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Lets try again and Lets try again...

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:14 pm

I laughed and ran faster, barely dodging a wall that came too close and almost made me run into it. "Where do you want to go?" I yelled out to Angela. I could hear the air whizzing past my ears.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:10 am

I sat next to Jake, feeling his pulse. "He's fine. Just unconcious." I said calmly. He was bleeding in a few places and might have more injuries. I put my hand against his cheek, going into his head and watching his dream. It would seem an invasion of privacy, but we did it all the time to calm each other down. He was dreaming about the time we were on the run in New York. We were looking at the statue of liberty at night, I remembered it being so nothing I had ever seen before. An hour after we left there, I remembered we got caught in an attack. But he wasn't dreaming of that. He only dreamt of the good things. I took my hand off his cheek and let him be undisturbed. I leaned my head against his shoulder and asked Ezra, "What do you think we should do?"
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:32 am


"Get him out of here. We need to hide him or at least find away out." I replied, looking over my shoulder at Milena. She'd be down for a while.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:22 pm

I nodded. "Okay, But where should we go? As far as I can tell this place is huge." I looked around, so many doors and was like a maze.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:11 am

"We'll have to figure that out on the way," I said, throwing Jake over my shoulder. Gosh, he was heavy. I staggered a bit at first, but I regained my balance. "Where to?" I asked, looking down at Alyson.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:10 am

Angela giggled, throwing back her head and grinning wildly. She loved the feel of the wind rushing past her face, it was almost as if. She was free and at home on a windy day. "Anywhere but here." Sh informed him putting her lips close to his ear as if to make sure he could hear her. "I wanna be free....."

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:41 pm

"Umm maybe this way!" I said, turning down one hallway and looking into a room with five more doors. There were sooo many doors! I chose the second one and opened it, it had mirrors covering the walls and the ground. "Whoa...."
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:48 pm

Control Room and Such....

"So what do you think we should do with Ryan and Angela, Bells?" I asked, watching them on the monitor.
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:03 pm


I looked down, so many mirrors. I took a step in carefully. It was like a creepy fun house...a really creepy, dark, fun house.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:31 pm

"Sometimes I don't know what those authors have in their head..." I said, and walked carefully on the mirrors. There was a different door on the other would probably be strange too....
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:05 pm

Control room.

"Hm, " I thought for a moment then grinned and grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled on it. A wall dropped down infront of Angela and Ryan, and behind them. The only place left to go was a door to their right.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:16 am

Control Room

"I like the way you think.." I smiled and watched the monitor.

I was about to say something, but out of nowhere, a wall came down in front of me. I almost crashed into it, but I had stopped, accidently falling and taking Angela down with me. "What the hell..."
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:26 pm


"I honestly don't know half the time," I said, following her and carrying Jake. "We just need to hide him in case they come back." Sticking around would not have been a good idea.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:51 pm

Angela stared at the door then looked around with a growl as she spotted the camera. "They're watching us." She grumbled, trying to ignore the fact she was on the ground with Ryan on/beneath her. Her cheeks were a soft red color.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:30 pm

I opened the next door. A pitch black room...whoa. I couldn't see my own hand in front of me. "Can't they put a light in this room? Gosh..." I looked around the room and stepped in. "Maybe..." I mumbled to myself, holding out me hands and making a bright light come off of them. The light shot around the room and landed in the air, but it was still black everywhere. I sighed and felt around for a door.

I realized I was on top of her. I got off kind of fast, making me look nervous. "I..uh...sorry..." I said, I could feel heat rising to my cheeks.
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:35 pm

Angela blushed and pulled herself to her feet with a smile. "Its fine." She told him, brushing off her pants and glaring up at the camera. "I guess we are spose to go in there." She muttered gesturing at the door.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:42 am

I got onto my ffet and nodded. "Okay, let's go in...." I went over to the door, walking in without actually looking at the room. I held the door open for Angela.
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:45 am


I smiled and walked past him, freezing a few feet in as I got a good look at the room. No. Freaking. Way.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:41 am


Gosh it was dark, I tried not to fall because if I went down Jake went with me. "Do you see a door? Or a light switch?"

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:41 am

"I'll start feeling around for one..." I felt around the walls, looking for a switch. But I felt something at my foot. "Ezra, I think I found something..." I dropped to my knees and felt a handle, lifting it up from the ground.

I turned around to see the room and-

Oh hell no.

I turned around to open the door and saw it closed, reaching out, I grabbed the handle. I gave it a few twists and a pull, but it was locked from the outside.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:19 pm


"What is it?" I asked her, I couldn't see at all. "Is it safe?"

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:42 pm


No. Freaking. Way.

There was no way I was going to sit in a candle lit room with Ryan. Can you say awkward? ???

Seeing him try the door I groaned, "Locked?"

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:10 pm

I gave the door one more pull and sighed, stepping away from it.

"Yep...." I said, looking around nervously, I was kind of glad there wasn't alot of light in here. Angela wouldn't be able to see how much I was blushing...

Great, thank you authors for making things awkward....
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:30 pm


I sighed and glanced at the table as music stared to play.

Crap. I was blushing. Oh dear mother don't see me blushing. I turned away quickly and examines the room further. "Uh, I love this song..."

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 7 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:47 pm

Stop blushing you idiot! I scolded myself in my mind, I loved this song too....Why did I have to love this song? I turned my head so that I wouldn't have to look into her face, or her eyes....although she had already turned away.

"M-me too..." I mumbled.
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