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Jail Break and Wedding Bells

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:05 am

A chat for Ale and Gh (now author in laws XD). We last left off with our heros going to break Tommy out of the Cox Headquaters, while our two young ghosts, Violet and Bernard, just got engaged. Yes, so were will our adventures lead to?

~ : Will: "Why go to all that trouble for him?".

[04:37:34] Whistles : ** *Takes her up a hill*.

[04:37:42] autumnmelody~ : Violet: "Okay." *kisses*.

[04:39:54] Whistles : Jamie: "Tommy..." *Sighs* "He's a friend...but...he's REALLY special to me....

[04:40:16] autumnmelody~ : Will: "Why?.

[04:40:29] autumnmelody~ : Tommy: *sleeping*.

[04:40:32] Whistles : Bernard: *Kisses back and carries her through the woods, up a hill and to the Weeping Willow tree*.

[04:40:56] autumnmelody~ : Violet: "I can walk bernard." *giggles*.

[04:42:13] Whistles : Jamie: "He's like...the closest thing i've ever had to a little brother...he's the first kid I've ever cared for...".

[04:43:04] autumnmelody~ : Will: "You do realize he's older than both of us put together.".

[04:43:15] Whistles : Bernard: "But that wouldn't be fun!" *Puts her down* "Now...i'm hoping all do this right...I love you Violet.".

[04:43:36] autumnmelody~ : Violet: "I love you too.".

[04:43:42] Whistles : Jamie: "WELL, he looks younger.".

[04:44:32] autumnmelody~ : Will: "He's been in this family for generations....they will notice...".

[04:44:42] Whistles : Bernard: "I love you more than the stars, the moon, and to INFINITY.".

[04:45:24] Whistles : Jamie: "Then let me talk to them.".

[04:45:39] autumnmelody~ : Violet: "I love you more than the fishes in the sea, the souls in heaven, and the flowers that grow.".

[04:47:01] autumnmelody~ : Will: *pauses* "No." *gets a broom, sweeps the soil and salt away* *hesitates, opens the cell, picks sleeping tommy up*.

[04:48:20] Whistles : Bernard: "I love you more than the blades of grass, the birds in the sky, and the little specks of dust." *Smiles* "I saw this on TV...I think this is the best way to say I love you..." *Bends down on one knee*.

[04:48:53] autumnmelody~ : Violet: *blush* *stares down at him, curious*.

[04:51:37] Whistles : Bernard: Um...I think this is how they do it..." *Takes out the ring* "Violet, I love you...I want to spend the rest of eternity with you...will you...marry with me?" *Totally messed up on that part* *Blushing*.

[04:52:41] autumnmelody~ : Violet: "Yes..yes! I will!" *hugs him, practically tackling him* "I love you.".

[04:53:53] autumnmelody~ : TOmmy: *stirs but still asleep*.

[04:54:03] Whistles : Bernard: *Surprised she said yes, yes is good!* *Takes her and spins her around and kisses her* "I love you too.".
[04:54:12] Whistles : *SQUEE*.

[04:54:31] autumnmelody~ : *SQUEE* WE'RE AUTHORS IN LAWS~.

[04:54:45] Whistles : xD.

[04:54:53] Whistles : AUTHOR IN LAWS.

[04:55:04] autumnmelody~ : Violet: *giggles* *huggles*.

[04:56:33] autumnmelody~ : Will: *pauses* "No." *gets a broom, sweeps the soil and salt away* *hesitates, opens the cell, picks sleeping tommy up*.

[04:56:45] Whistles : Bernard: *Places the emerald and diamond, silver ring in her hand*.

[04:57:03] autumnmelody~ : Violet: "For me?".

[04:57:05] Whistles : Jamie: O.O *He is actually doing this*.

[04:57:35] autumnmelody~ : Will: *hesitates more* "W-where to?".

[04:58:25] Whistles : Jamie: *Did not think this through* "Um...".

[04:58:46] autumnmelody~ : Will: =.= "Don't make me regret this.".

[04:59:10] Whistles : Scar: *Suddenly beside them* "This way." *Walks out and heads in a random drection*.

[04:59:21] Whistles : Jamie: "Lets follow him!".

[04:59:25] autumnmelody~ : Will: o.e *follows*.

[04:59:54] Whistles : Bernard: "Yes for you. Forever and ever and ever...

Last edited by autumnmelody~ on Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:29 am

[05:12:03] autumnmelody~ : Will: >.< *worryworryfear* "He's wet....and cold...." *about tommy*.
[05:14:40] autumnmelody~ : Violet: *huggles bernard*.

