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Born This Way Baby

Team Sherlock
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Avery Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:36 pm

Valorian and Gabriel were basically pressed together. When Gabriel said kiss, Vally's heart was beating rapidly. "We could," he whispered. He had only ever kissed a boy once, so he was nervous. He stood on his toes, wrapping one hand on the back of Gabriel's neck and pressed their lips together. The feeling was nearly describably, and most of all, he felt relief. All of his tension seemed to vanish.

Riley chuckled. "Well, then," he said. "I'll have to use my amazing planning skills to make sure our date is good. Are you free this weekend?" He asked, cocking his head slightly. He'd never had to plan a date before, mostly because no one had ever been on a date with him.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:47 pm

Eliza grinned and glanced at Kalee. She found the Kalee interesting. "That's cool. Hm, I want to be a fashion designer. I know it's kind of cliche, but I love fashion and making clothes." She shrugged.

Jackson smiled slightly. "Yes, we can hang out. I normally eat outside, just so you know where to find me." Jackson hated the idea of moving away from Luca's side. He was starting to really like Luca and wanted to get to know him better.

Derek's smile widened when Jaison put his arm around Derek's waist. "Yeah, guys like us do need to stick together," he said with a small grin. Derek knew that he wasn't going to be closed about being gay anymore; he planned on being open about who he was.

Gabriel smiled slightly and kept his eyes locked on Val's still. When Val kissed Gabriel, his heart did a fast dance in his chest and he slowly wrapped his arms around Val. he bent some so there wouldn't be as much strain on Val.

Samuel smiled and finally lifted his head. His smile widened when he saw Riley tilt his head. "Yes, I'm free Riley," he said brightly. He couldn't help it when his smile turned into a grin, he was thrilled and looking forward to their date.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:55 pm

Kalee grinned. "No, it's cool. I think you'd be really good at it." She smiled and kinda looked away from Eliza, embarrassed. She had never really talked with a pretty girl for so long, and it made her feel slightly awkward.

Luca smiled and looked at Jackson. "Well, at least we have class together." He slid his free arm around Jackson's waist and poked him in the side, hoping he was ticklish. He was sad that soon they would be in class and not able to touch, for he feared it would be hard to keep his hands away from Jackson. "Why do you have to be so damn attractive?" he asked, knowing it would make Jackson blush.

Jaison was happy that Derek didn't move away. "Yeah." Derek was a pretty cool guy, and Jaison was totally interested in getting to know him better.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:08 pm

Eliza grinned and looked at Kalee. "Thanks. Tell me more about you Kalee, I want to know more." Her eyes stayed glued to Kalee and her grin widened slightly. Eliza was finding Kalee interesting and fascinating. She was different from most girls.

Jackson's smile widened slightly when Luca smiled. He realized he really liked Luca's smile. "True." A giggle escaped Jackson's lips and he defended his side with his free arm. Jackson was more then ticklish, he was very ticklish. His cheeks grew a bright red when Luca said that about him being attractive.

Derek smiled and looked at Jaison. He was curious about him. "Tell me about you Jaison." Derek realized he liked hanging out with Jaison a lot. When Derek heard someone making some crack about gays he frowned and moved away from Jaison and to the person, one of his so called 'friends'.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:42 pm

Griffin watched as the boy left and went back to his own room. He sat down on his bed and looked over to the empty one. he wondered if he would ever get a room mate. A sigh escaped his lips and he laid back. Free periods sucked if you didnt have someone to spend them with. And he had no one to spend them with.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:49 pm

Kalee blushed slightly. "Um, I know sign language and can read...well feel Braille. I can also read Greek. I like to cook, as you already know, and I find volleyball pretty fun. There really isn't much more to know about me." Kalee told Eliza, smiling.

Luca laughed and would have tickled him more, but the were to class. He reluctantly move away from Jackson and headed to the locker room to change. It was going to be a long day.

Jaison frowned when he pulled away. He stopped and watched Derek walk over to the other boys, and wondered what he was gonna say. Maybe he would tell them that he was gay.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:04 pm

Eliza smiled. "That's really cool and interesting. Not many people can do that stuff, you must be really smart. As for volleyball, yuck." Eliza looked at Kalee with a small smile. "Yeah, there is. Tell me more." Eliza was fascinated by Kalee and wanted to get to know her better.

Jackson playfully glared at Luca and let out a sigh when he moved away. He really didn't want to deal with class and already knew the day was going to be long. He headed to the locker room to get changed.

