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AD...don't lock this again please

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:42 pm

Kylia was back in the room, on the verge of having a panic attack as she stared at her stomach, tears starting to course down her cheeks. She couldn't be pregnant. She couldn't.

The nurse looked at him. "Well, do you have any idea how far along the baby is? We might be able to if it's more than a month."

Hunter raised her brow. "Do you know where he's at? He could at least tell us who's paying him."


Name: Dustin William Barnets
Age: 20
Looks: AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Random+Hot+Guy+2
He's head of the gang Ben was in, was Landon's best friend, and is the guy that has it out for Caleb.

Last edited by Taylow on Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:45 pm

"Nope. Have to catch him, and those street rats are slippery little fellows." I give a curt little smile. Which is always fun.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:49 pm

No, lol Lorrick used to be the one high up in the gang ;] Cause then his sister and girlfriend came and talked sence into him. Or tried to.

Lorrick shook his head, running his fingers through his hair. "Either a week, or longer. I'm not sure. It's kind of complicated." He studied the nurse, his eyes pleading. "Can't you do something to figure it out? Some test?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:54 pm

( ok. So what's Ben's story? I forgot. And it is ok with everyone that I made him like everyone's bad guy..right?)

The nurse pursed her lips and sighed, giving a slight nod. "I'll talk to the doctor. I'm not licensed to do DNA testing, but I'm sure he could probably figure it out." She gave him a small smile then went to look for the doctor.

Hunter raised her brow, a small smile coming to her face. Well this was going to be fun. "Have any idea where to look?" She liked hunts, especially for sewer rats because they always put up the biggest fights.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:59 pm

"Eh. Alleyways, street corners, the old theatre, homeless shelter..." I list off. "Quite a few places."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:02 pm

Yeah, I don't mind =)) And Ben's story is actually....all over the place. I came up with it on the spot, so it's not the best lol. He was part of a gang, but he was the one who collected drug money, threatened the dealees, etc. He wanted out of the life, so he dropped under the radar. His gang found him and stole his car. Jeremey(his little bro) was pissed and tried to steal it back, getting shot for it. Now that Jeremey is dead, Ben wants revenge on the gang, but the gang wants him back. As I said. Not the best plot in the world haha I know x)

Lorrick nodded and walked back into the hospital room, running his hands over his face. He gently slid into the hospital bed with Kylia and gathered her up in his arms. "Don't cry," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:15 pm

(oooh. Ok, well I fixed it ^.^ muahaha)

Kylia turned, burrying her face in Lorrick. "I c-can't have his baby!" She cried, the tears fall in big wet drops, soaking his shirt. "I can't, Lorrick. I can't." Her body shook with her sobs, fear clutching at her heart.

Hunter watched him, considering his words for a minute then nodded. "Well what are we waiting for?" She stood, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. "Come on!"


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:23 pm

I chuckle, letting her bring me. "You that anxious to be back in a car for a few hours again?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:32 pm

Lorrick held her close to him, his eyes squeezed shut. "I'm so sorry," he whispered into her hair. "So sorry, Kylia." He unfolded his wings and lightly wrapped them around them once more, waiting for the doctor to return.

I love your DP, Tay! I'm in love with that movie <33 That's one of the things my boyfriend and I fight about ^.^ haha I say it's the most romantic movie out there. He says Seven Pounds is. lol

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:37 pm

Potential... I give a slow nod, my wings fanning slightly and fixing themselves again. Turning around, i sit at the entrance of the garage, fixing feathers to pass the time, listening carefully for anything.

hell not working again? want to PM Leon and Aya?

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:38 pm

Sure =) I learned that Hell doesn't work well when I have other windows opened. And before I reply, read my PM lol =P

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:41 pm

Kylia clung to him, crying herself to sleep just before the doctor came in. He looked at Lorrick and sighed. "The nurse told me you want to do a DNA test on the baby."

Hunter scowled and stopped, already outside Crap. She forgot about that. She raised her brow at him and smiled widely. "Ever wonder what it was like to fly?" She let her wings unfold, streaching them out to relieve them of the cramps.

It's one of my favorites to Kara! I'm mad that it isn't on instant play though >.> But! I did get the book today ^.^ yay me!


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:46 pm

I give her a look and a slight smile. "We're coming back for my car though, hope you know that."

replied to PM, kara

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:56 pm

(( There's a change in Ben's story, Tay! Thanks to BW lol. Ben quit the gang for Jeremy. Jeremy needed better guidance, a better role model, and Ben was mind set on being that for him. THe gang didn't like that at all. So they shot Jeremy, and now are wanting Ben back since Jeremy is out of the picture. I feel tons better with this plot lol ))

Ben fixed on the car for a couple hours before finally coming out from underneath of it. He had grease covering his face and arms and had it splattered on his clothes. Wipping his hand on a towel he looked over at Malakai. "Are you hungry?"

Lorrick nodded, not moving from Kylia's side. "We'd really appreciate it if you could," he said softl as to not wake her.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:01 pm

The doctor sighed and gave a small nod. "We'll have to take her back and see what we can do. We should be able to determine a father, even though she is so early into her pregnancy."

Hunter smiled widely and turned him around, wrapping her arms under his, and lifting into the air. He was heavy, but her last charge had been heavier, so it wasn't to bad. Besides, her wings could carry them both. "Where do you want to try first?"


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:05 pm

Lorrick nodded and retracted his wings from around Kylia. "Kylia," he whispered, shaking her slightly. "Love, wake up."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:06 pm

A few broken feathers out, i lean back on my hands and look over at Ben. "Not really," I murmur. "Are we going somewhere?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:10 pm

Ben shrugged his shoulders. "Only for about ten minutes or so." He made a face. "I think I want some McDonalds."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:13 pm

Kylia stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She looked at him and gave a small smile, then looked at the doctor and her face fell, and she clung tighter to Lorrick. The doctor gave her a small smile. "We need to take you back so we can do a DNA test on the baby, if that's alright with you."
Kylia looked from the doctor to Lorrick, waiting to see what he would say. Did he think it was safe? Would she be ok?


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:18 pm

"Alleyways involve a ton of ground to be covered... Let's start with the theater, I guess. there's always a few hanging around there," I say. This felt...odd. I study her wings as they beat, sort of lazily in the air though I'm sure it was some work to get up and go somewhere.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:20 pm

McDonalds... "I haven't eaten there years..." Odd to think of how much time its been since I became an angel. Weird thought....

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:23 pm

Lorrick kissed her forhead and started to untangle himself from her. "It's all right," he murmured. He looked up at the doctor. "Is there anyway I can go back with her?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:24 pm

Ben laughed and began to close the garage doors. "Well, you want something?"


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:27 pm

I shrug, standing from the ground. In public again. "We'll see," I say, looking up at him. McDonalds was supposed to be bad for you, right?

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 39 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:38 pm

"Which way is the theater?" Hunter glanced down at him as they passed through a cloud, seeming unphased by the cold it forced on them. "I don't think I've heard of it before." She dropped out of the cloud, her eyes turning back to the city that lay ahead of them.

The doctor watched him and sighed, giving a small nod. "Yes, you can." He then led them back to a small room with a table in the middle and had Kylia lay on it. She clung to Lorrick the whole time. Two hours later, the doctor came back to them in their room with the results. He looked at them both and smiled. "It does seem as if you two are the parents of this child."

Last edited by Taylow on Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


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