[05:17:17] autumnmelody~ : Will: "I also want to-" *freeze*.

[05:17:20] Whistles : Bernard: "Love you." *Kisses*.

[05:17:26] autumnmelody~ : Demetrius: "Where are you going?".

[05:17:37] autumnmelody~ : Demetrius: "And is that tommy?".

[05:17:58] Whistles : Jamie: O.O *Stops and looks at him* *Jumps in front of Will* "NOPE!.

[05:18:06] autumnmelody~ : Violet: *kisses back* "I'm glad I have you Bernard.".

[05:18:42] autumnmelody~ : Will: "'re the size of a small bird.....not exactly gonna block the way now are ya?" -.-"".

[05:19:03] autumnmelody~ : LOl i just remembered Ez calling her birdie after I typed that.

[05:19:16] Whistles : Jamie: "Just some...random kid that fell into the convenient if you'll excuse us, we need to check...something." *Glares at Will*.

[05:19:25] Whistles : I was remembering that earlir!.

[05:19:42] autumnmelody~ : lol jamie.

[05:20:02] Whistles : (Jamie: I was remembering, not you. I was sad because that nickname doesn't exist anymore.).

[05:20:10] autumnmelody~ : Demetrius: "No...that's tommy....I can tell by the clothing...".

[05:20:24] autumnmelody~ : Aww well you may just get it back.

[05:20:39] autumnmelody~ : Will: >.< "THanks birdbrain.".

[05:20:45] Whistles : Jamie: "And how would you know? CHECKING HIM OUT OR SOMETHING?".

[05:20:45] autumnmelody~ : ah well close enoughj.

[05:21:00] autumnmelody~ : BAHAHAHA.

[05:21:10] Whistles : xD.

[05:21:20] Whistles : This is why Jamie is my favorite....

[05:21:31] autumnmelody~ : Demetrius: ._. "I'm not stupid you-" *is knocked out by will's fist&*.

[05:21:53] autumnmelody~ : Will: >.>.

[05:22:14] Whistles : (Jamie: Ah thank you! Thank ya very much! *Imitating Elvis*).

[05:22:37] autumnmelody~ : I love ya jamie XD.

[05:22:43] Whistles : Jamie: o.o "GOOD JOB!" *Tries to pick Demetrius up* *Failing*.

[05:23:12] autumnmelody~ : Will: "You're too" *hands tommy to scar*.

[05:23:25] Whistles : (Jamie: *Imitating a guy in a speaker* AND JAMIE HAS LEFT THE BUILDING.).

[05:23:52] autumnmelody~ : Will: *half carries, half drags demetrius, since they're about the same size**.

[05:24:16] autumnmelody~ : I have to say I like Demetrius but I hardly use him.

[05:24:19] autumnmelody~ : he's quiet.

[05:24:23] autumnmelody~ : unlike Will.

[05:24:26] Whistles : Scar: *Is totes able to carry dead people. Cause the king of shadows is awesome like that *.

[05:24:40] autumnmelody~ : lol.

[05:25:03] Whistles : Jamie: *Wants to help* *Too small* "Darn...".

[05:25:42] autumnmelody~ : Will: *opens up a closet, surpresses demetrius's memories* *shoves him in*.

[05:25:55] autumnmelody~ : Demetrius: .

[05:26:01] Whistles : xD.

[05:26:06] Whistles : this is fun.

[05:26:22] autumnmelody~ : Will: *picks jamie up*.

[05:26:28] autumnmelody~ : I know~.

[05:26:36] Whistles : Jamie: "Umm...can you change me back now?".

Scar: *Puts Tommy down on a couch in a cottage that was SO just made conveniently right now.*.

[05:27:26] autumnmelody~ : Will: "No time now...I don't have the potion on me."

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:33 am

DARN. No potion. "I'm gonna be a mini me for awhile then..." I looked around the cottage and walked over to where Tommy was laying. He looked so small when he was sleeping! So cute! Scar was in some shadowy corner, being creepy. The usual.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:51 pm

Tommy stirred, bolting upright in fear. Where was he?! And why was Will here?! He scooted to the far edge of the couch, staring at Will with distrust and wrapping his arms around himself. His grey eyes wide with fear, and his small form trembling.

Violet hugged Bernard tightly and burried her face in his chest. "I love you so much. You make me really happy..." Violet said, "And I haven't felt this happy in a long time."

