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Vampire / Werewolf Chat

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:03 pm

Soooooooooooooooo. After much talk of turning our charries into vamps or werewolves, I am finally making a chat for us to do so.
Only two conditions.
1- No twilight vamps. Only traditional. Which means no sparkling and what not.

2- We want it to start off with only a bare minimum of vamps / werewolves. Then watch it spread from there. Perhaps I'll throw in Coral and have her start biting everyone. Or not. Who knows. All that matters- Have fun and no PP.

Vamp or Werewolf-
Starts out that way, or turned-

Setting- "some random cityscape, with a nearby creepy forest"- Kid

Last edited by Ella Rose on Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:52 pm; edited 3 times in total


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Banshee Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:09 pm

Name: Ezra Cox
Age: 16
Apperance: Raven black hair, dark eyes, tall
Personality: Sarcastic, often guilt-ridden, kind
Bio: Um...bleh, too lazy
Vamp or Werewolf- Vamp
Starts out that way, or turned- not yet...

Name: Aaron "Nameless" Murphey
Age: 17
Apperance: Honey colored- almost brown hair, jade green eyes, tall
Personality: Shy, soft-spoken, uh...
Bio: meh.
Vamp or Werewolf- Uhuhuh...werewolf
Starts out that way, or turned- not yet..

Last edited by gh3325 on Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:45 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:10 pm

Oh yes, bio sheet could help, huh? O.o


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Banshee Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:16 pm



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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:17 pm

I already added it in. Lols ^^
danke though.


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Invisimort Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:26 pm

Name: T.Morbid Namechov
Age: 22?
Appearance: YOU KNOW THIS. (if you don't: Skinny, 5'6", black hair, grey eyes...pale...)
Personality: AWKWARD.
Bio: Parents lost to incendiary tax collectors, Manipulative sister, Horrible job...YOU KNOW THIS.
Vampire/werewolf: Vampire
Turned?: Not yet.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by daughteroflight Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:03 pm

Name: Ember
Age: 17
Apperance: Vampire / Werewolf Chat D018e810
Personality: will develop
Bio: N/A
vampire/werewolf: werewolf
turned?: not yet

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:51 pm

Name- Coral
Age- 8
Vampire / Werewolf Chat BlackButNotBlue
Personality- Bubbly; innocent; doesn't listen well; likes to bite, stab etc. You know, the typical 8 year old.
Bio- Father owns and runs a prison. She was raised to torture others and simply doesn't grasp why it's wrong.
Vamp or Werewolf- Vampire
Starts out that way, or turned- Starts out this way.

Name- Amorelle
Age- 17
Appearance- Vampire / Werewolf Chat Tumblr_lnfbov0fXI1qdq7ddo1_500_large_large
Personality- Quiet, quick witted, semi dark mind set.
Bio- Still figuring that part out >.<
Vamp or Werewolf- Vampire
Starts out that way, or turned- Turned


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Ravyn Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:53 pm

Imma throw some old characters in here :3 this could be fun...

Name- Asher "Ash" Payne
Age- Appears 19, is actually 550
Appearance- Really really tall... roughly 7ft. Shaggy long-ish black hair, pale ice-blue eyes, pale skin. Has a scar across his right eye, a handful of tattoos (Wolves racing in a circle around his upper left arm, a massive black cobra coiled around his lower right arm, a grim reaper standing on a pile of skulls on his back.). Black snakebites in his lower lip, two small black rings in each ear, a black barbell in his right eyebrow. Looks like he belongs in some kind of satanic rock band....
Personality- While he may appear intimidating to some people, he has a soft side. His personality was never really set strongly and is rather hard to describe....
Bio- Changes based on the chat. I dont have one for him that isnt story-specific. He was changed against his will, left his sire as soon as he was strong enough. His sire was the one who gave him the scar across his eye. He doesnt like to talk about it....
Vamp or Werewolf- Vamp
Starts out that way, or turned- Starting out as a vamp. He probably wont be changing people though, or at least not many.... he has a LOT of morals.....

Name- Kaya Devon
Age- 17, i believe.
Appearance- Short boyish-ly cut black hair, green eyes that sit behind a pair of black metal glasses which are always sliding out of place. Pale skinned. She has only one leg - was in an accident when she was little and as a result, the majority of her left leg had to be removed.
Personality- Kind, inquisitive, highly intelligent. Loves a good explosion, has an adventurous side and a stubborn streak. She's also a genius... like, literally.... most of you know her by now.
Bio- Again, changes from chat to chat. Basically she grew up in an average family, had a bad run-in with a speeding van when she was six or so, lost her leg, was lucky not to lose more..... been inventing since she was small.
Vamp or Werewolf- Werewolf
Starts out that way, or turned- Has yet to be turned....

