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The Nefarious Coffee Pot

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:28 pm


I bring to you an Idea straight from the chat box-

The Villianous Coffee Break.

We writers tend to drive you crazy with all thos silly protagonists...those irritating torture victims...Those...WHINY, WHINY, sacrifices to the internet...And sometimes...You just feel like you need to sit down in a nice place with caffieneated liquids and evil pastries, with a bunch of people who...are at least on the same side of the light and dark spectrum as yourself.

So come on in...We do have cookies.

Evil! Bio:
Weapon of choice:

Name: Mr.Face
Age: 70
Personality: Homicidal sociopath...But...terribly polite. And somewhat wordy at times.
Evil! Bio: Abandoned by parental units, brought up in an internet monastary, commenced with teh Evulz at the age of 15 when he burned his parents alive...Now employed as Dictator of Auda...Everyone's favourite Dystopia.
Weapon of choice: Exacto knives.
Appearance: 8 Feet tall...No face...Buisiness suit...Ya'll know this.
Misc other: BLIND. But...Ya'll know this too.

Last edited by Invisimort on Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:34 pm

For you and your mad powers Ende...
Hehe. Thanks muchly, Visi

Name: The Joker
Age: uh... good question....
Personality: Sort of... child like amusement over things like crowbar beatings...
Evil! Bio: Was Red Hood, got pushed into acid and disfigured, beacame evil. You know, the usual
Weapon of choice: he likes to vary. Crowbars, Joker Venom, knives...
Appearance: Pale skin, green hair, creepy clown makeup... you should know this
MISC OTHER: Clown prince of crime, what else is there to say?

Name: Dorian Aldric Jr
Age: 19
Personality: Cold and sadistic
Evil! Bio: too lazy to type it all, figure it out yourself
Weapon of choice: his pistol.. always with him
Appearance: black hair, silver eyes


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:52 pm

Name: Elizabeth Green AKA Spades
Age: 16
Personality: Sort of like the Joker only wit anger management issues
Evil! Bio: Kidnapped by the Joker at a young age, and raised as his sidekick
Weapon of choice: cards coated in acid
Appearance: curly carmel hair, green eyes, and fairly pale skin with black tattoos on arms. Lots of scars on arms, legs, back
MISC OTHER: this is spades before sheturned good

There you go Ende...And your Mad Powers. Very Happy

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Echo Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:59 pm

Name: Na'arsif
Age: 24
Personality: He's usually light-spirited, unless you press his Berserk Button. He generally likes to laugh and have fun, and he enjoys joking around. However, there's a sadistic, hateful little portion of his heart reserved for a certain human we know.
Evil! Bio: Na'arsif was raised on the True Plane, so it was only natural that he joined the Sybek.
Weapon of choice: Are you kidding?
Appearance: You can't see much of Na'arsif. He wears a dark robe that hangs to the ground, his hood is up, and the parts of his face that aren't obscured by shadows are hidden by a thick, black scarf. He wears black mittens. No, not gloves, mittens.
MISC OTHER: Wind/water type

Name: Likel
Age: 22
Personality: Likel is rather collected and reserved. She keeps a cool head in most situations, and she tends to go with the flow.
Evil! Bio: Likel was born on a C-Plane. When a fight between bonders and Sybek made its way to a music hall where Likel was performing, all hell broke loose. Her music director was killed in the incident; she joined the Sybek out of revenge.
Weapon of choice: What are you talking about?
Appearance: Same as Na'arsif
MISC OTHER: Water/earth type

