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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Empty Re: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

Post by Avery Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:32 pm

-is not sure what to do with Hitomi, waits in silence-

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:38 pm

AVERY! DUN WORRY! You're just gonna love how I mess with Axis! <3 He ish gonna be fluffeh...just for you. XD

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Post by Alice Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:49 pm


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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:20 pm

@Avery - o.o 'Change him'? No, not'll just have to wait and see! =)

@Alice - I'm so UPSET with you! -crosses arms and huffs-

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Post by Alice Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:22 pm

aw Sad Dont be... she wont die.... dont worry.... I want her to ether think of Ashton adn go to find him ooorrr go to kill herself but something happens idk which.. I cant kill her though.

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:24 pm



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Post by Alice Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:27 pm

POST LOVE!!! I WANT TO READ IT!!!!!! for all chats XD

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Post by Avery Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:40 pm

-flails and waits to read post-

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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Empty Re: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:45 am

His senses were overriden by the Darkness for a brief, yet everlasting moment, causing him to completely shut down outwardly, his exchange with the girl falling obsolete. There was something...someone that It was intent on him fetching. He shifted his attention toward the distance, seeking far beyond the inner city, among the tree-line. Giving a final sliver of thought toward the female, he turned and continued his stride, stepping off into the near-desolate street and shutting away the surrounding environments as he closed his eye, giving way to the Darkness idling within him. The next time he took in a breath, it was filled with a distinct earthen accent, and when his opened his gaze, there were hues of green swallowing his black form. Skimming around, one could nearly see the information he was taking in, filtering, analzing, but it was all in a precise manner, calculated; none too hurried. This continued for over fifteen minutes, then Axis appeared to have found what it was he was searching for, almost...pacing for a moment before kneeling down and ducking beneath the underbrush. As his eye fell upon the bare fleshling his breathing ceased, suddenly recalling that he had failed to retrieve the chains from the cement walk where they had landed.

Then, she moved.

Unwise as it was, he reached, his hand gripping around her slender upper arm and pulling her into the open. Her face turned up toward him, meeting his gaze with an expression that was crazed with fear, apprehension, and ultimate question. She didn’t speak at first, her mouth simply opening and closing a multitude of times, forming silent, incohererent words before her voice surfaced. “Please...ju...just...leave me alone!” Desperation claimed, a desire for her to get away from him, fat tears welling up in her eyes and spilling over to roll off the side of her face, soddening her dirty, matted hair. There were bruses coating the entire surface of her body, trembling as much as her lower lip. She did not know who he was. “How long have you been here?” Concentration was not something she was able to manage at that time. She didn’t even know where this was. “I-I don’t know...I don’t know!”

“Are you presently aware of your identity factors?” She began to cry, sucking in air in haste-filled, gasps that soon developed into small hiccups. “N-No...” she paused. “Are you?” She assumed that he was asking her if she knew who she was, which she didn’t. But he might. A sudden sense of relief flooded over her shot systems once he nodded, though didn’t say anything more, and she didn’t dare ask, content with the fact that she DID have an identity to call her own. What scared her though...was that he didn’t look at all familiar. Did that mean he was lying? The more she looked at him, or what was visible to her, anyway, the more she compared him to something like a broken toy that had been stuck on the undusted shelf, forgotten and unused; he seemed nearly lifeless. And it was strange...because he seemed so young. For some reason, she got the feeling that this person wasn’t capable of lying, whether it be to her or anyone else. That’s when it hit her: he knew her, so he probably knew her name; if she knew her name, her memories might come back!

Axis waited for a predicted sum of time, allowing the girl to study him and mull in her thoughts before speaking, this time an order. “You will close your eyes, and you will not open them until instructed.” He observed as the fear crept into her eyes, mirroring back at him with the sour undertones of uncertainty and reluctance. He repeated himself, “You will close your eyes, and you will not open them until instructed.” She drew in a breath, her chest rising minimally as her lungs expanded with the intake, then complied, releasing it slowly and with it, her chest falling. Tense, she heard rustling, but didn’t feel like it was a good idea to peek. “ you know my name?” she asked meekly, feeling as if she was talking to herself, lying there like she was. There was a slight pause that made her ears sting with impatience, and for a moment she thought he might’ve left. “Emmalee.” She started crying again, but the boy waited calmly, not uttering a word before she felt something cover her, hands going to explore it with hesitancy as an image came to her mind. His jacket. “Open.” And she did, her eyes growing wide at what she saw. He was completely wrapped in a shadowy looking material, and it was if it were ALIVE! Worrying at her lip gently, she tore her eyes away from the...the thing, afraid that if she were to stare for too long she might upset it and then it would eat her. Bringing her hand up to her face, she swiped with the back of it to clean the tears away as she met his eye. “S-So, that leaves you.” “My title is Axis. Our interaction consists of your perception in the terms of siblings.” ...What did he just say? She blinked, having to go over his words a grand total of about five times before she began to link it together. “You’re my brother?” Axis tilted his head in the fashion of a slight nod, indicating a ‘yes.’

