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Sound of Madness

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:41 pm

Kozue chuckled, nodding, but her cheeks turned a light pink. She brushed her blonde hair back despite the color in her cheeks and yawned again. "Maybe I will just chill in my room," she said. "Aya-chan, are you coming?" She asked. Ayame looked comfortable leaning against Raffi and she shook her head slightly. It was weird, not having company when she hung out. Kozue walked off to her room with the slightly hope she'd have company, even if they didn't talk.

Camden smiled. "That's so awesome!" He said. He figured it was like a mini guitar but he never learned how to play it. "Maybe you could give me lessons?" He asked, cocking his head slightly, his dark eyes holding a hopeful look.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:18 pm

Asher got up with her and followed her up the stairs. He went into his own room that was across the hall from her. He kept the door open and sat down at his desk. The desk was positioned that he could see out to the hall and look into what used to be the empty room across from him.

Raffi smiled down to her and chuckled softly. "Alone at last," he muttered mainly to himself. He wouldnt try to do anything with her, but he was surprised that Asher left them seeing as Asher knew about the previous times he broke the rule. "You didn't want to go with your friend?"

Cici laughed lightly an smiled to him. "Sure, as long as you teach me some guitar." she reasoned with him, a wide grin on her face. This was perfect, she could teach someone else how to play, something she had always wanted to do, and she could learn her favorite instrument. She looked back into his dark eyes, and butterflies came to her stomach.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:29 pm

Ayame shrugged. "Because I'm comfortable already," she smiled, snuggling her head into him a little like he was a pillow. "And sometimes Kozue likes to be alone. She doesn't like to talk that much when I want to talk." Ayame smiled a little bit and the yawned a small yawn.

Kozue laid on the bed, her face facing the doorway that allowed her to see straight through to Asher's room. She got an idea and hopped from her bed, disappearing for a second only to throw a paper airplane into his room with a smile as she laid back down.


Camden nodded eagerly. "For sure," he said, a wide smile occupying his face. This was turning into a wonderful friendship, he could tell. But he couldn't help think that because she was nice and cute, he might try to break the one rule in this awesome house.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:28 pm

Raffi chuckled and patted her arm as she snuggled into him. "Well, I'm a great listener if you want to talk about anything." He told her softly, lying slightly. He didnt really listen when girls talk, but he let them get whats on their chests off. "And I'm glad you are comfy."

asher saw the plane and picked it up, reading the message on it. A smimpled hi, but it made him smile. He folded it back up and sent it back to her. He looked down at the oragami paper in front of him and started on the next fold.

Hey, whats up?

Cici smiled widely and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "This will be great." She couldnt help but smile when he did. his smile was contagous and addicting. She had broken the romance rule once before, but wasnt caught. Maybe she could pull of doing that again.


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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:55 pm

Kozue laughed and scribbled back into the paper airplane, watching it soar gracefully back into his room. She felt like a grade schooler, sending messages through notes. What really topped off the feeling was that she got butterflies whenever the plane came back into the room.

Not a whole lot, just hanging out :]

Ayame shrugged, her lips in a small smile. She only talked to Kozue because she was the only person that she knew she could trust. She was still leaning against Raffi, though. He smelled good, she noticed... Like... Boy. It was just a certain smell that they had that she liked. She pulled her hair over her shoulder, allowing her to press a bare ear against his shoulder.

Camden nodded, in full agreement. He watched her carefully, seeing someone other than the hyper active, slightly annoying girl he had initially thought she was. She was cool, well rounded for a runaway, cute, and smart. He liked hanging around her and he liked that she smiled when he did.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:27 pm

Asher smiled and scribbled down another note to her. He liked talking to her like this, even if it was via paper airplanes. he tossed it into her room and smiled. She seemed so cute and adorable.
it seems like we are in middle school again with this note thing. he wrote at first, and then added: It's kinda nice and fun

Cici smiled back to him, her eyes sparkling with happiness. He reminded her of her ex, before he got controlling. She diet know if that was a good or bad thing, but she liked it. She liked him a lot. Even though they weren't saying anything, she felt like an unsaid conversation was happening.

Raffi smiled when she cuddled closer to him. "You know, you are really adorable." She kind of acted like a little kid and it made him smile inside. He loved how she acted so cutesy and adorable like this. It made him happy for some reason.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:53 pm

Kozue laughed quiet as she read the note and couldn't help but notice that their handwriting looked good together, not that they'd be writing a lot of notes... Though she wouldn't mind that. She smiled happily as she wrote back. Her mind was buzzing, sending anticipation shooting through her veins.

All we need are lockers and a rude teacher. It is nice.

Ayame blushed deeply, looking down and then let her hair fall normally again. She hadn't had anyone compliment her since she was younger, Kozue called her Aya-chan, but that was different. Kozue also called her adorable, but she knew it was different, much different, coming from a boy."Thanks," she said quietly.

Camden chuckled and leaned bck on his bed. "Maybe we could do a little bit each night?" He suggested. "But maybe that's just a lame excuse to hang out with you more," he chuckled, looking down a little. Inside, he was shocked that he had actually said that outloud... But then again, he was pretty imulsive.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:53 am

Ahser chuckled softly at what she put and smiled. He looked over at her and smiled before writing down a responce. He liked that they could talk withou talking. Over the few hours they had known eachother they had become great friends. At least, he hoped they had.

yeah. And prissy snobs who think they are better than everyone else. he tossed the plane back and smiled when it landed right in front of her/

Raffi smiled at her bright blush. He brushed her hair out of her face and put a finger under her chin to get her to look up at him. "You are even cuter with the blush." he told her softly, his voice low as he spoke.