Name: Aria
Age: Looks 16
Personality: She can swing from cutsey and playful to cold and wicked...and anywhere in between. She's a sociopath.
Evil! Bio: She works in a bounty hunter ring that mainly takes demon contracts, but she also kidnaps and sells the odd ghost when she's able. It's all in the name of getting by in the slums of Heaven.
Weapon of choice: She has two, actually--an opal-hilted rapier and an oak bow that shoots light arrows.
Appearance: She has long, flowing, golden hair that falls to her hips, blue eyes that shine brilliantly, and lovely, fair skin. Yes, she happens to be very pretty. There's a reason for that. As for clothes, she wears a hot pink Abercrombie and Fitch sweatshirt, plain blue skinny jeans, and brown Uggs.
MISC OTHER: She's an angel.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:59 pm

Name: Chelsea Turrow AKA Inque
Personality: apathetic, mixed with twisted, mixed with creeper. yeah...
Evil! Bio: grew up in a orphanage for powered ppls that blocked her powers, taken in by the Lux Team, left and went to the joker
Weapon of choice: Paper and Pencil.
MISC OTHER: the power to read subconscious fears, draw them, then bring them to life. limit of size, at this point. and number.

Name: Quincy Adams AKA Livewire
Age: 22
Personality: Party goer, devil may care, but caring still when it comes to Sync.
Evil! Bio: early years, yet to be determined. part of the lux team until she destroyed one too many expensive computers and was kicked out.
Weapon of choice: LIGHTNING
MISC OTHER: doesn't like water...which raises the question of why they went to the waterpark....

Name: Harleen Quinzel
Age: ...late twenties...?
Personality: yeah....Harley Quinn....
Evil! Bio: Started out as a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, fell for the Joker, busted him out, and became his fangirl for life
Weapon of choice: Giant Hammer, Gun, Bazooka....

I love how all mine are fanfics...

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Age : 30
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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:26 pm


I walked into the coffee shop, immediately hit with the wonderful change in temperature indicative of things being produced with an oven. This was a pleasant change from my cold and somewhat unsanitary cellblocks. I walked up to the counter, wondering what was actually on the menu. "I would like a large mocha cappuchino...But can you make it a double shot? I have been terribly low on caffiene these past few days..." I asked...the person working there.
"Certainly." She replied coolly. I heard her scribble something on a cup. Probably my order. Lovely. "Anything else?"
"Pastries. Let's see...You wouldn't happen to have the skill set required to construct a bagel with nova lox would you?" I asked, wondering if it would be at all possible.
"Yes. Yes I can do that."
"Excellent..." I grinned.
"Do you want to pay me now or should I just open a tab or...what?" She asked. "And you can go sit, and I'll bring it all over once it is... what did you say....'constructed'."
"Just open a tab." I really had no intention of paying her, but...Really...No use killing her before I had that coffee in my hand. I made my way over to what sounded like a sofa, and sat, hoping that they had something to read in braille.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:38 pm

I walked into the coffee shop, frowning with disdain at the strong smell of coffee beans. Walking over to the counter, I glanced up at the menu, pleasently surprised that they had quite a nice selection of tea
"One cup of green tea, please" I said with a slight smile that has been described as 'vaugely intmidating'. The lady nodded, going to the backand returning with a steaming cup
"Anything else?" She asked, handing me the cup
I shook my head, putting money down on the counter. Then I walked over to a chair, sitting down and drinking.


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:39 pm

I yawn, walking in and up to the counter, ignoring the lady's complaints of there being a line.
"Listen, long day of breaking a major crime lord out of Arkham. Cut to the chase and give me my frapachino." I wave her off, lazing at the counter.
Little Inkblot comes in, frowning at me and the annoyed line.
"She's doing it again..." I hear her mutter before she goes and takes a seat at a booth. I have a thought of shooting her, but its probably just another one of her clones and then I'd have the manager up my butt for breaking his big front window... Not in the mood....

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:46 pm

Name: Richard Grayson aka Robin
Age: 17
Personality: teasing, harsh, angry at times, revenge driven...
Evil! Bio: Parents were killed in front of him, rejected Bruce and went off on his own to find Zucco himself, slowly destroying his mobster company first before going after him.
Weapon of choice: hand to hand, gun....idk...