Thinking it over for a minute, she laughed out loud. Emmalee had a brother...and she knew both of their names! Axis was just as, ‘unique’ as his name, too. She had a lot more questions, but was WAY too self-conscious under his scrutiny at the moment to speak any more than she aleady had. Once his arms lifted her, her eyes went wide and she stiffened, stifling a scream before she realized that he was only carrying her...but to where she had no idea. Claiming that he was her brother, she pushed aside the urge to inform him of her inability to walk, figuring he knew that and it was the reason he had picked her up. Working past her tenseness, there was a peculiar sense of peace being in his arms; she felt secure. It wasn’t something she could really explain by putting into mere words. Emmalee was beginning to regain a feel of certain...moments, and with Axis, she was prodded with a sadness each time she looked at him, or held his gaze. Clothed with his jacket, she rested her head on his shoulder, looking at him through half-lidded eyes, exhaustion heavy in her features. Why was she suddenly so tired...? “Axis,” she murmered. “I know you probably have something—“ Yawn. “ with this...but I...I trust you, ok? ...Don't do anything stupid, and tell Ashton thanks for looking for me...” The last few words were a garbled mess of incoherent nonsense as she lost consciousness, falling into a deep slumber while cradled against his chest.

He watched her for a long moment before turning back to his current venture through the surrounding vegetation, just setting foot onto the asphalt, feeling...incomplete without the accompaniment(sp) of his chains. The Darkness was investigating his humanoid sibling with the vigor of an over-caffinated(sp) child. It was uncharacteristic of It, and barely tolerable to him at the current point in time. Axis was...hungry, and to worsen the situation, a prime meal was RIGHT in his grasp that he could not devour. Each time he glanced at her sleeping face, there he would see her, the girl who once held his dwindling 'humanity' in her hands, and yet it withered away along with her meaningless life. He knew it had once possessed meaning, but had long forgotten what that had to do with him. She had said that very same thing, 'I trust you.' The memory...the sensation of her arms embracing him with such...warmth, and so fearlessly. Her fingers elicting a buzz over his forehead, tangling in his hair. Her lips...her smile, her laugh... Yuuki. He looked down again, and actually paused in his mechnical movements, genuinely confused by what met his sight. It was the girl(Hitomi)staring up at him with that defiant, colored-filled face. Her brown eyes were so pure, however, that he thought they might swallow him like a body of deep...

The image dissapated after a brief moment, but had remained long enough for it to stay embedded into his mind for an eternity. And the fact that he knew it would unsettled him. As Emmalee returned in terms of him being presently AWARE of her, Axis was overcome with a sudden, torturous, paralyzing agony that was powerful enough to jostle his vision, though he didn't show any such discomfort on the surface. He simply stood there; blank. The Darkness was expressing its displeasure for his apparent recollection of a time when he possessed emotion. Not that he could ever be able to recover such. Which was why he saw It as foolish for even insinuating the possiblity by lashing out like that. His feet resumed the task of moving him forward shortly after, allowing himself to be whisked away with the speed the Darkness wielded as he now stood before his brother, the specimen known to him as 'Xavier,' the girl Alice, and her current violaters. Ashton had given complete control over to his thirst and the fire within his core, leaving the other two to watch as he mutilated them. Observing the event festered the need inside of him like no other as his hunger a magnitude of which he could no longer control, and without his chains...


"YOU GODDAMN WORTHLESS, DISGUSTING BASTARDS!" The air was filled with roars of obscenities(sp) as Ashton's ablaze fists continued to impact with the long-dead, charred bloodied husks of the men with a sickening flat 'thump.' He just...he couldn't stop. " that," he seethed through ground, snarling teeth, voice break through his rage. Blood was splattering on his face through the blackened, split flesh, but he still couldn't stop. Why were people so intent on taking everything that he cared about?! "ALICE. IS. MINE! GET IT?!?" He wasn't going to to stop until he couldn't go anymore; until he lost consciousness. Hell, he had already lost all sensation in both of his arms.

