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Back to December

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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:48 am

Jarred stared at her. "Well what do you expect Anna? You just crushed a 'dream' of mine with another one of your stupid guilt trips."

Kale saw Meridith coming, and out of fear of getting things thrown at him, he quickly moved to the otherside of the room and stood in a corner. Why had he even agreed to come? He turned and started hitting his head against the wall.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:02 am

"Your dream shouldn't be crushed, I'm just a girl now, Jarred. My opinion shouldn't matter to you, not like it ever did," She added bitterly under her breath.

(you've turned Meredith into such a freak! throwing things?! Really?!)

Meredith noticed Kale banging his head against a wall and debated with herself before carefully picking her way over to him. "If you're having a seizure, I know what to do. Can you speak, Kale?" She ignored the fact that this was the first time they'd talked since last December.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:08 am

((well..I would throw things if he made me mad enough xD besides..Kale has a tendancy to over exaguate things...and I'm pretty sure I just spelled that wrong..*sigh*))

"Yes, I can speak Meridith." Kale said, continuing to hit his head against the wall, easily falling back into his old self after the wall was broken.

"Oh don't even start, Ann!" Jarred growled before running a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath. "You know what, I should just go. I don't know why I showed up here anyway." He turned to leave.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:10 am

(lol! xD)

"Why...why are you hitting your head against a wall?" Meredith asked, her brow furrowing, honestly a little concerned for his healthy.

"Don't, Jarred." Anna sighed.

(her name is Anna by the way, though he can call her Ann if he wants)

"I'm sorry. I just thought...maybe we could talk this out...but...that was stupid of me. We "talked" enough last December." More like fought.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:15 am

"Oh, you know how I get at parties. Bored. Start thinking to much." Kale said as he continued to hit his head. "Besides, the pain from the headache makes me focus on it, rather than...other things."

Jarred shook his head. "Would you quit that?" He growled as he glared at her. "Just quit with the guilt-tripping alright? I swear every conversation we have you do it!"


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:23 am

Meredith hesitated. She knew she was one of those "other things" he was referring to. She needed to loosen up...a birthday and valentine's day weren't that their anniversary...and he'd tried to make it up to her. "Mind if I try?"
She promptly began to bang her head against to the wall next to him.
Face it, they were both a bit cooky in the head.

"I wasn't guilt-tripping!" Anna said, throwing her hands in the air in a I-give-up sort of way. "Maybe earlier, but not now!"


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:30 am

"You were to! Don't even give me that bull! You always do! Always guilt trip! It's almost like every sentance out of your mouth was ment to tear me down in some way our another!" Jarred growled. "I swear Ann! Sometimes I think you're worse than my mother!"

Kale glanced over at her and put his hand infront of her forehead so she wasn't hitting the wall. "It would damage your pretty face." He frowned. "You don't want to do that."


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:40 am

Anna's eyes got teary, but she wouldn't let herself cry. Not in front of Jarred. Not at a /party/. "If you think I'm so awful then why did you waste your time on me?!"

Meredith smiled slightly, but bit her lip over it and looked at him with her brown doe eyes. "You're so sweet." She blushed after saying that and tucked her hair behind her ear, looking down at her shoes, then back up at him. "I..." She wasn't sure how to talk to him now.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:44 am

Kale put a finger to her lips. "You are...wanting a glass of punch?" he asked pretending he could read her mind. It was easier to flirt with her like he did before anything got serious. Then everything was ok, so he would be ok.

"Because I loved you, still love you. I just" Jarred shook his head and sighed. "You know what? Forget this conversation even happend." He said and turned, going towards his car.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:48 am

Meredith eyes got crossed as she looked in surprised at the finger pressed to her lips. But then she looked back up at him with a smile. She gently pushed away the finger from her lips so she could speak. "Yes, that sounds good."

"Why? Why do you want to forget me so badly?" Anna said, her voice for once quiet. "You just want to go to Australia and get some new girlfriend and forget I ever happened...don't you?"


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:53 am

Jarred ignored her and got in his car and sat there with the doors closed. His head hit the stearing wheel and he let out an angry shout. Why did she do this to him? Of course he wanted to forget. Once you take those steps foreward, become more than friens, you can't take those steps back. You just can't! And no, he didn't want to go get a girlfriend in Australia. He couldn't stand the thought of being with anyone but Ann. But at the moment he wasn't really safe around anyone.

Kale smiled and led the way towards the punch table, his head red where it had been hitting against the wall. He picked up a glass of punch and handed it to her. "Becareful, that color of punch won't look good with your dress." Kale had been planning on becoming an Art major. Now he was reconsidering.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:57 am

Anna bit her lip and sank to the ground of the porch, hugging her knees to her chest. It was cold and she didn't have a jacket and she would probably catch some kind of hypthermia. But she didn't want to go back inside. Not with tears sliding down her face like they were now.

Meredith laughed slightly, if a bit nervously. She took a careful sip of punch, making sure none of it got near her dress. But then she noticed the red on his forehead. "Now /your/ face is ruined. Does it hurt?"


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:01 am

"Huh?" Kale asked looking a little confused as he tried to look at his forehead. "Oh, it's alright. Don't worry about it."

