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The Character Break Room

Jacky K.
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The Character Break Room Empty The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:37 am

Oof. That last post just looked painful. I feel for you, honestly.

Don't you ever get sore, dear character? Don't you ever get tired sometimes, physically or emotionally? Or both? Of course you do. It's only natural. It's tough to do the things you do! But you're a character, after all; you were created to be the perfect one for the job, whatever the job happens to be.

However...wouldn't it be nice to take a break from all that, just for a little while? To sit back, relax, enjoy a cold drink, and rest until you have to get back out there? To even talk with some of your friends from other chats and stories while you're at it, in a safe, calm environment? Sounds appealing, yes? I'm sure it does.

That's why I've created this place, the Character Break Room. Everyone is welcome, from powerful heroes to scrawny whiners; as long as you're a character, you can come in any time. And no, your writers aren't allowed inside!

DISCLAIMER: In the event of some sort of revolt, rebellion, or outbreak of any type by the characters against the writers, the writers will be permitted entry to sort out the problem. Whether they decide to talk it out or simply use their god-powers to dominate is up to them; in light of that, the Character Break Room is not responsible for any injury or death. Revolt at your own risk.*

*Don't actually do it. It's happened in the past, and it's simply not worth it. Ask any previous revolutionary. You'll see.

Well, I think that covers everything! Enjoy your time in the Character Break Room.

--Ms. Somebody


Character Sheet:
[b]Personality:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Brief Backstory:[/b] (Also optional)
[b]Extra Info:[/b] (Also also optional)

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:41 am

Name: Cricket (yeah yeah, you all know him.)
Gender: guy
Age: 14
Appearance: Too lazy to say this again right now...
Personality: (Optional) Cricket-ish?
Brief Backstory: (Also optional) Uh...tragic.
Extra Info: (Also also optional). None to state.

Huh...So I wonder if Crick classifies as a hero or a whiner...

Cricket: "You're not allowed 'ere, mate." *booty bumps out*
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:47 am

Name: Peter
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: You know by now, don't you? Razz
Personality: Fiery...heh... *cough*
Brief Backstory: It ain't brief. Go take a look at The Jekyl and Hyde Show.
Extra Info: N/A

Alright, I must away, then! I might bring more characters later. In fact, I probably will. Okay! I'm going!

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:50 am

Name: Timothy Jackson Drake/Robin
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, and in uniform
Personality: Always tries to look for the good in people, to a fault. Kind, trusting, and SUPER smart. But I think he DOES have a major breaking point, even if I've personally never seen it.
Brief Backstory: He's so smart, he figured out Batman and Nightwing's real identities. And after Jason's death, Batman became so sad and reckless, that Tim convinced Batman to let him be the new Robin.
Extra Info: Third Robin, never really thinks he's really good enough. Uses a staff in combat because he's not as skilled as Grayson or Todd

Name: Elizabeth 'Spades' Green
Gender: Chick
Appearance: Carmel colored curly hair, green eyes, pale skin, scars on arms, back, and legs. Black, vine like tattoos all up her arms
Personality: Ah... erratic, sometimes. Has lots of anger and fights to control it, just like she tries to control her 'Joker like' side. Not very good at it yet
Brief Backstory: Was born in the same circus as Dick Grayson, but the Joker kidnapped her when she was very young. He raised her as his sidekick, and she grew up hating Robin (Dick) and Batman. Then when the Joker left her for dead in a burning building, and Robin saved her, she flipped. Not without her relapses though...
Extra Info: Uses razor sharp cards that are coated in chemicals that make them both fire proof, and sting like HECK when they cut somebody. Can use playing cards to tell the future, and has a scary good intuition. She's also totally afraid of fire, and the Joker.


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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:10 pm

Name: Ezra Cox (the majority know him)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Apperance: Raven-black hair, longish. Dark eyes. Height: 6'1
Personality: Sarcastic, Hot headed, stubborn
Breif Backstory: He was raised by both his parents till they divorced. He now lives with his mom and hates his dad. His dad wants Liz dead amd only focuses about winning the battle.the propecy talks about. His mom doesn't know about his abilities and now that he has met Liz and won't kill her... his family (not his mom or his mom's side) wants him dead.
Extra info: None to put right now.

