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Sound of Madness

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:13 pm

!nspired wrote:(hi :o)

Max misses Dana...hint hint...
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:36 pm

Ayame watched patiently, nodding when she felt it was appropriate. She felt a small smile on her lips as she walked through the house, feeling an overwhelming sense of safe wash through her. Kozue protected her all the time, but this was something completely different. Being in a house where she actually had a bed. Not feeling like someone would come in during the night because she had a lockable door.

Kozue: -downstairs still-

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:40 pm

Asher continued leading her through the house, working down to the first floor. "This is the living room, where most of us will just hang or watch some TV or something. The computer has internet, but try not to get a virus on it. Mady hates having to fix that all the time." He explained as he led them to the dining room and then to the kitchen. "Will Kozue want something to eat?"

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:43 pm

Ayame pursed her lips just as Kozue was coming out. She had stripped off her first layer of clothing, now wearing a pair of white jean shorts and a zip up hoodie over a tank-top, the sleeve pulled to her elboiws. her hair was pulled back messily and she raised an eyebrow. "Did someone say my name?" She asked, cocking her head slightly.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:45 pm

Asher smiled as she appeared and opened teh fridge. "Yea, i was wondering if you wanted something to eat." he explained as he pawned through the fridge to find something to eat. "Do you guys want cold pizza, salad, or grilled cheese?" he asked, looking at the lack of supplies in the fridge.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:57 pm

Kozue pursed her lips, thinking. "Aya-chan, want to split a salad?" She asked. Ayame grinned and nodded, prancing over to Asher and grabbing the ingredients. She pulled something together quickly and grabbed two forks, bringing the bowl to Kozue, who took a bit bite. Ayame followed sit and even though they didn't eat quickly, they looked at the food as if they hadn't had it in a while.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:14 pm

Asher watched as the two ate. "You guys can have whatever you want. With like...five or six people who live under this roof working we have enough money to get plenty of food for us." he explained and leaned agains the counter with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He found himself looking at Josie intently for a few seconds. She seemed so...different then anyone here. It intrigued him. Not to mention she was very cute.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:30 pm

Kozue watched Asher for a moment, only to smile again. Agamemnon was trying to to stare at him, though, she noticed. She was definitely starting to get a crush on him and Kozue knew when to back off. She wouldn't try anything if she could help it... But she was still human. Kozue led Ayame into the living room are and sat down in the middle of the couch, Ayame to her left, not really eating anymore. Neither of them were. Ayame set the bowl on the table and they went quiet. Not out of mood change, but out of boredom. Maybe if they could split up, they would be more social.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:48 pm

Raffi walked down the stairs and stumbled upon two cute asains in the living room. "Woah...either my prayers have been answered about two hot asains showing up here magically, or we have new people...Asher?" hekept his eyes on the red-haired one (Ayame does have reddish hair, right?) and he smiled. He glided over to her and sat on the arm rest on the couch. "Hello. My name is raffi and I don't believe I have had the honor of meeting you," he grinned to her, holding out his hand for her to shake.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:56 pm

(Yeah, it's reddish)

Another guy, huh? Kozue's eyes locked on him for a moment, glad her blonde hair covered most of her face on that side. She turned and looked at Asher, throwing him a wide smile and then looking away. "I'm Ayame," the smaller girl said, "and that's Kozue. We just got here today," she smiled. Kozue was wondering what they could do. The tv wasn't small... Maybe they had movies... They both liked movies and maybe she could sacrifice her seat to one of the boys and sit with the other.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:23 pm

Raffi smiled at the smallish girl. She was so cute the way sue talked. "Well, welcome. I'm glad you decided to stay at hotel runaway. I hope you enjoy your stay here." he grinned to her and glanced at the tv. "Is thre something you guys would like to watch or something like that?" he asked them. He caught Asher smiling back at the other girl and held back a small chuckle.