Xavier had stopped when they'd reached Ashton, not being able to keep up. Then she screamed.

Ashton had ran after her, and when he saw those bastards, what they were doing... He lost it. Everything went blank. The last thing he remembered what seeing her face...the tears... He took off his shirt, slipped it over her head and then, there they were, with him beating the living shit out of some disfigured corpses.

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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Empty Re: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

Post by Avery Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:35 am

Hitomi’s cheeks heated up again and she slumped against the back of the bench. Who was he? He didn’t… he didn’t even tell her his name? Though, really, he had no reason to. Their conversation was less than savory. She pursed her lips and looked toward the direction that he had walked and then back to her feet. Where he was standing, something caught her eye. Something that shined off the sunlight. She approached a bit closer and frowned.

His chains. She couched, picking them up gingerly and looking them over. Suddenly, a determined expression washed over her face. She stood, her eyebrows furrowing slightly and though it wasn’t visible, she could feel her tail twitch with anticipation. She started in the direction that he had taken off in, but within ten minutes, she was thoroughly lost, her mind darkened by the city. She glanced at the chains in her hands and then back at her surroundings. Maybe she should turn back.

She did with a nod and found her way back to the spot they had spoken, sitting down on the bench, the chains clutched tightly in her fist, her eyes tight. If he wanted them, he’d come back here and she’d be waiting so no one would steal them. Anyway, she didn’t have anything to do today… Or really anytime. Yumi would have been happy to see her standing up for herself. Just thinking about her sister brought back such fond memories.

She had been fairly young when Yumi had died, only 10, but she still remembered it. September 16, the day after her birthday. The policeman had come to their house. It was pouring rain. Hitomi had been waiting to go outside. She had always loved the smell that came right after the rain. She didn’t go outside after the news though. She didn’t leave the house for two weeks.

Hitomi finally snapped out of it and looked down at her hand, her knuckles white from gripping so tightly. She relaxed her grip and stared into the cars that sped by, her once bright eyes filling with a far away look.

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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Empty Re: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

Post by Avery Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:27 pm

Name: Yumi Okasaki
Age: 18
Species: Ghost
Looks: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Cute-a10
Other: She's not see-through, like most ghosts are protrayed, in fact, she's actually tangible. She's just not visible. She doesn't think anyone cans ee her. She's quite often near her sister, though she hides.

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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Empty Re: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:38 pm

FW: Can i join this?

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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Empty Re: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:11 pm

Momo - YES! Of course you can!

Avery - Dun worry, I'mma post this weekend. Started are tomorrow! ;_;


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Nameless Haven ::: Please Join ::: - Page 37 Empty Re: Nameless Haven ::: Please Join :::

Post by Avery Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:28 pm

IT IS SUPER DUPER OKAY, but just as a side note, after what happened in the chatbox, Hitomi went into a panic room and she hasn't come out yet.

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Post by Momo13 Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:35 pm

>.< gah...i have to re-make my characters because i cant find them...>.< avery, do you still have a copy of them when i sent them to you or no?

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:06 pm

Lol. Poor Hitomi. ...Because he scarred her, or because he hasn't come back yet? Axis has been trying to kill me because he didn't realize that when he left, she couldn't come with him. He thinks I've done something to her... He's been in engrossed in the Darkness, brooding away. -.-;

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:06 pm

Sorry...crappy wi-fi...

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Post by Avery Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:09 pm

Because he hasn't come back yet. She think that she did something wrong. I've been forcing her to socialize with someone other than him, but it's not going so well. I get a lot of 'have you seen a zombie this tall?' and then I'm like >.<

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:13 pm

...Poor Hitomi... xD

Axis: . . . -staring at the door, in the same position he's been in for an entire week, unblinking, not breathing...just waiting-

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Post by Avery Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:14 pm

Hitomi: -peeks head into chat, trying to be all nonchalant-

(She's also really clingy)

Hitomi: Am not!

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:16 pm

Axis: *SEEEEEEEEEEES HER!!!!!!* . . . . . . . Hitomi.

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Post by Avery Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:18 pm

Hitomi: -eyes go wide, chuckles quietly, trying to supress her happiness- Hey Axis.

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:24 pm

Axis: -slinks over to her, placing his head in her lap- . . .

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Post by Avery Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:26 pm

Hitomi: -suprisingly relieved due to physical contact, doesn't want to press the issue, but remebers he kissed her, face heats slightly- . . .

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Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:31 pm


Axis: . . . -rises up so he's sitting before her- ...I like cookies.

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