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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:35 pm

Alice nodded and looked up. "Im Alice.." She said seeing the baby. Her face brightened slightly. "She is adorible... she looks like you." She said with a small smile. The little girl was adorible and Alice wanted to go up but stayed back and leaned into her car more.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Regret Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:36 am

"Yeah," says Joe. "It was a problem in the *more computer words*."
He closes the laptop and slips it into his bag.
"It's surprisingly common, especially in that kind of router. It should be fixed now, though."

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Stevie Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:49 am

Breana- "Hey Alice, I'm Breana. And this is my daughter Clarrissa. She's one. Hey, Mick, would you mind watching her tomorrow when I go to school. I have a long day and I don't have the cash right now to send her to daycare longer than a halfday."

Mick- "Sure, I'd love to."

Breana- "So, you just move in Alice?"

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:02 am

"Oh," Jenny said as she clocked out and grabbed her bag. She walked over to him and smiled. "Well, thanks for the help, even if it was just a common problem," she kissed him on the cheek as a thank you and then started towards the door, waving at Martin, Alex, and Eric. She was bound to see them later that day, so she wasn't to worried about a formal goodbye.

Alex, Eric, and Martin all waved back before turning back to their conversation. They were bored and had nothing else to do.


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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Regret Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:26 pm

Joe blushes and stands still for a moment in shock. After a moment he grins broadly and follows her out of the door. Rushing to catch up, he hoiks his bag further up his shoulders.
"Have you had lunch yet today?" He asks.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Alice Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:17 pm

Stevie wrote:Breana- "Hey Alice, I'm Breana. And this is my daughter Clarrissa. She's one. Hey, Mick, would you mind watching her tomorrow when I go to school. I have a long day and I don't have the cash right now to send her to daycare longer than a halfday."

Mick- "Sure, I'd love to."

Breana- "So, you just move in Alice?"

Alice nodded and smiled. "Yeah actually. Sad thing is I cant find were my appartment is or even the room number." She said wiht a frustrated sigh. "It's getting on my nerves." She said with a small smile. "Clarrissa is adorible." She said.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:45 pm

Jenny glanced at him and gave a small grin, adjusting her glasses. "No, I haven't. I actually haven't eaten a thing today, I've been to busy." She looked back ahead, shifting her purse slightly. "What about you? Have you had lunch?"


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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Stevie Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:01 pm

Breana- "Thanks. People say she looks like me, but I don't see it." Clarrissa pointed at Alice.

Clarissa- "Hwi"

Breana- "I'm working on teaching her to talk and stuff, it's just so hard, I'm in school and all. It's hard to be with her at all times. I'm lucky I had a half day today." I glanced around and my eyes locked on Aidyn walking out with a key. "And I am guessing Aidyn is coming out to see you."

Aidyn- "Hey, there's a party and I wasn't invited?!" I raised my hand up and gave Clarrissa a high-five. "Hey, Alice, here's your key. You're in room D4. I'll show you up there if you'd like."

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Alice Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:05 pm

Alice nodded and waved to Clarissa and Breana. "If you want I could help watch her?" She said before leaving. She followd Aidyn and looked around. "So...." She said not being able to think.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Stevie Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:16 pm

Breana- In unison Mick and I said goodbye. Clarrissa waved.

Aidyn- "Alright, well first things first, I am not a shy person, so don't feel the need to be shy around me. I live in appartment D7 along with Mick, but she's never home. Regardless, feel free to come over anytime. We are awake at all hours of the night. As for this building in total, I mean you'll hear rumors and what not, but mostly it's a trashy place, and they maintain it enough to keep it running. You'll almost never see any actual workers around here." I realized just then I was talking way too much. She was making me nervous. I wanted to make a good first impression, but I'm sure I just blew it. "I'm sorry, I'm talking waaaay too much. You got any questions?"