Cici wandered upstairs with a tray of food for the new guy. She knocked on he door with her foot and stood there with the tray braced against her. "Hey, do you want some lunch? I warmed up some pizza for you." she told him as she stood there. She would t barge into his room likeshe did with the others until she knew him better.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:31 pm

Camden's heart nearly stopped as he jolted from his sleeping state. He clutched at his now bar chest for a moment until he had a grip on reality. He had taken off his shirt before his nap, the room nearly overheating. He'd need to get a fan soon. He got up, pushing back his hair and opening the door with a sleepy smile. "Thanks," he said, his eyes warm.

Ayame shrugged at he exact same time Kozue did and then they chuckled quietly. "Do you have any movies?" She asked. Kozue nodded hopefully, gettin up and moving to the other couch, giving up her seat to whoever wanted it and right now, it looked like that Raffi boy. Kozue hid behind her hair as she chuckled, looking at her seat and the rest of the empy couch.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:37 pm

Cici smiled to him and offered the tray off food. Her eyes traveled to his shirtless chest for a half second before going back to his eyes. "no problem." She leaned against the doorjamb and smiled up to him. "I hope you like it here." she told him.

Raffi took the spot next to Ayame and smiled to her. Asher rolled his eyes and sat down on the other side of the couch as Kozue, and made sure he could see her out of the corner of his eye. Why was he so infatuated by her?
"We have a few movies." he grabbed the box that was stored under the couch that was filled with DVDs and copies of DVDs. "You can look through to find something you guys would like to watch." he told them, a smile on his face.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:44 pm

Kozue looked through the box, finally picking a movie in putting it into the DVD player. When she came to sit back down, she was closer to Asher. Close enough so their legs were touching a tiny bit, but unlike normal, she didn't mind this physical contact. Ayame had run off to change and when she came back, she was wearing a pair of tiny fabric shorts and a tanktop with they same type of goodie Kozue had on except it was a lush pink. She took her seat and then lookmed at Raffi with a smile. "Can I put my legs on you?" She asked.

Camden sat down, inviting her in if she wanted and took a bit of the pizza, setting the plate of his desk. "I have a feeling I will. Most ofthe people are pretty cool and I trust that Raffi wouldn't put me in some hellhole," he saidwith a smile. They had been close friends for nearly ten years and he trusted Raffi with a lot of things.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:59 am

Cici smiled and walked in and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Well, I'm glad he invited you here." She smiled to him and sat on the bed with her legs crossed. "So, how long ahve you known raffi?" She asked him, tilting her head to look at him. He had been her almost a year now, so she wondered how they got a hold of each other. Most people in the group ignore their past friends and what not.

Raffi grinned to her. "You can do what ever you want." He told her. The outfit change was cute.
Asher rolled his eyes at his friend and mumbled something along the lines of 'perv' under his breath so no one else would hear him. Kozue sat back down next to him and their legs touched slightly. He didnt move away incase she wanted to keep them there.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:33 pm

Ayame smiled, laying her long, slim legs in his lap, laying back against the arm of the couch as she wacthed the t.v. screen. Ocassionally, she glanced back at Raffi or to Kozue, who seemed to be watching the movie intently. Kozue, really, was trying to keep her attention off Asher. He was cute and maybe now she didn't need to feel so guilty about thinking it because it seemed that Ayame had completely changed the direction of her like.

Camnden smiled and shrugged. "Ten years or so," he said thoughtfully. "How long have you known him?" He asked her, cocking his head slightly. The girl was cute and made him slightly curious.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:53 pm

Raffi reached his arm back so it rested on the back of the couch and his fingers touched her shoulder. He grinned over to asher who just rolled his eyes again. It was as if raffi liked pushing the rules.
Asher would glance over at Kozue every now and then, and would smile. Maybe some rules were meant to be broken.

Cici thought for a few seconds. "A bit over a year and a half." She finally told him. She played with the bottom of her shirt and looked up to smile to him. "I wonder why we never heard about you....but come to think about it, he doesnt talk about his past all that much." She shrugged.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:07 pm

Ayame noticed his fingers on her shoulder and her eyes dropped, a small smile forming on her face. There were little tingles in the pit of her stomach when she finally looked up at him and then quickly back to the movie. Kozue was resting her head against the back of the couch, her eyes a bit droopy.She didn't want to go to sleep, though. Not in front of them.