Derek glared at them. "Not cool to talk about gay's like that. We have feelings too." They all gave Derek a weird look when he said we and he smiled. "Also, I'm gay." After that was said he lowered his voice. "Mess with Jaison and I kick your ass." With that Derek turned and headed back toward Jaison, a wide smile on his lips.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:10 pm

Kalee laughed. "Favorite color is orange, I want to own a Mustang someday, and that's pretty much it. But come on. I wanna know more about you," She told Eliza, looking over at her. A smile formed Kalee's face when, once again, she saw how beautiful Eliza was.

Luca walked to an empty locker and threw his stuff inside. Then his stripped off his shirt to reveal a defined chest and abs. Not a lot of people knew it, but he loved to work out and it showed when he was shirtless. He glanced around, hoping to look a look at Jackson shirtless.

Jaison smiled when Derek walked back over to him. "Wow, that was awesome. I'm really proud of you, Derek." Jaison winked at him and smiled some more.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:25 pm

Eliza laughed too and smiled as she watched Kalee. "I love to draw, I also love sketching fashion, I'm geeky and sort of love working with computer design, I am who I am and I don't care what others think, I know how to fix cars and my favorite colors are black, silver, and green."

Jackson put his stuff in an empty locker and took off his shirt. He had a decently defined chest and abs too, but mainly because he loved martial arts. He lifted his head and looked around when he felt eyes on him. He smiled when he realized it was Luca and noticed how defined his chest was. His eyes locked on Luca's.

Derek grinned and wrapped his arm around Jaison's shoulder again. "I know it was awesome. Thank you. I wouldn't have done that had it not been for you. Thank you for giving me courage, Jaison." His grin widened some and he watched Jaison.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:29 pm

Kalee grinned at Eliza talked. "Wow, you are a very interesting person!" She laughed as the walked down the hallway. "Ugh, I get so tired of school sometimes."

Luca winked at Jackson, thinking he was right about Jackson being sexy. He would look so amazing in the lens of Luca's camera. Now he would have to try and convince Jackson to let his do the shoot very soon.

Jaison smiled. "Don't thank me. You have always had the courage, you just needed some help finding it." Jaison slid his arm around Derek, sliding his fingers into some belt loops.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:40 pm

Eliza smiled and shrugged. "Not really." Eliza laughed softly. "I highly dislike school most of the time. Forget being tired of it." She rolled her eyes and continued to lead Kalee.

Jackson grinned at Luca and turned again to finish changing. His grin didn't leave his lips and he really wanted the day to be over. If the day was over he could spend time with Luca which he really wanted to do. Today had been a pretty good day for Jackson.

Derek's grin widened some. "Fine then, thank you for helping me find it." His eyes stayed locked on Jaison. "Tell me about you Jaison, I'm curious."
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:47 pm

Kalee laughed. "School is boring. I thought about ditching today, but I hate ditching school alone." Kalee had almost not shown up, just because she was new and all.

Luca chuckled and finished changing for gym class. This day had better move really fast so he could spend time with Jackson. That is, if Jackson wanted too, and Luca had a sneaking suspicion that he did.

Jaison laughed. "Not much to say about little 'ole me." He considered himself a boring person.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:01 pm

Eliza smiled widely. "Yes, it is. Hm, do you still want to ditch?" Eliza stopped walking and looked at Kalee curiously. Eliza just wanted school to end, and she liked the idea of ditching, she just hoped that Kalee still liked the idea as well.

Jackson finished changing and turned, getting ready to leave. His eyes landed on Luca first and he smiled widely. He glanced up at the clock that was in the locker room and frowned. There was still most of the day left. He looked at Luca again.

Derek frowned slightly. "Oh, come on. I'm sure there's a lot to say about little 'ole you." A small smile came to his lips as watched Jaison. He was really comfortable around him and Derek liked that.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:09 pm

Kalee nodded and a sly grin claimed her face. "Yeah, I'd love too." Kalee grabbed Eliza's hand as they made their way to an exit. This day was going to be so much better now that she would be out of school AND with Eliza. God must have smiled on her today or something.

Luca thought the day was going to slow, and he really need to talk to or touch Jackson. So, he asked for a hall pass and headed to the restroom, hoping that Jackson would get the hint. Upon arriving at the Men's restroom, he sat on the wide counter and waited.

Jaison thought about it. "Well...I like cars, can fix most of them. My favorite colors are black and red. I want a boyfriend." He said the last one and winked at Derek. "Like I said, not much to tell. But you. I wanna know about you.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:22 pm

Eliza grinned and followed Kalee. Today had been going a lot better then most days went. She would feel better once she was out of the school and she would get to spend time with Kalee. Her heart beat a bit faster at the thought.