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:30 pm

"Tommy!" I yelled and ran over to where he was. He looked really scared. "Hey! Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, hoping he wasn't hurt still.

I hugged her tight, "I've never felt like this...ever. I love you, much..."
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:43 pm

Tommy picked Jamie up, holding her to him. "'E's here...why is 'e 'ere?!"

Will sighed and took a step forward, "Tommy, I'm not here to-"

"Stay away!!! I won't let ya 'urt 'er if that's what yer after!" Tommy shouted, clinging to Jamie tightly.

Violet hugged him back, standing on tiptoe to kiss him. "I love you too."

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:57 pm

Oooooh crap. Situation. "Tommy...calm down...this is my friend! He isn't going to hurt me or you." i stated, trying to calm him down.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:02 pm

"Friend?!" Tomy laughed nervously. "That's what they want ya to believe! And...And 'e's 'urt me before!!"

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:48 pm

"Well he won't anymore. If he does, you tell me and I make sure he doesn't again. Alright? And yes, he's my friend." Man, having Ez here was a lot different. Tommy never hated him like this...stupid authors and changing minds.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:53 am

"O-okay...." tommy agreed, trusting Jamie. "Where am I? Why are you so small anyway?" Tommy said, looking down at Jamie and poking her stomach.

Will sat down in the chair in the corner, pinching the bridge of his nose and giving a sigh. Was that how everyone saw him? As a monster?

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:06 pm

"You're at..." I stopped, looking around and realized I had no idea where we were. "Some random cottage or something. I'm small because it was the only way I could break into your cell." I said, then laughed when he poked my stomach.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:11 pm

Tommy stared at Jamie, a shell-shocked expression on his face. "B-break...out? I'm...I'm..f-free?" He asked, looking down at her.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:52 pm

I nodded, smiling a bit. "Yep. Your free, Tommy!"
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:58 pm

Tommy's eyes filled with happy tears, and he hugged jamie to him tightly. "I'm..I'm free!!! Oh 'appy day!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!,"

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:30 pm

I grinned, "No problem, kiddo! You don't deserve to be there!" I said, hugging him tightly and glancing over at Will. I felt bad...he didn't know any better...and his family would be mad at him.
Ale J.
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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:21 pm

Will sat there awkwardly, looking down at his feet and at the floor. It was like Tommy thought he was...some kind of monster. He had just been doing his job, just been doing as he had been told, just following what he had learned as a kid. Even Jamie seemed to see him as something...not good. So there Will sat, feeling like a small child and gazing at his converse and the floor boards.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:02 am

I hugged Tommy and looked over at Will, who was sitting there looking...sad. "Okay Tommy, go ahead and enjoy your new freedom!" I said, hoping he would go play or something so I could talk to Will.
Ale J.
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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:45 pm

Tommy gave Jamie one last squeeze before setting her gently down on the floor to go exploring. Will sat there, giving a small sigh and glaring down at his converse.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:18 pm

I gave Tommy a smile and walked over to Will.

"Hey there! Mind helpin' me up?" I asked. I still didn't like being small. It SUCKED.
Ale J.
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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:20 pm

Will nodded and gently picked her up, setting her on his knee so he could look at her while resting his head on his hand. "I should probably get that potion soon..."

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:01 pm

I nodded, "You should. Being tiny sucks. Are you okay?" I asked, sitting on his knee.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:18 pm

Will shrugged and looked away. "Yeah...why wouldn't I be?" he asked, avoiding her gaze. He began to wonder if she, too, saw him as a monster. Maybe she wouldn't want to be friends anymore....

Last edited by autumnmelody~ on Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:48 pm

I gave him a "Don't you dare lie to me, mister." face and answered, "Well...I getting all crazy earlier, and...I wanted to say...thank-you. I couldn't have rescued Tommy without you. I know you probably think I hate you, but I don't. So...yeah...."
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:21 pm

"You don't....?" Will asked, looking back at her. He gently placed her on his shoulder so they could be at somewhat of an eye level. "I thought you did...."

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Jail Break and Wedding Bells Empty Re: Jail Break and Wedding Bells

Post by Ale J. Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:35 pm

I shook my head wildly, "No way. I mean...I was mad. But I don't hate you. I probably never could. I mean...I can understand how you feel. I mean, I've killed and tortured, and broke so many people. But I never thought it was wrong...I was just mad at the moment. So, I don't hate you. I never have."
Ale J.
Ale J.

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