Last edited by Black&White on Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:46 pm

I wasn't much for coffee, so I went ahead and sat down at an empty booth in a corner of the shop. I started shuffling my cards, closing my eyes and trying to enjoy the short break I had from the Joker


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:52 pm


I heard a several people walked into the shop, and somehow my coffee and Bagel appeared next to me, even though I thought the girl at the counter was still tied up making whatever a frappuchino was. I had not found any braille books. Shame. I should have gond and wrung her neck for the implied prejudice, but...It had been a long day. And I hadn't packed for neck wringing. I took a bite out of my bagel, careful to avoid my own toungue.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:09 pm

A destroyed shipment, as scheduled. I have a bit of time now, and god knows I'm tired from staying up all night. I enter the little coffee shop on the corner, walking up. "Black coffee, two sugars," i say before the girl says anything. I wait by the counter for my order.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:18 pm

I heard a familiar voice, and I glanced over to the counter. Robin!? What was he doing here?! I was torn between calling over to him and being annoying, or hiding under the table and sneaking out the back.


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:27 pm

I glance around in the meantime, scanning the place. A familiar face catches my eye. Ace of Spades. Well, looky there. Why isn't she being all Miss Morals and demanding I willingly go into handcuffs, i wonder...

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:33 pm

This is gonna be so funny...

I smirked, giving him a tiny wave. But he seemed..different, somehow... a certain edge to something in his eyes...
"How it going, Boy Blunder?" I called over with a teasing grin, ready to fight if he came after me


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:35 pm


I heard dialogue commencing. A part of me wanted to vent about work to some of the people now occupying the place...and a part of me wanted to just sit here, and caffienate in silence. I wondered if they knew any good suppliers of unusual torture devices. I was looking into purchasing a hollow iron bull. The screams promised to be absolutely deafening.
I just eavesdropped in silence.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:41 pm

I take my coffee once the girl puts it on the counter. "Really now, cards?" I say as I sit down across from her, smirking over. "You run out of creative juices or something? Stealing nicknames from the Joker now?"

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:44 pm


The Joker. I had heard of him. He enjoyed acid. Hm. To interrupt or not to interrupt? I couldn't decide. I took a sip of my caffiene. My teeth clanked uncomfortably against the lip of the cup. I was conflicted.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:47 pm

I raised an eyebrow, amused "I've always called you that, bird. What, did you hit your head on a rock while running around with Batsy?" I chuckled, thoughnhenwas so different I felt... slightly unsettled


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:00 pm

What a creeper. I stare at the weirdo across the room as my frapachino comes and I go over to the table with Inque. "What a - "
"Yeah. I don't need to hear it," she grumbles, resting her head on her hand bored. She was shooting the queer stares too once in a while.

I was taken aback. "Running around with the Bat? You joking? That's usually what you do, miss morals. You and the little kid." I gesture over to inque, waving my hand in the general direction as i take a sip of coffee.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:07 pm

I laughed "That's a funny one, Rob. A \real\ funny one. ME working with BATMAN?! My boss would KILL me!"


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:21 pm

Alright, now I was confused. I raise an eyebrow at her sceptically. "Admitting Zucco pays you off then?" I assume. Always suspected her of it. She always came around to stop me, someone who bothers him the most.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:25 pm

"Zucco? Uh... he's some mob boss guy, right? Why would I have anything to do with THAT?! Honestly, and here I thought you have two braincells to rub together..." I muttered, getting morenand more confused


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:31 pm

I shake my head bewildered. "Alright. Let's take a set back. Who am I?" I asked her, smiling amused by her act.

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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:35 pm

I rolled my eyes. He was taking this joke too far. Though I never thought he was the joking type "Robin, Boy Wonder, sidekick of Batman and way too noble for your own good. My greatest enemy sincenInwork for the clown prince of crime. Who am I?"


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The Nefarious Coffee Pot Empty Re: The Nefarious Coffee Pot

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