Cici smiled when he gave the time line for them. "Everynight sounds great." she told him softly, a blush working up to her cheeks at the next thing he said. "I don't mind hanging out with you." she laughed lightly and bit her lower lip. He wanted to hangout with her? She never really hung out with anyone in the group. She did with Julian for a bit, but that was it and Paris had stepped in basically stopping them from hanging out.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:35 pm

Aww, so you mean there aren't any girls like that here?

Kozue sent the airplane soaring into his room, sitting up onto her bed with her elbows resting on her knees. Her blonde hair was let down from earlier and hung in shining waves down her back. She picked at her nails quietly as she waited. She quickly reached for her makeup bag after getting an idea.

Ayame blushed even more, turning slightly so she was facing him more. "Thanks," she said, her voice a bit more quiet than before. She shivered very slightly as he put his fnger under her chin so she was looking straight as him.

Camden grinned, his eyes ablaze with emotion, mostly happiness... And relief. He had expected her to blow him off or call him corny. But she didn't. "Cool. Maybe we can start having lessons tomorrow?" He suggested.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:15 pm

Well, carly can be like that, and demi used to be but she left. Remy is nothing like that....She is way to innocent to be living in a place like this. She's the jock of this house i guess you could say.

Asher tossed the plane back to her room and did a couple more folds to the piece of light pink paper infront of him. He was working on a rose. He knew how to make one because of videos, but he could never manage too make one.

Raffi smirked as she got quieter. He had an urge to kiss her, right then and there. They were alone, so they wouldnt get caught. But he had just met her, and he didnt want to scare her. His eyes looked over her and he sighed softly.

Cici smiled and nodded, looking into his eyes. "Tomorrow sounds great." Tomorrow was far, but it did mean he wasnt leaving right away. But now that she thought about it, he wouldnt move in and unpack to just leave the next day. He had to be staying a while.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:19 pm

Kozue laughed loud enough that it would be heard in the other room. "Come here," she said across the hall, laying on her back with her head toward the door. She pulled over her computer chair, rolling it by the bed with a smile. She fixed her hair a little, though she didn't know why. Her eyes still had the slightly sarcastic look in them which was what she was thankful for. She didn't want to seem like she liked him.

Ayame locked eyes with him and then quickly twisted away, her heart racing faster. She was like a kid in many ways, but she tried not to break rules. She could see it going farther than it was if she didn't get away.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:11 pm

Asher chuckled and stood up, leaving the paper on his desk. He walked into her room and sat down on her bed. "Ok, i'm here." He told her, leaning against the wall with his fett dangling off the edge of the bed. "Any reason you wanted me to be in here? airplane notes getting boring?" He joked.

Raffi wrapped his arm around her again. "Why is it, that I have known you for all of a couple hours and already want to break the rules?" He asked softly, whispering into her ear. He wanted to hold her close, keep her against him forever.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:18 pm

Kozue's eyes widened fractionally. "Oh... Wow... I mean, I thought I had something to say to you, but now that you're actually here," she paused.... Now that she was actually here, her thoughts were kind of melting," I guess I can't remember." She propped herself up on her elbows, watching him, her eyes locking with his. "Sorry about that," she said.

Ayame shook her head and twisted again, a small grunt escaping her lips. "I don't like to break rules," she said urgently, slipping away again. She sat on the arm of the couch facing him and she couldn't help but smile shyly. She would if he broke it first, but not on her own.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:57 am

Asher smiled to her and shrugged. "It's fine. I dont mind spending time with you, even if you have no idea why you wanted me in here." He met her eyes and his smile widened slightly. A piece of hair fell out from behind her ear and he reached over to brush it back.

Raffi nodded and watched her. "If you want my opinion, its more of a guide line then a rule. Devon only made it to keep his sister in line. Especially with Derek around." He chuckled softly and glanced over his shoulder to see derek come in the front door, his hair soaked.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:35 pm

Kozue looked away as she blushed very lightly. "Cool," she said, turning a bit so she was facing him, her hair falling onto his lap a little. Sh looked up at him with the same hazel eyes she always had. "What made you take us in so quick?" She asked. "How did you know we weren't some crazy pervs?"

Ayame jumped slightly as the other boy walked in. She scanned over him quickly and then looked back at Raffi, her eyes wide. "Guidlines? I see," she said, nodding slightly. "Guidlines," she repeated quietly.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:29 pm

Asher looked over her and smiled. "I... When i saw you two walking and heard you talking I felt bad. I normally wouldnt invite people over, but you guys were two girls on the street." He brushed her hair back again and lifted her chin so he could look at her. "I didnt want anything bad to happen to you for some reason."

Derek looked at the two on the couch. "New group members?" He asked, slighlty confused. raffi laughed lightly at Derek and Ayame's faces.
"Derek, meet Ayame. Ayame, meet derek."

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Avery Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:51 pm

Kozue shifted again, so her head was resting in his lap and she was looking up at him. "Probably because we look like anime school girls," Kozue joked. She loved making a point tat they were Asian because none of her friends were... Well, except for the ones she left home.

"Hello," Ayame said with a wide smile. His hair was wet and she assumed it was raining outside. Jst then, a crack of thunder rolled through the house and she stiffened. Thunder ha always been one of the scariest things to her... She knew Kozue wasn't afraid and it was weird, not having her right next to her.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

Post by Momo13 Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:52 pm

Asher laughed lightly and ruffled her hair. "Sure it was." He smiled down to her, his smiling warming. his eyes were kind when he looked down to her. "Good thing anime school girls are cute, eh?" He chuckled.

Raffi watched her stiffen and Derek walked off. He pulled her into his lap gently. "you scared of the storm?" He asked, a slight smile in his face. "I'll protect you if you are." He gently brushed her hair back and smiled kindly to her.

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Sound of Madness - Page 23 Empty Re: Sound of Madness

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