Last edited by gh3325 on Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:08 pm; edited 3 times in total

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:16 pm

((Gh...USE THE SHEET. I didn't put it up for my health... Edit your post, please.))
Winter Dragon

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:21 pm

(Im sorry....)

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Momo13 Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:33 pm

Name: Drew
Gener: Male
Age: Looks 17ish...
Appearance: )The Character Break Room Drewchris1
^^i fail at describing him sadly.
Personality: (Optional) umm...
Brief Backstory: (Also optional) He and his brother were born at the dawn of time. His brother, wanting to control all of reality, has set out to kill Drew. It hasnt worked out yet. Drew is still alive. What his brother doesnt know, or refuses to believe, is that if one of them dies, reality goes to hell and the world as we know it would not exist anymore. So, i've put him through a lot of hell so far.
Extra Info: (Also also optional) Has a lot of special skills and powers up his sleave.

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:05 pm

(( still didn't... Why. All you need to do is copy and paste the form! o3o I even pre-typed the bold tags for your convenience!))
Winter Dragon

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Momo13 Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:06 pm

(mine ok WD?)

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:07 pm

((Yeah, yours is perfect. You copied the form xD))
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:07 pm

(I cant im on my nook....what did i do wrong?)

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:11 pm

I sat on a long couch, a mug of steaming coffee in my hands. But I didn't really feel like drinking it, even though it would probably help my still sore throat. The images of Chel- Inque as she pressed down on my own staff to cut off my air, was etched in my mind. I stared down into my cup, gritting my teeth


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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:16 pm

((Nevermind then; didn't know you were on your Nook.))

I walked into the room, still limping slightly. Gods, my leg was sore. I headed to the nearest couch and all but crashed, rubbing my head.
"Ah, hey there," I said awkwardly to the other guy in the room.
Winter Dragon

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:17 pm

"Hey Peter... you okay?" asked Ezra, noticing the limp.

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:21 pm

"Oh, hey," I said to Ezra, looking up. "Hah, not really. Some bat-shit insane girl just drove a knife through my leg and out the other side."
Our injuries may've been healed in the Break Room, but that didn't make the lingering soreness go away.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:23 pm

"One of BW's characters, or one of Ende's?" I asked, looking at Peter. Those two LOVE writing crazies.


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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Momo13 Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:36 pm

Drew walked in and slumped on the couch. "Stupid authors. Forgetting characters." he noticed the other two in the room. "You fellas look in bad shape," he noted.

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:37 pm

"I, for one, was just beaten and strangled to death" I shuddered "I think I'd rather be forgotten by Ende. Though then again, she ignores me a lot, too" I sighed, putting down my coffee and rubbing my aching neck


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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:39 pm

"Anyway, she was BW's, I think," I answered the first character (though I didn't know who he was). "I wasn't familiar with her, though. She was about my height, though she looked a bit older. Dark skin and short, black hair. I couldn't really see much of her, to be honest. Anyway--" I halted, then sighed. "Ugh, I gotta go back. Wish me luck..." I reluctantly got up and limped out of the room.
Winter Dragon

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:39 pm

"My family wants me dead and I have to compete for Liz," said Ezra.

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:42 pm

"Good luck" I sighed, feeling really bad for the man as I watched him leave. Then I turned to the other guy "At least you didn't just get killed." And I'm only 14, I wanted to see more of the world, prove myself to Batman... "But still, good luck with that"


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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:44 pm

Andrew walked in, hands in his pockets. He turned to Robin at the word dead. "Me too," he sighed. "Me too."

Ezra groaned, "Ugh....I'm being paged be right back."

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Echo Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:04 pm

endellion wrote:Robin
"Good luck" I sighed, feeling really bad for the man as I watched him leave. ...

Peter's only 16 xD))
Winter Dragon

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:42 am

Winnie walked in, whistling a tune, and plopped down lazily on a couch. She sniffed. "I smell coffee."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Character Break Room Empty Re: The Character Break Room

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