Camden raised his eyebrows slightly. "I guess he has other things to talk about, though... or a lot on his mind. I'm not usually around anyway," he smiled.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:03 pm

Cici nodded and looked up at him. "Why arent you around?" She asked, slightly confused. Was he just not around often when they were younger or something? She could see him not being around lately, becuase not many old friends visited the group often.

Raffi conintued watching the movie, but glanced ove at Ayame often. He found her quite adorable.When she looked up at him he smiled down to her warmly. His fingers would glide over her shoulder gently, barely touching her.

Asher saw Kozue getting tired. "Hey, if you want to sleep you dont need to stay up to watch this." He told her softly.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:13 pm

Kozue jumped at the sound of his voice, her heart beating wildly and her cheeks flooding with heat. "Huh? No, it's fine. I'm barely tired," she said, sitting straighter. Her legs were touching his even more, but she didn't really notice, adrenaline from the scare still keeping her eyes wide open.

Ayame leaned a bit closer, but the movement didn't look like she was trying to get closer, just more comfortable. She like his hand on her shoulder and smiled a little when he rested it on her even further.

"My band plays in a lot of different places," Camden explained. "So, I travel a lot. I never really stay in one spot for a long time... This might be the longest I plan on settling down."

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:22 pm

Asher nodded and went back to the movie. He smiled when her legs brushed against his again. "you alright?" He asked, noticing her jump. He didnt scare her that easily, did he? It wasnt like he was trying to.

Raffi wrapped his arm around her shoulders when she moved closer. partically because it would be comflier then resting his arm on teh back of teh couch. and two because he liked being able to hold her.

Cici smiled to him. "So, you are in a band?" She tilted her head at him and listened to what he said. "How long do you plan on staying?" He wasnt going to just get up and leave randomly, was he? Cici hated when people did that.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:33 pm

Camden shrugged. "I just plan on leaving the next time I get a call to do a performance," he said with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm a a band... Me and a few friends started it when we were teens."

Ayame leaned against him, trying to press her lips into a straight line, trying not to smile or blush. He was nice and she didn't mind leaning against him. She just had to remember that she wasn't supposed to try anything romantical. It was against the rules.

"Yeah, I was nearly asleep though and I guess you shocked me awake," Kozue said after she had calmed down. her eyes took on their normal sarcastic, slightly annoyed, carefree look as she watched him and her lips curled into a small smile.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:20 pm

Cici nodded and held back a frown. She didnt like when people just left the group. This was her family, and she hated when her family broke up. "Thats cool. What do you play?" She asked, smiling to him sweetly.

(no idea what to do for Raffi...haven them finish the movie?)

Asher chuckled softly. "I'm sorry about that. Didn't mean to wake you if you were asleep." He apologized to her and stretched his arms over his head. When he put his hands back in his lap, one of them brushed against her leg.

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:25 pm

(Yeah, that'd work)

Kozue watched his hand as it brushed her leg and couldn't help but advert her eyes when she blushed. "It's fine," she said after a minute. "I should have gone into my room to sleep." She shrugged it off like it was nothing, but she felt a good deal of embarrassment.

"I play the guitar, piano, and drums," Camden said, nodding to the guitar case in his room. It was an old acoustic, but in the closet he had his electric. "I like to do a lot of different stuff when I play different gigs." He threw her a bright smile. "Do you play anything?"

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:34 pm

Asher caught her blush and grinned. "Yea, you probably should have." He chuckled softly and leaned back on the couch. The movie came to an end, the closing credits started to fill the screen. He glanced over at Raffi and Ayame. Raffi looked like he wasnt about to move.

Cici nodded. "I play the ukulele. It's pretty fun." She shrugged and looked at the guitar case. "I always wanted to learn guitar, but my parents got me a ukuele instead."

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Sound of Madness - Page 22 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

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