Name- Jett Chase
Age- 18
Appearance- Shaggy black hair, very pale silver-gray eyes, fair skinned, tall, some muscular definition.
Personality- He's cold hearted and antisocial at the best of times.... in his original chat, he had a twin who was his polar opposite. For the purposes of THIS chat, im going to say his twin was brutally murdered, so he's a little... er, crazy, at the moment..... so he's gonna be cool with attacking/accidentally changing people.
Bio- Basically, him and his twin brother, Thayden, were abandoned when they were small... they were super close. Jett was always all antisocail, Thayden was like, his only friend..... And then thayden was all murdered horribly... and now his wolfy side is sort of... ruling him... and he's all crazy and grief ridden... so yeah.
Vamp or Werewolf- Werewolf
Starts out that way, or turned- Starting out this way

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Bells Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:57 pm

Name: Bryce
Age: eh...looks around 21 I'd say.
Appearance: Light brown hair, sapphire blue eyes. Around 5'10" and pretty buff. Wears olden style trousers and shirt. Always has a sword on him.
Personality:'s Bryce, you'll see.
Bio: Um......ask me sometime and I'll tell you, actually I'll add this on Monday. Just know he's not the good guy.
Vamp or Werewolf: Werewolf
Start out that way or or turned: Turned.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:22 pm

Name- Marley Marie Aldric
Age- 14
Appearance- Short, blonde, and hazel eyed. ...So... Marley
Personality- Uh... like Marley, only without the dark side. Well... without the dark side, her happy side wouldn't be so... happy... ug... WHATEVER. NOT GONNA OVERTHINK.
Bio- Uh... maybe like... parents are dead... but brothers are more... there
Vamp or Werewolf- werewolf
Starts out that way, or turned- meh... starts out that way.

Name- Gabriel Jones
Age- 16
Appearance- Imma switch it up a little for this chat. Brown hair, bright green eyes.
Personality- A gentleman
Bio- Adopted into a rich family, doesn't remember anything before that.
Vamp or Werewolf- werewolf
Starts out that way, or turned- turned


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:24 pm

This is gonna be so weird xD But hey, it would be wrong not to include the character who inspired the discussion that sparked this chat, yeah?

Name- Peter
Age- 16
Appearance- Shaggy, brown hair; equally brown eyes; fair skin; average height; lithe build with lean muscles; wears all black...but y'all know this already
Personality- He's Peter, man.
Bio- Loooooong...
Vamp or Werewolf- Vampire
Starts out that way, or turned- Turned...but not yet
Winter Dragon

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:27 pm

I skipped, giggling up a storm as each step of mine sent me propelling into the sky. Weeeeeeee. It's like flying! I can fly! Imma super strong! Each time I land, I flinch, the sound of my foot steps so loud, it hurts my ear drums. Despite the darkness of night, everything is so... bright. I don't like it. It's like one of those search lights propped on daddy's prison walls. Only, it's shinning directly in my eyes. I can see everything. It's very... Oh, look! A bunny! *starts to chase*

(I'm only doing script there because i could think of no other way to portray that. Please, don't follow my example)

Last edited by Ella Rose on Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Kid.Icarus Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:28 pm

Name- Thane
Age- 142 (19)
Appearance- Shaggy Black hair. Forest Green eyes. relatively pale. About 6'3"
Personality- meh..
Bio- bleh...
Vamp or Werewolf- Vampire (technically half, but I'm too lazy to explain how)
Starts out that way, or turned- Born this way.

Last edited by Kid.Icarus on Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2011-08-05

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Ravyn Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:34 pm

Ash: The sun was nice and safe behind the horizon, and i needed out. I left my cage of a house and began wandering the streets as i did most nights, simply going wherever my feet took me. I had no plans, nothing to do. Another uneventful night.... but better than staying at home.

Jett: Where was i? I didnt care. My vision was tinged red as i ran in my wolf form. I didnt know where i was or where i was going. Nothing mattered. I was being feuled entirely by rage, ready to simply attack anything that moved. Grief, rage, and pain were swirling inside me, blinding me to my surroundings.

Kaya: I finally left work, locking up, the lights of the computer store dark, and began to wheel myself home. Another late shift, another day of going home after dark..... lovely.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Jacky K. Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:39 pm

Name- Cricket
Age- 14
Appearance- jfdka;ljiweoai
Personality- fjdlaskjf;woierjf
Bio- jfkeoj;iwqowjasd
Vamp or Werewolf- Vamp Twisted Evil
Starts out that way, or turned- turned
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Banshee Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:41 pm


I walked in and nameless trailed behind. I had offered to show him around and at least he agreed. He wasn't very sociable...but then again neither was I. I looked back to make sure he was still following...he was. Gosh he was too quiet.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:02 pm


I saw the lights flash before my eyelids; I opened my eyes when they faded before immediately crumpling to the ground, breathing heavily. That...had been too close.