((For anyone who's ever read sleeping frosh never lie, imagine him talking like Mouth. HAHA >_<))

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Alice Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:19 pm

Alice shook her head with a small awkward look. "N-no.. n-not at all..." She said looking down at her feet. "So... um... you have a girlfriend?" She asked quickly. She looked back down and shook her head. "I mean.. its not that.... ugh.." She stopped before she made herself look like a complete idiot.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Stevie Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:51 pm

Aidyn- I laughed to myself. "No, it's alright. I don't have a girlfriend actually I haven't sin-" I stopped myself. "I haven't had one for a while now. It's just that, I mean, I have the casual hookup here and there, but nothing ever too serious... My last one... Well it's a weird one. If you ever have time one night, stop by to hang out, and maybe I'll tell you. It'll feel good to finally talk to someone about it." I smiled a little. She was alright. I of course wasn't going to rush into things. Then I thought for a second, and said awkwardly, "Maybe a night when Mick isn't around."

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Alice Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:10 pm

Alice nodded. She didnt want a relationship from him but she wanted someone to talk to. "That could work... are you busy tonight? I mean Mick seems to be busy...." She said. Alice felt to forward but she didnt say anything more.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Regret Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:35 am

"I've had a scone," he begins, "and very nice it was too, but it wasn't exactly a proper lunch. In fact, thinking about it, I missed breakfast this morning. Where's the best place to get a good meal around here?"

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Stevie Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:55 am

Aid- "Mick's probably going to get high tonight. She won't be home until like five in the morning. So yeah, tonight's good. Come over around seven? We can order something to eat?"

Breana- "Aight, bye Mick, I gotta go feed Clarrissa."

((Il post more later))

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Stevie Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:04 pm

Mick- "Alright. Bye." I sighed as I lit another cigarette. I knew I had a problem but I didn't want to deal with it. I told myself: I can stop if I really want to. And the sad truth was, I didn't want to stop.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:34 pm

Jenny shrugged. "I guess. There's a bagel shop two blocks that way, or there's Gater Jack's, or I don't know." She said with a shrug. "I've never really gone out to eat."


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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Regret Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:59 pm

"Really? Then it's my treat. I like the sound of Gater Jack's. Can you tell me anything about the food there?"
Joe is desperate to find the right thing to say, but all he can manage is small talk.

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:02 pm

Jenny thought for a moment and then shook her head. "No, not really. Like I said, I've never really gone out anywhere." She glanced up at him as she led the way. "Me and going out are not something you find in the same sentence often."


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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Regret Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:06 pm

"Well I know nothing about this town or this country, so I suppose we'll just have to make it up as we go along, won't we?"
He chuckles.
"It appears life in America is surprisingly similar to life in England."

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:19 pm

Jenny gave a small nod and slipped her fingers around the door handle, opening it. "Yes, it is actually. Although, I think I prefer England." She followed him inside and glanced around, the restaurant decked out to look like a bayou. She blinked and bit her lip as she stared up at the board where the food was listed. "Interesting..."


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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Regret Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:25 pm

"Really?" Joe gives her a sideways look. "I'm still undecided. I can't say as I like the whole guns in the streets thing, but I'm glad to see that you don't actually have chavs in America. On the downside your English is bizarre and confusing, but on the upside America is the home of fast food."
He frowns. "I genuinely find it difficult to choose."

((What's a Bayou? I accidentally read it as Bayeaux.))

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:29 pm

(it's a swampy type area with large over hanging trees and gaters and things; very hillbilly/backwoods and usually occurs around places like missouri, mississippi, ect)

Jenny laughed and shook her head, looking over at him. "I prefer England. I went there last year on a study abroad and it had to be the best year of my life. I sort of hope to go back someday and finish my project there." She looked back at the board. "I think I'm going to go with the Shrimp's a spicy soup."


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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Regret Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:38 pm

"I was with you as far as shrimp... But it sounds good. I'll have one as well."
He opens another notebook, this one filled with numbers and various currency symbols.
"How much is it?"

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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:43 pm

Jenny looked at the board again. "Well, I guess it just depends on how big of a bowl you get. I'm going with the small one, so it would be about...4 dollars for me."


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RENT       - Page 4 Empty Re: RENT

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