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Vampire / Werewolf Chat

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Kid.Icarus Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:03 pm

The sun was down... I couldn't actually see it, the shades were too dark...
It was almost second nature, I just KNEW when it was down...
I picked myself up from bed, and went about getting dressed. I went into the living room, and opened the fridge; Blood packs in one half, solid food in the other. I sighed and grabbed one of the blood packs, letting my fangs out, and quickly draining it.
I left the apartment, went down the stairs, and left the building.
I started walking down the street... I didn't know where to... or why... I just felt like taking a walk....

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:12 pm




I was sure the wolf nodded. I mean, I was really sure. But... No. Stop. Reorganize thoughts.

The wolf was intelligent. That was already established. It had a soul, after all. Only sentient creatures have souls. I said "hello," and it grinned at me. More proof of intelligence. Then I commented that it was different from other wolves, and it nodded. This...this made sense, in some kind of crazy reality where wolves had souls and were sentient and flippin' hell.

"You're really messing with me," I grumbled. "I hope you know that."

I wanted to wake up. I desperately wanted to wake up.
Winter Dragon

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:17 pm

I nodded slightly more noticeably this time, my tail starting to wag. Hopefully if he went and told this story to people, they'd just think he was crazy. May get me in to hot water some day, though.
But really, it was so fun that I hardly cared.


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:19 pm

My heart was pounding, silly as that was. It was dark and I was alone, walking through town. How stupid could I get?
I wrapped my sweater around my thin frame, glad for its warmth. I still had a good amount of walking till I was home. My blasted mother had insisted on settling in the outskirts of town, our only neighbors- several pigs and, of course, the woods.
She believes the trees to be soothing. I believe she's lost it.
I tilted my head, letting brown locks fall and cover my face. I picked up my pace and turned the corner. A scream falling from my lips as I found myself slamming into something. Well, a person is more like it.

Last edited by Ella Rose on Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:21 pm


"You...! Just...just go away already," I snapped. "Leave me alone. I don't even know why you're here, and frankly, I don't care. Run off and leave me to my headache."

I really was getting a headache from this. It was just so insane...and stupid. This wasn't worth getting worked up over. Pretty soon, I'd stop dreaming and return to reality. To where things actually made sense.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Jacky K. Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:26 pm


So, I'd gotten curious. So, I'd taken a small detour. So . . . I'd never been in a wood before. I wasn't sure that I liked it so much, but it was too late to turn back now. Nonono, I wasn't lost. I was only spending an uncanny amount of time surrounded by corpse trees and crunching through those obnoxiously noisy piles of autumn leaves, because I wanted to. Aye. This was fun. This . . . was so . . . fun.

I hadn't spotted a drop of ocean in hours.

What type of hell is this.

Still, I had to admit, it was a bit pretty, in its own noisy and terribly solid-landy way. I was surrounded by warm reds and brilliant golds, even if the colors were dimmed by the night. If it were daytime, oi my my, I think my eyes would have burned out of my head from all the bright colors. Anyhow, it was a nice switch-up from the faded pastels and deep blues and greys that I was used to seeing around Luna.

Something pricked my ear. Was that . . . a human voice? Every sound was a bit muddled around here, what with the trees absorbing it all. I stopped and listened a moment, and . . . aye. Aye, that was human. I followed the sound with caution, keeping to the less leaf-ridden spots so my steps didn't crunch.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Ravyn Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:30 pm

Jett: I sprinted down... pavement, and then promptly ran into something solid. Some person in a wheelchair (Kaya). Id hit the side of it and the wheelchair tipped, dumping the person who'd been on it on top of me. I snarled and immediately struggled, sinking my teeth into the shoulder of the person who's dropped on me, hearing them cry out in pain. I wiggled out from under the heavy human and kept going. I didnt sense any further threat. No sense troubling myself with this person....

Kaya: Something ran into me, i fell out of my wheelchair, my glasses got knocked away somewhere.... and then... PAIN. A lot of it. Something that felt like teeth tearing at my flesh. And then it was gone and i was lying there on the sidewalk at the corner of my street. I bit my lip to stop from crying out again as i felt around for my glasses. I found them and put them back on, wrestling mself back into my wheelchair and painfully managing to wheel myself home. I was losing a lot of blood...... i found my first aid kit and awkwardly managed to fix the wound. But i felt too hot and very dizzy. I went to my bedroom to get some rest, but as i moved from my wheelchair to my bed, i was hit with a wave of dizziness and nausea. Black dots swarmed my vision and i blacked out.