Jackson frowned as the day started passing by at a sluggish rate. When Luca left, Jackson had a feeling he was supposed to follow. He asked the gym teacher for a pass and smiled when he entered the Men's bathroom and hopped up on the counter next to Luca. "Hey."

Jackson smiled and it widened when Jaison winked. "See, what was so bad about that?" He chuckled softly. "Hm, I love writing, anything to do with art, cars, I hate math because it's my complete enemy, my favorite color is silver and that's about it. Happy?"
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:30 pm

Soon they were outside and Kalee stopped. "Where should we go? I don't know this place very well." Kalee was excited about spending time Eliza. Maybe...she pushed the thought out of her mind.

Luca smiled. "Hey. Couldn't take it anymore. I needed to see you." He turned and look at Jackson, realizing how close the were. His heart sped up a little.

Jaison gave him a grin. "Very. Right now I do believe that I'm the happiest guy on earth." He pulled Derek a little closer and winked again.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:40 pm

"Hm... Didn't think about that. There's a beach close by, a trail in the woods, and a park. Anyplace else that's an actual place knows I should be in school, so choose one of the three that I told you."

Jackson grinned and watched Luca. His heart was pounding in his chest and punded a little harder when he realized how close Luca was. "Aw, that's sweet. I was feeling the same way." His grin widened some.

Derek also grinned and chuckled softly. "No, that has to be me. I'm the happiest guy on earth." His eyes stayed locked on Jaison and his grin widened some.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:46 pm

Kalee thought about where would be best. "Trail in the woods. I like privacy." She realized after she said that how weird it must have sounded. Ugh, there she went making a total fool outta herself.

Luca smiled, and slid his hand over to Jackson's. He intertwined their fingers and looked back up to Jackson's eyes. "I've never done anything like this..." His heart was still racing, even more so with the physical contact.

Jaison grinned. "Nope. No way you can be happier than me. I have my arm around a hot guy."

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:59 pm

Eliza smiled and realized how embarrassed Kalee was. "Okay, sounds good to me. Kalee? You don't have to feel embarrassed when you say anything like that. I get what you mean." Eliza's smile widened slightly as she looked at Kalee.

Jackson smiled and watched Luca with bright eyes. When he intertwined their fingers he glanced down at their hands and his smile widened. He looked back up, his eyes locking on Luca's. Jackson's heart was still pounding in his chest and it only pounded harder with the physical contact. Jackson moved a bit closer to Luca.

Derek smiled and blushed slightly at that. "Point being? I have my arm around a hot guy too." Derek's eyes were bright as he looked at Jaison. He was really starting to like Jaison.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:04 pm

Kalee laughed. "Sorry, still not used to all this." She probably looked like a total idiot and she mentally slapped herself.

Luca grinned, his heart still pounding. "What should we do?" He asked, teasingly.

Jaison blushed a little and chuckled. "Whatever you say," he said, winking. He pulled Derek a little closer, happy that he had found someone he liked.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:18 pm

Eliza laughed too and led her toward the woods. "It's fine Kalee. I know how you feel, been there done that." She took her arm and led her with a wide smile on her lips. They neared the woods and Eliza carefully and slowly wrapped her arm around Kalee's shoulders.

A grin slid across Jackson's lips and his eyes stayed locked on Luca's. "What do you want to do?" He asked back, also teasingly. Jackson's heart continued to pound hard like it was trying to escape his chest.

Derek grinned and he pulled Jaison closer. "Awesome, I made you blush." Not only was Derek happy about meeting jaison, he was also happy about making him blush for some absurd reason.
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:06 pm

smellzlyknirvana wrote:
.Fragile_Wishes. wrote:Eyes flying wide in surprise, he coughed as he landed on his back on the floor with James attached to him. Once the boy pulled back, Wyatt sat up slowly, pale hair falling messily in his face as he chuckled, reaching to brush his fingers over James' cheek. "For what?" he asked, smiling.

Drew, once again, couldn't think; couldn't speak. He just stared. At the mention of getting caught, he let up a slight smirk. "They can't catch us; not even if we're fucking right in front of them..."

Hart looked her over, smiling lightly at her shy behaviour. 'He' held out a hand. "All right. Shall we, then? "

James smiled a wide smile, his smile widening at Wyatt's touch. he rather enjoyed Wyatt's touch, presence and voice. "For being nice, for being like a friend. That's not normal for people to be nice to me." He shrugged and his eyes locked on Wyatt. He found himself liking Wyatt more and more...

Luke watched drew with curious eyes as he put his hands in his jacket's pockets. He chuckled when Drew said that and moved to sit down next to him again. It was rare that he found someone who caught his attention, it was rare when he found someone sarcastic, it was even rarer to find the combination and he had done just that, found a combination in Drew.