I stayed on the ground for a few moments. Soft...dirt and grass. I cast my eyes around, seeing what looked like a copse of trees. Slowly, I forced myself to get in a sitting position. I was on the fringe of some woodlands, near which there was a city. At least, I assumed it was a city. I could see silhouettes of buildings outlined by glowing windows, though that was all my unadjusted eyes could tell me.

Night on this plane, but high noon on the one I'd just come from...great. I was gonna get jet lag or something. Universe lag.

Groaning and exhausted, I lay back on the grass again.
Winter Dragon

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:12 pm

Quiet night in the forest... the moonlight filtering through the overhead trees, and silent except for the background noise from the city, and the occasional hoot of an owl. Yup, really quiet.
...A little too quiet.
Okay, more like boring.
Let's go with boring.
Hadn't stolen anything since like... two weeks ago. But I had to be careful about not getting caught or anything, since it wasn't like I could just move states every month or something crazy. I gave a wolf equivalent to a sigh, and glanced back at the boring forest as I went closer to the city. Then I smelled something, a human. Its breathing sounded labored, and I padded over there, slowly and cautiously, sort of curious.
There was a teenage boy laying on the grass. He looked kinda familiar, but eh... probably me just imagining things.


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Invisimort Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:13 pm


I a closet. Well...I mean...I had been in a I was in...a completely different Full of pipes and...wires...and big things with switches... I wondered if this was where August came from.

After a minute, I figured that it would be kind of...silly to er...stand here in a closet anymore...So I opened the door, and found myself really shiny place. I closed the door behind me, and made it to the front of the building...Not wanting to get in trouble for...being in a closet...that I wasn't allowed in or something...I didn't really know.

And then...It was like... er...Maybe er...If Auda wasn't always falling apart and on really? I didn't really know how to describe the buildings...uhm...

I decided to opposite direction from that closet...Didn't want to get in trouble...

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:27 pm

The woods, I hate them. I don't know why. I mean, I have no rational, logical reason to. It's just...
You know when you were a child and you'd lay in bed, petrified the monster in your closet? You never looked. No, the very thought left you frozen under your covers. But you knew something was in there. You could feel it in your gut.
Well, that's how it is with me and the forest. The very mention of it makes my hair stand on end. I haven't ventured into those trees. Not since that night. Not since I was eight.
There's something not right with the woods of Hinsdale.
But tonight, tonight's a different story.
As I walk along the moonlit tree line I can't help but to hold my breath and quiver slightly. A twig snapped in the distance and I squeaked, quickening my steps, not stopping till I reach the town gates.
My God, I hate this town.

Last edited by Ella Rose on Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:34 pm


Hey, Sesria thought, her voice somewhat urgent.

Nhhh...don't bother me, I answered. I probably should've listened to her, though. I can't even begin to count the times when I definitely should've listened to Sesria...a fact that she enjoys reminding me of.

Peter, get up and use your eyes, she commanded.

Sighing, I rose to a sitting position again and found myself staring at a wolf. It was on the smaller side, with tawny--or maybe it was blonde; I couldn't see well in the dark--fur and hazel eyes. Okay, a wolf in the woods. That wasn't too weird.

The weird part was that it had a soul.

The wolf was looking at me with what seemed to be an intelligent gaze. I'll admit that that was creepy. animal with a soul? That...that didn't... And if it had a soul, then that would mean that it was intelligent... But...!


I felt like an idiot.
Winter Dragon

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:39 pm

Not that I wanted to be an idiot and reveal the existence of werewolves to humans or anything... but... trolling humans never failed to make my day.
I looked at him, tilting my head slightly.
Then I barked in greeting, a slight wolfy grin tugging at the corner of my mouth as if to say 'Yeaaah, I'm a dog. Wha'chu gonna do about it?!'


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:55 pm


The wolf. It was intelligent. I swear. It must've been. It was...grinning at me.

" understand what I'm saying, don't you," I spoke. "You're not like the other wolves."

This was completely insane. I was completely insane. Either that, or I had somehow been knocked out and I was dreaming. That seemed more plausible. I really hoped it was the second one. ...Actually, no, that might not be a good thing. Wait, do you even dream when you're unconscious?

Oh for cryin' out loud! I really was losing it...
Winter Dragon

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:01 pm

I maintained eye contact with him, and nodded, just barely. Enough so he'd see, but so little, that he probably wouldn't even be sure he saw it in the first place.
I kinda had this perfected into a fine art.


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

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