Jarred sat in the car, waiting for his temper to decrease as he thought of all the different excuses he could give the hostess so he could leave.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:05 am

"If you're sure...." Meredith trailed off, not believing him.

Anna realized Jarred was still sitting in his car, and she knew why.
She walked over to it and tapped on the window until he opened it.
"I'll tell her you got sick, that's why we came out here -- to get away from the heat -- and so you decided to go home."
It wasn't a question, Anna would do that for Jarred. Easily.
It wasn't a big deal, anyways.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Avery Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:35 am

Taylow wrote:Tara gulped and shook her head. "Nothing, nothing's wrong." She looked down at her hands and pulled gently at her fingers, taking deep, hopefully unnoticeable, breaths to keep the tears from coming. "Just family stuff. You know how it goes."

(Lolz, everytime I see Tara, I can only think of Tara and Arlo and how we completely left them in Glee.)

"Are you sure you're alright? I mean, I know things have been shaky since... You know.. But, I want you to know that you can talk to me," Adrian said. He was still in love with her... He knew he was, but she had gotten so freaked out. And even after the countless apologies, she still didn't come back.

Bells wrote:Blake grinned, "Mom is almost able to cut down to one job. The same with Dad. The last Guy I painted for liked the picture so much he paid me fifteen hundred for it, the man was rich. Hows things been with you?"

Cassidy matched his grin with a smile of her own. "That's great!" She said. "Well... I've been okay... Focused on school, parents aren't really home that often, though." She couldn't tell him about the nights she stayed awake with guilt, seeing both of their hurt faces under her eyelids. Some nights she would just cry for hours, but she managed to pull it together during the day.

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Join date : 2010-10-09

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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:18 am

"no, no I'm sure." Kale said with a lopsided smile as he watched her. He took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck. Kale couldn't help but notice that she was awefully pretty tonight. "So, uh what you been up to?"

Jarred was still fighting to control his temper. He rolled the window down just a crack. "No, it's fine." He muttered. He knew his temper was the one that was wanting him to leave. He would feel bad for abandoning the hostess.

Tara nodded and started to chew on her full lip again. "Mom kicked me out of the house again." She said quietly, kicking herself inwardly for saying anything. "And dad won't talk to me. We haven't talked since...well since December."


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Avery Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:33 am

Adrian fought the urge to hug her, feeling like he might only make things worse. "Where are you staying now?" He asked, pushing a strand of hair out of her face with his free hand and then putting it back into his pocket. Her hoped she wasn't staying on some couch or on the street or something. That would kill him.

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Join date : 2010-10-09

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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:37 am

"Kim's couch until I find some place." Tara shrugged, very aware of him tucking her hair behind her ear. "It's not like it's the first time she's done this. She freaks out over little things and thinks I'm in cahoots with the pastor." She sighed and wrapped her arms around herself desperately wanting to hug him, wanting him to make everything better.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Avery Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:31 pm

Adrian pulled her over and gave her a tight hug, even thought it made the ache in his chest grow a bit larger. "I know it might not be any better, but I'm here for you and I've got a spare room and key." He sighed, letting her go, looking at his feet. He bit down on his lip, hoping she didn't yell at him.

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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:36 pm

(@Avery: Lolz...Tara and Arlo...)

Meredith sort of shrugged. She traced the rim of the glass with her finger as she spoke, a nervous gesture on her part. "Keeping up with all my usual clubs. Student council especially, last year as treasurer..." She just then realized how dull her life sounded and shut up. "How about you?"

Anna just looked at him for a moment. "You say I never do anything for you, that it's always about me, but then when I offer to do something for you you turn it down." She turned on her heel headed back to the house.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:45 pm

When did he say that?! Jarred growled as he knuckled whitened against the stearing wheel. He started his car and started to pull out of the dirveway. He needed a drive. She had to be the mose frustrating person in the world.

Tara gave a small smile. "Thanks, Adrian." She went back to pulling at her fingers. "A-Adrian? Can I ask you a question?" She cleared her throat, that last sentance making her voice crack slightly.

Kale shrugged and looked down at his feet. They looked gianormous if you asked him. "Got accepted into the Art program at the local college, um..started working at Sammy's. You know? The shake shop? Ya..that's about it."


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Avery Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:50 pm

Adrian looked back at her, metting her eyes. "Yeah?" He asked, fiddling with his pockets. He was glad they were slightly off to the side, because he noticed people starting to crowd the floor.

Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:51 pm

Anna went back inside with a slam of the heavy front door, going back to her friends. She slid on a happy face for them to hide that they'd had a fight.

"Art program? That's great," Meredith said with a smile. And unlike ANNA, she was genuinely happy for her ex. Meredith herself was going to some fancy Ivy League college, but art college was perfect for Kale. They were kind of an odd couple if you looked at the objectively.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:58 pm

"What if I hadn' away...that night?" Tara asked, still not daring to look at him. She couldn't stand watching him if he had already gotten over her. But at the same time she couldn't watch the pain in his eyes if he hadn't.

Kale smiled widely and nodded. "Ya, I'm excited. They let me into the animation department. So maybe I'll work for Disney someday." He joked, though for him that really would be awesome. He always admired the people that worked for disney.


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Back to December - Page 4 Empty Re: Back to December

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:58 pm

Jarred pulled out of the drive way and went speeding down the street.


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