Ash: Id been wandering when i saw some little kid chasing a bunny. Wait... was that... Coral? That... that poor bunny! I moved towards her, speaking up. "Hey, Coral. What're you doing?" i asked.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:31 pm

Well, that's... rude. I grinned again, my tongue lolling out the side of my mouth as I took a step closer, just to taunt him.
Oooh, lookie. I'm a wolf that can mess with you. Be afraid, be very... okay, now I'm just talking... er... thinking... to myself.
I barked happily, my tail wagging faster as I took another step closer. Then I heard something too faint for human ears, and froze, my ears perking up. Ah. Smells like another human.


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:35 pm


I was about to say, "I'm serious, go away," when the wolf noticed something. I turned my gaze to the direction its ears had snapped towards, squinting. I could've been imagining it, but I thought I saw a person in the trees. Hell, I probably was imagining it. Nothing was real anymore, anyway.

No, I think you're right, Sesria told me.

Great, I thought dryly. I hope this one doesn't turn out to be insane, too.

I still wasn't sure who was more insane: me or the wolf. I didn't really want to think about that.
Winter Dragon

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:38 pm

A voice broke my concentration, making me stop short and stare after the bunny as it scampered down it's hole, away from me. I probably could continue chasing it. I probably could tear up the ground and get to him, what with my new superhero-ness. But that voice sounded familiar, and I was thirsty. Very thirsty. So thirsty, it hurt. Bad.
My hands flew to my throat. The more I thought about it, the worse it got. I couldn't help but to let out a small cry, my fangs sliding out and throbbing. I hissed and turned on the intruder, ready to pounce, intent on stealing their warm liquid.


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:41 pm

Hm... looked like a boy, on the shorter side, but... not... ya know... as short as /my/ human form is... and about my age. Smelled faintly of salt water. I started wagging my tail, in greeting this time, and let out a bark that roughly translated to 'HI'


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Jacky K. Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:44 pm


They saw me. Oh bother, they noticed-- Waitpardon. Hold up. Was that a good or a bad thing? I had no clue. Out of habit I slipped to a place where I couldn't see them, and they probably couldn't see me. Then I decided that was a horrible stupid thing to do. If they'd seen me already, and I hid, they would get suspicious that I was, well, hiding. People hid for two reasons: before they attack or because they were scared. I didn't want to give them the impression of either, whoever they were . . . so I stepped out into sight.

With a closer look I realised that there was no them, just a guy and an oversized dog. "Oi my my . . . what's a guy 'ave t' do t' find a map around 'ere, aye?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Invisimort Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:45 pm


I kept walking...away from the place with the closet. Eventually, I came to this big place...full of...big sticks with green stuff on them. Yeah, I definitely wasn't in Auda anymore... I decided to walk into the sticks...And hope they weren't going eat me or something.

There was some crunchy things on the floor of the place too...And as I walked carefully through with big sticks and green things...I heard someone talking.

...well, Why not go that way? ...I mean... It was still....farther away from that closet, right?

I went toward the voice...trying to be quiet, even though there were things underneath me....making noise.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:48 pm


"Hell if I know," I answered with a shrug, relieved that the kid was speaking normal English. If he'd come out of the trees talking backwards or something, I probably would've just whacked my head on the ground repeatedly. "Sorry I can't be more help. I just got here myself. ...Um, do you happen to know where 'here' is?"

Didn't seem entirely likely since he just mentioned how he needed a map, but it was worth asking anyway.

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Ravyn Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:49 pm

Ash: I was mildly startled as Coral went all.... well, very HUNGRY looking on me. "You cant bite me." i said calmly. "Well, actually, you COULD. But my blood wont do anything for your hunger." i said. Her biting me... really wouldnt do much of anything.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:50 pm

Hey, he kinda looked familiar also. Weird. He smelled... uncertain. I was just about to do something to freak him out, when I heard /another/ set of footsteps, accompanied by /another/ human scent.
Not like normal humans, though... from... somewhere... strange. Huh. I looked into the forest and saw a very scrawny man
Wow, it's like attack of the guys. Don't they know these woods are too dangerous to walk through at this time of night? There are wolves and creepy stuff, man.