He grinned, secretly upset that people could dare to be mean to someone as sweet and innocent as James. "Well, I'm happy to be your friend, regardless." Wyatt noticed the longing beneath the boy's gaze and chuckled, wondering if even James knew what he was after. That voice in his mind, which was growing persistently louder, kept repeating the same thing: RUN BEFORE YOU'RE IN TOO DEEP! He sort of...shrugged it off, taking his hand back, coughing and looking back to the notebook. 'I think I talked too much,' he wrote, glancing up sheepishly with an apolgetic look.

Drew looked up at Luke, eyes roaming over his body before meeting his gaze again. "What is it you find so...'adorable' about me, then?"

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:26 pm

James grinned and watched Wyatt. He was rather happy that Wyatt considered him a friend. He couldn't even speak at first, but just continued to grin. He saw what Wyatt wrote and chuckled softly, tackling Wyatt in a hug again. "It's okay Wyatt. I'll just have to deal with you writing." When James hugged Wyatt he thought about the kind of way he was starting to like Wyatt and knew it was kind of bad. He pulled away finally and smiled sheepishly at Wyatt.

Luke smirked slightly and tried to think of an actual answer beside 'I don't know', but couldn't think of one. He couldn't think of any reason beside that he just found Drew adorable. He finally shrugged. "I don't know, I just find you adorable. Do you have a problem with that or something?
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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by Avery Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:28 pm

smellzlyknirvana wrote:Gabriel smiled slightly and kept his eyes locked on Val's still. When Val kissed Gabriel, his heart did a fast dance in his chest and he slowly wrapped his arms around Val. he bent some so there wouldn't be as much strain on Val.

Samuel smiled and finally lifted his head. His smile widened when he saw Riley tilt his head. "Yes, I'm free Riley," he said brightly. He couldn't help it when his smile turned into a grin, he was thrilled and looking forward to their date.

Vally's hands found their way into Gabriel's hair and he deepened the kiss. He was moving slowly, though, as to not scare him away For some reason, Valorian got a huge rush from kissing Gabriel. Maybe it was because he was embracing who he was or maybe it was because he was in such a public place, but his body was buzzing hapily. The feeling he got was the reason he was gay. This was a feeling that he only got from kissing boys.

Riley chuckled and rubbed Samuel's arm gently. "Awesome," he said. He was going on his first date. And with a boy, to top it off. He wanted to go tell his mom, who he knew would be happy. But, that would be a risk. His dad might hear him. His dad wasn't so accepting of his lifestyle.

Momo13 wrote:Griffin watched as the boy left and went back to his own room. He sat down on his bed and looked over to the empty one. he wondered if he would ever get a room mate. A sigh escaped his lips and he laid back. Free periods sucked if you didnt have someone to spend them with. And he had no one to spend them with.

Gavin was able to get out of class early to unpack all of his stuff and he walked to the room that had the number of his room. He opened the door and saw the boy from earlier. Griffin, was it? He smiled. "I guess I have a roommate," he chuckled, sitting on the empty bed and dropping his bags. He ran a hand through his hair and nodded.

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Born This Way Baby - Page 6 Empty Re: Born This Way Baby

Post by ShaneColton Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:43 pm

smellzlyknirvana wrote:Eliza laughed too and led her toward the woods. "It's fine Kalee. I know how you feel, been there done that." She took her arm and led her with a wide smile on her lips. They neared the woods and Eliza carefully and slowly wrapped her arm around Kalee's shoulders.

A grin slid across Jackson's lips and his eyes stayed locked on Luca's. "What do you want to do?" He asked back, also teasingly. Jackson's heart continued to pound hard like it was trying to escape his chest.

Derek grinned and he pulled Jaison closer. "Awesome, I made you blush." Not only was Derek happy about meeting jaison, he was also happy about making him blush for some absurd reason.

Kalee's heart beat faster as she felt Eliza's arm go around her shoulders. She liked it, so she shyly placed her arm around Eliza's waist. Kalee knew that it was stupid to feel all awkward, but no girl had ever taken any interest in her, so she had no experience. She moved a little closer, hoping she wasn't being too forward.

Jaison laughed and looked over at Derek. "Yes, yes you did." He ginned and kinda rubbed Derek's back with his fingers. It felt good to have someone cool like Derek take an interest in him.

Luca just stared into Jackson's eyes. "You pick." He said, winking. Luca moved a little closer and now their legs were touching. The foreheads were only inches apart and it made Luca's heart skip a few beats.

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