blonde hair, no bangs, down to chin. Has a depressing innocence about her. Small, 4"3, thin.
Personality (detailed!): Silent, never talks unless needs to. Seems to have a lot more about her than you'd think. Is a bit nosy.
Specialty: Hiding.
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): Obviously, her height and size. Hand-to-hand combat would be deadly for her.
One interesting fact: She can make herself invisible. No, not really, just with disguises and nature and hiding places.

Character format:
Name: Flay Sheckles
Age: 15
District: 1
Appearance (no pictures): Bright, shinning green eyes, the same colour of fresh grass. Soft curls of blonde hair, fair skin. 5"7, well fed but not fat because she trained for the games.
Personality (detailed!): Clever and sneaky. Would take intense joy to slaughter someone. Blood makes her happy, especailly when she causes it. Brutal, and easy to like if you share her interests. Not trustworthy.
Specialty: Knives, not worrying about what will happen to her.
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): Not good at making shelters or getting her own food.
One interesting fact: Younger sister of Glimmer.

The head-game maker is also my character. He has an assistant, and will post when announcing challenges or starting up drama in the games.

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:40 pm

(haha, did you purposely make your characters from the same district as mine?)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:44 pm

LOL, I didn't even notice that! Haha! I made a 1 for possible Career pack and an 11 to a tribute to my favourite character, Ru.!

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:56 pm


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:56 pm

Name: Alpina Glass
Age: 17
District: 12
Appearance (no pictures): Long, red hair. Very pale, freakles dotting face. A little on the short side, and very slender. Soft grey eyes
Personality (detailed!): Naive, trusting. Doesn't seem to grasp the concept that 'everybody is here to kill you'. Almost never talks, and when she does, she uses her words wisely. Possibly has some kind of learning disability. But she's insightful, and motherly. Though when she really, really has to, she can be deadly with her dagger
Specialty: Her ability to bond with, and win over people
Weakness Terrified of fire, and her disability
One interesting fact: Has a little brother

Last edited by endellion on Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:57 pm

Should we wait until we have at least one person from each district before starting?
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:58 pm

wait, editing her age... gimmie a sec..


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:59 pm

Nope. Remember, you can have posts like this:

Philip: I was sharpening my knife on a tree when I saw a figure in the distance. it came close, and without thinking, I threw the knife. It got the kid in the foot, and I rushed over to see him fall down, eyes close, and scream.

^^Not a character of anyone else's. Just random you make up to kill off any extra spots until we get down to the ones made by other people.

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:59 pm

Okay, done. And hm... I dunno... I still need to make another character


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:59 pm

Okay. I think we have enough people now, so wanna start?
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:02 pm

Almost, Ende wants to make another charrie. I will need to start with head game-maker's post.

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:08 pm

Name: Drake Mills
Age: 16
District: 2
Appearance (no pictures): Jet black hair with red streaks, abnormaly bright silver eyes rimmed in red (contacts). Golden and silver tattoos all on his back, arms, and legs.
Personality (detailed!): A very unpredicatble personality, very angry and intense on second, calm the next. You never know when he's going to lash out
Specialty: Making and using fire
Weakness (don't worry, no other charries will know this): He can't swim, and he can't see without his contacts. At all.
One interesting fact: Has an older sister


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:09 pm

lez go!


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:09 pm

Bonez has first post, Rose.


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:10 pm

(that's what I said xP)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:10 pm

(and yeah, we have to wait just a little longer.)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:10 pm

Working on it!

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:14 pm

:::Head Game Maker:::
I sat at a desk of controls, headsets, microphones and phones. All touch screen, all blinking, and a huge monitor was in front of my face, showing 20 different camera angles. Each tribute, asleep in beds or on floors. At the push of the button, they would all be transported to very specially chosen locations in the arena.
And the arena this year?
In a tribute to Katniss Everdeen's "death", it is the arena that was used for her first Hunger Game. Of course, there are a few changes. Though, it is the same location, but all fixed up. Just to entertain the audience, the hut Peeta and Katniss made is still there . . . And a little surprise is inside of it.
I smiled.
Pulling on a headset, I pressed a red button, predictable.
Instantly, the monitors changes to the cameras floating nearby where each tribute would land. I'd need to start managing what everyone in Panem was seeing. I adjusted cameras to show all their faces when they appeared, set it live on television . . .
Poof. In a flash, no smoke, each tribute was in their selected spots.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to the 77th annual event of the Hunger Games!"

(REMEMBER: Your charrie has no warning they are here! They have no idea that they were chosen to come!)

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:16 pm

Nikkie: "What's going on?" I asked, hearing the voice.

Luke: I was still asleep.

Alex: I heard the voice and froze. No, it couldn't be. How could I be participating in the Hunger Games?
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games. Empty Re: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new Hunger Games.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:18 pm

My eyes shot open, and I looked around helplessly. I sat up, my lips parted in a wordless scream as I heard the man. Hunger Games. The two most feared words... how could this be? How could I have been selected?!

I was startled from my sleep, yawning as I looked aro- Hunger Games?! I was in the Hunger Games?!


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