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Invisimort Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:54 pm


They didn't know where they were either...I could hear that as I got closer.

Maybe I something or could just...stand here, and eavesdrop...

And then there was this thing...and it looked kind of like...a blonde advice dog..through the green sticks...and it was looking at me...

I went ahead closer, because...really...the worst thing that could happen?...well...ok they could be homicidal psychopaths...

"Er...Did I hear you were...lost? Kind of? am too...And uhm... Er." I managed to force out and then it stopped making sense in my brain, so I stopped talking.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Jacky K. Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:55 pm


"Well. This is a wood, and that's a city . . ." I actually wasn't sure which way to point for that one. ". . . ah, somewhere in some general area and, that city and wood is located somewhere on Earth." Even if I did have a map, it wouldn't have helped much. Couldn't use it where I was at. Everywhere looked the same. Besides, maps were for people who enjoyed looking like a lost tourist with money. Lost tourists got mugged. Speaking of which, some poor soul had shown up out of nowhere. Not that I would mug him. Pickpocket . . . ? Well, I didn't see that he had anything worth taking. "Who're you, then?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:56 pm

His words didn't really faze me. My gaze was already locked on his throat, my body already moving to a crouch as instincts, I didn't even know I had, took over.
I had been like this for... well only a few hours now. I knew nothing but this pain. The rabbit was godsent, like chocolate. Or Ice cream. It was going to end the pain. But now that he's gone Ash would just have to do. I just hope he doesn't kill me after. Death was... scary.
I drew back my lips, exposing my fangs, and pounced.

Last edited by Ella Rose on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:59 pm

...Huh. Lots of lost guys. Hm... freak them /all/ out, or just leave that one guy thinking he was crazy, and that nobody else thought I was unusual?
Okay, thinking 'that one guy' was getting old.
Hm... I'll call the first one 'Crazy', the second one 'Salty' because of the way he smelled, and the third one 'Scrawny', until I could come up with better names. I was too busy thinking to really even pay attention to their conversation


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:00 am

T.Mor: wanna say teenage...guy was talking to me. Uhm. Right...My "I'm...T.Morbid Namechov..." Only it all came out as one word. "And...if this is Earth... then... I know someone... lives... here.." I stated. "Er...who" I asked in return. A green thing fell off it's stick and landed on my shoulder...and I jumped, and it fell to the ground.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Ravyn Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:03 am

Ash: I was taken by surprise as fangs latched onto my throat, piercing the skin. Jeez... she could jump really well. Although at this point, it was probably instinct. I held still, letting her take what she wanted. It wouldnt hurt me and it would make her learn that my blood would do her no good. Biting another vampire was pointless and simply not done.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:08 am

I was just walking along, with nothing to do. the usual Night Owls weren't out yet, so there weren't many people out on the streets right now. It was quiet... I liked the quiet..
I closed my eyes and let my feet guide me... That was probably my mistake.
I walked into something, someone rather, Knocking them, it didn't phase me too much.
The scream she let out... that's what got me. I wasn't prepared for it... my hands shot straight to my ears, the pitch was painful to my ears...
The pain subsided quickly enough, and I looked down at the girl I had knocked over.
I sighed, "Sorry about that, are you Okay?" I asked, extending my hand down, to help her up.

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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Guest Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:09 am

It took several long moments for me to come to and realize his blood was doing... nothing. It was like, torture. Like giving me a spinach flavored lollipop.
The very fact that I was tasting blood, but not being satisfied, made the pain flare to a whole new level.
I bit harder, sucking desperately, begging for the action to do something. I didn't understand.
I pulled back, screaming out in frustration and agony. What was going on?


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Vampire / Werewolf Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Vampire / Werewolf Chat

Post by Echo Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:16 am


Did the new guy--T.Morbid Namechov, it sounded like--say that he knew someone from Earth? I thought he did. So, was he from somewhere else? Like...Aert maybe? But...he seemed to speak English just fine...even though he was pretty inarticulate...

Why was I still trying to use logic? I thought I'd already determined that logic was out the window here.

...I was reaching pretty high levels of "Screw it."
Winter Dragon

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